May 2015 - Jesuit Retreat House

Jesuit Retreat House
4800 Fahrnwald Road
Oshkosh, WI 54902
“For The Greater Glory of God”
Reflections Newsletter
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage
Oshkosh, WI
Permit No. 272
Volume2529• •No.
No.2 5• •Summer
May 2015
4800 Fahrnwald Road
Oshkosh, WI 54902
800.962.7330 (WI only)
e Jesuit Retreat House in Oshkosh, Wisconsin,
fosters spiritual enrichment rooted in the
Gospels, the Catholic tradition and the
spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Our
ministry is dedicated to creating a rich variety
of retreat experiences and providing an
atmosphere of quiet, peace and prayer in which
men and women of all faiths are encouraged to
discover and respond generously to God’s
personal invitation to wholeness and holiness.
Fr. McCaslin Memorial – Exceeded Our Goal
e special memorial tribute to Fr. Richard (Dick) McCaslin, S.J. to raise an additional
$25,000 for the new building project has been a true blessing. rough the generosity of
hundreds of retreatants and their families, the Fr. Dick memorial fundraising effort has
secured $26,840 or 107.36% of goal.
If you would still like to make a gi to remember Fr. McCaslin who died this past year,
there is still time. During the Grand Opening/Dedication/Farewell Celebration on
Saturday, July 11th, the final memorial check will be presented to the retreat house in
remembrance of Fr. Dick and to celebrate his 81st birthday which is July 16th.
Fr. Dick’s memorial funds will enhance the 2nd floor sun porch in the new Manresa to allow it to be used earlier
and later into each season.
For more information, contact the Development Office at either (920) 230-6992 or email
at [email protected] or [email protected].
“For The Greater Glory of God”
As I prepare to begin another sacred journey with the Lord, I would like to share with you
a passage from Scripture that always offers me great comfort, reassurance, courage, insight,
hope and companionship when I am unsure of what lies ahead. It is Matthew Chapter 14,
“e Calming of the Storm. “
ere are two parts to this passage. e first part is oen missed, but has become an
essential part of my prayer and the foundation for my relationship with Jesus. It states “Jesus
went up to the mountain top by himself to pray.” Over the past forty some years I have oen
gone to the hilltop to sit beside the Lord in prayer. On some occasions I am the one doing all
the talking while at other times I am the one who needs to listen. Many times we are
together in the silence feeling the gentle breeze coming off the lake or listening as the waves
crash into the shoreline.
e second part of the passage speaks about the apostles out on the lake being tossed about by the strong winds. Even
though they are fishermen they are filled with fear for they know that the boat could sink. It isn’t until they see Jesus
walking towards them on the water that they know they have nothing to fear.
For the past eight years I have been blessed to stand and pray with the Lord and all of you on the shoreline of Lake
Winnebago. Truly this is “Holy Ground.” ere have been times of great joy and times of great sorrow. ere have been
times of doubt and fear and times of great hope and trust.
Last April during discernment for the Leadership Team of my community I received two grace-filled blessings. e
first blessing happened when I asked Father Jack what was the grace I needed to pray for if I was going to leave my name
in to be considered for leadership? He simply said to me, “Pray for the grace of holy indifference.” What a powerful and
challenging grace to pray for. As you know it has changed the course of my life.
e second blessing has happened slowly throughout these past eight years. Being here with all of you every weekend
on retreat, along with the summer directed retreats, has allowed me to know in the depth of my being the power, and
gi, of silence and solitude with the Lord.
What I shared with my sisters in the final part of that discernment process was that I had been gone for eight years and
that they no longer knew me. I had changed because I had come to know my God.
Sometimes we need to step out of the boat and keep our eyes focused on Jesus so we can walk on the water together.
At other times we need to invite Jesus into the boat with us and allow him to calm our storms.
Know you will always be with me in the silence and the solitude.
Sr. Kerry Larkin, OSM
Taking Care of Our Debt
Gratitude abounds, as does God’s grace, as we look ahead to the coming years with our new
Looking at the beautiful buildings and soon-to-be landscaped grounds, and hearing the warm
response to the new facilities from the nearly 700 retreatants who have been here through April,
it’s been a real boost for those involved in the planning, and carrying out of the vision proposed
several years ago so that the Jesuit Retreat House on Lake Winnebago can meet retreatant needs
far into the future.
e $4.2 million raised from nearly 900 donors gives retreatants and staff a sense of pride as
we near the July 11 dedication and an even greater sense of humility. For we all realize that
today’s fruit not only is the result of our labor but the fruit of more than 50 years of selfless, faithful, and pioneering
dedication on the part of retreatants and staff who le us this legacy.
What remains to be paid – a loan of $2.5 million – will demand selflessness, faithfulness, and pioneering dedication as
well. We already made our first monthly debt payment, $18,417.24, and we need to be ready to do the same the 17th of each
month as long as needed. However, that is not the ideal scenario.
If we get rid of this debt within two years, and not the projected five to seven years, we will save from $200,000 to
$300,000 in interest that is otherwise lost to our retreat ministry. If you can help pay down this debt sooner rather
than later please use the enclosed envelope.
Keep us in your prayers, and we seek the intercession of Saint Joseph the Worker whose feast we celebrate this month, so
that the Jesuit Retreat House may bring greater glory to God.
Employee Spotlight Nov. 19-22
Retreat Director:
Trish Neuman –
Registrar to the
Trish Neuman, who grew up
in Hortonville, WI, and now lives
in Neenah WI, joined the Jesuit
Retreat House in August of 2010.
Her prior work background was as a house manager with
Casa Clare, a women’s residential treatment facility and as
a HR representative, records manager, and team leader with
Step Industries in Neenah. Trish is currently JRH’s
Administrative Assistant and Registrar to the Retreatants.
A friend directed Trish to JRH. “When I drove through
the gates and walked through the door, I was instantly at
ease,” commented Neuman. “e people are open and
amazing, both the staff and the retreatants. Retreatants
come to the retreat house hurting and tired. However, aer
a while you begin to see them relax and let go. I am truly
blessed to work here.”
Trish has three children, and six grandchildren ages
2 to 22. ey are her joy.
Grand Opening / Dedication / Farewell
Our retreats, which are based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, conclude with an apostolic
blessing for retreatants at the final Mass. e blessing springs from the official approval of the Spiritual Exercises
given by Pope Paul III in 1548, and is the Church’s means of encouraging and confirming retreats that are based
on the Spiritual Exercises. Pope Benedict XVI in 2008 lauded such retreats as “a strong experience of God,
sustained by listening to His Word, understood and welcomed in one’s personal life under the action of the Holy
Spirit, which in a climate of silence, prayer and by means of a spiritual guide, offer the capacity of discernment in
order to purify the heart, convert one’s life, follow Christ, and fulfill one’s own mission in the Church and in the
Retreatants, who have found that to be true over the years, have taken it upon themselves to invite others who
are seeking the same. When Fr. Dick McCaslin, S.J., was director he oen joked that a retreatant celebrating a
milestone of 10, 15, 20, or more retreats had yet to show “any discernable change.” Everyone, including the
retreatant, would laugh because all were aware of what a difference these retreats do make in ways that are seen
and unseen.
Underscoring the transformative effect that can take place during a retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises,
Pope Francis last year told a group of Italian retreatants, “He [or she] who lives the Exercises in a genuine way,
experiences the attraction, the fascination of God, and returns renewed, transfigured to ordinary life, to the
ministry, to daily relations, bearing within him [or her] the perfume of Christ.”
e Retreat Director for the
Women's 12-Step Retreat (#124)
on November 19-22, 2015 will be
Sr. Lorna Hays, IBVM. e
Retreat Director had not been
appointed by the time our 2015 Retreat Schedule was published in October 2014.
Sr. Lorna is a religious of the Institute of the Blessed
Virgin Mary and currently the Director, Adult Addictions
Services at Pillars in Hickory Hills, IL. Her recovery date is
October 20, 1973. Sr. Lorna has been directing retreats for
recovering persons over the last 25 years in the Midwest
RSVP by June 1, 2015
Fr. Chris Manahan, S.J.
A Fitting End
Sr. Lorna Hays, IBVM
Manresa Residential Wing & LaStorta
Conference Center
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Check the appropriate response below:
____ Yes, we will attend.
____ Total number attending
____ No, we are unable to attend
Join us as we celebrate a New Beginning!
We’ll also wish Fr. John Schwantes, SJ and Sr. Kerry
Larkin, OSM a fond farewell!
Name(s): _________________________________
Saturday, July 11, 2015 • JRH Sacred Ground
Name(s): _________________________________
10:00 am – Guests Arrival & Self-Guided Tours
11:30 am – Celebration of the Eucharist
12:45 pm – Welcome/Introductions/Speakers
1:30 pm – Lunch Buffet
3:00 pm – Self-Guided Tours
4:00 pm – Departure
Contact Info: Phone:________________________
*Please RSVP by Monday, June 1, 2015 for the Grand Opening / Dedication / Farewell by either mailing us the cut-out
Response Card or by calling (920) 230-6992 or by emailing
[email protected].
Email: ___________________________________
Please mail this form to:
Jesuit Retreat House
4800 Fahrnwald Road
Oshkosh, WI 54902