Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica PRESENTATION TO JAMAICA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GENERAL CONSUMPTION TAX AND OTHER UPDATES Presented By PRUNELLA VASSELL INTRODUCTION In our presentation today we will mainly be dealing with 1. Recent Changes to the GCT Act; 2. Their Implications; and 3. Effects on businesses INTRODUCTION (cont’d) We will commence with: An over view of General Consumption Tax (GCT) The GCT Regulations and their applicability Recently enacted provisions and their effect OVERVIEW OF GCT Most if not all of us are aware that GCT was: Introduced in Jamaica almost 24 years ago As a Value Added Tax At a rate of 10% and moved up to 17.5% - now down to 16.5% - Standard Rate Other rates have also been introduced to specified goods/services OVERVIEW OF GCT (cont’d) At commencement differentiation was made between: Taxable Supplies Exempt Supplies With Taxable Supplies further classified as Taxable at standard rate Taxable at Zero Rate OVERVIEW OF GCT (cont’d) Persons were required to register for GCT purposes if such person were engaged in a ‘Taxable Activity’ Registration would be either as – A Registered Taxpayer; or A Registered Person OVERVIEW OF GCT (cont’d) Penalties for failing to register The Act also included various provisions regarding: Definitions of certain specific terms used What goods/services are taxable/exempt or zero rated What is a tax invoice What is a tax point etc The GCT Regulations The registration, Assessment and Objection processes Regulations were also introduced to deal with various situations including 1.Registration & Application for Registration 2.Display of Certificate of Registration 3.Maintenance of Records by: Revenue Taxpayer The GCT Regulations(cont’d) 4. Return & Payment of Tax 5. The Tax Invoice 6. The Accounting Basis for GCT 7. Calculation of the Tax 8. Input Tax – how and by whom claimable and the amount which may be claimed in different circumstances 9. Treatment of Bad Debts RECENT LEGISLATIONS AND THEIR EFFECT Provisions introduced per 2012/2013 Revenue Measures Reduction in the standard rate of GCT; Reduction in the number of Exempt/Zero rated Supplies Taxing of electricity for commercial use at the standard rate (previously 10%); Removal of GCT from residential electricity RECENT LEGISLATIONS AND THEIR EFFECT (cont’d) Provisions introduced per 2013/2014 Revenue Measures Imposition of GCT on telephone call tax – not claimable as input tax; Accounting for GCT on the face value of prepaid vouchers/airtime (re phone cards); Including all fees, taxes and other charges when calculating GCT payable at the ports of entry. RECENT LEGISLATIONS AND THEIR EFFECT (cont’d) Provisions introduced per 2014/2015 Revenue Measures Allowance of 100% input Tax on Fixed Assets Maximum penalty of $100,000 on late filing of GCT Return Implementation of GCT on Imported Services Revision to the rules relating to Deferment of GCT RECENT LEGISLATIONS AND THEIR EFFECT (cont’d) Provisions introduced per 2015/2016 Revenue Measures Increase in the Special Consumption Tax (SCT) on cigarettes – 18th March 2015 Increase in the specific SCT rates on Petrol $7 per litre – 18th March 2015 Replacement of 1% Petroleum Cess with a specific SCT of $2 per litre. Re-imposition of GCT - on residential electricity consumption – 1st April 2015 RECENT LEGISLATIONS AND THEIR EFFECT (cont’d) Provisions introduced per 2015/2016 Revenue Measures (cont’d) Full Implementation of the elimination of zero- rating under the GCT Act for government purchases (with the exception of schools and the Jamaica Defence Force) Other Matters Revised GCT Forms Revision to interest on late payment Requirements to file online particularly if Refund being claimed Requires set off of input tax credit with regard to purchases to Withholding Tax Entities ( government institutions) Need to ensure no “sense” when preparing GCT return INCOME TAX MATTERS 1 Law revised to require applicable persons to file tax return whether or not: Liable to pay tax; Has income from any source for year of assessment Applicable persons are Body Corporate A Trust or other Institution - Charities Act Any person (including an individual) who carries on a trade, profession or vocation or business and who is prescribed INCOME TAX MATTERS (cont’d) Disclosure of Information on Tax Debtor to a Credit Bureau Establishment of Electronic Communication system Application of payments made Sweeping penalties for failure to file income tax & E/Tax returns
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