GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH 5405BLACKRIVERROAD,REMBERT,S.C.29128 (803)499‐2806—E‐MAIL:[email protected] REVERENDCLIFTONN.WITHERSPOON,PASTOR EntertoWorship... UNITYNewsletter DeparttoServe... Volume9,Issue2www.granthillbaptist.orgFall/WinterIssue2012 From the Grant Hill Missionary Baptist Church Family. . . O nbehalfoftheGrantHill Familywewouldliketoextendahearty thankyoutoAnnDawson‐August,for thepastnine(9)yearsofyourgreat leadershipinthedesignandeffective implementationofthe“UNITYNews‐ letter”.Muchcommitmentanddedi‐ cationhavebeenemployedduring theseyears;asaresult,wewereprivi‐ legedatleastthree(3)timesayear, withreflectionsandmemorabiliaofour mostcurrentandpastevents.Allbecauseofyourlove fortheartofcommunication,throughwordsandpic‐ tures,youwereabletocapturetheheartsoftheyoung andtheold,alike.Thereisanoldadagethatsays“apic‐ tureisworthathousandwords”.Thisdescribesthefeel‐ ingsofthosewhoreadtheNewsletterfaithfullysearching fortheirownpicturesorapictureoffamilymembersand friends. Ann,wordscannotconveyourgratitudefirstto Godforsendingyouourwayandthentoyou,foraccept‐ ingthisMinistry.Wethankyouforyourmembership, yourtime,yourpatience,yourenthusiasm,yourlovefor GodandfortheGrantHillFamily.Luke12:48says,“… Foreveryonetowhommuchisgiven,fromhimmuchwill berequired;andtowhommuchhasbeencommittedofhim theywillaskthemore”.Godgaveyouaspiritualgiftto promotehappinessandasenseofinclusiveness,aninte‐ gralpartofGrantHill’smission.The“Unity”Newslet‐ terepitomizesitsname.Itbringsunitytothosewithinand outsideourfourwallsandreachesacrossgenerationsto ministertothesick,theunderprivileged,andtheoldand young,alike. Ann,ourprayersarewithyouasyoubeginyour newventure,whichwillcontinuetoprovideavenueto servewithapassion.Weknowthatyouwillhavethat samefervent,thatis,toensurepublictransportationis madeavailabletothoseinneedoftheservice.Wewishyou wellinyourtransitionandknowthatyouwillconnectwith anotherKingdomBuilding,DiscipleMaking,HolyGhost filledChurchsimilartoGrantHill(smile). Pleaseknowwewillcontinuetofollowyourleadin futurepreparationsoftheNewsletter.Wewillthinkofyou witheveryissueandaskthatyouprayforustocarryonin thesamespiritofexcellence.Untilwemeetagain,may GodcontinuetocoveryouandyourswiththeLovethat onlyHecanprovide;aidyouwithHopebasedonHis Promises,andremindyouofthePurposethatHehaspre‐ destinedforyourlife.Alwaysremember,Romans8:28that says,“Andweknow,thatallthingsworktogetherforgood tothosewholoveGod,tothosewhoarethe calledaccordingtoHispurpose”. BeBlessed! YourNewsletterStaffandthe GrantHillFamily, CliftonN.Witherspoon,Pastor Inside this issue: Grant Hill Aspiring Ministers Gregg and Sanders Page 2 The Carolina Vegetable Cooperative, Inc. and Congratulations/Special Recognitions Page 3 35th Annual Homecoming Event Page 4 Grant Hill Woman’s Tea with Photos and Grant Hill Transportation Ministry Page 5 & 6 New Members and Thoughts for the Week Page 7 The National Baptist Convention Highlights Page 8 Dianne Spann Foundation and Grant Hill Job Fair Page 9 Student Recognitions, Scholarship, 125th Annual Session Wateree B.A. & Much, Much More... Page 10-20 Page2 GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH GrantHillAspiringMinisters—InitialSermonsof QuentinaGreggandJakeSanders ByFirstLadyClaudetteWitherspoon Appointedand Anointed!!! On Sunday, August LookatMeNow!!! Sunday, Octo‐ ber 21, 2012 marks the date Minister Jake Sanders III deliv‐ 26, 2012, the Grant Hill Family ered his Initial Sermon at Grant and Friends, received a true Hill Missionary Baptist Church, blessing. Anointed and ap‐ Rembert, SC. pointed for such a time as this, Minister Quentina W. Gregg His Message was enti‐ delivered her initial sermon at Grant Hill Missionary tled “Look at Me Now”! Genesis Baptist Church Sunday, August 26, 2012. 37:3‐11 and Galatians 1:10. Min‐ She has ister Sanders is a member of Grant Hill where he is un‐ been called to share der the leadership of Pastor Clifton N. Witherspoon. the love of Jesus He serves as the pastor's armor barer, a member of the and has finally ac‐ Brotherhood and Drill Team Ministries. cepted her Devine assignment and has Minister Sanders is the oldest and only son of stepped forth in three children born to Mr. Jake and Mrs. Valarie Sand‐ commission. Roman ers. Minister Sanders was born May 21, 1995, in Sum‐ 8:28, "And we know ter, SC. He has two sisters Vistasia and Shekinah Sand‐ that God causes everything to work together for the ers. good of those who love God and are called accord‐ He is currently a senior at Sumter High School, ing to his purpose for" (NLT) was the scripture read Sumter, SC, where he is very active. He is Vice Presi‐ into our hearing. And the topic for this sacred ser‐ dent of the school's step team, and is a member of the vice was "Forty Years in the Wilderness". varsity cross country team. He is enrolled in AFJROTC Minister Greg is married to Mr. Cephus where he is a cadet major and is the Chaplin and color Greg and to this union they have two lovely daugh‐ guard commander. Minister Sanders is also a member ters. Deacon and Mrs. James Witherspoon are her parents and our very own Pastor Witherspoon is her of the Black Heritage Club where he serves as the Chap‐ lin. brother. Her passion is to help all that she comes in Minister Sanders two favorite scriptures are: contact with to live to the fullest and be the best 1). Psalm 20:7, Some trust in chariots and some trust in "self" that they can be as she encourages them to the name of The Lord our God and 2). Psalm 34:1, I will persevere to no end to realize all of their dreams bless the Lord at all times and his praises shall continu‐ and aspirations. ally be in my mouth. His motto is: In God we trust and Not only did Minister everybody else, we monitor.© Greg celebrated her 40th birthday on August 29th, but this is also going to be the celebration day of Jake Sanders with his Parents boldly stepping out to do God's work. Minister Greg request is that all keep her uplifted in prayer as she embarks in this new jour‐ ney of life..© Page3 GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH TheCarolinaVegetableCooperative,Inc. ByDeaconLarryandDeaconessJanieHarris Through the effort and support of the Grant Hill Missionary Baptist Church Members; The Carolina Vegetable Cooperative, Inc. was able to secure a grant from the USDA/Rural Develop‐ ment. With those funds the Cooperative wanted to show our youth that farming goes beyond just putting seeds in the ground; and that farming has a business side to it as well. The officers and mem‐ bers realized that to get our youth interested in agriculture we must first get their attention. The co‐op. decided to sponsor a two part task work shop. The first part was at the farm of Deacon and Sister Harris, where several members from the agricultural field told the youth how they had gotten their started through agriculture and how agriculture funded their way through college. The co‐op. was so impressed with the turn out, that they thought we should try and reach more of our youth. to include as many youth as possible on the trip. Our trip to SC State had a total of five buses and one van, those who went had such a great time they came home asking when will this be done again. Due to the overwhelming support we have re‐ ceived from your letters, the Carolina Vegetable Coopera‐ tive, Inc will be able to take our youth as well as include Seniors on similar trips in the future. We thank you once again for your support in helping our youth learn and see that there is more to farming that planting seeds. Respectfully, Larry D. Harris, CVC President© Through CVC’s relationship with Mr. D.J. Johnson, Senior Specialist, with socially disadvan‐ tage cooperatives; his suggestion was a field trip to the South Carolina State Universities ROTC Youth Field Day. The CVC, then reached out to the churches of the Wateree Baptist Association, CongratulationandSpecialRecognitiontothefollowingMembersontheirAchievements.. Levi Rembert retired on 6/30/12 from San‐ tee Print after working there since 1972. © Donna (Michelle) Dennis Joann Rembert receives Wells 25 years of service at Fargo Presidents Award for Tuomey Health Care .© Outstanding Performance Systems© Congratulations to Shannon Harris on her Graduation from Morris College.© Page4 GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH GrantHillChurch35thAnnual HomecomingCelebration GrantHillWomen’s DayCelebration BySisterDorothyNixon BySisterDorothyNixon Greetings and Blessings to all of you; we are re‐ joicing in God for our 35th Homecoming Celebration which was held on Sunday October 14, 2012, at the Grant Hill Missionary Baptist Church and the Unity color was Green. Our Theme was “A Homecoming Celebration”, Psalm 95:1‐ 7. Once again I would like to thank everyone who participated on the Annual Grant Hill Women’s Day Program. It was a huge success and everyone looked great. A Special Thanks to Minister Sharon Boyd, Rafting Creek Missionary Baptist Church, Rem‐ bert, S.C. for her very relevant and on time message. Below are photos from the special day. © Our Worship Leader was Sister Mary Howell who did an outstanding. The Announcements were made by Sister Sharon J. Gathers, Church Secretary. The Praise Team Ministry really set the tone for the morning Worship and God’s Spirit was truly in his House. The Scripture was read by Sister Anissa Cruse, with Deacon Harvin Grant, Jr., rendering the Invocation. The Male Chorus was at the top of perfection… Sister Melissa McBride Acknowledgment of Visitors, with Sister Kiera Smalls provided an outstanding message for the Occasion. Our very own Pastor, Clifton Witherspoon delivered God’s Word and His topic was “I AM” with scriptures coming from Exodus 3:13‐19 and Psalm 95:1‐7. Final remarks were provided by Pastor Witherspoon and me. My special thanks to everyone who appeared on the program; to our members and friends for attending and for God presence. .. We look forward to seeing you at our next Homecoming Celebration. God Bless! Please enjoy the photos from the Homecoming event.© GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH Page5 TheGrantHillWoman’sTea ByFirstLadyClaudetteWitherspoon ACelebrationofLifeWoman’s one…FromthebasicfactsthatWomen somethingspecialtodointhisworld. TeawasheldonSaturday,July21, areRightBrainThinkers,withthe You’llalwaysknowit,bythewayyoufeel 2012. rightsideofthebrainbeingwherethe deepdowninside.AskGodtoguideyou, subconsciousmindisanddealswith lendingyouthewisdom,grace,mercyand TheThemewasHebrews intuition,spirituality,creativityand strength.Thengoforit…Nothingcan 10:24‐25.Thegoalwasforwomento emotion;withMenbeingleftsideBrain comparewiththejoyofaccomplishing cometogetherspirituallyandcontrib‐ thinkers.Theleftsideiswherethe God’swillandpurposeinyourlife…Prov‐ utetokingdombuilding. erbs13:12–Alonging ConsciousMindis(theManside);and fulfilledisaTreeof dealswithpictures,sound,evaluates, AsyouentertheGrantHill Life…Andsheleftusall analyze,rejectsandaccepts;although BaptistchurchFormerSanctuary, thinkingaboutwhether youreyeswouldimmediatelybecapti‐ bothsexesusesbothsidesoftheir Godshouldbereferred brain,Womenusebothsidesoftheir vatedbythebeautifullydecorated brainmoreoftenthanmen,whichgives toasaSHEorHE. themedtables.Whichcoveredevery themmoreflexibilitythenmeninmak‐ themeimaginablefromBirthday, DoorPrizes ingsomedecisions. Beach,ChristmastoaWedding? wereprovidedthrough ‐outtheeventfromthe SheindicatedthatGodloved SisterQuentina womensomuchthathegaveusthe Greggpresidedover TallestHatto abilitytobringforthlife…Sheposed thespecialevent.An theBestDress questionstotheaudiencesuchas;why openingsongwassung fromheadto arethereQueenBeesandAnts;why bytheLevellSisters, Toe.Ms.Mary wouldFrancemaketheStatueofLib‐ Thelovelyladiesdidan Tindal,from ertyaWoman,whyistheScaleofJus‐ excellentjobreading Clarendon ticedepictedasaWomanandthe theScriptures,provid‐ Countywon StatueontopoftheCapitalbuilding ingthePrayer.the depictedasaWomanaswell?Shealso theBestDressfrom“Head‐to‐Toe”. Welcome,theOccasionandPresenta‐ reviewedsomeBiblicalhistorical SheisemployedbySWRTA. tions.TheSpeakerofthehourwas ourveryownSister eventswhichshowstrongwomen,such Ms.AltoyaFelderDeaswonfortheBest asinJudges4:4withDeborahandBa‐ AnnAugust,who ThemeTable,whichofcoursewasdeco‐ wasintroducedby rak;Luke2:38withAnnatheProphet‐ ratedinthecolorsof herCousinDeacon‐ essandSimeon;andActs8:27regard‐ theAKA—Pinkand ingtheCandaces.Itdidnotstopthere essBerniceJohn‐ Green. sheaskedwhydowereferredtoNa‐ son. tureasMotherNature,andinJeremiah Wewouldliketothank SisterAu‐ 44:17;whyisincenseburnedtothe everyonewhopartici‐ gustMessagewasentitled“Leadersof QueenofHeaveninsteadoftheKing? patedintheCelebration VictoriousEnvironments(LOVE)”. WomenareLeadersofVictoriousenvi‐ ofLifeWoman’sTea ShebeganbyrecognizingourCreator ronmentsandwhywerethewomen fromtheProgramCom‐ andAncestorsandgivingdefinitions firstattheTombandfirstattheResur‐ mitteeOrganizers,Ta‐ foreachofthewordschosentode‐ rection. bleThemeDecorators, scribethewordLOVE.Shestatedas ProgramParticipants, SisterAugustindicatedthatwe womenweshouldfollowtheScripture Vendorsandfamilyandfriendswho inRoman15:7whichitstates;thatwe aretruekingdombuildersandalways donatedgiftsandprizes,Allofour havebeen,wejustneedtogetbackon shouldHonorGodbyacceptingeach Guests,theFoodpreparerstotheMen course.Sheprovidedusthefollowing other,asChristhasacceptedyou. whoservedthefood.Thenamesare poem.Itgoeslikethis…Youareafortu‐ toonumeroustolisteveryone,Youall SisterAugustgavetheaudi‐ natewoman!Youliveinatimewhen wereGREATandIcannotthankeachof enceanhistoricaloverviewthatwas womencanaccomplishanythingthey youenough.Thiswasthefirst,butwill secondtonone,fromreferringtothe settheirmindstodo.Willtherebeob‐ notbethelast… Enjoythephotosonthe humanbrainandindicatingthat stacles?Ofcourse,butnothingyoucan’t followingpage.© Womenhavealwaysbeenleadersof dealwith,becauseGodhasgivenyou victoriousenvironments,fromday UNITYNEWSLETTER Woman’sTeaPhotoGallery… Page6 GrantHillMissionary BaptistChurch Transportation Ministry… Do you know someone who would like to give God some praise, but don’t have transportation? Then contact anyone of the Transportation Ministry Members listed below no‐later‐then 6:00 PM on Saturday. We will provide those who are interested in attending Church transportation to and from the morning worship services. Services begins with Sunday School at 9:00 AM; with the Worship Ser‐ vices following at 10:00am.© TRANSPORTATION TEAM Brother Johnnie Gathers, Jr. President (914‐804‐8778 Deacon George E. Williams (803) 420‐0841 Sister Corine Grant (803) 499‐2197 Deacon L. B. Johnson (803) 464‐0548 Brother Dennis Nickens (803) 494‐8983 Brother Raynard Jackson (803) 464‐0156 Brother Michael Jackson (803) 261‐3616 Page7 GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH New Members: New Member Spotlight! Women Spiritual Retreat!!! RetreatDate: February1‐3, 2013 MyrtleBeach, SC Theme: Ofusetothe Master‐‐2 Timothy2:21 Daniel Bernard Blackwell was born in Charlotte, N.C. to Dennis Bryan Blackwell and Joan Orr Blackwell. He has two siblings, a brother David Bryan and a sister Sarah Morgan. He received his basic education in Charlotte, and has attended Winston Salem State University and UNC Char‐ lotte majoring in Psychology. He is a Saxophonist and has played at South Concord Church of God, and served as a Youth Bible Study Teacher for three years. Daniel has worked for several different businesses over the years and in July 2011; he decided to join the US Air Force where he could grow as a person and expand his horizon. He is currently an Airman 1st Class in the United States Air Force stationed at Shaw AFB. Daniel works as a Journalist, and re‐ ports on the various activities taking place on base to keep base personnel and the local community informed. His hobbies are of course playing his Saxophone; Basketball and playing video games. Daniel indicated that he looks forward to fellow‐ shipping with everyone at Grant Hill Baptist, play‐ ing his Saxophone and is eager to help out in any way he can. And of course he joined Grant Hill on Sunday, October 28th, 2012.©. Changing Lives one per‐ son at a time... Over the past several months several individuals have decided to join the Grant Hill Family. Lawanda Pearson and her children ‐ Da'Cia Pear‐ son, Evonia Pearson, Julius Pearson Jr. Andrus Lanham joined by baptism; their prior church was 4B Baptist Church; LaShawn Edwards ‐ join by Christian experience; Marcia Helms by bap‐ tism and Louise Moses by Christian Experience –her former church was the 1st Baptist Church in Penn‐ sylvania. May you always feel a sense of God’s pres‐ ence when you enter the doors of the church to worship with us. As you begin to settle in, we would like to encourage you to review our list of ministries and prayerfully decide which one will suite your needs and the Grant Hill family as well. We thank you in advance for assist‐ ing the Grant Hill Family in achieving its goals and objec‐ tives within the Church and the Community. © Grant Hill Thoughts for Each Week… As most of you know each week Grant Hill encourages it’s members and visitors to remember the “Thought for the Week” ‐ In each issue of the Newsletter we try to include several which have been features in our Church Programs and they are listed below.© “Weplanttheseed,Godgivestheharvest” “Toenjoythefuture,acceptGod’sforgivenessforthepast.” “Don’tletthenoiseoftheworldkeepyoufromhearingthevoiceoftheLord” “GodspeaksthroughHisWord–taketimetolisten.” “LetGod’sWordfillyourmemory,ruleyourheart,andguideyourlife.” “WeneedeachothertogetwhereGodwantsustogo.” “ThehandoftheFatherisbehindallgoodthings.” “WhenGod’sWordishiddeninourheart,Hiswayswillbecomeourways.” “Godworksthroughustomeettheneedsofthosearoundus.” “Freedomdoesn’tgiveustherighttodowhatweplease,buttodowhatpleasesGod.”© UNITYNEWSLETTER Page8 NationalBaptistConvention,USA,Inc.‐132ndAnnualSession ByDeaconandDeaconessL.B.andBerniceJohnson OnSeptember3,2012,Sister BerniceandIhadtheopportunityto attendthe132AnnualSessionofthe, whichwasheldinAtlanta,GA,atthe GeorgiaWorldCongressCenter.It startedonSeptember2ndandendedon September6th.TheSubjectwasSolidar‐ itywiththeSaviorthroughworship. ScriptureText:Psalm150;John4:23‐24. TheNationalPresidentisDr.Julius ScruggsandtheGeneralSecretaryisDr. CalvinMcKinney. Thisisouraccountonthe eventsofthesessiononTues9‐4‐12;we attendedtheprayerandpraiseservice heldbyDeaconEddieTaylor.TheLay‐ man’s’servicewasofficiallyopenedby ourPresidentDeaconHaroldSimmons; heencouragedustostayuntilFridayfor theStreetMinistry,Prisonvisitsand CommunionandBaptistServices. DuringthatsessionSister CherylBassspokeaboutChristianEdu‐ cationandChurchDiversity,shealso urgedthelaymantoreadabookwritten in1926byJohnWebb,entitledthe WindsofChange.InthatsessionRev. WalterSolomonSr.PastorofMt.Moriah MissionaryBaptistChurchinBirming‐ ham,Al.,tookhismessagefromthat book.ScriptureText:Psalms88:103, subject:HandlingLife’sHeavyLoad.The importantpointshemade,isthatwe shouldneverstopdoingis:1)Don’tstop praying,2)Don’tstoppressingforward and3)Don’tstoppraising. Weattendedtwoclassesoneon TuesdayeveningandoneonWednesday morning.OurinstructorwasDeacon AntonioChristian,SecondVicePresi‐ dent.Hismessagewas,weasDeacons shouldalwayscomeintoworshipand goouttoserve;andtheworkismore importantthantheworker.At9:15Am onWednesdaymorningweheardfrom ReverendE.C.Wilson,PastorofGriggs ChapelMissionaryBaptistChurchof Dallas,Texas.HismissionistoReach, TeachandPreach.ScriptureText:1st Peter1:6,Subject:Howdoyourejoice? HespokeaboutGodbeinganon‐time God.Hesaidnotonlyisheandon‐time God,buthe’sin‐time.Healsospoke aboutinheritance,whenweshowedup forserviceonSundayandforBible Study,HestatedthattheWillisbeing readforyourinheritance,ifyoudon’t showupforthereadingoftheWillyou willmissyourinheritance.Jamessaid countitallJOYbutdon’tletyourcir‐ cumstancedictateyourJOY. Wednesday3:00PMtheLay‐ man’s’Presidentstartedoutbyperson‐ allythankingalloftheBrotherswho participatedintheLaymen’sMove‐ ment.Hestatedthatwhenwecome together,wehavestrengthandpower inJesusChrist.WEallneedeachother becausethereisspiritualwaragainst men.Thismovementisaboutdevelop‐ ingSpiritualcombatbystrengthening menintobecomingmatureBiblical menofGod.MatureBiblicalwatchmen keepingsinatbayintheirhomes, churchesandcommunities.Churches needmatureBiblicalmentostandand taketheirrightfulplacesinorderto givestrengthtoallministries.Families needmatureBiblicalmenforGodto preservethefamilystructure.Women wantandlookformatureBiblicalMen. ChildrenneedmatureBiblicalmento teachsonshowtobecomemenofGod anddaughterstoteachthemwhatto lookforinahusband.Societiesneed matureBiblicalmentodevelopbiblical familiesfor“HealingoftheNation. At9:00AMonThursdayMorn‐ ingtheAnnualReportoftheNational BaptistConventionwasprovided.Eli LillyDrugCompanygave$20,000plus itpledgedtohelptheunderprivileged withtheirprescriptioncosts.Youcan contactthemat1‐888‐477‐2669or‐ daySchoolBoardgave$25,000,AARP $50,000;Rev.Flakegave$100,000to AmericanBaptistCollege.Whichhas anenrollmentofover200thisyear? TheA.B.C.isintheprocessofex‐ pandingitsdorms;theyareasking thateachchurchmemberdonate $1.00onthe3rdSundayinMarch 2013towardstherenovation.The schoolisalsoofferingfullscholarship tothe1stgenerationstudentfroma family. TheentireConventionen‐ dorsesPres.ObamaforPresidentof theU.S.AlsotheNationalBaptist Conventionisworkingwithflood victimsforthelaststorm.At11:00 AmonThursdaytheModerator’s messagewhoisDr.JuliusScrubbs, ScriptureText:Amos5:21‐24and2:6 and8:4‐6Subject:WorshiptheGod Hates.Hismessagewascenteredon economicinjusticetothepoor.Jesus said,whommuchisgivenmuchis requiredwhenitcomestotaxingthe rich.Alsoispoliticalunjusttodeny anyonetherighttovote,feedthe hungryandhousethehomeless. Healsospokeaboutthe TravonMartincaseandhepointed outthatwehavegiventhiscounty Preachers,ProfitsandnowaPresi‐ dent.© Page9 GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH Dieanne Spann Foundation Seniors On Broadway!!! By Sister Dieanne Spann The Dianne Spann Foundation for Seniors was a huge hit, when they sponsored the “Seniors on Broadway” event that was held at Patriot Hall on Saturday, June 23rd at 5:00 PM. It was a great evening of events. The Wel‐ come and Prayer was provided by Brother Roosevelt Sanders. A full line up of guests were on the program from Jessie Sumter as James Brown, Viola Pitts who read Poetry; Judy Kelly did Comedy; Jerry Burchfield was Elvis with Larry Fullard played his Guitar; Evangeline Thomas read Poetry; Ann Martin Sang; and Mark Myers provided the Creation Scenario. Sister Phebe Levell was the Intermission Singer along with Irene Butler. Ms. Boswell played Lula bell and Ms. Mitchell performed a Comedy Skit, with the closing act singers being the former Sumter Police Chief Patty Garris‐Patterson and Mr. Burchfield. Two of the Judges were Sister Sharon Gathers and Brother Roosevelt Sanders. The Musicians for the event were, Bothers Her‐ man Howell and Marion Pearson. The Win‐ ners of the Broadway Competition were 1st Place) Sister Juanita Mitchell; 2nd Place) Evangeline Thomas and 3rd Place ) Brother Mark Myers. Enjoy the photos of the event. A Great Time was had by all and everyone is looking forward to the next event sponsored by the Dieanne Spann Foundation for Seniors.© WomenofInfluenceWhoMakes GrantHillJobFair ADifference!!! AHugeSuccess!!! ByFirstLadyClaudetteWitherspoon On Saturday, Novem‐ ber 3, 2012 from 10am—12:00 Noon, Grant Hill sponsored its Third Annual Job Fair. Over 21 participating businesses and or organizations were present to review resume’s and potential applicants for employment. They ranged from 5Linx Tele‐ communications, Central Caro‐ lina Technical College, Sumter City Police, Sumter School District, Veri‐ zon Wireless to the United States Air Force to name a few… Special Thanks to Dr. Denise Nixon and the Employment Ministry for another successful event. If you did not attend, please watch the Grant Hill Bulletin Board for additional information on potential job opportunities...© Page10 GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH 3rd Annual Student Recognition Day Services BySisterGladysGrant The 3rd Annual Student Rec‐ ognition Day Service was held on Sun‐ day, July 29, 2012. The worship leader was Brother Jake Sanders and the Youth Praise Team Ministry led us in Praise and Worship Service. The announcements were read by Sis. Zondria Levell . The Music Ministry played the old fa‐ miliar “Pomp and Circumstance” as Sis. Sharon Gath‐ ers introduced the graduates who ranked from kinder‐ garten to college. The Scripture reading was led by Sis. Jada Rogers and taken from the book of Proverbs 3:14 that states. “I press on towards the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus. Bro. William Richburg led us in a morning prayer. Dr. Denise Nixon presented our honorees as Mr. Randolph D. Bynum, Sr. and Sis. Gladys Grant handed out DVD’s, a PowerPoint presentation includ‐ ing a picture of the student and a list of special awards, graduation announcements, grade promotions and other recognitions. Miss Danisha Griffin offered greet‐ ings and recognition of our visitors followed by the introduction of our speaker by Antonio Jenkins. The guest speaker was Mr. Randolph D. Bynum, Sr., Superintendent of the Sumter School Dis‐ Happy Belated Birthdayto trict. Mr. Bynum has twenty‐seven (27) years of experience in education. Since moving to Sumter, Mr. Bynum and his wife Sara have joined Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church, Sumter. The Bynums have three adult children, a martial arts instructor, a social worker with the Veterans Admini‐ stration and a U.S. Marine. Mr. Bynum reminded us that as a community and as children of God, it is our responsibility to help raise our chil‐ dren. Closing remarks were made by Sis. Gladys Grant and Deacon James L. Sanders. A Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to Mr. Bynum for his participating in our services. Ms. Bynum was presented a love gift from the Grant Hill Missionary Baptist Church family. Musical selections were rendered by the Grant Hill Missionary Baptist Church Youth Choir.© GrantHillHolidayGala Friday,December7,2012@7pm FormerSanctuary. Ticketswillbe:1=$20and2=$35. DavidWeeksInvitedSpeaker. Theme:UnwrappingtheGiftsofChrist (TheUltimateGift) John3:16,Luke2:16andRoman6:23 Special Anniversary wishes to our thosemem‐ members and bersand friends who celebrated or friendswhohavecele‐ will be celebrating Wedding bratedaBirthdaysince Anniversaries and other an‐ thelastNewsletter.Anda niversaries as well. specialHappyBirth‐ May you have another year daytothosewhowill rich in blessings and a vision celebrateaBirthday of more anniversaries to withinthenextquarter.© come ...© Mr.TerenceNelson Lyghtscheerfullyen‐ teredintothisworldon June18,2012at2:50pm weighting7lb8oz. Heisthesonof TerenceandTequila LyghtsofIrmo,SC.Heisthegrandsonof Marvin&DorothyNelson,andthegreat grandsonofLouiseNelson.Terenceenjoys eating,talking,andwatchingfootballwith hisdad!Hehas beenahappy,and joyfuladditionto theLyghtsand NelsonFamily.© GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH Page11 The2ndTimeAround ByMinisterQuentinaGregg Hosting its 2nd annual Harvest Hope Food Bank food drive Grant Hill Mis‐ sionary Baptist Church, did it again and wit‐ nessed that planting a seed the 2nd Time Around was an even GRANDER experience! It was no secret after the yield of last year’s collection efforts, themed “Granting” Hope to the Hungry” that GHMBC would without a doubt make the food drive an annual event. Last year’s col‐ lection efforts of almost 3,000 lbs gave tes‐ tament that no matter how small or large, if desired, we can all still make a significant difference through sacrifice and sharing with others that are less fortu‐ nate than ourselves. But this year, the unction of the Holy Spirit made it clear to GHMBC’s Food Drive Coordinator, Sis. Quentina Gregg that “the reach” must go farther. Following the vision, it was then that GHMBC partnered with Project KINGDOM Work (PKW), a faith based founda‐ tion "with a heart for the people" that focuses on the assignment of taking the "church" outside of the "four walls" through ministry, mis‐ sion, and marketing. “major” food drive during the summer months in the past two years.” She added, “With the summer months being one of the most crucial times to feed families, the organization looks forward to GHMBC’s drive and is willing to do whatever they can to further its success.” Once again, an EXCEPTIONAL THANKS goes to some of Grant Hill’s very own stellar business owners for their continual support in this community outreach project. A Step Above Hair Studio (First Lady Claudette Witherspoon, Owner) for setting up a designated area in her establishment to collect items from her clients dur‐ ing the entire month and monetary donations. Also, to Harris Farms of Sumter (Deacon Larry and Deaconess Janie Harris, Owners) for donating over 900 lbs. of fresh produce from their Cotton Acres Rd. farm, as well as making continual donations throughout the entire year since last year’s food drive. And to Designer Thoughts Brick Mason Co., LLC (Bro. Cephus Gregg Jr., Owner/ Operator) for their monetary donation and pick‐up, set‐ up, and delivery of the needed drive materials to our partners and final pick‐ups. In addition, a special THANK YOU is extended The duo made an appeal to several other churches, busi‐ to the entire GHMBC family that shared in both dona‐ nesses, organizations, and community contributors to join in the tions and monetary contributions. To them ALL we say, “KINGDOM” grassroots efforts to share in the HOPE of hunger and “This campaign would not have been a success without make a difference. The response of participation was very gratifying your eager and charitable spirits. We pray that God will with a collective number of 25 local churches and businesses agreeing continue to bless your homes, businesses, and minis‐ to become partners in the July 2012 ~ “A Kingdom Kind of Harvest” tries throughout this coming year. God bless the cheer‐ Food Drive to show true discipleship as we ushered in this “kingdom ful giver!” kind” of project. * A list of the contributing partners can be viewed at: The continual mission of the Harvest Hope A standing ovation was well deserved once the final #’s were Food Bank is to provide for the needs of hungry people in because the efforts the 2nd Time Around proved to be just as fruitful by gathering and sharing quality food with dignity, com‐ as our 1st attempt in sharing hope. With the collective efforts of all, we passion and education. And Grant Hill Missionary Bap‐ were blessed to donate approximately 3,000 lbs. of fresh produce and tist Church can again proudly say that we have “caught non‐perishable items. In addition, a total amount of $587 was collected hold to the mission” and have made a difference in the and donated to Harvest Hope from the drive’s collection efforts. Har‐ lives of South Carolinians in the year past two years. vest Hope notes that with every .lb of collected food, it allows them to Grant Hill’s food‐drive coordinators, Sis. Quen‐ feed 1 meal and that with every $1 collected they can feed approxi‐ mately 4 meals. And so after the final tallies were taken, GHMBC, PKW, tina Gregg and Sis. Pamala Walton‐King wants to thank and their contributing partner’s efforts translated into a total of about everyone for their participation and generous support during the campaign. It was definitely a success and we 5,500 meals. Yes, the 2nd Time Around was a SUCCESS! are looking forward to doing it “bigger and better” all Nicole Echols, Harvest Hope Food Bank’s Community Devel‐ over again next year.© opment Coordinator, expressed her excitement and gratitude on be‐ half of the organization and encouraged GHMBC to “stay committed to the cause because as “small” as it may seem, GHMBC has been the only Page12 GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH The125thAnnualSessionof USEME Gospel TheWatereeBaptistAssociation,LD Music BySisterGladysGrant Workshop2012 The 125 th Annual Session of The Wateree Baptist Association, LD, was held October 21‐27, 2012, at First Baptist Missionary Church, 219 South Washing‐ OnFriday,September ton Street, Sumter, SC, with Rev. George P. Windley, Jr., Host Pastor. The Grant 28th,GrantHillBaptist Hill Missionary Baptist Church Ministries were highly represented and visible dur‐ Churchwasonceagainthe ing the entire weeklong services. The Schedule of Events was as follows: siteoftheUseMeGospel Workshop2012.TheHost Sunday, October 21, 2012, 5:00 p.m., Youth Missionary Services – Ms. Aijah Dawson, MinisterofMusicwasour President Morris College Campus Monday, October 22, 2012, 6:30 p.m., Choirs Ministry Services – Deacon Alford Wheeler, ownDarrenIngram. President Registrationbeganat6pm; Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 6:00 p.m., Trustees Worship Service – Ms. Brenda Hastie, ChoirRehearsalfromheld President from6:30‐8:00PMandthe Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 7:00 p.m., Brotherhood Worship Service – Deacon Simon MusicalConcertbeganat Levy, President 8:00pm.TheConcertfea‐ Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 6:30 p.m., YWA Worship Service – Ms. Bernadetta Rice‐ James, President tured“MarandaCurtis Thursday, October 25, 2012, 12 noon, Sunday School Congress Worship Service – Ms. andChroniclesofGlory” Deloris LeGrant, President fromAtlanta,Ga. Thursday, October 25, 2012, 6:30 p.m., Ushers Ministry Service – Ms. Dorothy Thorne, President (Ms. Lottie Rembert ‐ GHMBC , newly‐elected President, 2012/2013) TheConcertalsofeatured: Friday, October 26, 2012, 3:00 p.m., Parent Body Services – Rev. Dr. Ellie W. Palmer, Mod‐ Sis.TaraSmithandWords ofGodPraiseTeam,Cola. erator Moderator’s Annual Address, Annual Moderator’s March and Reception Saturday, October 27, 2012, 10:00 a.m., Women’s Ministry Service – Ms. Elouise Johnson, S.C.;CarltonandCharlette Smalls,Tabernacleof President Saturday, October 27, 2012, 6:00 p.m., Annual 21st Banquet – Rev. Dr. Marion H. Newton, Praise,York,S.C.;Vincent Pastor Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church, Guest Speaker, Morris College Campus Robinson,Charlotte,N.C.; GabriellPowell,Chester, The newly elected officers for the Associational Year 2012/2013 are as follows: S.C.;Min.TravisLaws, Dr. Sammie D. Simmons, Moderator Rev. Eugene Myers Jr., V. Moderator Bishopville,S.C.andmany Dr. Travis Holmes, Treasurer others… Rev. Bennie Bradley, Asst. Treasurer Mrs. Gladys M. Grant, Association Clerk OnSaturday,September Dr. Johnnie Boone‐McCrea, Asst. Association Clerk 29th,SessionIWorkshop beganat10:00am:Trans‐ Board Members parencyinWorship“Lets Rev. Anthony L. Taylor, Sr., Chairman, Executive Board Rev. Gregory Jackson, V. Chairman, Executive Board TalkAboutIt”‐Tara Rev. Willie A. Wright, Member Smith.SessionIIbeganat Rev. Clifton N. Witherspoon, Member 10:45amwithaworkshop Rev. Nate Brock, Member concertatheldat6pm.A Dr. Jerome Douglas, Member goodtimewashadbyall. Rev. George P. Windley, Jr., Member ThankyouGrant Special Thanks to everyone who participated in this years events and we look forward to HillFamily!© another successful year in 2013.© Page13 GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH Challenge the Mind and Learn the Scriptures too. Don’t Text and Drive! Texting behind the wheel is never a good idea, but it is especially important to follow the law when other peoples’ lives are in your hands. So far, 17 states plus the District of Columbia have banned all cell phone use while driving, which includes surfing the Web and texting as well.© Page14 UNITYNEWSLETTER GrantHillStarsBySisterAnnAugust The Unity newsletter Ministry is pleased to present to you our Grant Hill Stars… These are your Church Family and Friends who did not mind taking a few mo‐ ments out of their busy schedule to pose for a photo. I extend special thanks to them. Next time you see the camera, please be ready to smile, so you too can be a Grant Hill Star.© GRANTHILLMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHURCH Page15 AGood‐Bye‐IsNotForever!!! beritmaynotcomeintheformorfashionyou GrantHillUnityNewsletter, maythink. Ihaveenjoyedmytenure MydeceasedMotheroncetoldmetobe andtheopportunityto carefulwhatIprayedfor,Ijustmaygetit.Andif serveyoualloverthepast Iwastopray,don’tworry;andifIwasgoingto nineyears.Bynowmostof worry;thendon’tpray.Don’twasteGod’stime youhavealreadyheardor askingforsomethingyoureallydon’twantto maybeawarethatIhave receive.SoIwatchmywordswiselyandImake beenofferedandaccepteda sureofwhatItrulyprayfor… newpositionastheExecu‐ I’velearnedovertheyearsthatwe tiveDirector/CEOofthe shouldneverbecomecomplacentwhereweare Birmingham‐JeffersonCountyTransitAu‐ inlife;weshouldalwaysbemotivated,flexible thorityinBirmingham,Alabama.Ibeginmy andreadytoaccepttheopportunitieswhenGod newpositionandjourneyonJanuary2,2013. “You cannot change the people presentsthemtous.Conversely,wemustalso, around you… Although,I’vebeenofferedmanyjobsbefore but you can change firsthaveapersonalrelationshipwithGod;so theduringmy15yearsinSumter;thisposition people you are around” wewillknowthevoiceandunderstandhisspirit touchmyspiritinawaythattheothersdid whenHespeaksandappeartouswithanop‐ not;IguessitwasbecauseIamahistory/ portunity. transitenthusiast,andAlabamaalsobeing theStatewherethebusboycottsbegan,as TheUnityNewsletterwillcontinuemov‐ wellasthecenteroftheCivilRightsMove‐ ingforward;FirstLadyClaudetteWitherspoon ment.Thispositionwillalsoprovideanop‐ andDeaconessGladysGrantbothhaveagreedto portunityofalifetime,asIwillbethefirst utilizetheirskillsandtalentstocontinuepro‐ womaneverhiredbythetransitauthority ducingtheUnityNewsletter.However,Iwill sinceits40yearinception.However,inspite alsorequestthatotherGrantHillMembersjoin ofthefactthatthispositionismakinghis‐ themwithyourskillsandtalentstoassistinthis tory;myleavingSumterisstillbitter‐sweet, effortaswell. sinceIwillberelocatingawayfrommyFam‐ IwillleaveyouwithastatementIwas ily,ChurchFamily,DearFriendsandClose given35yearsagobyafriendwithwhomI Associates.Although,Iwillbesayinggood‐ worked;ithasservedmewellovertheyears byetomanyofyou;itwon’tbeforever… andIhopeitwilldothesameforyou. I’veenjoyedmyspiritualfellowship “ReachfortheHighest;StrivefortheBest; andworshipatGrantHillovertheyearsand evenmoreoverthepastsixyears.Pastorand Livelifeday‐by‐dayandtoGodleavethe Mrs.Witherspoon,severaloftheDeaconsand Rest”.Continuetobeblessedandalways membershavebroughtanewdimensionand beablessingtosomeoneelse…Remember AGood‐Bye—IsNotForever...© creativitytoGrantHill,andonethatifem‐ bracedfullywilltakeGrantHilltoanother level,onethatwillbeincomprehensibleto theRembert,DalzellandSumtercommuni‐ ties.So,Iaskinleaving,thatyouallcontinue toprayforme,asIpraythatGODwillmove theGrantHillFamilytoanotherlevel;how‐ ever,Iwon’ttellGODwhatlevelheshould takeyoutoo.EnjoytheJourney;andremem‐ AstheEditorofthe UNITYNEWSLETTER D!!! Rev./Dr.MartinLutherKing, Smiling Once Again!!! Jr.isonceagainSmiling... Page16 Committee Seeks Additional Special Members... Thanks to the The Special Events Planning Com‐ mittee is still looking for talented Grant Hill Grant Hill Family of Members to come and utilize their gifts in Volunteers who this once in a lifetime event. Grant Hill will be celebrating its 150th Church Anniversary worked on the Habitat for in May 2013, and we are preparing to pro‐ Humanity Housing Project. duce a Commemorative Journal and cele‐ brate in a special way. during the Month of July. We ask that you bring your exper‐ tise to the Committee. If you would like to work on the Journal, please see Sister Sharon J. Gathers, Brother Thomas Nickens or Sister Dorothy B. Nixon.© The Volunteers that ranged in age from 16 and older worked from 8 am – 4pm. and had a grand Out Reach Ministry Seeks time working on the new Volunteers!!! home at 1260 Habitat The Grant Hill Outreach Minis‐ Drive (Fuller try is seeking additional volunteers; Gardens those who wish to join this exciting min‐ Subdivision).© istry is asked to see Brother Johnny Gause or Sister Catherine Council.© Special Events Planning GrantHillClothesCloset… Please remember the Grant Hill Clothes Closet Ministry, when you decide to remove clothes from yours. We are in need of gently used Men and Women cloth‐ ing, shoes, sneakers, jack‐ ets, and etc… You can help those individuals less fortunate than you. We thank you in ad‐ vance for you assistance in this great effort.© HealthandFitness BySisterEvaGlover The Grant Hill Health and Fitness Ministry still asked that you continue your exercise regiment daily or weekly until we return to our regularly scheduled 3rd Satur‐ day of each month from 10:00am –12:00 Noon. Our goal is always the develop‐ ment of the body along with the mind and soul. We ask that you plan your schedules, so you can join in with us; you’ll be surprised at what you can do.© Reminderthe BuildingPledge Cardsaredueto BrotherThomas Nickens,Church Clerk–All pledge commitments aredueby March2013. ©© UNITYNEWSLETTER Page17 Special GrantHillMissionaryBaptistChurch Congratulations !!! MinisterialStaff&Officers MINISTERIAL STAFF / OFFICERS Clifton N. Witherspoon, Pastor H#803‐494‐5304 E‐mail: [email protected] C#803‐467‐4567 Ms. Margaret Rembert on her academic success. She earned the distinction of being on the Deans’ List at Grand Canyon University. Office# 803‐499‐2806 Rev. Durant Jenkins 803‐499‐4759 Minister Moise Nelson Dea. James L. Sanders, Deacon Ministry Chairman 803‐481‐8701 Bro. Dennis Nickens, III, Trustee Ministry Chairman 803‐494‐8983 Bro. Thomas Nickens, Clerk E‐mail: [email protected] 803‐499‐3889 Sis. Sharon J. Gathers, Secretary H# 803‐481‐0745 E‐mail: [email protected] C# 803‐934‐6472 CHURCH OFFICE 803‐499‐5716 Church in Prayer For: TheArmedForces Personnelandtheir Families,Familiesin Bereavement,our Youth,Seniorsand theCommunity.© Unity Newsletter Staff: Editor –In‐Chief: Pastor Clifton N. Witherspoon Managing Editor: Sister Ann D. August Newsletter Advisor: Sister Gladys Grant SpecialPrayersforourSickandShutIn... The following individuals were listed on our Sick and Shut‐in list as of October 28, 2012. Please call or visit them when and as often as you can; and always keep them in your prayers. And pray for one another, that ye should be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much.© Sis. Maggie Jackson Sis. Alma Pollard Sis. Earnestine Gathers Bro. William Keith, Sr. Sis. Azalie McCall Sis. Wanda Evans Bro. Henry Jenkins Sis. Mary Staley UNITYNEWSLETTER Page18 GrantHill’s ThirdAnnual ScholarshipAwards!! The Sunday School Ministry Vacation Bible School 2012 By Sister Louise Johnson The Sunday School Ministry embarked upon the challenge of writing their first VBS program for classes this summer. The program was held June 4-7, 2012. Our theme was “Trusting in God’s Wisdom” taken from Proverbs 3:1-12 with background scriptures coming from Proverbs 1-35. This new type of VBS class was taught at the Grant Hill Missionary Baptist Church, in Rembert, South Carolina. Under the supervision of Pastor Clifton N. Witherspoon, Church School Superintendent Louise Johnson, Church School Teachers, and Advisor, the VBS program was created. The program was biblically written with manuals/activities books for each class level beginning with the Adults through the Beginner’s classes. All of the Sunday School Teachers taught the classes each night. The Adult class was taught by Sister Lottie McClary, Deacon Samuel Sanders, and Pastor Clifton N. Witherspoon. The Sunday School Ministry had an insight that the course of study was possible, with God directions and guidance throughout all the steps that was required to get the books together. Therefore, thorough reading, lots of studying, and desired implementation, the course of study was creatively put together with each grade level in mind and was a great success. On Thursday, the last day projects and other forms of class interests were presented. Individual instructors awarded certificates to the students. Later on Thursday, an enjoyable display of fun activities and great tasting foods were available for everyone. Our theme “Trusting in God’s Wisdom” taken from Proverbs 3:1-12 was a great insight sent from God. God told Solomon to ask for anything and He would grant it to him in a dream (1 Kings 3). Solomon asked for Wisdom and he received it. These quotes give us practical, down-to-earth insight into how we can skillfully raise our children, pursue our careers, use words well, make peace with our enemies, and treat our friends with kindness. Our Vacation Bible School was truly an exciting and rewarding experience this summer. We would like to say thanks to all who contributed to the success of VBS 2012. Our attendance was numerous and we thank God for his blessings. The Sunday School Ministry look forward to presenting next year’s Vacation Bible School. © On Sunday, September 16, 2012, the Grant Hill Missionary Baptist Church (GHMBC) Scholarship Ministry awarded five (5) scholar‐ ships to their church members. In order to be considered for the scholarship, each applicant was required to be between an unmarried mem‐ ber of Grant Hill between the ages of 17 and 24, show proof (transcript) of having an overall 2.5 GPA. The application packet consists of a stu‐ dent application form , a high school or college transcript and a 500‐word essay on the topic “Why I Should Receive the Grant Hill Missionary Baptist Church Scholarship Award.’ The scholarship recipients included two (2) 2012 high school graduates or first time freshmen‐‐‐Raymone Rogers (Claflin University) and Gary Rogers (Morris College) and three (3) continuing college students‐‐‐Kiera Smalls (Winthrop); Darnisha Griffin (Charleston South‐ ern University); and Courtney Jenkins (Central Carolina Technical College). The freshmen stu‐ dents received $500 scholarships and those con‐ tinuing their education received $250. The Scholarship Award is 2‐phase in that it includes a cash award to all qualified ap‐ plicants and a Best Essay Competition. Local and community leaders were selected to judge the essays. The essays were rated on a four‐point scale (0‐3=highest) based on introduction, con‐ clusion, main points, organization, style, me‐ chanics, and format/layout. The overall winner of the Essay Competition was Raymone Rogers, who received a laptop and printer.© UNITYNEWSLETTER Page19 Grant Hill Missionary Baptist Church - Revival 2012 By Sister Gladys M. Grant The Annual Revival Services were Pastor Sims reminded us that the Apostle Paul was a noble and very powerful example of one who had a held August 6‐8, 2012, 7:00 p.m., nightly. clear, definite, and chief objective toward which he con‐ Our theme opening selection was "Hold to centrated all of his energies. His desire was to faithfully God's Unchanging Hand". The three‐night run the Christian racecourse in total consecration to his praise and worship services featured two guest speak‐ Heavenly Father. He did this with wholehearted sincerity ers and a night of rejoicing with musical songs from our and effort, that he might receive the most wonderful own Music Ministry featured for the culminating ser‐ prize of the spiritual reward which he knew the Heavenly vice. Father would give him in due time. Pastor Sims concluded The Rev. Dr. James E. Wilson, a native South his message by challenging us to run the race to receive Carolinian from the Rembert community, was the guest the “prize” that the apostle was the apostle was striving speaker for our Monday night fellowship. Dr. Wilson for ‐‐‐that is the highest form of life—the divine nature. now resides in Bronx, New York, where he has served as Our loving Heavenly Father has promised to give this re‐ senior pastor of the First Union Baptist Church for the ward to all of the faithful class of Jesus’ followers. past thirty‐nine years. His message was “But if Not”. Visiting Choirs included Golden Gate Missionary Baptist He began his message by asking the question, “What Church; Mt. Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church; Jerusalem would you do if God did not answer your prayer?”. Dr. Baptist Church and Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Wilson shared the story as recorded in the book of Daniel 3:3‐18, of the three (3) Hebrew boys‐‐‐ Shadrech, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace, who de‐ On Wednesday, the final night for these worship clared that “even if God does not deliver us from this, services, we were blessed with a Revival Musical and min‐ we will continue to praise and worship Him”. istered through songs by Grant Hill's choirs under the aus‐ pices of our Minister of Music, Bro. Darren Ingram and Dr. Wilson explained to the congregation that the GHMBC Band. The Youth Praise Team Ministry led this story is literally about what it means to have one’s our praise and worship period. The visiting choir for the faith and principles challenged. These men would not night was Joshua Baptist Church. break the commandments which stated that they would have no other gods or bow to an image of a god In his closing remarks on the final night of ser‐ (Ex. 20.5). But they would only worship the true and vice, our Pastor, Clifton N. Witherspoon thanked everyone living God. Now there are times in life when we are for their support of this year's revival and reminded us pushed to compromise our faith and principles. The that, "We are trendsetters and must be willing to follow lessons of the elders helped Shadrech, Meshach, and God and do things a little differently than what others are Abednego and those same lessons can help us today. doing. Sometimes it seems like a lonely place when we are God provided assurance in the midst of the fire of life. trendsetters because no one has ever been that way be‐ Visiting choirs included High Hills Missionary Baptist fore”. He concluded his remarks with the Scripture: “So Church; Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church; High Hills be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not A.M.E. Church and St. Mark (4B) Missionary Baptist panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally Church. go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 ‐ New Living Translation (NLT) The Rev. Leroy Sims, Sr., another native of We, here at Grant Hill, thank God for His blessings and South Carolina, born in the Sumter community, was the pray that we will continue to move guest speaker for Tuesday night's services. Rev. Sims forth in UNITY so that we can be the has served as pastor of the Mt. Sinai RMUE Church in trailblazers He has predestinated. Orangeburg, SC for two years and is currently pastoring New Zion RMUE Church in North Charleston, SC, where God Bless you, until we meet again!© he has served for the past five (5) years. His text came from Philippians 3:14 and his message was titled, “Pressing Toward the Mark”. GrantHillMissionaryBaptistChurch‐5405BlackRiverRoad,S.C.29128 HappyHolidays FromtheGrantHill MBCFamily... We’re on the Web! THECHURCHINACTION: PleaseremembertoreviewthePewNotesforupcomingEvents. MakeaNoteof:GHMBC150thChurchAnniversaryMay20,2013… ASouvenirBookisbeingproduce;pleaseseeSistersC.WitherspoonorG.Grantfordetails. *Monthly Activities* Deacon Ministry 1st Tuesday, 7:00PM Trustee Ministry 2nd Tuesday, 7:00PM Sunday School Ministry 2nd Wednesday, 6:00PM Senior Missionary Ministry 1st Saturday, 12:00PM YWA Ministry Sat. before 5th Sunday, 11:00AM Youth Missionary Ministry Sat. before 3rd Sunday, 12:00PM Brotherhood Ministry 2nd Saturday, 9:00AM Drill Team Ministry 2nd Saturday, 10:30AM Ushers Ministry Sat. before 1st Sunday, 9:00AM Every Other Month Health & Fitness Ministry 3rd Saturday, 10:00AM Transportation Ministry 3rd Thursday, 7:00PM Male Chorus Rehearsal 2nd Saturday, 7:00PM Last Friday of the month, 7:00PM Senior Choir Rehearsal Friday before 3rd Sunday, 7:00PM Sat. before 1st Sunday, 10:00AM Unity Mass Choir Rehearsal Monday after 2nd Sunday, 6:00 PM Sat. before 3rd & 4th Sun., 10:00AM Youth Choir Rehearsal Sat. before 4th& 5th Sun., 12:30PM Adult Praise Team Ministry Rehearsal Monday, 7:00 PM nd Sat. before 2 & 4th Sun., 8:30 AM New Members Class 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday, 9:00AM Bible Study Wednesday, 12:00 PM & 7:00 PM
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