JCOE League resources

Age Appropriate
Football Game
The Game for Children!
A manual for coaches, parents, teachers and volunteers which makes organizing football games for
children easy. Taken from the best practices around the world together with Football Association
Singapore playing philosophy, this manual is about children learning and having fun through the
game. The game being the best teacher.
Format Summary
Summary of playing formats
Playing Format
U 10
4 vs 4
7 vs 7
Field Size
30m x 20 m
40m x 30m
Penalty Area
8m x 16 m
Goal Size
Mini goal
4m x 2m
Ball Size
Goal Keeper
Playing Time
4 x 10mins
2 x 25mins
3 mins
5 mins
Game Leader
Formation 1-2-1(Diamond)
U 12
9 vs 9
60m x 40m
8m x 16m
4m x 2m
2 x 30mins
7 mins
Yes (only u12)
Major recommendations
- For teams under 11, no results are to be collected or published and no winner trophies to
be presented.
- At any game, only players from similar and a maximum of one lower or higher age group
can play in the same match
- Playing time is of the importance. When possible, each players must have an equal playing
time with the recommendation of at least 50% per player for each game.
- Coaches and parent to sign code of conduct for off field behaviour
- At all time, to promote sportsmanship
- Unless otherwise stated, the FIFA rules of the games follows
4 vs. 4 Starting Position (Diamond)
7 vs. 7 Starting Position (2-3-1)
9 vs. 9 Staring Position (3-2-3)
Game Rules
1) Field of play
Field must be rectangular in shape. There must be a clear division between the two halves.
Below is a guideline of the size of the playing area.
4 vs 4
7 vs 7
9 vs 9
30m by 20m
40m by 30m
55m by 35m
35m by 25m
50m by 40m
70m by 45m
Penalty area
4 vs 4
7 vs 7
9 vs 9
No penalty area
8m by 16m
8m by 16m
Either use markers or printed line markings
Goal size
4 vs 4
7 vs 7
9 vs 9
Minimum (Width x Length)
1.6m x 1.5m
4m x 2m
4m x 2m
Maximum (Width x Length)
3.6m x 1.8
4.8m x 1.6m
4.8m x 1.6m
Goal type
Goals, markers, cones & poles can be used (Ensure safety is adhere)
2) The ball
Age group
Under 8
Under 10
Under 12
Ball size
3) Number of players
4 vs. 4 (No goalkeeper)
That is the maximum number of players needed to play in this format. A match may not
start or continue if any of the teams has fewer than 4 players
Any number of substitutes may be used at any time with the permission of the game leader.
A player who has been substituted may return to the playing area as a substitute for
another player. Play must be stop and referee informed before a substitution can take
7 vs 7 (Inclusive goalkeeper)
That is the maximum number of players needed to play in this format. A match may not
start or continue if either team consist of fewer than five players.
Any number of substitutes may be used at any time with the permission of the referee. A
player who has been substituted may return to the playing area as a substitute for another
player. Play must be stop and referee informed before a substitution can take place.
9 vs 9 (Inclusive goalkeeper)
That is the maximum number of players needed to play in this format. A match may not
start or continue if either team consist of fewer than six players.
Any number of substitutes may be used at any time with the permission of the referee. A
player who has been substituted may return to the playing area as a substitute for another
player. Play must be stop and referee informed before a substitution can take place.
4) Playing equipment
Suitable material clothing. There must be a clear distinguished between teams as well as the
Shin guards must be worn and be covered entirely by the socks.
Correct and safe footwear to be worn dependant on the surface.
5) Referees
Age group
Under 8
Under 10
Under 12
Game Leader
6) Game duration
Playing format
4 vs 4
7 vs 7
9 vs 9
Per halves
10 minutes x 4
25 minutes x 2
30 minutes x 2
3 minutes
7 minutes
7 minutes
7) Start and restart of play
Kick off
A game is started with a kick forward to a team mate from the middle of halfway line.
- Opposition must be 4.5 metres away from the ball.
- If a player shoots direct from kick off and scores, the goal is not valid. Team has to restart
the game.
Restart after a goal
For 4 vs 4 format, the game will restart from anywhere along the goal line. A player can kick
or pass the ball into play.
- Opponent must retreat into their own half and can only move forward upon the ball is in
- If a player shoots direct into opponent goal and scores, the goal is not valid. Team has to
restart the game.
For 7 vs 7 & 9 vs 9 format, the restart takes place at the middle of the halfway line with the
team conceding the goal taking the kick off as per the start of the play.
8) Ball in and out of play
The ball is deemed out of play when it has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line on the
ground or in the air.
Ball crossing the touch line
For 4 vs 4 format, there will be a kick in from the touch line.
- The player can kick or pass into play.
- No goal can be scored direct from a kick in.
For 7 vs 7 and 9 vs 9 format, there will be a throw in (proper rules applies).
- A player may not touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player. If he
does, a free kick will be awarded against the player.
- No goals can be scored direct from a throw in. If that happens, goal kicks for the defending
Ball crossing the goal line with last touch from defending team
Corner kicks will be awarded for the attacking team.
- All kicks must be played short.
- A player may not touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player. If he
does, a free kick is awarded against the player
- No goals can be scored direct from a corner kick
Ball crossing the goal line with the last touch from attacking team
Goal kick is awarded.
For 4 vs 4 format, it can be taken anywhere along the goal line. A player can kick or pass the
ball into play.
- Opponent must retreat into their own half and can only move forward upon the ball is in
- If a player shoots direct into opponent goal and scores, the goal is not valid. Team has to
restart the game.
For 7 vs 7 and 9 vs 9 format, it can be taken anywhere inside the penalty area. Only the
goalkeeper can kick or pass the ball into play.
- Opponent must retreat into their own half and can only move forward upon the ball is in
- If a goalkeeper shoots direct into opponent goal and scores, the goal is not valid. Team has
to restart the game.
- Team with possession to restart if any of the above occurs.
9) Goalkeeper
For 4 vs 4 format, there is no goalkeeper. However coaches should discourage players from
standing in front of the goal.
For 7 vs 7 and 9 vs 9 format, a goalkeeper is allowed in the game. They are permitted to
handle the ball anywhere in the penalty area.
- To restart the play after making a save or gathering the ball, the goalkeeper can only throw
or roll the ball from their hands or play the ball on the ground with their feet.
- Team with possession to restart if the above is not followed.
10) Method of scoring
A goal is scored when the whole of the ball crossed the line. Should a proper goal post not
available and poles or cones are being used, a goal is scored when ball passed between the
two poles or cones without knocking them over.
11) Offside
4 vs 4
7 vs 7
9 vs 9
However an attacking team can only receive a pass inside
the opponent penalty box if the pass originates from
opponent half. Free kick against the player if pass
originates from team own half.
Normal rules applies
12) Fouls and misconduct
Free kicks
All free kicks are indirect.
- For the 7 vs 7 and 9 vs 9 format, any indirect free kicks inside the penalty area shall be
taken along the penalty box line.
- All defenders must be at least 4.5 metres away from the ball
Penalty kicks
- For 4 vs 4 format, a penalty kick is awarded when there is a deliberate hand ball or serious
act of foul play in the attacking half of the field.
- The kick will be taken 8 metres from the goal with an empty goal. All other players must
stand behind the kicker.
- for 7 vs 7 and 9 vs 9 format, a penalty is awarded when there is a deliberate hand ball
(except goalkeepers) or serious act of foul play took place within the penalty area.
- Kick will be taken 8 metres from the goal. A defending goalkeeper will defend the goal.
- Each player can take a successful penalty kick just once until all other players in his team
have successfully converted. (Applies in normal game duration)
For any offences, no card shall be issued. Coaches are to practice common sense to ensure
that the game does not escalate into a major issue. Coaches are encouraged to substitute a
player who is persistently making infringements or involved in an unsporting behaviour. The
referee may advise the coaches however final decision will be made by the coaches.
Field Layout (7 vs. 7)
Field Layout (9 vs. 9)
NFA Coaching Philosophy
All coaches shall enjoy working with youth and be development-oriented
All coaches shall commit to being a team player
All coaches shall be a complete role model that players aspire to be
All coaches shall focus on developing the person and not just the player
5. All coaches shall focus first on developing great individuals, so as to create a great
All coaches should consider players as equal partners
7. All coaches shall show interest in each player’s achievement and give regular
feedback on their level of performance
All coaches should be demanding but tolerant
9. All coaches must undergo a thorough process of planning, conducting and evaluation
on a daily basis
10. All coaches shall strive to create a positive learning atmosphere
11. All coaches shall undertake training methods to ensure evident progression in
players’ performance
12. All coaches shall take complete ownership over their program
13. All coaches shall recognize the importance of match analysis
14. All coaches shall use video analysis in the planning of training sessions
15. All coaches shall have a keen eye for detail
16. All coaches shall be knowledgeable in football related sciences
17. All coaches shall continuously strive to increase their knowledge
NFA Playing Philosophy
Level of performance is as important as result
Possession is an advantage
Positional play is the first and most important element of successful attacking
Pressure on the ball is the first and most important element of successful defending
5. All players are expected to keep ball on the ground as much as possible depending on the
game situation
All teams are expected to make the playing field as big as possible when in possession
All teams are expected to start build up from defensive third
All teams are expected to circulate the ball to prepare for penetration
All teams are expected to change and rotate positions
All players are expected to exploit space by intelligent running off the ball.
11 All players are expected to be creative in the right situations.
All teams to start team defending from midfield 3rd
10. All teams are expected to make the playing field as small as possible when opponent in
11 All teams are expected to apply immediate pressure upon losing possession
12. All teams are expected to execute to execute fast transition from Attack to Defence and
Defence to Attack
13. All players are expected to win both defensive and offensive 1v1situation
14. All teams are expected to practice block mobility
US Youth Soccer, Small sided games manual
Optus Small sided football handbook, Football Federation Australia
Their Game, Youth Football Development, English Football Association
‘7 vs 7’ The way to improve your game, Incorporating the principal of play. Football
Association Singapore