Morning News Classifieds - 233 3671 **** Savannah Morning News, Friday, December 31,1999 - 11C NEWS — JGfo/wi FIDE: J&M CONSTRUCTION for oil your bulMIng, Minting ' & lidhia need*. Free ettlmote* 91245T-SMI or »IJ SM 5MO prompt Service At Fo|r Prltet carpet «TVlnyl installation & Repair No Job too Small Coll eu-;a4-t»i| Horn* improvement * ceramic tile, wallpaper, corptntry, pointing, theelrock. no lob to sntalll A»k for Tom t12-i»-37M DEMILIO ROOFING I? year* experience. Ntw roof*, re-roof, aluminum coating', repair*. Itoki.,All -worlcguaranteed, Call tor lr«* ettlmalt*. 2*T0506, Nick DeMIIIO. \. The Wall Street Journal Mother of ] mo. I * yr. old girt Delivery Supervisor seeks nanny for weekly and some weekend Killing. Flexible hours, ret. rea. 912-59M449. The Wall Street Journal ha* an opening for a permanent, part time home delivery supervisor for pur operation In Savannah, the position Involves hiring and training carrier*, payroll, complaint follow-up, etc. The hour* from f:30ortv4:00arrt, MonGrowing Retail Furniture Com- are mornings'plus occapany I* now taking application* day-Friday sional duties (re-deliverfor Credit Manager candidates Jes). Noother weekend*, no holidays, and Outside Collectors! vehicle no collection*. IIO.OMu (ntgo.1 provided. Excellent benefit* p)u» ollowanc* for vehicle v*e. package. Compensation com*, PoW holldaYf, 401K. stock purmensurate with exp, Previous ctraM plan, but no medical plan credit exp. preferred. Relocation available. Newspaper exp. helpmay be necessary. Apojy in per- ful. 704-5474*11 fax; 7W-W7ion only at Formers Furniture Co., 10305 Abercorn Ext., Savannah. No Phooe Calls Win Be Grainger Honda . Accepted. EOE, M/F/D/V. . IsGrowIngl Due to growth of our dealership, uverbl position* are available. Southern Tank Transport, Inc. Is Accepting . . . Applications for-Experienced DRIVERS at our Savannah Terminal Happy Birthday 1 Dona Brantley it. if We************ require that vow art at least 23 year* of age. mutl hav* a GA Class A CDL, a good MVR ond be able Id pass company t, DOT requirements. • . WE OFFER: Happy Birthday! EvelynWyart; Happy Belated Birthday Rena Crawford Hoot'Yoo hod a wonderful day. Yvonne, Nezle & Sol Eric Christian Nicholson . HAPPY NEW YEAR & HAPPY BIRTHDAY) Dad Lorn You. MMM-flW • Mora time at home • • tote model tractor*. • Excellent pay pkg. • Performance, Safety t, . . • Chrlstmat bonuses • BCBS Health Insyr. .Including dental and drug •Uniform*, boot allowance ' • Vocation '' • Excel. 401 (k) Retirement Program ••..-.. To find out more about this opport. call Jim, tti-301-1410. . I. Used Car Detatfer: Mutt have experience In full detail of u*ed cors * I. Oil Change Technician: Mutt have own tool*. •Apply In person to: Sondl trf between 9 AJW. and 1 P.M. Monday through; FrWay • at Grainger Honda Hwy W at Owttwm Parkway Come Johi Our Winning Teoral Wallenlus Wllhelmsen Lines Expanding shipping* Line ha* Immediate -ImporMxport and operation* positions. Available for highly motivated Individuals. Experience preferred, but will train the right penanU). Only team Player*' w/ttrong work ethic* need apply. No phone call* please. Fax Retume* to: 91J-9M7459 HIRING WAL-MART Vision Center Pooler, GA. . NecMiary Wed-Thwo, U:0tam-):a0pm to Schedule APPt. The Hflberthom YMC'A seek* recreation 01 tented indMdool to »upervlte facility, staff, and otslst members on Friday night*. Saturdayl 1-Sunday*. Must be relloWe.malure and have food people tklll*. Apply at itreet or contact Jtm Mercer or Frank Dick tan at ISe-ettJ. Application* accepted until VIMOOO. Spray Technician TruGreen ChemLawh I* growing a needt 2 more tpray techs. Experience In applying pestlcMet preferred, but will train. Coll Butch or Tony e> 9U-7ti-5eoi Apartment manager Manager for 100 unU opt complex. Exp helpful. |#lll train right individual solo* Mu* apt. ReMmne to P.O. Box INtl, Sav, Go JUM Mark Stahl Rhclng, volunteef crew memMrt to work 1 thop and travel to race*. Body painting ond generol maintenance. POM expeftMJTcau 912WO-4JM •• . AssemWen for Mall order art* and croft* company. Pull time or port time. Great pay. Coll l-WO591-1140 ext. 110. CDLQRIVERS 2 yr*. exp. Be home every night) good pay, 912-234-4470. Dependable person needed for cor.wash ground* clean-up. Approximately 20 hour* a week. Coll Lee, 9onvepm~35440e2. ... Wrecker Driver needed. Mutt hove dean Driving record, ond be over 25 yr* of age. Call 2344105 ROD BUSTERS, CONSTRUCTION LABORERS ft FOREMAN Needed. Call Denla 912-234-5370 Nursery Mgr. needed, Hester t Zlpoerer Lawn *, Garden, fax resume to: 912-354-3312 or mall to: 4719 Sktdaway Rd., 31404 MODEL NEEDED as personal assistant to executives high sala/y, 1-71M9X194. . FUN PROMOTIONAL JOBS tlOhr. to promote cool new hair products'. Model types must be renaMe 4 dep. Ken MO-219-2159 Staff Accounfanf'} needed for CPA (h m. Accouohngi degree required. Fpx 9U-351-9435 or moll to: AccqMVv lont, 329 Elsenhower Dr.. SM MO* A. Sov^i. Co. 31406 ' f '~ £ OWner Operators needed for expanding famine**, container move*. $500 slen-on bonus. Call Sontee Carriers 912- Waltrjei* Experience Bright. chefHvl foces needed .to] NEEDED Bullt-op Roofer* ond Sheet Metal Worker*, good benefit* & pay. Apply In person at 2U1 Couston Bluff Rd. •i * * -Account Manager ftage-• -- -^ ^'- reference* necessary. Waitre** exMrlence «r°;tlmfler ' needed. EXP, re«vCh«yti* Supermarket, fofmertv Mldtdwn Market, '1007 Water* Ave at JTtti. Call 9122-39M543 First Vehicle Service* hat an Immediate opening for a Genernarkete Telemarketers al Manager.'Heavy Equipment Experienced only, salary Phn and Computer knowledge a commlttlon, o»k for Betty. Call mutt.. Call 911.7S4-J119 or Fox between llon>epm. 912-920-9942 resume to 911-754-1197 WANTED: Individual over 11 EOE. MFVD with own transportation It. knowledge of light maintenance. FLATBED Willing to work weekend*. Call Trty 9)2-754-37»' • />.• DRIVERS POM PRDMOTTOWAL JOBS Home weekend*, SIMMay to demonstrate a cool i cte*t "A". COL: .new product hi the mall. 01/21-3000. Mutl have good NNortollty. D»on IOO-119-2H*. General Manager WiiraiTty/Accounting Cterh Needed fbY bu«y automoWte deaJerahip. Must have at least one year's .accounting experience. College degree preferred but not necessary. Must be flexible to meet deadlines. Great benefit package. TEAM work ethic. ; Needed for a busy automobile Must have previous warranty experience. Some accounting experience would be helpful. Full-time position. Great benefit package. TEAM work ethic. Send resume to BOXX795 c/o Savannah Morning Newt P.O. Box 1088 Send resume to . BoxX795 '='.] c/o Savannah Morning News / P.O.BoxlOW /Savannah, GA 31402 Immediate Opening for mixer drivers tri Savannah and Hilton Head. Earn UP to t13.$0/hr| Straight truck exp. req. Mixer exp. a plus, but will train the itoht candMale. Mutt be able to provide a current CDL, clean 10 year MVR and employment references tor pan 5 yean. Coll Coastal Concrete at 143-757-3930, ext. 3011. . 1998 "TOP SHOP -" AWARD WINNER lazlne Distributors Wont extra money? Trader Publishing company needs magazine distributor* In the Savannah area.-.-Independent contractor position. Deliver on Monday*, pakt per store. Must hove reliable transportation. Interested Individuals call Brian at t-WOM2-735S _^ . . ' . -. LOST: Small Silky Ttrrter, 1J/M collar, area l-f$ t> -KM REWARD Misiins, Sheltler answer* to Zowi*. 25-30 Ite, multi-color, Call Carolyn or Frank 9U-f6H17l MISSING - female Shepherd hut seen Beatley Rd.- Need* medication. Offer Reward. Call 4<l-38M or W-07M LOST: 12/27, from GordOMton; Female Olb ton & white Pit Bull mixed; weaning ml bandana. Reward. CattJttWOM J -j_ LOST: Oblong Morcojlte Pin, Dec. 21th, Savannah Moll or Oslethorpe Mall, tenllmental value. REWARD. HMSt-5tta LOST: Sapphire ' & .Diamond Ring, Rincon or Savannah Mall Area: Great Sentimental Value, REWARD, 9)2-754-1331. ' LOST: Female Yellow lab. misting jrom Georgetown area Friday Dec 3rd. REWARD, 71M2S- im •• ' , LOST: Christmas Eve, Male Rottweiler, Blue Collar. Vicinity ct 37m & Waters Ave. Reword, 712-391-6312 _^_ tOST: Prescription sunglasses near Liberty and Bull please call 912H7-4657 FOUND White wAilock Cocker mixed. -Aoereorn & DeRenne, Call.3520011 or 74*8013 • . . FOUND: Pokemon Notebook at Fairway Qoks. Call Cindy with •frame and description. I97-W72 OR_89>WD.'. . . . . _ F o u n d : Young Brown dog, female, vicinity Stecrforth Or, Call to Identify: I9M383 . ' - . Found: Whit* Cat with gray marking*, vine, of SJrd A Paulsen. Call to Identify. Call tij-231-1212 FOUND: Dog, White with ton wots. • medium slie. In Pooler oreo, now at Animal Control, *l 2-74^6097. ' FOUND:-Female DOB, Gray & 'White, Mixed Breed, 15 IDs, 10" Tall, Blue, Collar, Vicinity Lake Mayer, 9I2-352-M45. FOUND set of keys on dbg leash on Wilmington Island. Call to Identify 912497-7913 ' Found:, mixed bred, 5 mo. old auppy, 25 Ibs. Strawberry medium length hair w/brlndte face A, feet. 912-233^34. ^ FOUND: in Pooltr before Christmas. Two Pit Bulls, male t female. Free 1o Goad home If not claimed. FOUND: Christmas Eve BosMt Hound Eastilde Savannah C<HI tlJ-7»MSSS PREGNAim WORRIED? Free Walk-In Pregnancy Test. Coastal Crisis Pregnancy Center • (The Clinic That Cores). 10:004:00, Mon-Frl. Closed Wed. 52U Poutsen.155-6295. ^Private Massage* . Beautiful and Discreet. M+0015 pg Mon-Sun 106m-llpm SMALL. LOANS . confidential Mf< Quick Loons, vice to employed men a, women. STAR FINANCE m-mi. REAL ESTATE PRE-LICENSING COURSE * * * *By * Offered BEN FARMER'S SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE 1 SAVANNAH * OLDEST* MOST TRUSTED NAME IN REAL ESTATE EDUCATION ENROLLING NOW .FOR HOME-STUDY COMPUTER COURSE ALSO AVAILABLE FOR DETAIU CALL 353-5558 or Armstrong Start Atlantic University 912-927-5379 ***** FLORIDA ROCK & TANK LINES INC. Now hlrirlg drivers for regional and local deliveries. Successful candidates will have: • 2 years tractor trailer experience •Clean MVR • Over the age of 25 • Hazmat and tankers endorsements AS LOW AS iy Be Used? Still A Honda. Successful candidates will enjoy: •. 401 k/Profit sharing retirement program • Paid vacation • Health benefits after 90 days $ • Safety bonuses • Modem Fleet of equipment • ' " • ' • ' - Call 964-5055 between 9-5pm. M teed Cars 150 Nlnt Check List Inspection « $0 Deductible i* • Factory Backed 6 Yr/72,000 Mile Warranty ^ *Wn i ii iiimuii ( \Kii.KOproKH M HONDA ACCOM) U 4 OR >v*. AM *M«l Haft. UK** M tM Ml VMM M HONDA ACCORD « 4 DB Morning News. Our emptoyoao enjc & excels wof^condttons and andbbenefits. . EMPLOVMETfT ACCOUNT EXEOTnVE We Unt m opeoiag for in EmployinaX Account Executive in our CUssified DepertmenL Uetl candidates shuukl htvt i toOeje degiw wilh «qu|uii| dQfli, wperience io the esf^oyniM fabMrf, irfverbsiug DJes, castomeT-tetvice.nd ecconle tpcBbi, buic math cad computer itjlk Must bne on], writto, time mtnegfrnmt nd aj«iadi»j skilb. TOi penon will be required U perform iD job rebttd tub oeccswy to paemc new uutiuea and mmtainfacrate existkig «dwrtiiiDj lineage for enployiDeot retafcd PKH,Oi*lTI>IT54 . fan ImK Akn. UMN r\ 75» PK (V Cni»™. BuvnV PITM^ WHONDAACCORD [XL 4*iu*it «no* u^. man Ant.n. c»M.n.muM PUN WHONDA CIVIC LX 4 Dfl AT.UrfiKtulRool^AUiMTmM . »^»^e™•ffH^^Q ^^^^^^^^BC HELDASSlSTANr , PWPl,&*»Tl.«ail*.f>P7 M> M H. CUk n. »M> PI M M HONOA ACCORD «VL M HONDA CIVIC EX 2 DR v». SKI Bo* l«*«. M«00 UM F1*« tnedLlMtUBaa* 07 HONDA ACCOM) U 4 0* V»PKfVCn*^r»N«OUfc,r-1B« MHONOACIVICtXIDR / M>*wiMudM«3aan 97 HONDA ACCORD LX 4 DR A*, t>n H. ouHi hi t**n IK run* M HONDA CIVIC DX 2 DR - 98 HOMDA PASSPORT EX 2 WO. twnl UiMML'Mori PNIW 96 HONDA PASSPORT LX 2 WO . P* PL Cnm » Ml MM P1M1 98 HONDA PASSPORT EX 2 WO '*fc knot tt* U(dM PlW 97 HONDA ACCORD SE 4 DR tUN WOF. M10VS. «X» GtVM U3HCB) PUB OVfll 190U9MD 0AM TO ONOOtf Voted Savannah's Best Used Car Dealer-Creative __ TELEMARKETERS • PART TIMK ' We hive two openingi in our Circulitioo Deptmneal for leletMrktlen. Eiperiehce in itknurketini preferttd but oot required Mud hive Ufjh ichooJ diplooM, good ffimmir «od tetepbooe e<|quetle, Oo-tbe-job training .wiU be provkW ill product feature*, proper phone technique tnd imtten, proper technique* for over* comiuf objectioM. Hoon ire Moodiy thfu Friday 5:30 PM - 9.00 PM and every other SamdiyWq AM- 1:00 PM. PART TM8 DBPATCHERS We hive two poritiooi open for dupttcher. (\ poiition) » Monday thru Friday 4K» a.m. - 7:30 tin. and (2nd position) Saturday end Suadayt 4K» iqi. - 12KX) noon. Ibete poikiooj will be the tiai ion between Carrien and the Managed is the early momin|houn lo communictte truck deputure, *horU|e* to maflroom aad repottt for field ttaff. Good oppcrtunityl I! NEW MEDIA SALES REP11SENTATIVE e>e Advertising Department TMi iikspenot wiU locale, develop, aad ' §3 NISSAN ALTIHA . Mttte«Mi»awM$>w SALI PfllCE $B,»90 MACCWULiOINOLS MBIIMI •7 NISSAN ALTUU 0X14 M ' MX OM* MUM %M »«• U *" *Uto, Mi, Ji.OOS Mat X20MA Ml SALI PRICE S12,490 t».«6U SALE PRICE $6,990 •TUNCOLNTOWNCAR • ig*M*lMYl4>MMl>1I SALE PRICE $19,990 MCHtVYLUMNU4DM Tt.lO(B»*«MB«M MMH7MO SALE PRICE $15,990 SSDOOMNION tl HOMDA MC.E*iawvO*ejuata rtnM fMIMJt} •ALI MK» ••,••• p« PI. b*» ti PI m Ktu in ••» •ALK Hnet *»,MO «ub *C t*t CM* XtlMA AMI IIS.M* 8 ALI SALE PfllCE $5,990 a MFOHOMUSTANQ GM Qm LM4M YJMM IMI H.MO SALE PfllCE $7,990 97 CHIVY CA^ZDlH M TOYOTA COROUA 4 OR l, MO IS NIHAM MAXliU •• 4 DM •-rvai tHfhv lotrMPIITU AMU HUM SALI PHICI <10,MO Mk«,Wli»H SALE PRICE $7,990 {AC b*0*n r»YW» KM 111 At SALE PRICE $8,990 AutaWC. BKMHJtO •ALI P*)IO> W,»W 5ALE PRICE $14,9901 . . , SALE PRICE $14,990 97 CHIVY TAHOELT I' LMt« U»tH M> «tM Pint RM tMUt' SALE PRICE $23,509, 9SOOMIIUM1§OOSLT ;• rti«wOrt,ioaoit*«%M|i»«»' M TOYOTA TtftOtL t OK is. MH.YMOUTH MIOH 4 tiT^^ d,H.taHW P1H1H*H114»0 MUMIICttMM PinM •All MIOI M,t«0 IMT*> U«MY3iaeARiMt1t.Mt SALE PRICE $15,99<I SALE PfllCf |18,990 ' .&*»T»; nmtNM SALE PRICE $6,990. M PONTIAC OKANO MIX OT MutMl<<UMhell SAI* pfiici aa,»«o , SALE PRICE $17,496; SALE PRICE $6,990 N DOMI DAKOTA SPORT '' CM)DOOOMMPUH KMtltm; • ALI PRICI »7,MO NH.Cwnti.nm Mi(iiJH SALE PRICE S11,990 lo Iticreaae revenue. TWi person will terrfce and auiat with accwmu, p«t>are appropriate paperwork, vouchers, quote ratea, and otter latki asaortakd with aaka. Hoan art Moaday. ftiday 8:JOa.m. -5:30 p.m. Apply In Penon Tb Inform «lb Inspire •TblnftueOM ' ; 97 HONDA CIVIC IX 4 DR mn.cram.nmnu. IT4WNDA ACCORD U 4 DR •7 HONDA ACCORD U 4 DR ' »T HONOA CIVIC LX 4 OR r* PL 6<ta. m &•• piii s •, «flt fn n. OMta. T» a MM Men. >7 HONDA ACCORD m 4 Dfl kfcSuiifcc<A*JMt«*tfnioei*ini58. M HONDA ACCOM 00.4 OR : 97HONOAtlVICLX4.0R «« HONDA ACCORD LX 4 DR \Vfe mt tookinj for i person who Ins a bj*Ji icbool dfloroa, beaieir. (Urter, betkby wo* ethic, depadjble vehfck and be ibletothow beaeffi the advertiser and the Savannah Momta| News. CoDeje tducadoa in related field wiA three to (Ive yean ulet eiptrkoei. preferred. Mu« have excdlent oral and writltt akfflt, wow typU| and Macintosh tkilli jieferred. After 90 da)*, the alary *ifl be conuniukw buii only. The retpoojibiliiiet Include tdenliryini potential custotnen and tell on the intcrte*, nw*t creats and aefl tpecial projecu, follow-up on ipontonaipi aad aervtce account}. If you are a telf ttarter and hive a high energy level iWi potitioo could be nut PRE-rUKSS PAOINATC* NHJBT8 We have an openinf for i penon who ii « M.S. paduate with Kroni cdmpUler paphk* beckfround. Thii potitioo require* a penon who bu prabktn nlvinf, conununkation and analytical tkilli and worb well whh othen. TWi peraot win boitd electrayc newi and ad patei. Import new« text and crea(e fan, mate ekxtronk ad* with electroeuc newt items, and other related tasks. Hoon are 1ue*day- Saturday 5flOp.ra.-l.-00 10. 97 HONDA CIVIC LX 4 DR IT HONOA ACCORD EXL 4 DR UMttnndMMiuaoitnea N HONDA ACCORD EX 4 OR SavAnnahM Baby Sitter wanted for Thur. I Fri. Afternoon, J-7pmi sometimes on Sal. Ret. rw^nwil hove own tronsporfotlon. tiM3> 1771, o*k for Betty.., Mature, ResponilMe coreoiver lor Elderly Man In Meldrlm. M F, lom-*pm. Cooking t II. Houtyfceeplne. Ret, 912-7 >'*W- TijJanuar|4thpnlj(! \. HONDA HfGHWAY 80 AT CHATHAM PARKWAY • GARDEN CITY • 1-888-5 SALE PRICE $12.490;
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