F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E I N T R O D U C T I O N Wheel Alignment is one of the fastest growing businesses in the UK so if you’re thinking of getting started then John Bean has the product for you. The John Bean alignment range is probably the broadest in the UK; starting with the dynaliner laser aligners, available in wall-mounted or trolley versions. Workshops looking for a professional system that meets the accuracy and technical requirements set by vehicle manufacturers should choose from either the John Bean Prism or 3D digital imaging ranges. Hybrid Wheel Aligners: See the website for our full range of products The world’s first 100% portable imaging wheel aligner. Combining CCD and digital imaging technology for improved performance. The utilisation of two pods (Portable Device) on the rear axle and passive targets on the front eliminates problems with low front spoilers. The next step in wheel alignment. 3D Digital Imaging Alignment: A revolutionary alignment technology pioneered by John Bean’s parent company, Snap-on in the mid 1990’s. These systems offer the ultimate performance to price ratio. 3D Digital imaging uses the latest camera technology to capture a vehicle’s alignment in 3 dimensional space. Conventional run-out compensation is not required so full alignment readings can be achieved in less than three minutes. Moreover, no sensitive electronics are mounted to the wheels so there is minimal risk of damage to the equipment during operation. Our National Service Division Our directly employed network of UKAS & GEA accredited engineers are on hand to provide routine maintenance to keep your investment in the best working condition. With this experienced and dedicated team, the John Bean brand has an unparalleled reputation for providing the highest quality, excellent value and great service. Call us now... 01553 697233 TM Q u a l i t y a n d I n n o v at i o n S i n c e 1 9 0 4 John Bean is a trademark of Snap-on Incorporated. © Snap-on Incorporated 2015. All other marks are trademarks of their respective holders. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. Specifications are subject to change without notice. johnbean.co.uk F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E P R I S M R A N G E VISUALINER PRISM ELITE 42 - EEWAEU557BE1 Introducing the Visualiner Prism Elite 42. Accurate, flexible, easy to service. Do alignments quickly from virtually anywhere in your shop. Reduce the time required to perform corrective actions and rely on advanced, lightweight components that are designed with the technician in mind. PRO 42 is a high-resolution ICON based software program designed to provide the most effective use of information required by the technician. It has ALL the required functions in a one-touch program format to allow the technician to provide accurate and fast alignments. With its unique DIAGNOSTIC information it allows the technician to easily understand vehicle problems. Rolling run-out compensation of the vehicle With this software feature it is possible to perform run-out compensation without jacking up the vehicle. It is only necessary to roll the vehicle back and forth. Owing to this feature there is no need for changing vehicle height so that the analysis of measured data is absolutely clear to the operator. It is also possible to perform a four-wheel split position run-out compensation if the vehicle being measured is too long for the rack. Te c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n Measurement of vehicle dimensions This feature allows to measure set-back on front and rear as well as the wheel base. Wheel track difference of front and rear axles is also measured, the result is read out as axle offset. Those quick diagnostic features are an optimum supplement for customer services. Features • Computerised 4 wheel aligner • Windows operating system • B ackup/Restore of calibration & setup data Toe-out on turns Yes Caster and SAI Yes Clamping range 11-22" Wheel base 1200 - 5000 mm Ride height modified vehicle specs Yes Camber and toe turntable (caster frozen) Yes Camber and toe elevated (caster frozen) Yes Rear shims Yes Display / monitor 19" TFT • U niversal wheel clamp 11" - 22" (26" with adaptor) • Integrated help system Communication Bluetooth • 3D animations Measuring system Pods • Steering wheel holder • T ools, parts & adjustment instructions Power supply 230 VAC 1ph 50/60 Hz • Brake pedal depressor • C an be calibrated to THREE work areas • Advanced customer database • Long battery life • Printable before & after results Options • Vehicle specifications – 25+ years • Multiple units of measure • Front radius plates and rear slip plates • Custom vehicle specifications • Equalize toe adjustment available for existing 4 post lifts. Price on • Aligner system diagnostics • Rolling run out compensation application • Multiple print formats F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E 3 D R A N G E V3D LITE - EEWA544ALDX / EAA0321J19C The V3D Lite is a 3D car and LGV aligner featuring efficient camera technology with a moveable camera beam to follow the ramp. This wheel aligner comes with a TFT flat panel 19" screen and entry level software. The V3D Lite provides accurate, real-time measurements that reduce setup and measurement times while generating serious productivity benefits. Less time, more profit! Simple to use and a great space saving design, this aligner is great for small shops too. Features • With height moveable camera beam support (lift - flexible working height 0-2 m) • Control terminal with shelves for printer and PC plus additional storage space • 19" TFT Flat monitor • PC with Windows operating system and standard user software • Set of 4 universal wheel clamps - clamping range 11" - 22" • Colour printer Te c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n Toe-out on turns Yes Caster and SAI Yes • Built in loud speakers SAI elevated Yes • Power supply 230 V 50/60 Hz Steering angle max. Yes • Simple operation and quick accurate measured results Clamping range 11 - 22" • Complete and up-to-date OEM specs Ride height modified vehicle specs Yes EZ Toe® Yes A-arm adjust Yes Rear shims Yes Display / monitor 19" Communication Optical Measuring system 3D Power supply 230 VAC 1ph 50/60 Hz • 3D overall display • Cordless communication between targets and camera system • Standard accessories: brake pedal lock, steering wheel holder johnbean.co.uk F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E 3 D R A N G E Visualiner V3D1-X-Cel - EEWAEU565C9 The new John Bean X-Cel wheel aligners will help to make garage technicians alignment experts. These versatile aligners are easy to use, reduce correction times and increase shop efficiency. With the unique imaging alignment system, the John Bean X-Cel wheel aligners leverage patented imaging technology, to provide accurate real-time measurements that reduce set-up and measurement times and generate serious productivity benefits for garages. This proven technology combines with easy-to-use software to give professional garage technicians accurate readings in a matter of minutes. Ultra high resolution (UHR) cameras work as a coupled system to produce real-time alignment readings and diagnostic data. In less than 90 seconds the X-Cel wheel aligners use a new design in wheel targets and advanced software to provide 3D modelling of the wheel position, thus eliminating missed collision damage or mismatched tyres and wheels. The versatile wheel clamps with industry-proven grips provide a solid, worry-free attachment. The patented positioning procedure is applicable to a wide range of vehicles without hardware changes. No additional adaptors are needed to measure vehicles with custom wheels and tyres. Features Te c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n Toe-out on turns Yes Camber at zero toe (front axle) Yes Vehicle dimensions live Yes SAI elevated Yes Steering angle max. Yes Ride height modified vehicle specs Yes FrameCheck™ light-truck frame angle Yes • Optional drive-on camera for easy positioning of the vehicle on the lift Caster, camber, toe turntable live Yes • Complete and up-to-date OEM specs Caster, camber, toe elevated live Yes • Lift version incl. lifting equipment (flexible work level 0 –2.0 m) EZ Toe® Yes • Mobile terminal A-arm adjust Yes • 19" TFT wide-screen monitor, colour printer Cradle adjust Yes • 3D all readings screen Drag link adjust Yes Single tie rod adjust Yes Rear shims Yes Display / monitor 19" Communication Optical Measuring system 3D Clamping range 11 - 22" Power supply 230 VAC 1ph 50/60 Hz • Automated caster sweep • Vehicle Orientation Directional Indicator (VODI) guides the technician through the measuring process • PC with icon based platinum user software • Ultra high resolution cameras • Extra light ultra high resolution targets with universal wheel clamps 11"- 22" • 3D animation graphics • Live measurement of vehicle dimensions • EZ Toe for easy and convenient settings at maximum steering angle • A-arm adjustment • Cradle adjustment F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E 3 D R A N G E Visualiner V3D2-X-Cel - EEWAEU546C6 The V3D2 X-Cel has many of the great features of the V3D1-X-Cel but with some specification changes. The V3D2 features this time with a 22" TFT wide-screen monitor for enhanced visibility as well as featuring with John Bean’s “Platinum” software package. Furthermore it comes with the optional TIP (Target Imaging Pointer) for ride height measurement. Features • Vehicle Orientation Directional Indicator (VODI) guides the technician through the measuring process • PC with icon based platinum user software • Ultra high resolution cameras • Extra light ultra high resolution targets with universal wheel clamps 11" - 22" • Optional drive-on camera for easy positioning of the vehicle on the lift • 25 years plus of complete & up to date OEM specs • Lift version incl. lifting equipment (flexible work level 0 - 2.0 m) • Mobile terminal • 22" TFT wide-screen monitor, colour printer • Integrated OEM procedures • 3D all readings screen • 3D animation graphics • Advanced measurement of vehicle dimensions – live • EZ Toe for easy and convenient adjustment of toe on lock • EZ Access for measurement with demounted wheels • Optional TIP (target imaging pointer) for ride height measurement Te c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n Toe-out on turns Yes Steering angle max. Yes A-arm adjust Yes Camber at zero toe (front axle) Yes Clamping range 11 - 22" Cradle adjust Yes Advanced vehicle dimensions live Yes Ackermann angle Yes Drag link adjust Yes Rolling Radius / Tyre diameter Yes Ride height modified vehicle specs Yes Single tie rod adjust Yes Steering asymmetry with diagnostics Yes FrameCheck™ light-truck frame angle Yes Rear shims Yes Caster and SAI turntable Yes Caster, camber, toe turntable live Yes Display / monitor 22" TFT Caster trail Yes Caster, camber, toe elevated live Yes Communication Optical SAI Yes EZ Toe® Yes Measuring system 3D Toe curve change Yes Yes Power supply 230 VAC 1ph 50/60 Hz Scrub radius Yes EZ Access® caster, camber, toe with demounted wheels johnbean.co.uk F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E 3 D R A N G E V3400 - EEWAEU553B1 The wireless V3400 provides flexible installation, usage and mobility options. Patented digital camera tracking automatically adjusts to the height of the vehicle. PRO 42 user software: a high-resolution icon-based software program, with all the required functions in a one-touch program format, to provide unique diagnostic information. Comprehensive measurement features such as automatic caster sweep, rolling radius, cross diagonal measurement, A-arm adjust, cradle adjust and EZ Toe for easy toe adjustment of adjustment points difficult to access. Features • Bluetooth communication eliminates wires, eases installation and maximises mobility • Professional results and high productivity • Improved DigiSmart technology allows the high-resolution cameras to automatically, quickly and accurately track the targets • Three-camera design is ideal for installation in drive-through bays • Premium control terminal and 24in flatscreen monitor • New small and lightweight XD targets • Universal wheel clamps (AC100) with rim clamping range 11-22" • Alternatively self-centring AC400 quick wheel clamps: - Secure and consistent attachment owing to clutch limited clamping force - Securely attach the tyre without contacting the rim • Integrated OEM procedures • Easy installation and flexible configuration - Large, comfortable handle allows ergonomic use • TIP (Target Imaging Pointer) for ride height measurement - Durable and lightweight magnesium construction • Optional drive-on camera for easy positioning of the vehicle on the lift - Tyre diameter range 19-39" • Convenient mobility with optional mobility kit • Complete and up-to-date OEM specs Te c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n Total toe Yes Scrub radius Yes A-arm adjust Yes Track difference angle Camber at zero toe (front axle) Yes Max steering angle Yes Cradle adjust Yes Yes Track width (mm) 1219-2438 Drag link adjust Yes Advanced vehicle dimensions live Yes Wheel base (mm) 2007-4572 Single tie rod adjust Yes Rolling radius/tyre diameter Yes Ackermann angle Yes Rear shims Yes Steering asymmetry with diagnostics Yes Ride height modified vehicle specs Yes Display 24in TFT Caster and SAI turntables Yes Automatic ride height measurement Yes Network compatible (yes) Asanetwork Caster trail Yes FrameCheck™ light-truck frame angle Yes Data transmission type (cordless) Bluetooth SAI Yes Caster, camber, toe live turntables Yes Measuring system 3D SAI elevated Yes Caster, camber, toe live elevated Yes Clamping range of wheel clamps 11-22/19-39" Toe curve change Yes EZ Toe® Yes Power supply 230 VAC 1ph 50/60Hz F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E L A S E R R A N G E Wall Mounted Laser Aligner - A300-24 The John Bean wall mounted 4 wheel laser alignment system is a highly profitable and technically valuable tool that is a must for any garage in the business of vehicle servicing or tyres. Individual front and rear toe, rear thrust line, set back and steering wheel position can all be achieved in just a matter of minutes. The unit is designed to ensure that it is able to cover the vast majority of vehicles in the market, including rims from 12 inches to 23 inches. Features • Wheel rims - 12 inches to 23 inches • Easy mount clamps • Alloy friendly clamp contact • Automatic head recharge • Continual operation up to 8 hours • Turn plates included • Steering wheel clamp included • Brake pedal depressor included • Drop kit for low spoiler vehicles • Optional electronic caster / camber / KPI gauge Te c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n Aligner Measurement Ranges Re-chargeable Battery Packs Total Toe Toe Out 20 mm Battery Type Nickel Cadmium 4.8V 600 mAH Toe In 30 mm Re-Charge Life 1000 cycles min. (lEC 285) Individual Toe 10 mm Storage + 50 C to 250 C Set Back Up to 60 mm Usage 10 hours capacity, continuous use Vehicle Measurement Ranges Docking Station Rim Diameter: (Dependant on tyre diameter) 10" - 23" Voltage 17 VDC Maximum Maximum Tyre Diameter 35" (890mm) AD Panel Light Source 30W fluorescent tube 900mm Wheelbase 1500 mm - 4000 mm Laser Track Width 1000 mm - 2500 mm 635nm 1mw maximum output Power Supply Voltage johnbean.co.uk 230 VAC 50Hz (110VAC optional) Class 2 F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E L A S E R R A N G E Trolley Mounted Laser Aligner - A350-24 The John Bean 4 wheel laser alignment system trolley is a highly profitable and technically valuable tool that is a must for any garage in the business of vehicle servicing or tyres. Individual front and rear toe, rear thrust line, set back and steering wheel position can all be achieved in just a matter of minutes. The unit is designed to ensure that it is able to cover the vast majority of vehicles in the market, including rims from 12 inches to 23 inches. Features • Wheel rims - 12 inches to 23 inches • Easy mount clamps • Alloy friendly clamp contact • Automatic head recharge • Continual operation up to 8 hours • Turn plates included • Steering wheel clamp included • Brake pedal depressor included • Drop kit for low spoiler vehicles • Optional electronic caster / camber / KPI gauge Te c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n Aligner Measurement Ranges Re-chargeable Battery Packs Total Toe Toe Out 20 mm Battery Type Nickel Cadmium 4.8V 600 mAH Toe In 30 mm Re-Charge Life 1000 cycles min. (lEC 285) Individual Toe 10 mm Storage + 50 C to 250 C Set Back Up to 60 mm Usage 10 hours capacity, continuous use Vehicle Measurement Ranges Docking Station Rim Diameter: (Dependant on tyre diameter) 10" - 23" Voltage 17 VDC Maximum Maximum Tyre Diameter 35" (890mm) AD Panel Light Source 22W fluorescent tube 600mm Wheelbase 1500 mm - 4000 mm Laser Track Width 1000 mm - 2500 mm 635nm 1mw maximum output Power Supply Voltage 230 VAC 50Hz (110VAC optional) Class 2 F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E A L I G N M E N T S P E C I A L I S T S Buying a John Bean Wheel Alignment system is a great decision. Not only are you getting one of the world’s leading products in Wheel Alignment, you’re also giving your business a great opportunity to not only take care of your customers but grow your investment into a profitable business. With nearly 80 years’ experience in the aftermarket business and over 60 years in Wheel Alignment specifically, John Bean has a wealth of knowledge and support available to you via our Wheel Alignment Specialists. Our team of Wheel Alignment Specialists will guide you through how to get the most from your Wheel Aligner, from choosing the right unit for your business, hands-on training and product support including a host of additional support materials. At John Bean we believe that one of the keys to success in today’s market is training. When purchasing any John Bean Wheel Aligner we will provide you with on-site user training to get your wheel alignment business up and running and ensure you get the very best out of your investment. We’ll show you how to navigate and use your Wheel Aligner to the best of it’s capabilities, and help you understand how your unit can make your workshop more profitable. During your training you will receive a comprehensive Wheel Alignment Guide booklet, that you will be able to refer back to when you are in your workshop. For more information or to find out about our additional Advanced Training Courses please call - 01553 697233. *On-site user training is provided after install and will be held on site as part of your sales package. Advanced user training courses available at an additional cost. FAST • ACCURATE • EASY • PROFITABLE JOHN BEAN WHEEL ALIGNMENT johnbean.co.uk F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E M A R K E T I N G P A C K We Care About ! t u o b A e r a c u o Y What Marketing Pack - EAK0254L30A At John Bean we have just launched a driver safety awareness programme, which aims to make motorists aware of the risks that result from improper wheel alignment. Branded as, ‘We Care About What You Care About’, it outlines how wheel misalignment can affect safe road handling and increase fuel consumption. With the UK’s pothole ridden roads causing wheel misalignment on millions of vehicles and fuel prices forever on the increase, we at John Bean are calling on motorists to get their vehicles wheel alignment checked out. DID YOU KNOW... Improper Wheel Alignment: • Increases fuel consumption • Increases tyre wear • Reduces your safety on the road With increased fuel prices and safety awareness on the road your customers can’t afford not to get a wheel alignment check. Marketing pack includes: • A2 wheel alignment posters • 3m wide outdoor / indoor vinyl banner • DL sized information leaflets with acrylic dispenser (not shown) Let uS help keep your cuStomerS SAfe! Get our marketing pack today & help sell the benefits of Wheel Alignment F A S T. A C C U R AT E . E A S Y. P R O F I T A B L E G E T Y O U R S T O D A Y TM Advances in vehicle chassis technology demand advanced wheel alignment technology. That’s why at John Bean our 3D Wheel Aligners enable technicians to diagnose and repair any vehicle entering the workshop...FAST! More than just alignment John Bean wheel Aligners will also identify chassis problems due to kerbing and pothole damage that often result in replacement suspension and steering components. That’s great customer service and good news for your business. WANT TO MAKE £100K PLUS? See why you should invest in 3D... IT’S FAST... OEM readings in just 3 minutes IT’S ACCURATE... 3D wheel alignment technology gives you accurate readings every time IT’S EASY... User friendly colour graphical display guides the technician with chassis adjustment instructions IT’S PROFITABLE... 3D wheel alignment offers great profit potential to workshops JUST ONE ALIGNMENT PER WEEK COULD COVER THE COST OF THE UNIT* *Example based on a 5 year lease plan. John Bean is a trademark of Snap-on Incorporated. © Snap-on Incorporated 2015. All other marks are trademarks of their respective holders. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ◄ Scan this code to view our full range of products on the John Bean website TM Denney Road, King’s Lynn, Nor folk PE30 4 H G tel: +44 (0) 1553 697233 - fax: +44 (0) 1553 697254 email: [email protected] - johnbean.co.uk IS A BRAND WITHIN
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