Facilitated by: Sharon Olivier
Member of Faculty: Leadership Development Department
Workshop Abstract:
Applying SQ (Spiritual Intelligence):
This session imparts insights and practical skills in the application of SQ within any life
context, but specifically applied to the business and corporate environments.
This SQ session builds on the work of Danah Zohar, and is positioned as the intelligence that
enables humans to function in adaptive complex environments with the distinct qualities of
unifying opposites to create meaning in a space of emergence. We regard these qualities as
indispensable in the volatile world of work of the 21st Century where the efforts of ‘command
and control’ constantly seem to fail managers.
The content will focus on three qualities of SQ namely:
The ability to take distance or to detach from positions of ‘stuckness’
The ability to extract value from opposing positions through applying the principles of
respect: ‘developing the ability to deal with incompatibilities/ polarities’
The ability to create meaning at a higher level that enables creativity and innovation
through reconciliation vs elimination
These qualities are explored in an experiential and demonstrative way, but more important
developed as a set of three meta-competencies that will be practiced during the workshop.