Investigation the Effect of Training Technology Equipment on

Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management
Vol. 3, Issue. 2,2015
Investigation the Effect of Training Technology Equipment
on Organizational Intelligence
Pari Tatar,
Lecturer in Professional-Technical College - Girls’ branch, Kermanshah Branch, Kermanshah, Iran
(Corresponding Author)
Jamil Moradi
M.A of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran
This study has performed regarding the Identification the Effect of Training Technology
Equipment on Organizational Intelligence in Islamic Azad Universities in Tehran. The
Statistical population in current research was the employees of Islamic Azad Universities in
Tehran that was 375 at the time of the study with a sample of 195 by using Cochran formula.
Questionnaires were used to collect research data; data with statistical programs in both
descriptive and inferential statistics were analyzed using structural equation modeling
Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient questionnaires and questionnaires Training
Technology Equipment and organizational intelligence respectively 0.823, 0.861. All
assumptions at % 95 reliability confirmed the results showed that, there was significant
relationship between Training Technology Equipment and organizational intelligence; also
there was significant relationship between hardware variable and organizational intelligence
Keywords: Training Technology Equipment, organizational intelligence, Hardware variable.
Nowadays, Current Time is that gigantic advances of technology, especially information and
communications technology and Training Technology Equipment, we see less new professional
color technology that it does not create or change it. One of the factors can enable in today's
complex organizations with both human and machine intelligence that combines organizational
intelligence is organizational intelligence and universities as part of a larger organization with
specific characteristics such as the purpose of the organization, organizational structure, legal
and organizational communication. The model used to measure the intelligence, is
organizational intelligence models albert jet .karl albert to succeed in a business operating in
three smart people is pointed out, smart communities and smart organizations. Albert to avoid
the mental as used organizational intelligence (Albrecht, 2003). It was studied the relationship
between organizational intelligence with the use of Training Technology Equipment among the
employees of Islamic Azad Universities in Tehran.
Research Problem:
Changing the role of "intelligence" to explain the important features and aspects of
performance, and in recent years has been the focus of some foreign studies. This type of
intelligence, relying on human intelligence creates an unlimited capacity of the human ideal
which aims to achieve peaks of knowledge using the facilities provide actual and potential.
(Albrecht, 2003) Intelligence with a focus on Knowledge and learning will cause to the creation
of intelligent organization. Organizational remember is that knowledge management is dory
intelligence (FAGHIHI, 2010) .therefore, with this description and with regard to the structure of
Islamic Azad Universities in Tehran, it was necessary to study and to guide the process of
structural empowerment, smart focus on new styles. The purpose of this study is the
investigation of application study in Training Technology Equipment and its relationship with
organizational intelligence among employees of Islamic Azad Universities in Tehran.
Investigation the Effect of Training Technology Equipment …
Therefore with regard to theoretical principles and challenges in population, it appears that
cognitive variables such as intelligence, enabling each employee can forecast part of the
variation is expected and clear relationship between them in this study, if there is a link, and the
coefficient of determination is the relationship? So, in Current study the main problem is”
Whether there significant relationship between organizational intelligence and Employees
Research Objectives
Main objective
Identify the effects of Training Technology Equipment on organizational intelligence.
Minor Objective
Identify the effects of Hardware variable on organizational intelligence.
Research Hypotheses
Main Hypothesis
There is significant relationship between Training Technology Equipment and organizational
Minor Hypothesis
There is significant relationship between Hardware variable and organizational intelligence.
Research Background
Karimi and Akbari (2014) in a study entitled "The ability to model the relationships between
organizational learning and organizational intelligence, organizational citizenship behavior
employees of the university," the study 'ability to model the relationships between
organizational learning and organizational intelligence, organizational citizenship behavior
among employees Azad University Islamic Khorasgan "is Material & causal correlation structural
studies. The Statistical population in current research was 321 people that were the employees of
Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch (in Esfahan). For analyzing this study used the
Structural equation modeling (SEM) method, with table’s krejcie sampling and Morgan (1970)
was selected 176 people by simple random sampling. A questionnaire on organizational learning
capability measurement tools Chiva et al. (2007), Organizational intelligence Albrecht (2003)
and organizational citizenship behavior Kernudel (2007) .the result of this research showed the
potential of organizational learning and organizational citizenship behavior and intelligence of
its components and organizational components with organizational citizenship behavior
relationship there. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the potential of
organizational learning on organizational intelligence direct effect on organizational citizenship
behavior had the indirect effect. Hamidi et al (2014) in a study entitled "The relationship
between intelligence and performance at secondary school in Yazd" The aim of this study was to
investigate the relationship between intelligence and performance at secondary school and high
school teachers in Yazd considered population the table krejcie and Morgan, 285 relative
stratified random sampling was stratified society material & research in terms of the target
application and the data collection, descriptive and evaluated with a standard questionnaire
Intelligence (Albrecht, 2003) and questionnaire management, and both the questionnaire very
high reliability .For Analyzing the data was used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and for
determining the normality of the data were used, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple
regression analysis. The results showed there is a positive correlation between intelligence and
performance management (r = 0.747 and P £ 0.01).also stepwise regression analysis showed that
among the components of intelligence, elements of "application knowledge "in explaining the
performance of the managers show the highest share (R2 = 0.455 and P £ 0.01) and with the
other three components of intelligence (pressure performance, spirit and appetite for change) in
a total of 58.3% of the variance to predict joint managers' performance is variable (R2 = 0.583
and P £ 0.01). Therefore, organizations that are considering the components in the educational
environment, a better strategy would be to recruit human resources capable and professional.
By Hemmat Far et al (2010) investigated the use of Training Technology Equipment in
Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management
Vol. 3, Issue. 2,2015
accounting and auditing In this paper, we present the effects and applications of Training
Technology Equipment in accounting and auditing, to introduce IT technology and types of
information that have been used accounting audit And found that with the increasing
development of Training Technology Equipment, all companies and organizations have to
survive, to invest in their field and accountants reduce the risk with New Technology to
recognize and use them with the right solutions. The current Research has showed, Training
Technology Equipment has a direct role in improving the performance of the audit.
Khodadadi et al (2010) has done this research under title of "The relationship between
organizational intelligence and productivity of administrative director of physical education
province". The Sample of this research was 34 of the directors of physical education offices of
East Azarbaijan province. According to achieving to purpose, was used by a questionnaire
organizational intelligence for Albrecht and efficiency questionnaires results showed that, based
on the Pearson correlation coefficient, there is a significant positive relationship between all
factors of organizational intelligence and efficiency. Faqhihi (2010), has done a study entitled
"The Intelligence of the Ministry of Education and provide an appropriate conceptual
framework". In this study, 312 people were selected by stratified random sampling method of
planning research and data collected in the survey questionnaire. For data collection in this
research used the Questionnaire. According to the finding of results of this research, elements
and factors of organizational intelligence is including: Tendency to change, knowledge
management and learning, strategic insight, Training Technology Equipment, organizational
structure, morale and organizational performance, the total score of the organizational
intelligence measured was moderate and lower in the study population. Elahian (2010) has done
the research to assess organizational intelligence college; technical school career Ferdowsi
University of Mashhad and Astane Quds Razavi .The finding of the results showed that there is
not the significant difference between the organizational intelligence in college/ technical
school professional in Ferdowsi University Mashhad and organizational intelligence in college.
Technical school professional Razavi . (Mlaeiyan and Eslamiyeh, 2010).Satari, has done a
research in 2010 entitled "The relationship between knowledge management and organizational
intelligence subsystem and its factors in Esfahan Steel Company" .The purpose of this study was
“Investigation the relationship between learning and organizational intelligence and knowledge
management subsystem and its factors in Isfahan Steel Company. Strategies were used for
knowledge management subsystem and learning organization in terms of Marquvart and factors
of organizational intelligence in terms of Albrecht. The result of research has shown that there is
significant relationship between sub-systems of manage knowledge and all intelligence factors.
Kent (2014) in a study entitled "ethics, Training Technology Equipment, and public health: new
challenges for the relationship between doctor-patient" is one of the largest, oldest, and most
interesting challenges in health care practice balance conditions, Doctors generally are beyond
the duties of a discussion about the patient and the society .Doctors and nurses should be
patient .At the time that meet the patient, remember that the patient is member of society.
Healthy People effect on community and also society effect on individual health, Sometimes
Professional and moral duties are conflict with each other. In addition, clinical encounters an
environment that is increasingly boring and involving with electronic health records, personal
health records, genomic medicine and a vast network of data collection and storage for medical
supervision, human subject research, and assessment of health. Training Technology
Equipment has changed all of events.
 This issue in any imaging was ignored or lost the huge amount of data, or were collected and
then discard them can created deviation. Basis for evidence based practice and to learn more
about the world's infrastructure and related public health knowledge and methods of treatment
failures due to their exposed. Even people who criticize the evidence-based medicine, clinical
judgment of the wonders that will never argue Data collected from clinical encounters, analysis,
have been honored. John Kiang Kim et al (2009) Comparison of investment in Training
Technology Equipment in the electronics industry between China and the United States suggest
that investment in Training Technology Equipment has had a positive impact on the
Investigation the Effect of Training Technology Equipment …
performance of companies in China As well as the impact of Training Technology Equipment in
China is not different from what happened in the United States. Astaskusyt and Setin (2008) in
the survey as "organizational intelligence processes of 'organizational intelligence level five
universities on the basis of intelligence processes studied (Khanghahi and Jafari, 2010).A
research was conducted in 2003 entitled "Preliminary review of organizational intelligence
Australian managers-primary assessment". This report discussed about their comments on the
Australian managers about organizational intelligence that was relate to the organizations .these
managers in a one-day seminar, trained the model of organizational intelligence who Albrecht
has provided in his book entitled "The power of the mind at work" . Then each of the managers
assessed himself by using Albrecht‘s questionnaire of organizational intelligence.In this seminar
participated more than 200 Director and CEO, and completed 128 questionnaires .According to
Albrecht, in total, the resulting rates was low, it means, half of the questions obtained lower
than score 3 or higher score from 5 (Jafari and Faghihi ,2010) .
Conceptual Framework
Training Technology
Strategic perspective
Hardware Variable
Common fate
Tendency to change
Application of knowledge
Pressure of performance
Resource: Albrecht (2003), and Abdolmaleki, (2012)
Research Methodology:
In this study to determine of changing in the two variables, this research coordination in terms
of purpose of use and in terms of methodology, survey type is descriptive, and in terms of the
relationship between variables is correlational. In this study was used the T- Test and Pearson
correlation analysis and structural equation
Statistical Population, Sample Size and Method of Sampling
This study regarding purpose and quality was applied and its method was descriptive and it was
a field study. The Statistical population in this research was the employees of Islamic Azad
Universities in Tehran that at the time of doing research was equal 375 people and sampling by
using of the Cochran formula was 195 people .Also Method of Sampling was Simple random
sampling available.
Jurnal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management
Vol. 3, Issue. 2,2015
Research Finding For Research Hypotheses
Main Hypothesis:
There is significant relationship between Training Technology Equipment and Organizational
There is not significant relationship between Training Technology Equipment and
organizational intelligence H0: ρ 0
There is significant relationship between Training Technology Equipment and organizational
intelligence H1: ρ
Testing of Pearson Correlation Coefficient
For investigation of Relationship between Training Technology Equipment and organizational
intelligence we have used the Pearson Correlation Coefficient.
Results of testing are shown in the following table 1.
Table 1: Results of the test of Pearson’s correlation coefficient between Training Technology
Equipment and organizational intelligence
Training Technology
Pearson’s correlation
organizational intelligence
p < 1/11
Significance level
Considering the above table, since the significance level is 0.000 and the conclusion is that the
(null hypothesis) H0 is not confirmed and the H1 is confirmed ,it means that H1 hypothesis
based on existence of significant Relationship between Training Technology Equipment and
organizational intelligence is accepted. Additionally, was shown that the value for the
correlation coefficient between the two variables is 0.749 in level of 95% and there is significant
relationship between Training Technology Equipment and organizational intelligence.
Minor Hypothesis
There is significant relationship between Hardware variable and organizational intelligence.
There is not significant relationship between Hardware variable and organizational intelligence.
H0: ρ 0
There is significant relationship between Hardware variable and organizational intelligence.
H1: ρ
Testing of Pearson Correlation Coefficient
For investigation of Relationship between Hardware variable and organizational intelligence, we
have used the Pearson Correlation Coefficient.
Results of testing are shown in the following table 2.
Table 2: Results of the test of Pearson’s correlation coefficient between Hardware variable and
organizational intelligence
Hardware variable
Pearson’s correlation
Significance level
organizational intelligence
p < 1/11
Investigation the Effect of Training Technology Equipment …
Considering the above table, since the significance level is 0.000 and the conclusion is that the
(null hypothesis) H0 is not confirmed and the H1 is confirmed ,it means that H1 hypothesis
based on existence of significant Relationship between Hardware variable and organizational
intelligence is accepted. Additionally, was shown that the value for the correlation coefficient
between the two variables is 0.659 in level of 95% and there is significant relationship between
Hardware variable and organizational intelligence.
Result of Hypotheses
Result of main hypothesis
There is significant relationship between Training Technology Equipment and organizational
intelligence. Results showed that is confirmed, relationship between organizational intelligence
and Training Technology Equipment with (loading factor is 0.91 and significant number 11.87).
The results of this research are agreed with studies of Aziz Mohammadi (2012) and Salajegheh et
al (2013).
Result of Minor hypothesis
There is significant relationship between Hardware variable and organizational intelligence. The
Results showed that is confirmed, relationship between organizational intelligence and
Hardware variable with (loading factor is 0.69 and significant number 9.49). The results of this
research are agreed with studies of Aziz Mohammadi (2012) and Salajegheh et al (2013).
All Hypotheses in this research were confirmed. Most managers of organizational intelligence
are essential to create an environment that improves performance. Todays, organizations in the
competitive environment will be able to understand and evaluate the scope of its activities more
deeply and for longer provide competitive advantage by increasing business intelligence,
organizations can lead on its competitors and has a special place in the competition's to
Training Technology Equipment as an enabler of organizational information organizations to
increase the consistency, standardization activities and therefore help the process of
organization. The development of skilled human resources in Training Technology Equipment,
one of the most important factors in this industry, to support the organizations, very complex
and difficult to manage, It means that we believe will become more important as more
organizations removal of the major sources of human intelligence and creativity of the smart
devices also have relied on it, therefore in current complex organizations, organizational
intelligence is same of the Human intelligence, that artificial intelligence was created it .there is
no any Uncertainty that dynamism and effectiveness of managers in organizations Except for
benefiting of the two processes is related to intelligence. Employment of Training Technology
Equipment was cause to increase of employee’s intelligence.
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