Jackson Lodge No.1 Free & Accepted Masons 2015 LODGE OFFICERS Worshipful Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Secretary Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Marshal Senior Steward Junior Steward Tyler Chaplain Historian Doyle Kemp Jason Johnson Lonnie Mayfield Ken Thurston Dave Tranchand P. M. Gerald R. Hammock Reaney Rushing Simeon Dekle Austin Little Jim Navarro Mark Early Dominick Scileppi Lee Kasten Florida’s Oldest Lodge Trestle Board PAST MASTERS OF JACKSON LODGE 1968 1969 1973 1974 1978 1981 1984 1985 1989 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1999 Earl M. Cotton. Jr. PDDGM&PDI R. Aaron Jordan PDDGM Maxwell V. Allen Cecil L. Oswalt W. Ben Hart L. Richard Kasten DDGM&PDI Ronnie D Strickland Nelson L. Hill S. Jack Carrouth Ronald L. Jones J. Daniel Faughn Richard J. Peterson, Jr. Lawrence S. Ferguson, III PDDGM James G. Jackson Roy E. Holland 2000 Michael A. Free 2001 Kenneth W. Davis 2002 David Frimmel 2003 limothy E. Hutchison 2004 Richard B. Bush 2005 Richard T. Simnons, PDI 2006 Simeon E. Dekle, Jr. 2007 Stephen M. Berry PDDGM 2008 Hugh W. Prine, Jr., 2009 Douglas G. Knowles 2010 KeiflerW. Lindsey, Jr .2011 Stan K. Lawrence 2012 David J. Tranchand 2013 Neil A. Alspach 2014George Schumacher PAST MASTERS OF OTHER LODGES WHO ARE MEMBERS OF JACKSON LODGE Don Bassett, PM Royce A. Watson, PM Dean F. Harwood, PDDGM W Doyle Kemp, Worshipful Master David J. Tranchand, PM, Secretary (850)519-1875 Jackson Lodge No.1, F&AM 2818 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, 32301-3608 Tel: (850) 877-2716 Email: [email protected] www.JL1.org FROM THE EAST Greetings my brothers all. While you are reading this Celeste and I are taking a short vacation break cruising through the Panama Canal with stops on the western side of Mexico and the United States. Please give your support to Senior Warden Jason Johnson as he conducts the next meeting in my absence. I commend the following Brothers for their efforts and accomplishments during our recent workday. John Kraniou, Sim Dekle III, Kerry Evans and his wife, Jerry Hammock, Jason Johnson, Lonny Mayfield and Bill Dunne. Some pictures of the workday are included. See more about the workday in the communication from Senior Deacon Jerry Hammock. We’re moving into a busy period for the Lodge with several activities being posted to the calendar and the beginning of two fund raisers be headed by Dan Faughn and Jason Johnson. I am looking forward to success in all areas as we have an excellent group of officers and other contributors. Also, the following opportunity is open to us and would like to see all officers attend this seminar along with any member who aspires to become an officer in the future. LEADERSHIP SEMINAR Brethren: I am conducting a Leadership Seminar that is meant to provoke thought and provide understanding about the most important appointed place in any Lodge along with the three highest elected stations in a Masonic Lodge. The Seminar will be hosted by and at Robert Butler Lodge on Wednesday, April 15th 2015. Dinner will start at 6:00 and the Seminar will begin promptly at 7:00pm. It is highly recommended that each of the officers presently sitting in the positions of Junior and Senior Deacons along with Jr. Warden and Sr. Wardens attend this seminar. Sitting Worshipful Masters along with other interested brethren are always welcome. It is my intent that the 7th Masonic District - Masters and Wardens Association take over this Seminar. I am hoping this Seminar becomes an annual event with different instructors for each topic each time the Seminar is given. The topics for this inaugural Seminar are as follows: Topics - Instructors will be different per topic Instructor Time Q&A Time Why do you want to be Worshipful Master? 7 to 10 min. 5 min. Volunteer organizations and commitment. 7 to 10 min. 5 min. Preparing for an Elected Office. 7 to 10 min. 5 min. What are the duties of each station? Material for this topic will not be MLT driven. 7 to 10 min. 5 min. When to plan your year as Worshipful Master? 7 to 10 min. 5 min. Why do you want Lodge Committees? 7 to 10 min. 5 min. How to manage the Lodge. 7 to 10 min. 5 min. Open Discussion – NOW, Why do you want to be Worshipful Master? No time limit Respectfully and Fraternally, Frank C. Kaminski R∴W∴B Frank C. Kaminski DDGM – 7th Masonic District 850-591-8837 [email protected] “Expect Perfection – Settle for Excellence” Fraternally, W∴Doyle W. Kemp 850-933-9141 [email protected] FROM THE SECRETARY In the past few days we rented the Lodge Room to two FSU fraternities that do not have permanent facilities on campus but need a venue to conduct initiation of new members. Both fraternities provided certificates of insurance from their national offices and security deposits. This is the third time we have rented the lodge room to these two groups. They have proven to be very respectful and responsible in using and caring for the Lodge’s property. The welcome revenue aside, it is my hope that exposing these young men to such a facility as ours will help build future masons. Lots of activities coming up! Make sure you check the calendar for items you may be interested in joining. Just to mention a few, our stated meetings are April 6th and 20th, according to Chop Bodiford we’ll have another Hoppin’ Flea Degree on April 25th for those of you who missed the last one, a Lodge Officers Meeting on the 26th and W∴Doug Knowles has scheduled several education activities for the next two months. The Appleby’s Fund Raiser is on Saturday May 9th. W∴David J. Tranchand, Lodge Secretary 850-519-1875 [email protected] FROM THE WEST Greetings and Blessings to you all my Brothers, Here we are at the beginning of April already and the Lodge is making good progress. There has been laughter and comradery in the lodge room and we are moving new Brothers through the degrees. We have our first major fundraiser in place. We will be selling tickets for a chance to win a Duck Commander Shotgun that was graciously donated by R.H. Rick Sirmons P.M. of Jackson Lodge. The tickets will be $10 each or 3 for $20. Following that will be a Smoked Boston Butt sale and more events for the 2nd half of the year. The proceeds will come in very handy in the months ahead as we start on some of the repairs that are desperately needed at the lodge. The funds will also come in handy as we work harder towards expanding out charitable participation in our community. My Brothers, these are two items that are very near and dear to me and I hope near and dear to you as well. As we enter into Masonry, we are taught form the beginning the importance of Charity to all mankind as well as the importance of being "Builders." Well, at the moment our charity efforts seem to be lacking. While we budget and give $100 a month to charity that sum amounts to an underwhelming $1200 annually, hardly the sum one would expect from Florida's Oldest Lodge. Our building as well is showing its age and is not indicative of the quality of character of our membership. I challenge each of you to take a walk around the grounds and see some of these signs of aging and neglect. You all know me well enough to realize that I truly wish that we can all point to our building, our membership, and to our efforts in the community and feel a sense of pride in what and who we are. Please join with me in taking pride in Jackson Lodge. I encourage all of you to get involved. I realize that many of you have been involved for many years and that others wish to be involved, but cable tows have a way of wrapping us up in day to day minutia. I want to stress that no effort is too small or insignificant. There are things that can be done to help our lodge that can fit into 99% of our members’ schedules and abilities. Nothing hurts me more than to hear from a Brother that he didn't feel welcome or invited. Brothers, this is "OUR" lodge and our reputations, everyone is invited and, quite frankly, obligated. So come on, come to lodge meetings, join a committee, grab a broom, or a phone, or ??? and join in the fellowship. I want you all to know that I am honored every day to tell someone that I am a member of Jackson Lodge No 1, and I am humbled to be able to serve the lodge in any way that I can. I hope that you will contact me, W∴Doyle, W∴Secretary David or any other officer with any concerns that you have. A problem cannot be solved until it is identified and we, of all societies, should be able to identify, discuss and solve whatever situation that we encounter. My Brothers, Fraternally and from my heart Brother Jason Johnson S.W. 850-728-6440 [email protected] FROM THE SOUTH Aloha, from the southernmost point in the United States. Sharon and I were blessed to spend spring break with my Daughter, Son-in-Law and Grandson over spring break on the Big Island of Hawaii. We are now at home now and recuperating from our travels. It is good to be home. Last month our Charity went to Corkys Cupboard at The Florida Masonic Home. This is an outreach for residents who need sundry items and health and beauty aids. It is funded completely by donations and is operated by the Masonic Home Service Guild who are members of Eastern Star. When I was looking for possibilities for Charities for April I ran across this interesting site. holidayinsights.com There is no end to potential ways to give charity. If you have a special need that you know of please feel free to let me know. "A man there was, though some did count him mad. The more he cast away, the more he had." John Bunyan Fraternal Kind Regards, Lonny Mayfield, Junior Warden 850-591-7307 [email protected] FROM THE 2015 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Here are the revised dates for upcoming Masonic Education Classes I will be conducting in April and May. Chairman Education Committee, 2015 April 12--- Due to Dr. John Nagy’s visit for the Building Better Builder’s Seminar at Butler Lodge on Saturday, April 11 we are postponing the education planned on this date. April 26---- No class for this date May 3--- Entered Apprentice @ 3pm and @ 4pm MM l May 24--- Fellow Craft Education @ 3pm and @ 4pm MM ll May 31—Master Mason Education @ 3pm and @ 4pm MM lll I will see about continuing the courses again in September. W∴Doug Knowles, PM, Committee Chair 850-212-0448 [email protected] FROM THE SENIOR DEACON On March 14th Jackson Lodge held its first successful work day of 2015. A special thanks to all that showed up and helped complete most of the tasks on the list. Especially Bill Dunne for organizing the day and getting all the supplies needed for the day. Although we accomplished quite a bit, unfortunately most tasks were minor compared to what still needs to be done. The lodge still has several major projects that we are going to tackle. Some of these include replacement of window cornices that are falling off or have fallen off, replacing rotted fascia boards, repainting the building, and much more. A four year plan has been established and will be outlined at the first stated meeting of April. This list includes what still needs to be accomplished and proposed fund raisers to help pay for the projects. As being stewards of Jackson Lodge, I can't stress the importance of everyone's support in the coming years. Jerry Hammock, Senior Deacon 850-294-5479 [email protected] Jackson Lodge Work Day March 2015 Brother Kerry Evans and his lovely wife Seeking “More Lighjt” ! Brother Evans and Brother Sr. Warden “I give to you this paint” Brother Sr. Deacon sure is happy about something Brother Sim Dekle III, “This is just like McGiver” !
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