branding style guide < 2014 / 2015 > p. 2 Table of contents A message from myself p. 3 concept Main Ideas p. 4 Typography p. 5 Colour Scheme p. 6 logo Variations p. 7 Clear space p. 8 Usagep. 9 presentationp. 10 A Message from Myself Welcome to my style guide! Here I will layout all of the rules, the inspiration and the drive behind the brand identity that I have developed for myself. is a personal web-developer portfolio I have created to fit the style and personality of me, Jonathan Ferreira. In doing so I have taken time and careful consideration to how my brand is best represented. The inspiration for my brand comes from myself of course. From my personal taste to my future goals, the ingredients are all representations of myself. For example, the main colour scheme is a variety of reds. It also so happens; red is and always will be my favourite colour. Another example could be the bright text on a dark background. This resembles some styles of programs used to write code. Fitting for someone with the goals of being a web developer. The list goes on and this guide will further explain the brand of JFerreira. Using the information and rules outlined in this guide my brand will maintain a consistent look and feel. It will ensure the same effect across all different types of media. With the help of this style guide, will always be a full representation of myself. ge from m ys ssa el me f a Jonathan Ferreira a ge sa es m from my se lf p. 4 Concept Main Ideas • Large and engaging typography. Preliminary website sketches and brand brainstorming notes. • Single page with easy access to information. • Branding myself as “beginning a journey”. • Usage of icons and copy to resemble personality traits such as love of travel; • Usage of my personal favourite colours and typography. • Inspired by the theme of some coding programs. Logo sketches. End design is a product of two logo ideas combined. From paper to pixel, the concept of this brand started from scratch using a pen and some graph paper. Once a theme, colours, and type where chosen it was time to go digital. Through the digital design process the layout changed several times until this sharp angled, geometric style was decided upon. Concept p. 5 typography couture BOLD ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ COUTURE BOLD ITALIC ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ DISTRICT PRO THIN ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) The two fonts that are featured on are “Couture” and “District Pro”. While Couture is big, bold, and beautiful, District Pro is quite the opposite. This font is thin, simplistic, and clean. Together these two fonts offset each other nicely, which is why they have been chosen for the brand. Couture is used for headings, allowing them to be large and clearly visible. District Pro on the other hand is used for the copy, allowing the content to remain neat and clean. p. 6 CONCEPT colour scheme Hex: #D93636 R: 217 G: 54 B: 54 C: 9% M: 94% Y: 87% K: 1% Hex: #1A1A1A R: 26 G: 26 B: 26 C: 73% M: 67% Y: 65% K: 78% Hex: #8C2323 R: 140 G: 36 B: 36 C: 28% M: 96% Y: 91% K: 29% Hex: #FFFFFF R: 255 G: 255 B: 255 C: 0% M: 0% Y: 0% K: 0% Hex: #4C1313 R: 77 G: 18 B: 18 C: 42% M: 87% Y: 78% K: 65% Used for logo, background image, and links. Used for logo and background image. Used for outlines, borders, labels and header text. Used for logo text, copy, and icons. p. 7 Logo variations colour on dark background colour on Light background Border colour changes to #1A1A1A on light background. white black No outline when in black or white. Whenever possible the logo should always appear in colour, whether it is on a dark or light background. The information outlined above is how the logo correctly appears on different coloured backgrounds and in black and white (if for any reason the logo needs to appear that way). For colour specifications see p.6. p. 8 Logo clear space Above is the minimum clear space that allows the logo to look its best. This clear space should be used in both print and in web. *Wire details removed when scaled to minimum. 38.8 px 135.3 px Above are the minimum size the logo can be scaled too; any smaller and the colours and outlines begin to overlap each other. As well as the “J” becomes unreadable. *Note the wire pattern missing from the head icon. This is the only time the logo may be altered in anyway. p. 9 logo usage Do not remove the stroke, unless using black and white logo. Do not increase the size of the stroke. The size is always 1pt. Do not skew, distort, or rotate any single part of the logo or the logo as a whole. Do not recolour the logo unless using the black or white variations. Even if the colours match the scheme of the brand. No other styling effects should be added. Do not rearrange the order, add or subtract kerning from the logo. The space between the “head icon” and the “f” is always 4px. Also the head icon should never appear without the text. Do not place the logo on a similar or same coloured background. The logo should also not appear on any colour specified in the scheme other than the #1A1A1A and #FFFFFF variations; which is ideal. presentation p. 10 Jonathan Ferreira 519 - 902 - 4931 [email protected]
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