November 20,1997 A-W Representatlves from the Union County Advisory Board on the Disabled (front, left to right) Tom Klem, Susan Spurr, Charles Newman, Ed Heaten (at right In back row), were joined by Freeholder Edwin Force (at left In back row) and Robert CollcChio of the Union County Office for the Disabled (second right In back row) In presenting Scherlng-Plcoigh representatives Frank Truppo, Eugene Tucker and Pamela Fisher with the award. Schering-Plough Corporation "' Honored By Freeholder ::; Adyfeory Board OnThe Disabled ELIZABETH - ScheringPlough Corporation was honored •by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders' Advisory Board on the Disabled with an award for the extra measures the company has implemented to provide access to employees with disabilities. ScheringrPlough received the award in the Private Sector for Profit category of the' second Annual Access/Union County Awards Program; The presentation was .made; at a recent .freeholders'meeting in Elizabeth. . . •, j 'saiomg D'east I /o 9?ememoer 0 •8 Call for reservations 908-322-77Z6 Corner l'nrk mid Mountain Avr Scotch Plnlnt, NJ just off 1U. 22 Op|>oslle Blue Stnr Shopping C m -ZZm.% CRANFORD — For efforts to refurbish the Ark in the sanctuary, Temple Beth-El has been named a recipient of the Solomon Schechter Award from the United Synagogue of America. A press release jrpm the Walnut Avenue synagogue explained that the "Gold Level" award for fundraising and development is "based on a variety of criteria, including imaginative and creative utilization of resources, as well as (the) impact on the congregation's membership." SEBQROWSKI ENTERPRISES Ripci-'s Canine Dog 'IVaining School j Your Dog Trained in 1 Dny r GUARANTEED IJi-ilii'iii >• • l,mi sin • Mi,uk • Ciudrcl L • show Pu^s • Sriunty Services : 908-241-6252' • IGNORE PET SITTING Why traumatize Your Pet When You're Away! " : Silting In My Fanwood Home, 10+ Yean Experience Eictlltnt Rtfertiuet leuonabli Prices We do Grooming and Pet Portraits "FREE" Studio 5x7 Portrait with Grooming Special 5x7 Call Terl 908-322-9448 I Christmas Portrait Animal Magnetism™ $9.95 Loving in home Pet Care Bonded & Member of NAPPS 908-889-2014 Call Now - Holidays ore booking fast • •'•'"'. ' *',. " • • ' « • . • ! « » • > The refurbished Ark incorpoto the Community for help rates stones inscribed with the Imagine being less than one had to be removed. But withi names of persons and families, a year and left to fend for your- special medication and lots of measure conducted as a fundraisself with injuries so severe that TLC, her other eye has been1 ing project by Temple Beth-El. you are not able to see. saved. The award was presented This is just what happened Although a little shy at first/ came during t h e United to two-year-old Maggie when Maggie loves nothing. better Synagogue of America biennial convention Nov. 9-13 inshe was barely.older than a kit- than to sit on a warm lap and, ten. Sealed in a box with purr. Kiamesha Lake, N.Y. The organiwounds inflicted by her former zation presents the awards to An added bonus is that she1" owners, they didn't care if she loves other caEfand dogs --• inaffiliated congregations that lived or died. have distinguished themselves fact, a home with other cats is.&, during the preceding two years in Luckily, Maggie was rescued must. •"•** one of 25 areas of congregation by Noah's Ark, a humane resDue to the tremendous costs' life. cue organization based in of her surgery and medications;;"" Clark. When rescue workers Noah's Ark is turning to the' saw the condition that she was communityforhelp. Donation'^' Brookside School to host national in, Maggie was immediately are tax-deductible and can be rushed to a veterinarian. sent to Noah's Ark c/o Maggie1,',' bastketball free-throw shooting contest Unfortunately, her injuries P.O. Box 5734, Clark NJ 07066.' CRANFORD —The area com- the hoop. The boy a n d girl in each were so severe, that one eye Call 232-9109. petition for the 26th Annual Elks age group with t h e best scores ____^_ Hoops Shoot, "the national free- advances through four tiers oL t .i > «n< « « j ^ i * * •»•> 1 # J throwing shooting contest" for youngsters ages 8-13, will be held competition to qualify foi*-i!Ee^jranford architecture student lends, at Brookside School 10 a.m.-l national finals. ; ,,.•:. Cranford" vicinity winners will a helping hand to Rahway Library p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22. More than 3 million. young- compete against other contes1 CRANFORD - Cranford stu- Library for redesign of the build-" sters from throughout the coun- tants in the district event to be ing's rear facade. try entered last year's competi- held a t Cranford High School dent Brian Penschpw recently Though the works will only Be'..' joined his fellow students tion for boys and girls in age cat- Jan. 17. used as a guideline for the board" enrolled in Union County Names of the national winners egories 8-9, .10-11, and 12-13. in its renovation plans, their proCollege's Architecture Program will be 'inscribed on the Elks Each contestant has 25 shots at National "Hoop Shoot" plaque, on to demonstrate their knowledge duction enabled students to gain and talent when they presented practical experience working on<a<" permanent display in t h e Naismith Memorial Basketball five proposals to the Board of real-life project in an applied .seta, Hall of Fame in Springfield, MA. Trustees of Rahway Public ting. BEAVER' The designs presented were"DRIES UP WET rendered to provide handicapped access and to be easily incorpo-i The IRS "HOPES" YOU Will BASEMENTS. rated into the original building" layout. According to architecture" coordinator Prof. Dori Vicente! ' the students also had drawn r e n " :. This Message derings for sitting areas, a .reatk ! Have you paid too much income tax? Without proper planning, you may pay a ing room and a more "pkasirjg", • great deal more In Estate Taxes. Uncle Sam could become your largest benefimain entrance. All the works' > ciary since Estate Taxes can erode OVER 60% of. your wealth. Attend this semiincluded colored drawings, ele,yat j nar to find out how to: tions and plans. ' •» » < • Avoid fire-sales of family assets. "The proposals were ideas for ] • Avoid Probate & maintain privacy of your personal affairs. the library board to improve the ] • Protect your estate if you become incapacitated and rear facade make it more inviting' i • learn about other elder-law & elder-care issues. and accessible to the public," sa1}^ | • Assure that loved ones are financially secure. . Prof. Vicente. Students developed' ' Over 90% of the wet basements in this area are • Determine which legal documents every person should have. their designs based on several' ! caused by water leaks in the walls and water • Learn about the new 1997 tax law CHANGES. on-site visits. •-" " ' seeping in where (he floor & walls join. Whafs • Increase your after-tax Income & reduce your estate tax liability. The library board reviewed I a simple and inexpensive remedy to this type of the works of UCC students Atth'a' ; wel basement problem? ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR Petersen of Fanwood, i Have the BEAVER? system Christopher Heinl of Summit, -j This FREE 8emlnor will be most beneficial to people who have a minimum net professionally installed! MicEael Moritz of Roselle Park i worth of $1 million. Attend this seminar and you will be offered a FREE 1-hour and Frank Simone of Clark. ' ' ! consultation ($250. Value) to determine how proper planning may benefit you. Dr. Sondra Fishinger, a setiiqU1 ] professor of English at the college i L iD.ncmtnl Water Conlrol Syilcm and Rahway residents, is pre'si- | (224 Walnut Ave.) dent of the library's board of i skydell trustees. She initiated the idea' of | Tues., November 25th from 10 AM -12:00 haviiig the Architecture Program [ BENJAMIN D. ECKMAN, ESQ. participate in the renovation pro- j Estate Planning & Elder Lnw ject on the strength of previqtis; | successes it had with municipal ! Seating is limited. Call to reserve your place renovation projects in Rahway, | 800-524-6178 Cranford, Springfield, Roselle, i (24-hour Seminar Reservation Line) . »»* Scotch Plains and Summit. ' HING FOR fflE CARE, D PLEASURE OF YOUR wmamm DOG TRAINING ' / . ' : Noah's Ark Animal Placement turns CRANFORD PUBLIC LIBRARY V j l lHa - . ••'••:' • 176 Htissa Street, Linden, New Jersey 07036 Treat yourself in a fjounnel buffet of epic proportions lIiisTluiiiksjjiviiif,'. Dine-on fresh shrimp, oysters, clams on the Iwlf-shcll for starters. Enjoy homemade soups and salads, chef-carved turkey, prime rib, leg of Iamb and baked ham, roast duck, loin of pork, fried chicken, sausage, and combination seafood - complemented with uarden-fresh vegetables, baked zili, Greek-style potatoes, turnips, and-sweet potatoes. If you can, save room Cor the Viennese pastry table featuring fresh fruit and Snuffy's famous cheesecakes. y So this Thanksgiving, bring your family and friends to a feast they will always I'hu lax Snuffy's. & gratuity .•••'. . . preparing, for its holiday concerts scheduled April 25,- 1998 a ther educatiQn in music. under new director Tom Booth 8 Roosevelt Intermediate School. •: To be considered for the schol- i RECORD-PRESS CORRESPONDENT p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13 at the..The Glee Club meets socially: arship, music students from.,2.?,^ First'Gongregational Church and. .during--/the' 1 luinrn'er"- before., schools•'••are Jhyited. -for comjaeti- i. . . . ,vsVi Men's Glee Club .is now in its 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec,". lX'at St.' rehearsals, for the following- tive auditions. • " ' ,73rd season of providing men's Paul's Episcopal Church. ..; • year'a; •, programs ..begin in The scholarship winner also choral sound to the surrounding : As in past years, the concerts. September. " receives a n opportunity to petV ' • ' .•; ; communities. '•',..•'••• •'.••- j • . . .-w:ilL.include'"sacred,i:traditional, Members! 'also,, perform--for- f ^ i i M l i O . .The not-for-profit group has spiritual and Hanukkah.pieces other. organizations: and take inManhattan. v . : / ; . , more than. 30 active singersfrom — music for all faiths," according part in area music festivals. /'•The men who a r e part o i ; Westfield, Scotch Plains, to Dale Juntilla, a Glee Club Donations received as part of glee club"enjoy it for the pure fun;-Fanwood and Cranford. member for 20 years and chair- Glee Club performances are put of singing," Mr. Juntilla said. ,-^ t , Rehearsals are 8-10 p.m. every man of its music and scholarship toward a $1,500 scholarship Anyone who is interested i n , ; ' Monday at the Presbyterian committee. awarded to a student graduating becoming a member may call i A Church on Mountain Avenue, In addition, members will from an area high school, who is (908) 232-0673 for more informa-;; he Glee Club" is "currently rehearse until the spring concert interested'in continuing his or tion. •! | Remember HOPE... it is the heart of Hospice Bbr information about The Center For Hope Hospice i Call (908) 486-0700 Margaret J. Cploncy, R.N., President, . C.E.O. and co-founder t i e s . ' By MAUREEN FOYE Cranford temple work wins award !; ':.•'.• The Annual Access/Union"^ County Awards were created last' . year by the freeholders' advisory"1 board on the disabled, in conjunction with the Union CoiiHftJjf",'' Office for the Disabled and t h e Eastern Paralyzed VeteraW" Association, to reward complhV'| ance with the Federal Americans'' with Disabilities Act (ADA). ':,' The Federal ADA, passed i n 1990, requires places of public"' accommodation to make theiryfacilities, goods and services'" accessible to people with disabili-. Westfield Men's Glee Club prepares fi>r its 73rd holiday season •P'E Call Mike 8AM - 6PM .' 307 S. Michigan Ava,, Kenilworlh, NJ 07033 Te|; (908) 245-PETS|l (7387) A-9- November 20,199?- Cranford Chronicle Center For Hope Hospice is about the value of life and how you choose to Spend it once a life-limiting illness is present Cranford Chronicle fcwEDDIHfilWItilGMPHY Wedding Rwepllons Engagement • Shower* • Rehearsal Dinners Wedding Coonlinaior Available Call for n free cnnsiilnulnn mil brochure 647 Bound Brook Rd, Punnellen 7 5 1 - 7 5 2 7 I FROM $645.00 Garwood's Unami Park re-opens with new playground equipment and 'tot lot' school graduate for special condisabilities are invited to attend tributions made to his/her family, an informational meeting to disschool, community or to societycus^ Family CO-OPtions, a new at-large through personal GARWOOD - Unami Park federally funded family support involvement. has had its playground renovated program. The meeting has been The second award, ; t h e with new equipment. [scheduled for Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. Women's Opportunity Award, is T h i s playground is actually andiWill be held at Family Link of open to mature women entering twej separate entities with play JJiiign and Essex located at 2333 scholarships to be awarded at its or returning to the work force. activities that are age appropriMorris Ave. Suite A-20, Union. Applicants may be CO-OPtions seeks to May 1998 Awards Dinner. The. ed or their names can be submit- ate," Daniel Sullivan, vice chairman of the Union County Board program is funded by The connect families who,have chilted by third parties.\ of Chosen Freeholders, said in a dren, with disabilities, and help Soroptimist Foundations. Applications and-4nfofmation press release. • The first isthe Youth them form cooperatives to are available at Brand Travel, "The tot lot1 is for ages 2-5 and exchange child care. Participants Citizenship Award that recog- Westfield, or by calling P a t the other (playground) is for ages tate turns watching the children nizes a 1998 college-bound high Smith, chairperson a t 232-0165. of other members in exchange for credit hours toward the care of their own children. Non-disabled siblings also will be included in th&child care exchange. ,i.,/ .. '. 5-12," he said. around $75,000. Unami Park's- playground The playground is part of meets or exceeds Consumer recent renovations that include Product Safety Commission resurfaced tennis courts, new guidelines and American Society stripes for the tennis courts and for Testing and Materials stan- a new fence at Unami Park. dards, according to the press Plans are being drawn up to release. The playground also include public restrooms in the meets requirements of thepark, which was designed by, the Americans with Disabilities Act. same Olmsted brothers who Cost for the renovations was designed Central Park in estimated in the press release at Manhattan. . ', Dr. Erica Fried, Union County patient advocate, speaker at Jewish Community Center .Erica Friea, Union County Patient Advocate addressed the senior adults of'the Jewish Cottttnutfity Center of Central •New. Jersey O.ct. 29..•'•• • . : -, . 'She spoke about the recently formed Union County Patient AdVb^ate"Program, the first.such |-progr,din--ini-New -Jersey. The Patient • Advocate' Program : provided a 24-hour phohe-line to assist withproblems of access to health care, For people age 60 or older; the CHIME (Counseling on Health Insurance for Medicare Enrollees) program assists with health insurance problems. Contact CHIME at 709-2150. ' The Patient Advocate Program isjoperated by trained volunteers, mjany of whom are nurses. It is supported by the Union County B{>ard of Chosen Freeholders and Catholic Community- Services. There is no fee for services. Call ChildBirth Center More than 150,000 babies have been born at Muhlenberg 654-6623. ! I North Jersey dissociation Of Female Executives (NJAFE) plan meeting Nov. 20 . ] UNION - North Jersey Association of Female Executives INJAFE) has scheduled its monthly dinner meeting Nov. 20 atj C^fe Repetti, 572 Kenilworth Blvd., Kenilworth. Networking w|ll'jegin at 6 p.m.; dinner at. 6:Q0 p.m.; and. the program biigins at 7:30 p.m. Speakers will be .Josephine Gill and Eileen Puttee. ' The cost for a NJAFE member pre-paid: is $30; non-member prepaid costs $35; walk-ins will be charged an additional $5. The membership fee is $50. For further information, call 548-5959 Ext.4455. |Soroptimists Club seeking scholarship applicants 'WESTFIELD — Soroptimist fntewiational of the Greater _stfield Area (SIGWA) seeks qualified applicants prior to Dec. l^jfor two annual monetary Astronomy Web Site boosts UCC's Observatory .'CRANFORD - with soo pfipple visiting its World Wide Web site in four months, Ai&teur Astronomers, Inc., based, .at Union County College's Sperry Observatory, has,, achieved a prominent place in the Information Age as,(jyell as the Space Age. ^Designed to eventually replace AAI's electronic bulletin board, the organization's Wab site offers a pictorial disftlav outlining the observatory and-its high technology facilities, Among other facts, it proa brief history of AAI, an speaker schedule, r\ames of officers and observatory, location. The. Web site has ftftjjs to othec astronomy clubs and. even weather reports-all site visitors. "We had quite a bit of interested generated as a result of otnrWeb • site," says Anthony Patti, AAI president, '.information is so much more controllable, manageable." * *.(Q|n6 of the largest astronomy ylubaTin the U.S., the orgaSujpion developed its Web site through the expertise of memtiers George Lewycky, who fleceived an award for his creativity and ingenuity. Aside f£om an increased number of contacts to AAI,. Mr. Patti Oted that many visitors ecome so impressed with &ATs offerings, that they join and become share their interest in celestial phenomena. J| -Visit AAI's Web site a t }hl, For more information, call M I at either 709-7520 or 276- 8 STAR. •II ; •'• "During the birth of our son, th^ nurses put me at ease. Afterwards, they spent a great 2 Regional Medical Center, where we believe each and every birth is a special miracle. Muhlenberg has one of the most modern maternity and nursery facilities in Central New Jersey. Our highly skilled medical and nursing professionals do everything possible to make having a baby a happy and safe experience. * deal of-time with me,~tiffering warm, friendly advice on how to care for my newborn: XMdve , 5} ' Special Features of the ChildBirth Center Childbirth Classes • C o m b i n e d Labor/Delivery/ Recovery Rooms • Preparation4bp-Childbirth (Lamaze) • Early Pregnancy • Lamaze "Getaway Weekends" • Preparation for Cesarean Birth • Private Rooms Usually Available at N o Extra Charge • Refresher Lamaze • Special Care Nursery • Infant Care • Special Visiting H o u r s for Grandparents • Infant/Child Emergency Care • Breastfeeding • Certified Breastfeeding Consultant o n Staff - . • Sibling Orientation ~~~~"'. • Parents Night Out For more information or to schedule a tour, call the ChildBirth Center at: for Muhlenpqrg and its staffs They made my stay and our "Muhlenberg Miracfy" the happiest time of my life." 908.668.2353 Or complete and send the coupon below to Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center, Department of Public Relations & Marketing, P.O. Box 1272, Plainfield, NJ 07061. • I Y C S ! Please send me more information about Muhlenberg's ChildBirth Center, u Name: Address: City: : ' : .State: • i • Zip: Stacey Merkler Colonk, NJ NJ\ I MUHLENBERG REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, INC. Park'Aveaae^Randolph Road, Plainfield, NJ 07061 Visit us at Affillaled with the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New lersey/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School OIW
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