J. Soc. CosmeticChemists,19, 173-185 (Mar. 4, 1968) Baldness in Nonhuman WILLIAM MONTAGNA, Primates* Ph.D., and HIDEO UNO, M.D.t PresentedMay 2, 1967, New York City Synopsis--Long believed to be a disorder peculiar to the scalp of man, alopecia occurs in some of the other pritnates. Even discounting the oddities of hair growth patterns in the head of some marmosets, sakis and sakiwinkis from South America, all adult species of uacaris are completely bald. A close look at the head of these animals shows that the bald scalp is covered with short hairs of small diameter. An identical situation occurs in the stump-tailed macaque (Macaca speciosa); the scalp of young stump-tails is covered with hair down to the eyebrows. Beginning in adolescence, the forehead becomes gradually "naked" and adult animals have a high, apparently glabrous forehead. Actually, the number of very small hairs on these bald areas is the same as in the haired comparableareas of young animals. The population of hair follicles, then, is not reduced in nu•nbers but the follicles are much smaller and produce very small hairs. With the diminution in size of the hair follicles, there is a substantial increase in the size of the accompanyingsebaceousglands. Such a pattern of developmentof alopeciais identical with what takes place in some young adult men. Additional evidences of baldnessoccur in the orangutan, which, like the stump-tailed macaque, attains a naked forehead as it matures. Inspections of many chimpanzees of all ages also reveal varying degreesof alopecia in a triangle of forehead just above the brows; this appears in adolescent animals and becomesprominent only in some adult animals. These observations point out that human alopecia has some phylogenetic significance and is not to be considered a disorder or disease. INTRODUCTION Despite the heroicmethodsusedby somedermatologistsin their study of alopeciain human subjects,many factors still limit their re* Publication No. 257 from the OregonRegional Primate ResearchCenter supportedin part by Grant FR 00163 of the National Institutes of Health and by funds from Grant AM 08445, Biologyof the Skin of Man and Other Primates. Alsosupportedin part by fundsfrom Carter-Wallace, Inc., Cranbury, N.J. t OregonRegional Primate ResearchCenter, 505 N. W. 185th Ave., Beaverton, Ore. 97005 173 174 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS search. The investigator of human subjectsmust be constantly aware of the moral and legal restrictionsthat curtail his experiments. Furthermore,man's longevity, the vagariesof his nature and temperament and the near-impossibility of controlling the experimental design and heterogeneityof his genetic makeup render him an unsuitable and often unpleasantsubjectfor experiment. Investigators have long searched for animal substitutes, but these half-hearted efforts have failed. Hamilton (1), for lack of a better model, studied the wattled starling (Creatophoracarunculata),the male of whichacquiresa glabrous,coloredtumescentskin duringthe breeding seasonin areasof the head that had been leathered during the off season. Female birds, which have a fully feathered head at all times, can be inducedto undergothe samechangesas thoseof the maleswhen they are treated with testosteronepropionate. These are most interesting observations but their pertinence to the phenomenonof baldness in man is somewhat oblique. Allusions have been made to the South American uacari, the adults of which are all bald, but no one outsideour grouphas observed the histology of their scalp. The contention that these animals are difficult to obtain is simply not true. Actually, the• are numerous,but being slow-movingand slow-witted, with a melancholynature, they rarely survive captivity for very long and henceare poor experimental animals. Most male chimpanzees,after reaching maturity, attain a triangular "bald" area on the forehead, but these formidable animals are expensiveand difficult to handle in captivity. There is now little doubt that the most desirableanimal for the study of baldnessis the stump-tailed macaque (J/Iacacaspeciosa). The mature adult animals all have a furrowed forehead covered by small vellus hairs. The "naked" forehead of large adult males may extend to the middle of the calvarium or beyond, but that of females rarely does. Since this bald condition developsin a manner similar to that in man, we have adopted theseanimals exclusivelyfor the study of alopecia. The lack of greater progressthan we now claim can be explained by severalfactors. First, a great deal of exploratory work still has to be done on normal animals before experimental work can begin in earnest. Also, primates are costly animals, which are used sparingly, thoughtfully and with great deliberateness. Finally, most simian primatesare long-lived. For example,stump-tailed macaquesdo not reach adolescenceuntil 5 years and becomebald only after the sixth year. Since the condition of baldness is best exemplified in the human scalp, we use this as the point of reference. What happens in other BALDNESS IN NONHUMAN PRIMATES 175 mammalsmust be comparableto what happensin man. In discussing baldnessone must rememberthat man's scalpis one of the most highly specializedareas of his skin. In most other mammalsthe scalpshows little differencefrom the rest of the skin. This is true even in many of the primates. THE SCALP OF MAN In the adult human scalpapproximately600 hairs emergeper square centimeter of surface;in the newborn there are about 1000. This means that sinceno new follicles are formed, the initial onesgrow farther apart asthe headgrows. The numberof follicleson the foreheadis only somewhat lower than that in the scalp. Also, in youngmen, the number of folliclesin the bald areas of the scalp doesnot differ appreciablyfrom the number in those areas where no clinical evidence of baldness exists. The microscopicanatomy of the scalpand of the foreheadis similar, if not identical, and, exceptfor differencesin the hair folliclesand sebaceous glands,thereis no line of demarcationbetweenthe two. In four-month old fetuses there is no hairline and hence no distinctive feature between the two areas; hair follicles extend from above the eyebrows over the cranial vault and back. After the fifth month of fetal life, the follicles on the foreheadremain approximately the samesizewhile the sebaceous glandsattached to them becomelarger. In contrast, the follicles of the scalp proper become progressively larger while their sebaceous glandsremain approximatelythe same size and thus relatively smaller. Also, the few wispsof smoothmusclefiber formerly attached to the follicleson the presumptiveforeheadpractically disappearwhereasthe arrector pili musclesattached to the terminal follicles of the scalp become stouter. Scalp and forehead, then, become distinct at about the fifth fetal month. After birth, the hair folliclesat the margin of the "scalp" continueto becomeinvoluted for two or threeyearsuntil the recedinghair line assumes whateverfamilial pattern the child has inherited. This phenomenonis the exact mechanism adapted by the follicles later when alopecia develops. In the "precocious"alopeciaof men, the hair folliclesbecomeinvoluted,but the total populationof hairsin bald areasremainsrelatively unaltered. All human beings, then, are to some degreebald. The balding scalp of adult men repeatsthe processin the foreheadof infants. What happenslater in old men and womenis a different phenomenon. In senescence not only doesthe number of involuted follicles increase but many follicles disappear outright. Even in those old men and 176 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS women who showno clinical signsof baldnessthere is a mosaicpattern of senile alopecia, that is, a "thinning" of the hair does occur. Kligman (2) has pointed out that as many as 70% of the hairs from the scalpmay be lost before clinical signs of alopecia become apparent. In discussing baldness,then, one must distinguishbetween the "precocious"type that developsin mature men and the "senile" type that developsin men and women of advanced years. In comparing human baldness with that in subhuman primates, only the "precocious"type is of interest. Being a degenerativephenomenon,senilealopeciais lesssignificant. THE STUMP-TAILED MACAQUE Since only few readers may be acquainted with these animals, a brief descriptionis in order. They are muscular, heavy-bodiedand short-limbed. Their hair is variably dark gray-brown, turning almost black on the mid-back, with a contrastingwhite on the underparts. The eyebrowsconsistof sparse, relatively coarsehairs,someof which are vibrissae,crowdingtoward the midline. They have a naked,furrowedforehead(Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4) which, in'fullygrownadultmales,is3 or4 inches across andanywhere from2• to',5inchesin height. Thisnakedareaismuchsmallerin adultfemales. The nakedforeheadand scalp are usually reddish,actually hemangiomatous,and spatteredwith black and brownpigmentedspots. Aroundthe bald scalpgrowlong straighthairsthat form a distinctcrown,giving the animal an appearanceof dignity. This hair may be 4 to 6 incheslongin the males and 3 to 5 inches long in the females. Three to 4 incheslong •'mutton chops"grow from the jaws, and on the chinis a goateeabout3 inches. On the face, muzzle, and other apparently naked areas grow short sparsehairs (Fig. 3). The longhairsof the crown,the nape, the extensor surface of the arms, dorsal thoracic and lumbar regions form a handsomemane, 5 or more incheslong. The hairs on the ventral surface are white and finer and sparserthan those on the back. In the axilla, verylongreddishhairsgrowin distinctrows. Justmedialto the cavum axillae is a narrow strip of naked pink skin, similar to that foundon the inguinal fold. The clippedskin is pinkish white with blue or brown maculaescat tered at random. In male animals the skin of the mons, scrotum and medial sidesof the thighs is usually red. Both male and female animals, but particularly male, have greasy hair and dandruff on the hairy scalpbut seldomelsewhere. BALDNESS IN NONHUMAN PRIMATES 177 ßi i'*•'• .., '' '-• ' .. '•,. •: •. :.. . ': .• .- ::*::.... ;.:?5.:.: '::?' '2•'• 1 ..... ,•'? -.•.2 •,2?" . :• ..... o F•gure 1. Immature female animal with fully haired forehead Figure 2. Young nmle stump-tail with "sparsely haired" forehead F, gure 3. Forehead and scalp of a young adult male showing nearly "naked" forehead Figure 4. Adult male stump-tail with a "naked" forehead and muzzle Despite their name (speciosa,beautiful, comely), they are rather filthy animals with a strongbody odor compoundedof fecal encrustation and the secretion of skin glands. A curious characteristic of infant stump-tails is the appalling musky odor, strongly reminiscent of that of the unwashed human axilla. Young animals gradually lose this aura and acquirethe different,but equally offensiveodor of the adult animals. The sparsepc!age of infant and juvenile animals is generally a pale russet color or creamy white with pink skin showing through it. This 178 JOURNAL Figure 5. OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Docile young male enjoying an embrace from his handler fur is gradually replacedby a darker, coarser,and longer one as the animalsgrow and attain maturity. The foreheadand face, definitely haired in young animals (Figs. 1, 2), becomegradually naked after adolescence (Figs. 3, 4). All animalsshowsomesexualdimorphismin their hair. The hairsof males are everywhere coarser and longer than those of the females. Baldnessin the malesmay advanceto the middleof the calvariumand beyondbut in the femalesit doesnot reach the fronto-parietalsuture. The malesalwayshave more dandruff and a greasierscalp. The males have longerhairs on the tragusof the pinna and a much longertuft of hairs from a fleshy eminenceoppositethe scaphoidfossaof the ear. Only the goateeof the malesgrowsfrom a carunculareminenceat the baseof the chin. The bare areasin the inguinalfold are larger in the female. Thosewho may plan to use stump-tailedmacaquesin their laboratory but who are inexperienced in handlingmonkeysshouldbe forewarned. When young, these animals are relatively docile and even affectionate(Fig. 5). In adulthood, however, their temperamentis unpredictableand mercurial. When annoyed, adult males become treacherous, displayfits of temper,and evenbite their ownhandsor feet. An adult stump-taled macaquecan be formidable and shouldbe managedonly by skillful handlers. BALDNESS IN THE NONHUMAN HAIR PRIMATES 179 FOLLICLES Hair follicles generally grow in groups of two or three, with one apocrinesweat gland associatedwith each group; on the face the follicles usually grow singly. In thosescalpareasthat are still coveredwith long hairs, the groups consistof one or two large terminal and one or two vellus hairs. The bald forehead and scalp are covered with a sparse population of vellus hairs with an occasional terminal hair scattered among them. Although the follicles in the bald areas are notably reduced in size, most still have arrectores pilorum muscles attached to them; true veilus follicles have no muscle. Terminal hair follicles have a small bulge for the attachment of stout muscles. In quiescent"veilus" folliclesthe muscle,when present, is attached to the epithelial capsule around the club hair, below which is the small hair germ. Quiescent terminal follicles are about one-half the length of the growing ones,the small, eccentrichair germ extendingonly a shortdistancebelowthe bulge. Sinushair folliclesare found in the median aspectof the eyebrows,on the mystacialareas,on the lower lip, and on the chin scatteredamongthe folliclesof the goatee. Although grosslythe transitional area between the bald and nonbald portions of the scalp appearsto be abrupt, in histologicalsectionsit is surprisingly gradual. The normal-sized terminal hair follicles grow sparsely,having among them numerousveilus types or intermediate follicles. Farther back, on the temporal and occipital areas, where the terminal hairs grow longest, there is an appreciablepopulation of small follicles. Even on the back of the trunk and nape, where the hairs form the mane, and elsewherenearly every hair group containssmall ones. In the scalp and face every follicle, large or small, has a complex of sensorynervesthat composethe follicle nerve end-organ(Fig. 6). This is found around the pilary canal between the bulge and duct of the sebaceous glands. These nerves, reactive for both butyryl- and acetylcholinesterase,are arranged in both a perpendicular and a horizontal direction. Elsewhere, not all of the follicles have such an abundant nerve supply. The sinushair folliclesare envelopedby very fine nerves that swirl aroundthe upper portion, just belowthe sebaceous glands. In the foreheadand eyebrows,the bald areasof the scalp and in some parts of the naked face, cholinesterase-containing nerve fibersare found in the papillary layer of the dermisthat accompanies the undersideof the epidermisfor somedistance. These terminate at the baseof someof the epidermal ridges in small bulbous endings or in small bodies that re- semblemucocutaneous end-organs(Figs.7, 8). 180 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Figure G. Butyrylcholinesterase activityinthehairfollicle end-organ fromthescalp Ftgure7. Butyrylcholinesterase activityin smallbulbous endingsthat resemble mucocutancousendorgansfrom the bald scalp Figure 8. Moreextensive mucocutaneous-like end-organs fromthebaldscalp Unoetal. (3)havemadea detailed quantitative studyofthepopulations andsizes ofhairfollicles in youngandadultstump-tailed macaques. They have alsodissectedout intact hair folliclesfrom the sur- rounding connecting tissue tomeasure accurately theirsizeandtostudy (to be reported later)theirenzyme content, eliminating the contam- inationof surrounding tissues. Their resultsare shownin Figs. 9 to 12. Here are recordedthe actualrepresentative populationsand sizesof hair follicleson the lower BALDNESS IN NONHUMAN Table NUMBER Aboveeyebrow AND LENGTH OF HAIR Forehead(bold) 181 PRIMATES I FOLLICI-E Trans•honal Ha*ry pormtal 19 O5 • 0 __ Above eyebrow Forehead (Nonbald) Hairy parielal (Fig. 9) and upperforehead(Fig. 10), the transitionalarea (Fig. 11), and the hairy scalpin the parietal area (Fig. 12). The summationof these resultsis presentedin Table I. The first and third sets of trichograms in the table show the number of hair follicles per 1.6 mm 2 of surface found in different areasof the scalp of adult and young animals, respectively. The foreheadsof young and adult animalshave a scantier population of follicles than the other areas. Most of the follicles in the alo- pecic forehead of adult animals are very short and quiescent;in the "hairy" foreheadof young animals, the folliclesvary widely in size, but their number is about the same as in the adult animals. These tricho- gramsalsoshowthe actuallengthsof the folliclesin telogen,anagenand catagen. The proportion of anagento telogenhair folliclesin the various scalp areas in young and adult animals is significant. In the bald forehead telogen hair folliclespredominate, whereasin the area about half the folliclesare in anagenand half in telogen. These folliclesare distributed almost identically in both young and adult animals. In both casesthe foreheadhas more telogen than anagen folliclesthan the other two areas. Figure 13 showsthe different types and sizesof hair folliclesin the different areas of the scalp. In the parietal area most of the follicles in anagenare about 2 mm long. Some of the anagenfolliclesin the transitional area, in the area above the eyebrow, and in most of the bald area are about 1 ram. 182 JOURNALOF THE SOCIETYOF COSMETIC CHEMISTS .-•X%• •'.•%-5'•E,:' '&½• •:•-&•r; '"' %....... Fifure9. •orehead justabove theeyebrow sho•ing oneeachofanagen andtelogen type of terminal hair follide &nd so•e yellus fMlides Figure 10. Baldareaofforehead showing 3 telogen and2 &nagen typeofvdlusfollicles Fifure 11. Tr•sitional •eabetween bald&nd haiwareas show•g 2each ofguard andvellus hair follicles Fi½ure 12. Parietal haiwareashowing manytermi.al hairfollicles in The shortfollicles, calledveilusfollicles, arenotlimitedto thebald areabut are foundin the transitionalareasand elsewhere.However, whereas truevdlushairfollicles arenonerectile, havingno arrectorpill muscleattachedto them(4), manyof the vellusfollicles in the bald scalp ofstump-tails stillhavemuscle fiberattached, thefollicles having arisenfrom an involutionof terminal hair follicles. THE SEBACEOUSGLANDS A description ofsebaceous glands isincluded herebecause theyshow some sexual dimorphism, beinglargerinmaleanimals, andbecause they change character in thebaldingscalp. Rdatively smallin theskinofthetrunk,theycanattainthesizeof sebaceous lollideson the face,lips,chinandbaldforehead, andscalp BALDNESS IN NOXHUMAN PRIMATES 183 Figure13. Microdissected hairfollicles:ontheleftisananagen, terminalfollicle,2.2 mm in length;in the middlean anagen, yellusfollicle,1.2 ram; andon the right a telogen,ter•ninal follicle, 0.8 mm Figure 14. Large sebaceous gland "follicle" from the bald forehead (Fig.14).Theglandsareeverywhere largerin themalethanin thefemale. Melanocytes oftensurroundthe ductsof the glands,whichin some areasmayberemarkably pigmented.In theglands of theforehead and scalpandthoseon the chinandlips,smalldendriticmelanocytes are ofteninsinuatedbetweenthe peripheralcellsof the acini,impartingsome melaningranules to the sebaceous cells. Distinctmelaningranules may be found even in some mature cells and in the sebum. JOURNAL 184 OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS DISCUSSION Since there is no structural demarcation between the forehead and the scalp, even in man, except for the presenceof terminal hairs, a "naked" forehead indicates that alopecia has occurred. When the hairline recedes,as it doesin most human beings, there is no way of differentiating between what was originally forehead and what was scalp. Thus, every human beingand every adult stump-tail is partially bald. Stump-tails, even in those scalp areas with an apparently dense pelage, have an appreciable number of vellus hair follicles. Furthermore, in some males, probably older animals, baldnessadvances to the occiput and beyond. The presenceof naked expansesof skin on the anterior axillary border and the inguinal folds, the sparsepelage of the ventral areas and the presenceeverywhere of vellus type follicles, coupled with the development of true alopecia, suggestthat the stumptailed macaquesmay be undergoinga general loss of hair cover. The luxuriant growth of hairs on the occiput, nape, back and shoulders,and the goatee are no doubt protective devices,but they are also definitely ornamental. These phenomena may be comparable to those that might have taken place in man as he evolved from a heavily furred creature. Aside from theoretical implications, the gradual diminution of the size of the folliclesof the foreheadand scalpin stump-tailed macaquesis similar to what takes place in human infants at the "hair line" and later when pattern alopeciadevelops. Another similarity between the bald human scalp and the bald scalp of the stump-tails is the presenceof specialnerve end-organsunderneath the epidermis. These are identical with those describedby Montagna and Giacometti in man (5) and may arise from the follicle end-organs releasedwhen the follicles became atrophied. These structures are not present in young animals. It is significant that the distribution of hair folliclesin the scalpis almost identical in young nonbald animals and in adult ones. In both groups,hair folliclesare normally least numerousin the forehead. Since baldness is the result of a transformation of terminal hair fol- licles to vellus ones, somethingmust be said about these follicles. Noback (6) identifiedvellus hairs as thosethat grow from follicleshaving no erectile tissue. Danforth (7) believed that the vellus hair folliclesfrom the foreheadundergono changesfrom childhoodto old age. During the development of baldness and with the onset of old age, however, vellus hair folliclesvary greatly in size, dependingon their location (8, 9, 10). BALDNESS IN NONHUMAN PRIMATES 185 Hence, a sharp distinction between veilus and terminal hair follicles cannot be made on the basis of length alone. Also, the vellus follicles that developfrom terminal onesduring the processof baldnessmay still have wispsof arrectorespilorum musclesattached to them. Although the aging processin man causesa progressivedegeneration of the follicles as well as of the bodily organs in general, baldnessin young men (as in the stump-tailed macaques)can be attributed only to the transformation described here. Now that we have an experimentalanimal model for the study of alopecia,we may look forward to someprogressin our understandingof this interestingbiologicalphenomenon. (ReceivedMay 19, 1967) REFERENCES (1) Hamilton, J. B., Age, sex, and genetic factors in the regulation of hair growth in man: a comparison of Caucasian and Japanese populations, The Biology of ]]air Growth (Montagna, W., and Ellis, R., eds.), Academic Press, New York and London, 1958, pp. 400-432. (2) Kligman, A.M., Pathologicdynamicsof human hair loss. I. Telogen effluvium, Arch. Dermatol., 83, 175-198 (1961). (3) Uno, H., Allegra, F., Adachi, K., and Montagna, W., Studies of common baldness of the stump-tailed macaque. I. Distribution of the hair follicles. J. Invest. Dermatol., (In press). (4) Montagna, W., Machida, H., and Perkins, E., The skin of primates. XXVIII. The stump-tailed macaque (Macaca speciosa),Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 24, 71-86 (1966). (5) Montagna, W., Giacometti, L., and Machida, H., Histology and cytochemistryof human skin. XXXI. Aging changes in the cholinesterase-containing nerves of the scalp, J. Geron., 20, 401-404 (1965). (6) Noback, C. R., Morphologyand phylogenyof hair, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 53,476-492 (1951). (7) Danforth, C. H., Physiology of human hair, Physiol. Rev., 19, 94-111 (1939). (8) Montagna, W., and Ellis, R. A., eds., The Biologyof Hair Growth,AcademicPress,Inc., New York, 1958. (9) Ellis, R. A., Aging of the human male scalp, The Biologyof Hair Growth,(Montagna W., and Ellis, R., eds), Academic Press, New York, 1958, pp 469-485. (10) Giaeometti, L., The anatomy of the human scalp, Advancesin the Biologyof Skin, VI. .4ging (Montagna, W., ed.), Pergamon Press, Oxford, England, 1965, pp. 97-120.
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