Spring 2015 - John Marshall Alumni Association Los Angeles

John Marshall High School
Alumni Association Newsletter
3939 Tracy Street, Los Angeles, California 90027
Spring 2015
Volume 35 • Issue 1
Our 2015 Distinguished Alumni
Awardee - Don Bachardy
Born in Los Angeles, California, Don Bachardy grew up in Atwater and
graduated from John Marshall High School in the Summer Class of 1952.
Bachardy studied at the Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles and the Slade
School of Art in London. His first one-man exhibition was held in October 1961
at the Redfern Gallery in London. He met the writer Christopher Isherwood on
Valentine’s Day 1953, when he was 18 and Isherwood was 48. They remained
together until Isherwood’s death in 1986. A number of paperback editions of
Isherwood’s novels feature Bachardy’s pencil portraits of the author. A film about
their relationship, titled Chris & Don: A Love Story, was released in 2008.
Don has had many one-man exhibitions in Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Seattle, Houston and New York. More recently, he exhibited at the Huntington
Library in San Marino, California, in 2004.
His works reside in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of
Art in New York, the M.H. de Young Memorial Museum of Art in San Francisco,
the University of Texas, Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San
Marino, California, the University of California, Los Angeles, the Fogg Art
Museum of Harvard University, Princeton University, the Smithsonian Institution,
and the National Portrait Gallery in London.
Continued on page 8...
JMHS Academic Decathlon Team
Wins 3rd Place In City
The John Marshall High School Academic Decathlon Team won 3rd
Place in the Los Angeles Unified School District’s competition held
on January 31 and February 7. First and second places went to our
friendly rivals Granada Hills and El Camino Real high schools,
This year’s stellar group of decathletes includes: Hanul “Christopher”
Choe, returning city champ Kenneth Huh, Brian Lee, Raymond Lobaton,
returning city champ Alayna Myrick, David Ornelas, Bruce Perez, and
Gilbert Walker. The team took 4th place at the State Finals.
Should you wish to make a donation to help this program thrive,
please send your contributions to the alumni association. Please
make checks payable to JOHN MARSHALL HIGH ALUMNI
ASSOCIATION and send to P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039.
Put the name of the program to which you are donating in the MEMO
section of your check (Academic Decathlon).
The Academic Decathlon Team at Roybal HS with
Coach Welch, Principal Patricia Heideman, Assistant
Principal Barry Allwright, and Music Coach James
Page 1
Since the Alumni Association’s first newsletter in
1980, our aim has been
to keep alumni connected
and informed. Before there was Facebook
or Twitter, there was an alumni newsletter!
We kept up with the stellar accomplishments
of our historic school. We shared moments
of triumph of former and current Barristers.
We shared the grief of losing old friends and
As the years went by, the number of alumni
receiving the newsletter grew. Unfortunately,
so did the costs of producing newsletters.
Now, thirty-five years later, we face a dilemma.
The rate of donations to the association has
not kept pace with the rate of inflation.
We send out approximately 11,000 newsletters each time to alumni all around the
world. However, not all of these recipients
are dues-paying members of the association.
Our policy has always been to keep in touch
with all alumni for whom we have an address.
Other alumni associations only send their
newsletter to dues-paying members.
We have already instituted some cost-cutting strategies. We used to send three newsletters per year and now we only send two.
We encourage our alumni to request the
newsletter electronically, and about 1,000 of
you have responded to that suggestion. We
continue to solicit advertising from our alumni
to offset some of the costs of publication.
The cost per issue is about $7175. That
includes printing, postage, and paying for
returned newsletters with bad addresses.
If you are not current in your dues, please
consider signing up now. A mere $25 per year
would help us to keep sending the newsletter
to everyone on our list. Check the address label on your newsletter to determine your dues
status. If you are a life member, a “sweetheart” donation toward the newsletter would
be deeply appreciated.
You can pay your dues by check to our
post office box or by PayPal if you have an
account. Go to www.paypal.com and send
your payment to [email protected]
with a note in the comment box that indicates
what the donation is for.
We take very seriously our mission of
keeping alumni connected. With your help
we can continue to do so.
Ynez Herrera Reinschmidt, Class of S’59
Page 2
of Events
Board Meetings & Important Dates In 2015
All Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the
month at 6:30pm in room 504 unless otherwise noted.
Tuesday, May 5
Board Meeting
*Thursday, May 21
Senior Awards Night
*Monday, May 25
Memorial Day (school closed)
*Saturday, May 30
Grad Night
Tuesday, June 2
Board Meeting
*Thursday, June 4
Graduation At The Greek Theatre/ Distinguished Alumni Luncheon
*Saturday, June 20
Endless Summer Picnic
*Saturday, June 27
Family Pitch & Putt Golf Outing
Tuesday, July 7
Board Meeting (off campus)
Tuesday, August 4
Board Meeting (off campus)
*Monday August 17
New School Year Begins. Pupil- Free Day. (staff breakfast)
*Friday, September 4 Admissions Day Holiday (no school)
*Monday, September 7 Labor Day Holiday (no school)
Tuesday, September 8 Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 6
Board Meeting
*Friday, October 30 Homecoming (tentative)
Tuesday, November 3 Board Meeting
*Wednesday, Nov. 11 Veterans Day (no school)
Tuesday, December 1 Board Meeting
*Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Annual General Meeting
*Denotes special event or date change.
All dates subject to change.
Please contact us by e-mail at [email protected]
or call 323-953-6542 to
confirm dates and locations.
Would You Prefer An Electronic PDF
Copy Of The Newsletter?
If you would prefer to receive your newsletter by e-mail (PDF) format,
please send your name (at graduation), year you graduated, and your
e-mail address to Joe Buford ‘74 at [email protected] and we
will send it to you through cyberspace instead of your mailbox!
Check Out Our New Website!
The Alumni Association now has an official
website! Please go to:
Order Your Alumni Keepsakes Now!
The Alumni Association is offering some very special keepsakes for JMHS grads. For a specified donation, you can order
an Alumni polo shirt, baseball cap, or any of three ornaments now available in a series. You can order one or all of them using
the form below. Caps are one-size fits all. Short-sleeved polo shirts are 100% preshrunk cotton. All Keepsake Ornaments are
made of real pewter and weigh less than 3 oz. each. Any of these will make a great gift for a fellow classmate or alum from
any year!
You may now order your merchandise with Pay-Pal at [email protected]
Be sure to list your order in the comment box.
80th Anniversary
Polo Shirt:
Johnny Barrister
For a donation of $25 per shirt
Polo Shirt
($27 for 2X, 3X, or 4X) Choice of Royal or Navy Blue
Small (34-36) #____
Medium (38-40) #____
Large (42-44) #____
(2X) #____
(3X) #____
(4X) #____
X-large (46-48) #____
For a donation of $18 per ornament
80th Anniversary #____
Johnny Barrister #____
Baseball Cap: (one size fits all)
“M” #____
For a donation of $16.50 per cap. # of caps _____
(Shipping And Handling Included In All Donations)
Total donation for Shirts $ ____________ + Caps $ ____________ + Ornaments $ _________
Total donation enclosed $ ____________
Make check out to: John Marshall High Alumni Association, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Name __________________________________________________________________ Class of ________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________________________________________
Phone # _____________________________ E-mail address _____________________________________________
Page 3
Jose Vargas W’43
September 3, 1924 - September 22, 2014
Jose Vargas, Class of W’43, and president of the JMHS Alumni Association from January
1997 through December 1998, passed away on September 22, 2014, after a long illness. He
was 90 years old. Jose earned his degree from UCLA and spent his career mostly in the nonprofit/social services sector. During Jose’s tenure as president, he encouraged the Alumni
Board to expand the range of activities for alumni and contributions to the school.
Among the projects of which Jose was most proud was the association’s donation to the
Marshall Woodshop Class so that they could participate in Habitat for Humanity, building
homes for the homeless. Also, it was during his term that the football stadium was named in
honor of Marshall’s only NFL Hall of Famer, Mike Haynes ’71.
In 2002 Jose arranged for a diploma to be presented to Manabu Sakamoto, who would have
graduated in the Class of 1943. Unfortunately, Manabu and his family, Japanese-Americans,
were uprooted from their home, along with thousands of other Japanese-Americans, after the attack on Pearl Harbor on
December 7, 1941. They were placed in a heavily restricted environment for the duration of World War II. During his
time in the relocation camp, Manabu continued his education. As soon as he could, he enlisted in the US Army to serve
the country of his birth as part of the US Army of Occupation in Germany. Manabu returned to the US, attended UC
Berkeley, and earned his degree in Landscape Architecture. He had a successful career serving the state of California
Highway Department by designing the landscaping of the freeways throughout the state. But he missed having a high
school diploma.
Jose and fellow classmate Paul Jacobs met with then Principal Tom Abraham, who made the arrangements for Manabu
to graduate with the Class of 2002 at the Greek Theatre. Manabu, in a brief speech to the graduating class, expressed
his appreciation for this act of “delayed recognition.” It was a proud day for Jose and for the entire alumni association.
Jose inspired his fellow alumni with his innovative ideas and energy. Coming from many years as an administrator in the
non-profit sector, he brought a fresh perspective to the alumni association.
His was a life dedicated to social justice and community service.
Jose leaves his beloved wife, Frances, their seven children, and sixteen grandchildren.
Michael Carone S’38
October 13, 1920 - January 4, 2015
Michael Carone passed away on January 4, 2015 at the age of 94. He will be remembered
for his love of his family and for his commitment to serve his community and his country. He
was born in Los Angeles on October 13, 1920.
Mike graduated from John Marshall High School in the Summer Class of 1938 and
continued to support the school in many ways. Mike was named the 1993 Distinguished
Alumnus, not only for his charitable work for Marshall but also as founder and president
of Mikron Products, Inc. He was an engineer, an inventor, an innovator, and a community
Mike was on the John Marshall High Alumni Board of Trustees for many years, organizing
his class reunions and spearheading the 1995 major campaign to raise funds for the restoration of the 1937 Joseph M. Sniffen Auditorium. He personally wrote 3000 letters to alumni,
asking for donations to refurbish the auditorium. Hoping to raise $15,000 to paint the interior, Mike was overwhelmed with
the response to his letter. Alumni sent in $85,000, which Mike used to make a number of additional repairs in the auditorium. Mike set up a fund with the remainder of the donations for future use. His loyalty to his alma mater and contributions
in serving on the Association Board, plus his heartwarming and extremely successful fundraising efforts, were unparalleled.
He made school life better for many students, and these results will last for generations. His interest in people and delightful
personality charmed us, in addition to the wisdom he shared with us.
Mike’s legacy is one of love of family and commitment to service. His was a life well-lived and he will live on in the hearts
of those who knew and loved him.
JMHS Turns 85 In January 2016!
Stay tuned for Celebration Information...
Page 4
Come Out And Join Us!...
11th Annual “Endless Summer” Picnic
Saturday, June 20, 2015 • 10am-4pm • Griffith Park
Below The Merry-Go-Round (Carousel) Crystal Springs
Come one, come all to the 2015 “Endless Summer” Picnic. It’s FREE and open to all Barristers
(and their families) of any year! If you would like a “Johnny Barrister” nametag, please contact
Joe Buford at [email protected], or call him at 951-371-8019.
There will be an optional potluck. We do not know if the grills will be available, so plan
accordingly. If you would like to bring something, please let Stephanie Corrales know at
[email protected].
For the latest information on the picnic, other information
from the JMHS Alumni Association, or just to reconnect with
other JMHS Grads, you can go to our Facebook page at
You can also connect to us and look for events on the official JMHS Alumni website
at http://johnmarshallalumniassnla.org/.
Family Pitch & Putt Golf Outing!
Saturday, June 27, 2015 • 9am • Los Feliz 9-Hole Course
3207 Los Feliz Blvd (next to the LA River)
Dust off those golf clubs and join us for a family pitch & putt golf day at the famous
Los Feliz 9-Hole golf course on Saturday, June 27 starting at 9am! Players of ALL ages
and abilities are welcome to play. For those who are not familiar with the course, the
beautiful Los Feliz Par-3 has nine holes. The shortest hole is 90 yards and the longest
is 135 yards. After golf, you can try your skills on the obstacle laced putting green we
will set up. Prizes will be awarded for winners on the golf course and putting green
competition. Entry fee includes golf and lunch. Please choose lunch choices below for
each person who will be playing. Proceeds will help the Alumni Association in all that
they do for JMHS. See ya there!
Pitch & Putt Golf Outing
$45 per person
For more information, please e-mail [email protected] or call the Alumni Office at 323-953-6542
Please return by June 20th. Send tear-off to: JMHS Alumni Assn, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Make checks payable to: John Marshall High Alumni Assn. Mark “GOLF” in memo section
Name and year of graduation: _______________________________________________________________________
Names of additional guests:__________________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number:____________________________E-Mail Address:_______________________________________
Please indicate choice of lunch (check one for each player) All lunches include a drink
Cheeseburger & fries or salad ______ Chicken Ceasar Salad _____ Chicken Shawarma & fries or salad _____
# of players_____Amount enclosed $_______
Page 5
Keeping The Dream Of College Alive!
When the John Marshall High Alumni Association first incorporated in 1979, one of the major goals was to give scholarships to deserving students to continue their education. Over the years we have awarded thousands of dollars through
scholarships for students planning careers in specific fields, for talents in music and the performing arts, for school and
community service, athletics, and more.
Some of these scholarships were created by alumni to honor the achievements of Marshall graduates or to remember a
special teacher who had passed away. Some came from the estate of a deceased graduate but most have been funded by
donations from friends, classmates, and family.
Now, as we enter our 36th year of service to our alma mater, we find that some of these scholarship funds have been
depleted. We are reaching out to our alumni family to help us with donations so that we might continue to give these
scholarships and keep the legacy alive.
If you would like to contribute to a particular fund or to create a new scholarship, please contact the alumni association.
Here is a list of our scholarships – should you wish to contribute to one or more of these, please indicate in the memo
section of your check the name of the scholarship account. You may also use PayPal and write the name of the fund in the
comment section.
There are twenty-seven scholarships totaling $11,400 per year.
Name Of Scholarship
2014 Recipient
Alumni Book Award
Tiffany Chan
Jonathon Jay Daughter of Thomas Chan ‘83
Son of Bruce Jay ‘71
Andrew Ciesielski Football
Javier Fernandez
In honor of the late alumnus and coach
Christian Rodriguez Scholar
Athlete Award
David Nimatuj-Toc
In honor of a very special graduate
Dan Lucci Memorial
Science Scholarship
Danilo Gonzalez
In memory of the late Science teacher
Ma Angelika Ringor
Edward Clarke Academic
Jose Arevalo
Funds depleted
Silvia Ordonez
Gerald J. Winesburg Theatre
Scholarship (Acting)
Andres Maldonado
In memory of the late Theatre teacher
Joanne Gabrielson Community
Raquel Matamoros
Light Scholarship
In memory of one of our
“Citizens to Save Marshall High”
John Tavis Engineering or
Abir Rahman
Science Scholarship
Endowed by his family to honor the $100
1936 grad who desingned parts of the space shuttle and Viking Lander
John Wooley Track Scholarship
Andrew Jasmin Created by his wife to honor the
Class of 1949 track star
Lee Brian Yoshioka Memorial
Angel Lerma
Baseball Scholarship
Created by the Lee-Ramirez family
in memory of the late scholar/athlete
Leigh Frances Sutton Nancy Nunez
Memorial Scholarship
Created in memory of the late alumna
‘78, an outstanding athlete
Leighton Winesburg Theatre
Scholarship for Stagecraft
In memory of the late student director
Page 6
Zachary Skelton
Name Of Scholarship
2014 Recipient
Leval Lund Engineering
Abir Rahman
In memory of the beloved Alumni Assn.
Board Member
Mike Haynes Football Scholarship Alexander Guillen
Named for the Class of ‘71 NFL Hall of
Famer; Alex was captain of the Football
Team, HC King, and a member of the
City and National champ Academic
Decathlon team!
Patricia Morey Scholarship
Czarina De La Torre
Endowed by Ms Morey ‘40 for an outstanding young woman
Ralph Meginnis Scholarship
Nancy Sorto-Sorto
Janet Shin
Student Body President Commissioner of Elections
Ralph Yzguerra Memorial
Basketball Scholarship
Andrew Jasmin
Wendy Lo
Funded by the annual Alumni Basketball Games
Roger Goulet Award
Angelica Macaspac
for Excellence in English for a student
from King MS in memory of late English
Ted Nicholas Spirit Award
Clarisandra Rios
Senior Class President; established
by Robin Nicholas and Joanna Erdos
to honor Ted’s commitment to school
Dean Dill Athletic Scholarship
Cross Country and Track & Field
Antonio Corona-Sanchez
Cynthia Wong
Lee-Ramirez Family Scholarship
Given by a family of three, mother, father, $500
and daughter, all JMHS graduates.
For athletics or Leadership for at least two years. Michael Mussa S’62 Scholarship Established
The legacy of Michael Mussa, Class of 1962, includes a scholarship fund established this year. Michael had a successful
career in the field of Economics and the two scholarships will be awarded to students planning to major in Economics and
After Michael graduated from Marshall, he earned his undergraduate degree from UCLA and then his PhD in economics
from the University of Chicago. He taught at the University of Rochester and also at the graduate school at the University
of Chicago, the City University of New York, the London School of Economics, and the Graduate Institute of International
Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
He was one of three members of President Ronald Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers from 1986 to 1988. He was
also chief economist for the International Monetary Fund from 1991 to 2001.
According to a statement from the International Monetary Fund, “Mussa contributed widely and influentially to economic
theory and empirics, and served as the Fund’s Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department from 1991
to 2001. During his career, Mussa studied extensively the macroeconomic problems inherent to open economies. Furthermore, he applied his knowledge to the design of economic policy and prevention of crises for developing and developed
countries. His contributions inspired many economists in the academic world and at the IMF.”
Booth University Emeritus Professor Robert Aliber remembers, “Mike was brilliant—and fearless, always ready to
challenge his older colleagues and to provide guidance to MBA and PhD students. His technical competence was superb,
but he was one of the few with these skills who had a strong sense of relevance. Mike had a keen sense of policy, and how
ambitious one might be in advancing policy reforms. He was remarkable in his understanding of public finance, monetary
theory and policy, international trade and international money. Few matched his breadth as a one-person department.”
Michael passed away in January of 2012.
Page 7
2015 Distinguished Alumni Awardee Don Bachardy
Continued from page 1...
Six books of his work have been published. His life and works are also documented in Terry Sanders’ film The Eyes of
Don Bachardy. He collaborated with Isherwood on Frankenstein: The True Story (1973). His book Stars in My Eyes (2000),
about celebrated people whom he had painted, became a number one best-seller in Los Angeles. Bachardy’s
most haunting and eloquent published collection, “Last Drawings of Christopher Isherwood” in 1990 contains the dying and
deceased Isherwood for the last time in his eyes. One of Bachardy’s most notable works is the official gubernatorial portrait
of Jerry Brown that hangs in the California State Capitol Museum.
In 2009, Bachardy made a cameo appearance in the movie A Single Man (starring Colin Firth) based on Isherwood’s
book of the same name—he portrays a professor in the teacher’s lounge, to whom Firth says “Hello. Don.” Bachardy told
Angeleno Magazine in their December 2009 issue: “Chris got the idea for that book when he and I were having a domestic
crisis. We’d been together 10 years. I was making a lot of trouble and wondering if I shouldn’t be on my own. Chris was
going through a very difficult period (as well). So he killed off my character, Jim, in the book and imagined what his life would
be like without me.”
Bachardy still lives in his and Isherwood’s Santa Monica home (his place of residence for over 50 years), where he paints
portraits for gallery shows and on a commission basis. In January 2010 he showed a retrospective of self-portraits (from
1959–2009) at Craig Krull Gallery in Santa Monica. In the Fall of 2011, Bachardy exhibited portraits made over the last 40
years depicting artists from Southern California, including Peter Alexander, Larry Bell, Billy Al Bengston, Robert Irwin, Ed
Moses, and Ed Ruscha at Craig Krull Gallery in conjunction with the Getty initiative Pacific Standard Time. All 33 paintings
were purchased by a New York collector on the board of the Whitney Museum.
Don has published several books of his drawings, including his newest volume called Hollywood, in 2014. It features
more than 300 portraits of Tinseltown luminaries both classic (Marlene Dietrich, Rita Hayworth) and contemporary
(Jack Nicholson, Robert Downey Jr.), the bulk of which have never been published before. “My favorite part of any portrait
is always the mouth,” he says. “Of course eyes are more telling than anything else, but the mouth is where the personality
of a person most expresses itself.”
Mr. Bachardy will speak at the Commencement Ceremonies to be held at the Greek Theatre on June 4, 2015. He will also
be the guest of honor at a luncheon following the ceremony. If you wish to attend the luncheon, please fill out the tear-off
below and send it in.
Distinguished Alumni Luncheon RSVP • Don Bachardy
Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 11:30am • Les Freres Taix Restaurant
1911 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026
$30 per person / no host bar
For more information, please e-mail [email protected] or call the Alumni Office at 323-953-6542
RSVP by May 30th by sending tear-off to: JMHS Alumni Assn, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
You may pay by check or online using PayPal if you have an account. Go to www.paypal.com and send your payment to
[email protected] with a note in the comment box that the payment is for the Distinguished Alumni
Luncheon – please also send the tear-off indicating choice of entrée
Name and year of graduation: _______________________________________________________________________
Name of additional guests:__________________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number:____________________________E-Mail Address:_______________________________________
Please indicate choice of entree: Chicken ______ Fish _____ Vegetarian _____
Make checks payable to: John Marshall High Alumni Assn. Mark “DAL” in memo section # of tickets_____
Amount enclosed $_______ or Payment by PayPal $_______
Page 8
Reunion Corner
All classes are invited to list their reunions in our newsletter. First, you should call the office at 323-953-6542 or e-mail
us at [email protected] to see whether or not someone else has already started one for your class. If they
haven't, you may request our packet on How to Organize a Reunion. Second, for a class list, please send a $25 check
to John Marshall High School Alumni Association, P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039. You will be asked to sign
a release guaranteeing the privacy of our list. Please note: we do not endorse any specific reunion companies, nor do
we plan your reunion for you. Johnny Barrister is available to appear at your reunion! For details, please contact us.
1955 - A 60-year reunion for the Winter and Summer classes of 1955 has been scheduled for October 17, 2015 at Sportsmen’s
Lodge. We are also inviting other classes from the ‘50’s to join us at our Celebration Lunch so be sure to pass the info along. For
additional information please go to our website at www.johnmarshallhighschoolreunion.com or contact Linda Pyle Matthies
at 310-552-0545 [email protected] or Fran Bloom Russell at 858-560-6545 [email protected]. There will be a Spring
mailing so please provide us with your email or street address.
1965 - The classes of Winter and Summer 1965 will be celebrating their 50 year reunion at the Glendale Hilton Hotel in
Glendale on Saturday, September 26, 2015. Our general email for the event is [email protected].
1985 - The class of 1985 is having their 30 year reunion on October 10, 2015 at The Breakfast Club/Friendship Auditorium at
3201 Riverside Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027. For additional information please visit the reunion website at http://dbatank.wix.
com/jmhreunion or phone Stephanie Corrales at 818-424-2481, or email Rose Mora at [email protected].
Page 9
In Memoriam
This section is dedicated to our Barristers who
have passed away. If you would like to have your
loved one remembered here, please e-mail the editor
at [email protected], or call the Association at
323-953-6542. The Alumni Association accepts no
responsibility as to the accuracy of these reports.
Tiodora Linde Rouph
Joan Blamey Martin Summer 1934
Mike Carone Summer 1938
Mary Ellen Cappuccio Tyron Summer 1938
Clardine Brodie Huling 1938
Alice Tabet Taylor 1939
Ronald O. Stewart Summer 1940
Dorlis Allen Wallis Summer 1942
Donald Richard MacQueen Summer 1943
Jose A. Vargas Winter 1943
June Hart Summer 1944
Frank Bruns 1945
Nina Byers Summer 1946
John Sinclair Summer 1946
Charles Maxwell 1946
David S. Mason Summer 1947
Edna Walton Rosa Winter 1947
Mildred Copley Van Voorhis Summer 1948
John Vanderwall Summer 1948
Arthur Dietz Summer 1948
Jim Harrington Winter 1948
June Redman Fischer Summer 1949
Dr. Karl Louis Seligman 1949
Thomas K. Kuzmich Summer 1951
Richard Lee Brown Summer 1951
Michael Smalley 1954
Harold Cave Summer 1954
David Brown Winter 1955
Bill Wise Summer 1956
Nick Rendich Summer 1956
Marilyn McGown Krasch Winter 1956
Camilla Jarvis Koenigseder Winter 1964
Chris LaBonge Summer 1967
Matthew Rivera Summer 1970
Page 10
John Marshall High Athletic Hall Of Fame Class Of 2014
From left to right: Debbie Lucero (basketball), Andre Young (track), Chito Reyes (basketball), Marji Donatella-Keyfauver (volleyball), Dr. John House (swimming), Yvette Maufas (track), Carolyn House (Olympic swimmer),
Sharon Finneran (Olympic swimmer and only Marshall Olympic Medalist), Master of Ceremonies Pete Arbogast,
Baldo Lopez, Susan Honda and daughter accepted for Janet Honda (basketball).
Baldo Lopez was known as “Mr. Marshall.” He attended every football game, home and away, for many years with a
megaphone. He graduated in1973 and had a 35 year career working for the Glendale school system. He passed away in
early March 2015. He was inducted into the 2014 Marshall Athletic Hall of Fame.
The next Athletic Hall of Fame Ceremony is tentatively scheduled for Spring of 2017. The first two events have now raised
over $5000 for the JMHS Alumni Association.
Join at the $150 level and receive a Marshall Alumni baseball cap. Join at the $250 level and receive a
Keepsake Ornament. Join at the $500 level and receive a Marshall Alumni Polo Shirt. Join at the $1000
level and receive all three plus a certificate suitable for framing confirming "Chief Justice" membership.
Please keep my gift and use my full donation where needed.
Membership Form
Please cut out or photocopy and return to: JMHS Alumni Association, PO Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Enclosed is my tax-deductible check made out to: John Marshall High Alumni Association, Inc. for:
Annual Member:
$50 (Advocate)
$25 (Barrister)
Life Member:
$1000 (Chief Justice)
$500 (Gold Circle)
$250 (Silver Circle)
$150 (Bronze Circle)
My membership status is up to date, but I would like to make a donation of $____________ to the Association.
Last Name
Name at Graduation
First Name
Grad Year (S/W)
Address:____________________________________________Occupation (or former):_________________________
City:___________________________________ State:________________________ Zip:________________________
Home Telephone Number:____________________________ Work Telephone Number:_________________________
Cell Phone Number:______________________________ E-Mail Address:____________________________________
Check for new address
I do not give permission to release personal information to any outside source including reunions
Page 11
John Marshall High
Alumni Association, Inc. (1979)
P.O. Box 39847, Los Angeles, CA 90039
Phone: 323-953-6542
e-mail: [email protected]
Visit our website at:
Find us on Facebook at:
John Marshall High Los Angeles
Official Alumni Association
The JMHS Alumni Association, Inc. is a
501c3 non-profit organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.
Officers and Board Members
President: Ynez Herrera Reinschmidt S’59
Vice President: George Young W’68
V.P. / Faculty Liaison: Joanna Erdos S’70
Recording Secretary: Joanna Erdos S’70
Corresponding Secretary: Judith Aszterbaum Sarup S’72
Treasurer: Joe Buford S’74
Public Relations Director: Barbara Berridge Kramig W’65
Historians: Susanna Erdos W’68, Marcia Mullins S’59
Audit and Budget Committee Chairman: Susanna Erdos W’68
Those interested in submitting information,
photos, or articles should send them to the
alumni association or e-mail them to the editor,
Scott Reinschmidt, at [email protected].
At-Large Board Members: Mary Gilks Geary S’40, Milton Lowrey
S’49, Roberta Trimlett S’52, Ed Firth S’59, Nora Wejbe Mosqueda
S’69, Laurel Moore Ho S’69, Robin-Lee Ramirez S’70, Kathy
Masalcas Sullivan S’72, Gordon Hamilton S’73, Conrado
Guerrero S’96, Zillah Guasch S’02
Editor of Newsletter: Scott Reinschmidt S’81
Address Service Requested
A Non-profit Corporation
P.O.Box 39847
Los Angeles, CA 90039
John Marshall High
Alumni Association
Spring 2015