Document 184213

Page 8 £RANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, March 13,1986
' ~~~^
A building block approach
The process of coming up Union corridor should be a
with a workable financial priority. Fixing up the main
package to underwrite the drag along with the decrepit
Downtown Program has railroad underpass will be
resulted in a scaling down of highly visible, aesthetically
the opening phase to what is pleasing, and a linkagefWRT
, peceeived as saleable to the thought it would be the place
town elders, the citizenry and to start and the DMC has
the people who will foot most come around to that notion.
of the bill—the business and^ The. first phase improperty -owners in theprovements
Improvement everybody.
F o r nonpistrict. The proposed five downtown
;year plan would raise only a especially, tTTey a r e a
'.fourth of what the consultant bargain. The startup outlay
; said would be needed for the from the general treasury ap: first phase of £He revitaliza- proximates the cost of the
Ition program, and the first township's new sewer
phase has been trimmed back vacuum truck, and the annual
' ponsiderably by the District one-to-two tax point outlay is
'Management Corporation. equivalent to half of the com| for examples, the Wallace pactor cost. Thisjs starting
; Roberts & Todd streetscape small, and reasonably, and
;package for th& major affordably.
;Walnut-North Union corridor
The danger in slimming
. ;has been halved, and the shift down -before the journey
; in priorities from the PosfOf-, begins would be a reversion
jfice Plaza with-ttattic cir- to the old Cranford piecemeal
jculation changes to thej approach which has treated
;streetscaping represents a symptoms of town center pro; halving of the local corpora- blems instead of causes ever
tion's own early ambitions. since cars replaced horses.
rThuff the journey for a thou- However, the smorgasboard
sand paving bricks begins of projects-served up-by-the
JWith a tiptoe instead of with a consultants last year is still
intact,-and there's nothing
jp It'll be one building block at like a showpiece to produce
• a time, one project on a pay- momentum. The do-it;as-you-go basis. This fits the yourself factor might be as
To the Editor:
I would like to add my voice to the
voices of my neighbors who believe
that moving thtf Conservation Center
is not in the best interest of our town.
I live on Georgia {street near the
Clark border. I am concerned about
the smell, the increase iniraffic and
the decrease in property value that
will surely occur if the Center is mov'ed to my neighborhood.
I wonder whether the relocation of
the "dump" will cause "New Jersey
Monthly" magazine to print a cqrrec
tion, and say that only the north side
of Cranford is a nice place to live. As much as I enjoy having \ place
to bring my leaves and tree clippings, as much as I enjoy running into
my neighbors there, I believe it is
time to discontinue the Conservation
Center and make other plans for
discarding our leaves and branches.
I am heartbroken!*) think that I
may have to move from a town I have
grown to love in the past few years.
Nancy Kelner
- • 38 Georgia St.
burn leaves
;fnrrpnr mnnH and wnp't hf> a
jbad model for other com-' 'elements, especially with in:munities which are watching centives that are evolving
;Cranford because it is thelike a facade design
tfirst community in the state assistance program and low take advantage of theinterest loans to business and
'special taxing district plan. property owners. That sym!ln the process of honing a bolic first step might be
^saleable financial package, smaller, but it's in the realm
.the corporation has returned of the affordable and should
jjto the consultant's potion that lead to long term benefits for
[the Walnut-underpass-North the community.
400,000 uninsured
Following is the text of a message
to the state commissioner of environmental protection:
On behalf of the Township Committee of the,Township of Cranford I am
appealing to you for a solution to one
of the biggest problems ever to face
the township-the disposal of leaves.
Cranford has been composting
leaves for the past nine years. Public
resistance to in-town composting
facilities and ever-increasing D.E.P.
regulations have created a great deal
of tension. The township is densely
populated and does not have land
available in non-residential areas;
there are no in-state transfer stations
willing to receive leaves; resource
recovery systems will not be
available for at least five more years
in the Cranford area; and it is highly
questionable as to whether another
state would be willing to accept this
type of refuse. It would appear that
the only alternative to a municipality
such as Cranford would be to burn
the leaves!
In planning for the 1986 leaf season,
the Rahway. River. Photo by it is imperative that I hear from you
as soon as possible as to what you
would suggest we do to alleviate our
'leaf problem. If your solutions are
not viable for the Township, I must
insist on a permit to burn leaves in
titheT««i*nihip'of>iCranford. •''• '"•''"
Paul T; LaCorte
Public Works Commissioner
Avenue across
Naked and The Dead:'reflections of March
i'- Vehicle inspection viola- means that one in every thir- The
..Stuart Awbrey.
tions have more than tripled teen vehicles you pass on the
"here in recent years, to 898 in road isn't covered. That's not
jCranford last year. That ac- as bad as in some other
counted for almost a fourth of states. But it's another symp•all motor vehicle summonses tom of the state's insurance
,'in 1985. Increased enforce- quandary: high premiums
;ment has contributed to this and cancelled or otherwise
.record total. The inspections unavailable coverage puts inOffer teachers
;themselves uncover unlicens- surance out of reach for
Convenience! is another factor. In
Improving the
a story takes a different turn the bad old days I used to fumble
ed drivers or unregistered many. A New Jerseyan's car in.Often
the process of its reportage. around in the dark looking for fuses
with is his movable castle, and Sailors
school board
would say it takes-a new tack. and the box. I once said my house had
;mechanical problems, andsomehow those who violate Journalists
would" say that the angle an electric personality but itsTo the Editor:
the stuff that isn't in thethe vehicle laws manage to changed on a breaking story. In my transformer was shot. Now, if too The Cranford Parent-Teacher To the Editor:
pallet or the glove box- stay in them. Stiff penalties case it happened on a circuit- many flicks upstairs overload the Council Is vitally concerned with the' It was nice_to^see that more than
education of all children in the Cran- one or two board members had the
registration, license, in- don't seem to discourage the breaking tale.
system, I just flick the circuit ford Public Schools. We.are also con- courage to vote down the Cranford
elecsurance card-strongly sug- violators, whose indolence
breaker downstairs.
cerned with maintaining a quality school budget presented by the
trical permits in the annual building
geststhatra~lotnrjf mote
My electric bills have no personalipersonali-teaching ^tajf Jpx _our_schools^ ^superintendent, a budget which I felt
:are driving without in- the good intentions and dents the 300 mark for the first time. That ty afaHr-1 canTundeirstand them any Therefore we find some of the opi- wasTRflaled; and one"lhatTtianype(F~
than I can fathom why nions concerning the upcoming pie in this town cannot afford. The
the pocketbdoks of lawperked my interest. I thought maybe better
children fail to hear me say, "Please school budget, aired on your editorial school budget would have had one of
: A few years agio— a_ abiding, citizens who buy in- we were becoming a "wired city."
turnout the lights."
page, disturbing and unacceptable.
the highest increases in the county.
guesstimate was made by the surance, carry a card to pro- Judy Mazur in the Building DepartI've said that until I'm red-in-theWe do not believe that budget cuts
Now that the saga of
insurance industry that ve it, register their car, and
kilowatts but the porch light should begin with teachers salaries!
roofs is coming to a close, it is my
900,000 New Jerseyans were have ah honest inspection new videocassette recorders,
We are interested in keeping quality opinion that the taxpayers of CranI figured I was losing but my bouts teachers and in being able to attract ford were really raked over the coals.
driving without liability sticker. The situation microwave ovens, multiple color
the arcane bills floor me by sav- highly qualified teachers to our comcoverage; that has since been underscores the need for television sets and air conditioning with
I understand the school board receiving I'm flat.
munity. Our ability to do this will be ed bids of $223,000 and one for under
Revised to what the state Divi- reform to get reasonable units.
I'm holding my own by turning
sion of Motor Vehicles and the rates and decent coverages
I added the hair dryer explosion- down the kitchen light while wat- determined by our willingness taot-. $500,000 from prequalified bonded
to rercibf both schools.
for every other socket in my ching the microwave and by picking fer highly competitive salaries. We contractors
industry feels is a more ac- for everybody.
house-and the proliferation of porch popular videocassettes so everybody are not willing to short change the Why weren't either one of these concurate t>total of 400,000. This
children of Cranford by forcing our tractors seJecTSB?" The Board of
On the record: floored
by a flat electric bill
A non-bond burning
, A financial crunch is com- fund balance, but if it works
ing up at the municipal pools pay-as-you-swim will have
In the form of two debt ser- succeeded over six years. The
vice expenditures, both to pay decision to rebuild was
for the reconstruction of thepivotal in pool history
Orange Avenue Pool. Thebecause it affirmed the
first one is $170,000 this year, town's commitment to public
the second is next year, at pools and the payoff plan is
90,000. They are the two big- significant because it is
st annual payouts by far avoiding, the long term inif all goes well, they will debtedness on the Centennial
e last. Instead of going to complex that still leaves the
more expensive permanent- utility with $1T3 million to go
financing, the pool will have until the Year 2000. There will
Ween rebuilt through short be a big bond burning
term bond anticipation ceremony then. Meantime,
ttotes.( called BANs). Thethe pools can anticipate a
jbkyoff requires drawing^Lbig non-bond hurning of the short,
chunk out of the surplus, or term Orange notes in 14 months.
i&fjeCranf orb Chronicle
fcoulle Grata
Newt editor
Mary Cherenn
fc. Sally Blood
Jane Patrlcco
MMll Promotion
Builneia Manager
Production Manager
Circulation Manager
•The Cranford Chronicle Is published
* very Thursday by Awbrey Communa l0l 1
ne l n c a c
if « F I ? &"*> &> X
tlon at 21-23 Alden Street, Cranford
IN. J. 07018. USPS 136 800.
. M e m b e r : Audit Bureau of Circulation New Jersey Press Association,
Cranford Chamber of Commerce
National Press Association.
I "SubteHptioJTMtes; by mairprepaid
one year within Union County »l£oo
it of county $18.00.
All material copyrighted 1966 by
A-C-N.J, fiw...Qffldal newspaper for
Pranford, Kenilworth and Garwood, Second Class Pojtaw: Paid at Cranfbrd,
'POSTMASTER: Send addreiis
chanaes tb The Cranford Chronicle,
Wrestler praise
-To the Editor:
Who said good guys come in
last...congratulations to Frank
Genova on his regional victory.
An individual victory which
delighted all those who know, trained
with, or was just able to follow your
Special praises to you coaches, in
particular Chuck Ferrara, who
should also be congratulated on his
recent -footballappointment. -It i t
nice to see our school board give an \
opportunity to our "in-house" per-\
Good luck to Gary Jones, Kevin
Cofsky and Frank Genova in the
state finals.
Paul R. DiGlano
368 S. Union Ave.
lights all night long, also at my can enjoy the dark.
A three-hour film on the VCR gobThese—observations fueled my bles up the same number of watts as
growing notion that we're turning in- the front porch, light beaming from
to a town full of power junkies.
midnight to dawn.
I called Public- Service to ask the
My real antagonist is the hand-held
watt instead of the what. I thought hair dryer. For ten minutes of blow
their statistics might confirm a dried hair", I could: get 30 hours of
movies or 10 nights worth of porch
They grounded my notion. My VCR lights.
uses the equivalent of a couple of
In my house, hair is more imporlight bulbs and might actually be sav- tant than food. I could get an hour's
ing money because lights are off worth of microwaving for 30 minutes
elsewhere while the family watches worth of hair waving. But with three
flicks in the dark.
females in the house this lone male
In fact, over the past three years isn't about to start a power struggle
the average house has trimmed over 3,000 watts a day. I'm counterseven percent of its kilowatt usage. Ing by using my hand-held can
, Over, tlte same three years the cost of opener, shaving with a straight edge
, jgwgfclnjhgjiverage home has gone__ jhdJjjTJshjngJeeth manuallvtsaving
up ten percent. That makes conser- 196 watts a day).
vation part of the story. In fact, it's
I am learning the hard way that
been going on for a dozen years. The you can burn a candle at both endselectric substation here reports that as long as the candle(power) is long
Cranford is "essentially flat" in enough.
power use.
Which one, pleased
To the Editor:
to the Garwood public hearing on the
The public hearing for the Gar- school budget without knowledge of
wootUchool budg«UulllJte-lieM-7^0_-08ures. where my moneyjs going,
p.m. March 18. The same night and **"* ">u""*
time our high school public hearing is
Our increase on the budget for
being held at David Brearley, March regional high schools is going up
18 at 7:30 p.m.
from a 2.61 percent raise of last year
i want to attend both because they to another 4.18 percent raise this
are the largest part of my tax dollar. year. I have lot of questions to ask
How will*jp«jm U? Who is guilty of about that. But at least t know what I
poor planningwfar as the dates are will be asking.
concerned? Doesn't the right hand
Don't take m rights away from
know what the left hand Is doing?
of a public hear.... I called the board secretary of the me. What is the
^ u
be heawl. I quesGarwood schools and quesHorietTthe - ing
date being the same. The secretary tion the legalit of holding two
at the ^me -time In difo
Baid the date is set and we are not meetings
changing it. In other words - tough. ferent places so that a citizen has to
I received a regional high school miss one of them.
budget last week. I have not received
any information from the Garwood
public schools. Am I supposed to go
vw V1W t t l l O
•*"- -^•vu
va> r*MHI|UVU CftllU UIIC l l / l
Politics: bridge meeting, Rinaldo's mayoral survey
Local and county officials will Rudman wilTjeopardize local promeet with the state Department of grams and services.
Deploring a cutback in state funds and removed the once-expected Environmental Commission in an efHinaldo said most of the officials
that he. says will cause a "drastic $62,706 revenue from the budget.
fort to regenerate momentum to get who responded to his survey oppose
reduction" in funds for street resur»«,, u „ ,. „ t ^ , . °. 1U
the replacement plans for the High any reduction in federal financial
hl has the
^ i ± i g -ri iee tr eor w
^ hnes- rht imp^ h
* f e c * * tqgromgthe
p iup -b^lbiUec - - ^ t l . ,
state J ^ S M ^ T ^ W ^ ^ stream encroachment permit
pro- reyenueJ_sharing program extended.
officials to restore the monies.
cess. Assemblyman Peter Genova Congress voted~to discontinue the
all ofplace,
that amount.
If it
The governor's proposal to
requested a session through the state program at the end of the current
eliminate or reduce payments to have to come out of local tax ddlars. commissioner, Richard Dewling. fiscal year. (Cranford has customari•.
municipalities under the Municipal
Paul LaCorte, public works commis- ly used the money for police salaries
Tax Assistance communities which receive MPTAF sioner here, will represent the but isn't counting on it for most of
Fund(MPTAF) by half will require
those expenses now.) Doug Nbrdlocal taxpayers to shoulder a greater reduction of payments, coming on
of Cranford was among eight
sumburden in order that the governor topof.a state budget which calls for a marized responses of municipal of- respondents.
and state can balance their budget,
Westfield Mayor Ron Frigerio told
receipt apportionment, "has a ficials including Cranford's mayor to
said Paul T. LaCorte.
his query about impacts on cutbacks Rinaldo he was ready to "bite the
The funding prospects worsened.
in federal aid. He said respondents
- ~ fear the cuts mandated by Gramm- bullet" on bringing down the federal
Just after the commissioner sent a budgets."
deficit. Springfield Mayor William
mailgram appealing for restoration
"Municipal governments have the
to leaders in both the State Assembly least options available as revenue
and State Senate, the local govern- sources and the continuing eroding of
ment learned that MPTAF revenues long standing municipal sources of
may be eliminated entirely instead of revenue such as MPTAF and fran-hyiialf. Edward J. Murphy,- township chise and-gross receipt- tax merely
administrator, said "the governor is shifts the burden to local property
screwing us one more time."
taxpayers," he said. "New Jersey
Donald PerleCf finance director, already has one of the highest rates
said he took a conservative approach for local property taxes."
Cieri said loss of revenue sharing Veterans Affairs which he chairs,
would create a hardship on residents. and are presenting their goals and
Other news from and about needs.
State Sen. C. Louis Bassano's bill
Rinaldo is expected to bemandating a blood test from pregnext week's Republican county convention in Roselle Park.
U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley received the
New Jersey VFW Outstanding
Legislator Award in Washington.
Vince Brinkerhoff, township committeeman, was among VFW leaders attending organization meetings in the
Genova said veterans havetaken a
favorable view toward creation of the
new Assembly Committee on
hours of delivery passed the Senate.
He said it will reduce the infant mortality rate in the etate-n&fld-fttrther
protect women who go tdpjirthing
Bassano said the recent Supreme
Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the Fair Housing Act
will restore order to over 100
municipalities embroiled in Mount
Laurel litigation and will put an end
.*o court dictated housing policies.
Cranford Merchant
of the Week
By AUan C.Kane
I f I
Rinaldo aides here Monday
Caseworkers for U.S. Rep. Mat- the Kenilworth Post Office from 1 to 2
thew J. Rinaldo will visit here Mon- p.mrr at the Cranford Post Office
day. They'll be available to assist—&50m2a5to3*15 p.m. and at the Garconstituents who have problems in- wood Post Office from 3:30 to 4:30
volving the federal government at p.m.
STATEMENT: 1. Over the course of the past generation, the purchasing value of our American dollar has constantly and irretrievably diminished.
QUESTION: 1. If the definition of "risk" means "potential loss,"
the~n doesn't this above actual and positive long term loss, represent
•essentially Hie wurst foi in of economic risk?
"I believe an extraordinary
speculation is shaping up in what
may be the lowest risk and highest
potential since gold."
Douglas Casey.
Personal Finance
STATEMENT: '2. AH ol the greal fortunes acquired, involved
various measures of risk with the exposure to potential loss. Obviously the plusses outweighed the minuses for a net result of worthwhile profits.
"AccordhiB to some estimates,
cellular will be a $12-billion-a-year
industry ten years from now.' r
Fortune, August 6, '85
Tom Viglianti and George Johnson .Owners
Like television in the 40's, and cable TV in the 60's, cellular telephone
is rapidly becoming the best investment in decades.
Now, cellular telephone is coming to New Jersey. Investors from coast
to coast are already seeking to get in on the highincome potential of
the New Jersey market.
And you can too.
Frank O'Brien, cellular phone expert and representative of The
Cellular Corporation, will conduct a seminar to explain how qualified
investors in the New Jersey area can take advantage of this unusual
Tom Viglianti and Qeorge Johnson, owners of the Cranford Bike
vShop for over 6 years, have a great deal to oTfer the bikiug-enthusiast.
They carry a complete line of bikes from trlcvcles to custom racing
bikes. Specializing In wheel bullding.-custrim bike building, sajes 8f
service, the shop carries BMX free-style bikes. Miyata Touring and
Racing Bikes (12 speed A up), Ross all-terrain, Mountain Bikes as well
as bikes by Diamond Back, Q.T. and Haro. "With the many different
bikes now on the market Its important to get the right kind of bike for
the specific type of riding you are going to do. Its also Important to
have the right size bike, especially for children. We will see that your'
child has the right size bike. This Is important for safety as well as
comfort," says Qeorge. Prices at Cranford Bike Shop Include
assembly, a 1 year warranty on parts and labor and warranties on '
tires, tubes and frames. Free pick-up and delivery Is offered. Exercise
bikes, biking clothes, shorts, jerseys, helmets, shoes and accessories
are also In stock. If you're looking for a bike or your bike needs
' service, stop in and meet the experts.
Cranford Bike Shop
105 N. Union Ave •Cranford • 272-0184
QUESTION: 2. If this is a criteria, why is it that generally, the less
money a person has, the less willing he is, to consider a series of
diversified and calculated investment risks when the odds of winning
plus the potential rewards are great enough to change a mouse into a
STATEMENT: 3. The American dollar of the future is destined to
shrink even more rapidly than has the dollar of the paskbecause the
undeveloped nations of the vforld are.demanding "their piece of the
action," and America is no longer insulated against the cost ot participating in this immense cost.
QUESTION: 3. As a potentially long living American, exposed to
these basic truths, wouldn't you prefer being a "little lion" instead of
a big mouse?"
Investment Portfolio Planning, (which is part and parcel of Financial Planning) allows you to take advantage of "opportunities of a
lifetime," so that when they mature, they can take care of you during
your lifetime.
ALLAN C. KANE ASSOCIATES Is a full service Financial
and Estate Planning Company, with ofllce* at
191 North Avenue East. Cranford, N.J.
Copyright l«M> Allan C. Kane
To findout-mopeabbUtnthelCellulaiif telep^tt^ ^«»o«, «hd ih6# $t din
benefit'you, arid to ask any
questions you might have, attend Mr.
O'Brien'^ FREE seminar. K
Holiday Inn, Rt. 22, Springfield
7:00 P.M. Registration - 7:30 P.M. Presentation
For Reservations Call
276*8870 s
with Richard Dixon
Trust Company Knows
How to HelpYou Elan
for Your Retirement Needs
teachers to seek employment in
areas where salaries are more
Our children are our future!
Cranford Parent-Teacher Council
Education should be asking
themselves "what did we get for approximately $l,5OO,0Q<l.that we could
not have gotten fortmder $500,000? I
know one thing they dijl get, and that
was water comingMrtto the school
after a rainfall. I understand the
board spent an additional $20,000 for
roof gutters and leaders (which the
schools never had) hoping that will
solve the problem. It would be interesting to find out who is going to
pay for the restoration of the
To the Editor:
mutilated school grounds caused by
The Cranford Chronicle on the
front page quoted Township Commit- the roofing contractor.
tee members trying to justify a nine
I sincerely believe to have a more
point increase in the municipal tax effective board, they must change
rate this year. One member, Paul their method of operating.
LaCorte, even told us the rise is a (1) The board should have four
' ^ h l i J
A nine point increase is neither operation, policy.
reasonable nor justifiable. The Na- (2) The board should consider fortional League of Cities this week ming, citizen's committees, comprisestimated that cuts in next year's ed of people who have expertise in
federal budget will require com- various fields; finance, education,
munities under 50,000 (such as Gran- operation and maintenaneev-These
ford) to increase the local property can be drawn upon for their
tax rate 25 percent just to stay even knowledge before many Important
in services provided.
decisions are made. In any trade the
tools" used go a long way in affecElected officials such as LaCorte
Nordstrom and Farmer can sing the ting the quality and efficiency of any
praises of the supposed good value job.
we get in a nine point) increase. Th<* —
Philip Cocuzza
time io plan forThe corning hard
51 Wall St.
times was in this year's budget The
failure of our quotable officials to do
! 0 « « a ^ , n e l t h e r responsible or
The ElseworthfMaine) American:
John A. Williams Jr.
When the world oil prices went up,
iI2^. Uc gasoline prices went up
with them; but when world oil prices
go down, the price at the pumps falls
verjrBWwly.Everythina that goes up
John Welngal%~dh^or o/~tiu ctoes dowMhey W but it doesn't
atate Division of Coaatal Resource*, come down as fast aB It went up.<
commenting on the changed attitude
toward rising teas caused by carbon
. ¥14TrjW't
sports its rail system
dtaxld«vbulldup«- in the atmosphere:
1 w w
."L *"
Jwuary on-Ume
We w$nt somewhere frtfm
rortnance with &3.3 percent on
norance and indifference to'skepedule, The Raritan Valley Line
ticism and concern.
here scored 94.4 percent.
Critique of
tax increase
Ups and downs
Rising seas
Seeks restoration of funds
for resurfacing of streets
Thursday, March 13,1986 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Page 9
staff was
Scotland-Part Two.
Winter in Scotland..clear highlighted by an entercold sparkling days- tainment of Scottish music
scenery- and dance. Next morning
exquisite hospitality. up early and off to our next
From the time Peggy stop- a three hour mini
Walther, Project Manager trade fair with suppliers
for the Scottish Tourist from every aspect of ScotBoard
in tish Tourism. What a
Washington greeted us at delight - the creme de la
Dulles Airport for ourcreme of travel experts
flight to Edinburgh- via gathered to explore with
London, I knew we were in us the best way to present
for an extraordinary the area. Each day was to
travel event. Peggy is a follow the same format.
complete professional in Classroom sessions in the
every sense and she ex- morning-hotel check outecuted every^aspeet of our move to4h&nextvillage or_
departure with ease. Upon city-presentation-cocktail
our arrival in Edinburgh dinner reception with local
we were met by our hosts dignitaries. Exhil^ratingfor the week: John JHut- informative-speclal. Our
chinson, Tutor and team of expetfts^werePublications Editor Scot- inexhaustible-Alice, Isobel
tish Tourist Board, Alice and Peggy worked 18
Wood and Isobel O'Brien, hours a day to see that our
Marketing Officers for the schedule went smoothly
Board and as JmpflEjantiy_ and our accommodations
the most outstanding were conifortaBIe.~JoHrr
driver in Scotland- spent countless hours
Tommy. We toured Edin- answering questions in
burgh Airport and were class and on the coach.
"piped" onttrour luxury Tommy negotiated curves
coach by bagpipers in full and turns with the skill of a
Scottish dress and whisked race car driver. All and all
to the Crest Hotel. A recep- the best - next week more
tion and dinner with the on "Scotland is for All of
manager and Tourist Us".
For More Information Call 272*3820
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