Part 1: True or False Part 2: Match It! Part 3: short answer

Name ____________________________ # ______
Date: ___________
Part 1: True or False
Directions: Directions: Identify each statement as either true or false. If the answer is false,
please correct the underlined word(s) to make the statement true.
1) The darkness of light is related to the amount of light being seen.
2) The greater the distance the source of light is, the lesser the intensity or brightness.
3) White light is made up of all the colors of light mixed together.
4) If white light is passed through a mirror, it can be separated into light of different
colors. _________________________________________________________________
Part 2: Match It!
Directions: For this section, match the term to its meaning. Draw a lightbulb at the bottom of
the page for one bonus point. Thank you for following directions!
5) ______ Light
6) ______ Spectrum
7) ______ Prism
8) ______ Energy
9) ______ Brightness
A. A tool used to separate white light.
B. The colors that make up white light.
C. The intensity, or strength, of light.
D. A form of energy made of many colors.
E. The ability to make something move, happen, or change.
Part 3: short answer
Directions: For this section, neatly write your answer on the provided line.
10) Name an example of an object that reflects light in order to be seen. ________________
11) Name an example of an object that gives off its own light. ________________________
12) What is our primary source of light? _________________________________________________
Part 4: Multiple Choice
Directions: For this section, choose the best answer choice. Make sure your answer is clearly
marked. I know you’re going to do a great job! I believe in you!
13) What are the basic properties of light?
a. Light, energy, and sun.
b. Brightness, colors, and visibility.
c. White light, spectrum, and prism.
d. Brightness, colors, and white light.
14) Which object does NOT give off its own light?
a. The Sun
b. A Candle Flame
c. The Moon
d. A Flashlight
15) What does an object have to do in order to be visible?
a. It must give off its own light.
b. It must reflect light.
c. It must stay in the dark.
a. Could be A or B
16) What happens when light is passed through a prism?
a. It can be separated into light of different colors.
b. It turns into a disco ball.
c. It creates darkness.
d. Nothing happens.
Part 5: Label it!
Directions: For this section, label the diagram below. Questions 17 – 23 must be in order!
17. ___________
18. ________
19. ________
20. _______
21. ________