Pashupalak Mahila Jagrookta Karyakram

ICAR-IVRI organized “Pashupalak Mahila Jagrookta Karyakram” on the occasion of World Health
Day in Akha Village of Bareilly on 7th April, 2015
A “Pashupalak Mahila Jagrookta Karyakram” was
organized by the Indian Veterinary Resesrch Institute,
Izatnagar, on the ocassion of World Health Day at the
Akha village of Bareilly District on 7th April, 2015. A total
of around 400 farmwomen, school children and livestock
owners participated in the programme. The main purpose
of the programme was to create awareness about
importance of Food safety and various health issues among
the farmwomen and children of the village. The pprograme
was inaugurated by Dr. Mahesh Chander, Acting Joint
Director (Extension Education) who highlighted the
importance of food safety and good health for the
farmwomen and children’s. He emphasized that
farmwomen should make maximum use of such
programmes especially designed to make them aware and
knowledgeable about various health issues, which would
lead to their empowerment in the family as well as society.
On this occasion Dr. Hema Tripathi, P/C, KVK highlighted
on the importance of cleanliness in the house and outside
for good health. She motivated the women and children to
keep their home and surroundings clean and prevent the
occurrences of various diseases. The programme included
lectures on food safety and zoonotic diseases by Dr. Z.B.
Dubal, Sr. Scientist frm VPH division, Lectures on
women and children’s health problems and nutritional
deficiencies by Medical Officer Dr. Bharati Singh and
health problems of livestock in the changing climatic
scenario by Dr. Sumit Mahajan, Scientist from Medicine
Division. The programme also included quiz competitions
for the farmwomen and three competitions for the school
children’s of class 5th to 8th viz., drawing competition,
essay writing and elocution competition. Prizes were
distributed to the winners. A small exhibition with
posters and live display material focusing on the various
zoonotic diseases and the importance of food safety and
hygiene was also installed at the venue of the programme
by the students of various division viz., Extension
division, Veterinary Public Health and Medicine
Farmwomen who attended the programme
listened to the lectures given very attentively and could
even answer to various questions asked by the scientists and were very much motivated by the programme.
Few Progressive farmers from Gujarat also participated in the programme and gave lecture to the farmers
about the indigenous cattle rearing and its importance. Although the programme was targeted towards
farmwomen a large number of farmers also participated in the programme and showed keen interest in the
various lectures and discussions. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Rupasi Tiwari, Sr. Scientist with
the support of Dr. B.P. Singh, Principal Scientist, from the Joint Directorate of Extension Education and
Dr. Pachyappan, Scientist from Division of Extension Education.