Chemistry Board Game Project Due: Tuesday June 5th Objectives: To create a board game where players must solve chemistry problems and answer content questions about chemistry concepts covered during the 2011-2012 chemistry course. Demonstrate understanding of the underlying concepts and skills to create an effective review game to prepare for the final exam. Analyze, and evaluate the level and accuracy of student created questions for review game and collaborate with students to trouble shoot or provide support for fellow classmates in improving overall game quality and work effectively and assume shared responsibility in a group to develop a unique and challenging review game. Demonstrating 21st century skills by: Identifying individual learning needs, and defining, prioritizing, and completing tasks without direct oversight, setting and meeting high standards and goals for delivering quality work on time, demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior while acting responsibly with the interest of the larger community in mind. Guidelines: You are board game designers. Your game can have any game theme you choose and you decide how your game is won. You are creating your game board for up to 4 players for your peer classmates to play. It has to be fun to play, and it has to be easy to follow the rules. You can include some fun questions and chance cards. The game should be decorated with appropriate and consistent colors and themes. Remember to keep the game rubric and instructions handy for quick reference. Requirements: Game Requirements: There must be an actual physical board, box, set of cards, etc There must be game pieces of some kind. There must be a set of clear rules and directions. Give the game a clever name. It must be clear what you need to do to win! There must be a lot of thought and effort put into this project. You must be able to play the game from start to finish in 45 minutes. You can work in groups of no more than four or you can choose to work individually – Note, working individually is not recommended. You must speak to me in advance and get permission to work individually. Question Requirements: A minimum of 13 questions from each topic. See below for list of topics o 7 chemistry problems/questions of Costa’s level 2 or higher o 3 chemistry problems/questions of Costa’s level 1 o 3 bonus/challenge questions for each topic for extra reward (points, extra turn, free parking, move ahead a space, etc) You will need to produce a key in the form of answer cards to go with your game so the players will be able to check their answers and know if they are correct. Tips: You can use an old board game and tweak it to what you want. You may want to use rules similar to a current popular board game and borrow a theme. The game needs to be clear enough that chemistry students could play. Handmade items are great! You are not required or expected to purchase items for this project. Type things if you cannot hand write or draw them in a professional looking manner. You will be given adequate class time to complete this project. Use it! You may leave supplies in the classroom as long as they are contained in a bag or box with your class period and names. Required Topics: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Foundations in Chemistry Atoms and Matter Nuclear Chemistry The Periodic Table Molecules and Compounds Balancing Equations and Types of Reactions 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Stoichiometry Gases Thermochemistry, Kinetics, and Equilibrium Solutions and Concentration Acids and Bases Organic and Biochemistry Rubric: 1 2 3 4 5 Far Below Basic Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced Game is not appropriate to the class content and has questions which are very basic. Game also has very few questions. Game is very simple and most questions are too easily answered. Game has very few questions being asked. Questions are simple, even though the minimum amount of questions is met, or the questions are good but there are not enough of them. Questions are appropriate to the class content and there is the correct number of questions. Questions may be a bit too easy or too difficult. Questions are appropriate to the class content and there are 156 questions or more. Questions are not too easy or too difficult. Make sure you decorate your board game attractively so that it looks like it just came off the store shelf. Include the title, make it neat, well designed, colorful, interesting, creative, original, and include all the playing pieces. You are not expected or encouraged to purchase items to create this project. Handmade is great! There is a game board but it is not colorful, neat, interesting, and no extra efforts were made at creativity. A lot of the pieces are missing. It is done incorrectly and does not meet most of the requirements. Most of the requirements were ignored and the board is sloppy and pieces are missing. It meets few of the requirements. Game board is complete but 1 or 2 elements are missing and it could be neater. It meets some of the requirements. Game board is excellent but some parts are a little sloppy. It meets most of the requirements Game board looks professional. The title is included. Everything is decorated attractively. It is neat, creative, original, and well designed. All of the playing pieces are included. and functional. The requirements were followed completely. Rules and Instructions: Complete revision is needed. Many steps are missing or incomplete and it is very difficult to understand how to play and win the game. Errors in grammar interfere with understanding of the directions. Much revision is needed. There are more than 3 errors. Directions are unclear and 2-3 steps could be added to clarify. Directions are neat but have 2-3 minor grammatical errors. They are somewhat unclear or 1 step is missing. Directions make it perfectly clear how to play and win the game. The explanations are specific and easy to follow. They are clear & concise. They are neat with minimal grammatical errors. Student did not work cooperatively with the team at all. Student contributed very little to the team project. Student contributed limited cooperative effort on the project. Student contributed above average cooperative effort on the project. Student contributed a high level of cooperative effort on the project Chemistry Content: The game should have content related to the class which has been discussed at some point during the year. There should be a minimum of 156 questions of the levels specified in the instructions Creativity: Directions must be clear and easy to follow. They must be neatly written or typed. They should have minimal grammar/spelling errors. Cooperative Efforts: Each student must show dedication to working with the team and creating the best possible chemistry game board. This will be based on a short questionnaire that each student will fill out for each of their teammates. Phase 1: Game Template Group Ideas, Choice, and Progress Report Due at the end of class on Tuesday, May 29th To begin this project you will be placed in groups of up to 4 and will collaborate with your partners to select a game template/theme, create a name, and to begin dividing up how tasks will be completed. Each student will chose three topics, generate questions for that topic, and assume one of the following roles; a. Design manager - responsible for ensuring the designs and themes are consistent and high quality b. Project organizer - responsible for ensuring game structure is well organized and there is continuity c. Task manager - responsible for keeping team on schedule as well as documenting progress of the group d. Content manager - responsible for checking team mates questions and solutions for accuracy, grammar, etc The group will complete the progress report form and the project calendar Phase 2: Game Template and Topic Questions Outlined Due at the end of class on June 1st Your group will create a sketch of the game template and the rules of the game as well as any bonus prizes awarded for bonus/challenge questions. At least 5 questions with answers cards for each theme have been created by each group member. A progress log with notes submitted on work and progress. A copy of the working log documenting redirects and time management issues. Phase 3: Game Creation Stage Due at the start of class on Wednesday, June 6th Your group will be responsible for working on this assignment in class and on your own. You will be asked to complete periodic progress logs and collaboration reports. Your project must be complete and ready for play at the start of class on June 6th Phase 4: Implementation Stage Begins Wednesday, June 6th Students will move together in game creation groups to play each of the other student group games and rate the accuracy and ease of use of each game using a rubric and the student feedback form! This is the review for your final exam. Once you have played all these games you will be a chemistry BRAINIAC!!!!! LAST WORDS… You must work with your group in order for your game to be successful. This project is worth 300 points and serves as a review for your comprehensive final exam. Late projects and logs CANNOT AND WILL NOT be accepted as others are depending on you to be prompt and present. You must work in groups in order to receive credit. The points will be divided as follows: 50 points class participation, 50 points homework, 200 points projects. Calendar - Your Copy Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday May 25th In Class: Saturday May 26th In Class: At Home: At Home: May 27th In Class: May 28th In Class: May 29th In Class: PHASE 1 DUE! May 30th In Class: May 31st In Class: June 1st In Class: PHASE 2 DUE! June 2nd In Class: At Home: At Home: At Home: At Home: At Home: At Home: At Home: June 3rd In Class: June 4th In Class: June 5th In Class: June 6th In Class: PROJECTS DUE June 7th In Class: June 8th In Class: Play the games! Play the games! Play the games! At Home: At Home: At Home: YOUR COPY CHEMISTRY BOARD GAME PROJECT- COLLABORATION REPORT Part 1: Please list your fellow teammates names and rank their cooperation with the group on a scale of 1-5 (5 being “very cooperative” and 1 being “did not work with the group at all.”) NAME SCORE (1-5) 1) ___________________________________ __________ 2) ___________________________________ __________ 3) ___________________________________ __________ 4) ___________________________________ __________ Part 2: Please give a brief explanation of what you contributed to the group. Part 3: Please give a brief explanation of any issues, problems, concerns, or short comings you are experiencing with your group members and their collaboration or lack thereof. YOUR COPY Student Feedback Rubric and Form Game Name: __________________________________________ Your Name: ________________________________ 1 Far Below Basic 2 Below Basic 3 Basic Questions are simple, even though the minimum amount of questions is met, or the questions are good but there are not enough of them. 4 Proficient Questions are appropriate to the class content and there is the correct number of questions. Questions may be a bit too easy or too difficult. Chemistry Content: The game should have content related to the class which has been discussed at some point during the year. There should be a minimum of 156 questions of the levels specified in the instructions Game is not appropriate to the class content and has questions which are very basic. Game also has very few questions. Game is very simple and most questions are too easily answered. Game has very few questions being asked. Creativity: Make sure you decorate your board game attractively so that it looks like it just came off the store shelf. Include the title, make it neat, well designed, colorful, interesting, creative, original, and include all the playing pieces. You are not expected or encouraged to purchase items to create this project. Handmade is great! There is a game board but it is not colorful, neat, interesting, and no extra efforts were made at creativity. A lot of the pieces are missing. It is done incorrectly and does not meet most of the requirements. Rules and Instructions: Directions must be clear and easy to follow. They must be neatly written or typed. They should have minimal grammar/spelling errors. Complete revision is needed. Many steps are missing or incomplete and it is very difficult to understand how to play and win the game. Most of the requirements were ignored and the board is sloppy and pieces are missing. It meets few of the requirements. Game board is complete but 1 or 2 elements are missing and it could be neater. It meets some of the requirements. Game board is excellent but some parts are a little sloppy. It meets most of the requirements Game board looks professional. The title is included. Everything is decorated attractively. It is neat, creative, original, and well designed. All of the playing pieces are included. and functional. The requirements were followed completely. Errors in grammar interfere with understanding of the directions. Much revision is needed. There are more than 3 errors. Directions are unclear and 2-3 steps could be added to clarify. Directions are neat but have 2-3 minor grammatical errors. They are somewhat unclear or 1 step is missing. Directions make it perfectly clear how to play and win the game. The explanations are specific and easy to follow. They are clear & concise. They are neat with minimal grammatical errors. One thing I really liked about your game was: One piece of constructive criticism I have about your game is: 5 Advanced Questions are appropriate to the class content and there are 156 questions or more. Questions are not too easy or too difficult.
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