Spiritual Education Spiritual Educa - JOY Of Life Centre for Spiritual

Spiritual Education
Spiritual Education
Spiritual Education
Whole Living Principles for enhanced living
Whole Living Principles for enhanced living
Whole Living Principles for enhanced living
At the JOY of Life Centre we know that there is
substantially more to living a spiritual life than
learning definitions and reciting laws. True spiritual
existence only happens when you embody and
become the truth of these spiritual understandings
At the JOY of Life Centre we know that there is
substantially more to living a spiritual life than
learning definitions and reciting laws. True spiritual
existence only happens when you embody and
become the truth of these spiritual understandings
At the JOY of Life Centre we know that there is
substantially more to living a spiritual life than
learning definitions and reciting laws. True spiritual
existence only happens when you embody and
become the truth of these spiritual understandings
These principles cannot be simply fed into
the student’s mind - they must be activated
within the student's heart.
These principles cannot be simply fed into
the student’s mind - they must be activated
within the student's heart.
These principles cannot be simply fed into
the student’s mind - they must be activated
within the student's heart.
That’s why, at the JOY of Life Centre, we take an
integrated approach to spiritual education.
Knowing is important, but not everything. Living
and applying it is the root of all transformation.
Our approach to classes brings the two together,
combining teachings to get you started and
group practices to deepen it all the way in.
That’s why, at the JOY of Life Centre, we take an
integrated approach to spiritual education.
Knowing is important, but not everything. Living
and applying it is the root of all transformation.
Our approach to classes brings the two together,
combining teachings to get you started and
group practices to deepen it all the way in.
That’s why, at the JOY of Life Centre, we take an
integrated approach to spiritual education.
Knowing is important, but not everything. Living
and applying it is the root of all transformation.
Our approach to classes brings the two together,
combining teachings to get you started and
group practices to deepen it all the way in.
Our commitment is to never leave a student at only
a surface understanding level. And to never leave a
student alone in the darkness of transformation.
Our commitment is to people who are solid at a
fundamental level …
Our commitment is to never leave a student at only
a surface understanding level. And to never leave a
student alone in the darkness of transformation.
Our commitment is to people who are solid at a
fundamental level …
Our commitment is to never leave a student at only
a surface understanding level. And to never leave a
student alone in the darkness of transformation.
Our commitment is to people who are solid at a
fundamental level …
See www.joyoflifecentre.com for more info!
See www.joyoflifecentre.com for more info!
See www.joyoflifecentre.com for more info!
Prosperous Me
A 31 day ONLINE program with
daily practices and treatment support
to raise abundance consciousness!
May 1 - 31st; daily 15 minute call @ noon
Ministerial Team facilitating
Prosperous Me
A 31 day ONLINE program with
daily practices and treatment support
to raise abundance consciousness!
May 1 - 31st; daily 15 minute call @ noon
Ministerial Team facilitating
Prosperous Me
A 31 day ONLINE program with
daily practices and treatment support
to raise abundance consciousness!
May 1 - 31st; daily 15 minute call @ noon
Ministerial Team facilitating
7 Spiritual Laws of Success
7 Spiritual Laws of Success
7 Spiritual Laws of Success
An eloquent presentation of the Laws of the
Universe, as applied to the business of life.
From the work of Deepak Chopra.
April 21 - June 9; 7:00—9:00; $150
IN CLASS (Bragg Creek) with Reverends
Trish Brown, Monika Krammer,
Nadene Rogers
An eloquent presentation of the Laws of the
Universe, as applied to the business of life.
From the work of Deepak Chopra.
April 21 - June 9; 7:00—9:00; $150
IN CLASS (Bragg Creek) with Reverends
Trish Brown, Monika Krammer,
Nadene Rogers
An eloquent presentation of the Laws of the
Universe, as applied to the business of life.
From the work of Deepak Chopra.
April 21 - June 9; 7:00—9:00; $150
IN CLASS (Bragg Creek) with Reverends
Trish Brown, Monika Krammer,
Nadene Rogers
Healthy Relationships
Healthy Relationships
Healthy Relationships
Uncovering old ideas that harm your ability to
relate to self and others. Claim new ways to
communicate and create greater harmony,
enrichment, and joy in your relationships.
Uncovering old ideas that harm your ability to
relate to self and others. Claim new ways to
communicate and create greater harmony,
enrichment, and joy in your relationships.
Uncovering old ideas that harm your ability to
relate to self and others. Claim new ways to
communicate and create greater harmony,
enrichment, and joy in your relationships.
Your Creative Genius
Your Creative Genius
Your Creative Genius
A fun class that connects you with your inner
Creative Mind & encourages spiritual fitness
through creative living.
June 3 - June 24; 6.00-7.30; $79
ONLINE, Reverend Trish Brown, facilitator
A fun class that connects you with your inner
Creative Mind & encourages spiritual fitness
through creative living.
June 3 - June 24; 6.00-7.30; $79
ONLINE, Reverend Trish Brown, facilitator
A fun class that connects you with your inner
Creative Mind & encourages spiritual fitness
through creative living.
June 3 - June 24; 6.00-7.30; $79
ONLINE, Reverend Trish Brown, facilitator
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April 22nd - May 27th; 6.00-7:30; $99
ONLINE with Reverend Monika Krammer
April 22nd - May 27th; 6.00-7:30; $99
ONLINE with Reverend Monika Krammer
April 22nd - May 27th; 6.00-7:30; $99
ONLINE with Reverend Monika Krammer