Item 039

Expert Reveals . . .
3 ( Yer
U.S. Spends Whopping $9.5 Billion for
Fo r eign Sp yi ng But CIA
Gets Only $800 Million
The United States spends
a staggering $9.5 billion on
foreign intelligence operalions — but the CIA gets
only $800 million of that, according to the independent transmissions, anything that gets of close to $1 billion each.
comes in on the wires. NSA
Most of their spying is aimed
Center for National Security employs some
25,900 people at determi
around the world. For all of emy troop ning potential enstrength — the size
Robert Borosage, director of this, NSA spends about $2.3 and location of ground,
air and
the center, said the secrecy- billion a year."
naval forces.
shrouded figures on the phe- The second biggest-spending
Other government agencies
nomenal cost of America's spy spy agency, NRO, is so super
operations were obtained from secret that a Defense Dept. engaged in intelligence work
such expert sources as the Sen- spokesman said, when asked are the Defense Intelligence
ate Intelligence Committee and by The ENQUIRER about, its Agency, the State Dept. and
the International Drug Traffic
from key senators and con- budget:
of the Drug Enforcegressmen with access to the
"I won't tell you a thing Division
espionage budget figures.
about it, and as fat' as I'm ment Administration.
Robert Borosage, quoted in the
"The $9.5 billion figure is a concerned it doesn't exist"
very accurate estimate." Bch.- Borosage disclosed: "The story above, is coauthor of the book,
CIA File," and has frequently
osage told The ENQUIRER. main function of NRO is sat- appeared
before the House and
– We know that the whole U.S. ellite intelligence, which in- Senate
Intelligence Committees to
intelligence community, do- cludes intercepting messages, give expert testimony
on matters
mestic and abroad, spends aerial photography, etc. Their dealing with intelligence operations .
The organization ho directs, the
budget is $1.5 billion."
about $10 billion a year.
After that, he said, come the Center for National Security Studies,
s'The FBI has admitted a
based in Washington, D.C., studies
Widget of about half a billion, three branches of the military national security issues, particularly
ce bud- the intelligence services.
so at leaves the foreign operatios with the remaining
$9.5 billion!'
What's surprising when the
closely guarded figures are
broken down is the Central
Intelligence Agency's budget.
The CIA gets $800 million a
year for its vital cloak-anddagger and intelligence gathering work — less than the
Army, Navy or Air Force allocations for intelligence operations, Borosage said.
"The Dept. of Defense spends
about $8-9 billion a year on
foreign intelligence." he said.
"And two of the biggest spenders under Defense are the National Security Agency (NSA)
and the National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO).
"NSA deals mainly with
communications intelligence.
They intercept cables, radio