Short Lesson: Motivating Students From the Start of

Short Lesson:
Motivating Students
From the Start of the
School Year
This activity could be carried out in multiple ways. It could be given within the first days of
school, given in a classroom where students seem unmotivated anytime during the school year,
or even curtailed to just one individual student. This lesson forces students to think about their
goals for their future and how to achieve those goals by inspiring and focusing them.
Chalk/Dry-erase marker
Chalkboard/Dry-erase board
1. Divide the chalkboard/whiteboard down the middle with a vertical line.
2. Have the students call out what they want in their futures and write these on the RIGHT side
of the board. Do not edit or comment, just list their answers. They may say money,
successful career, good grades, graduation, friendships, big house, etc. The more answers the
better. You may also need to direct them with questions like, “What do you want in the
future in this class, this school year, your high school career, etc.?”
3. Have students look at the list on the right side of the board, and then ask them what qualities
or actions will help make those desires a reality in their lives. Write their answers down on
the LEFT side of the board. Again, the more positive answers the better, and resist the urge to
edit or comment too much.
4. Ask them if the left side of the board {the qualities/actions} are words that could describe
their lives right now at home, in their relationships, in their school work, etc. No answer
needed, just give them a second to internally process.
5. Draw a massive arrow from the left side of the board to the right side and share one or two of
the following quotes about how actions today affect realities tomorrow.
 “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become
actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become
character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” – Anonymous
 “Look upon the present as the past of your future.” – Anonymous
 “Keep doing good. You reap what you sow.” – The Bible
 “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. You see,
success, doesn’t just suddenly occur one day in someone’s life. For that matter, neither
does failure. Each is a process. Every day of your life is merely preparation for the next.
– John Maxwell, Coach
6. Next, tell students that you understand they are going through a lot. However, that you are
there and support them. Have them right a journal entry reflecting on this activity and what
are their goals they are setting for themselves to better their future.