Document 13717

The A's Score High in
Local Major League Play
A's 10
Twins 4
a solid game at the shortstop
position. Brian Ciemnecki,
The A's opened their Major Frank DiGiovanni, Craig TinerLeague season with a 10-4 victory vin and Tom Tansey added two
over a strong Twins team. The hits each. Jon DiGiovanni and
team collected a total of 12 hits David Graffigna each conwhich was featured by catcher tributed single base hits.
Craig Tinervin's double and two
While the bats have been hot,
singles and Jon DiGiovanni's two the A's have also received strong
doubles and a single. Additional defensive performances. In addihits came off the bats of Tom tion to DeVito, Tom Tansey, Kyle
Tansey who collected two hits Epps, Jon DeGiovanni and Bob
and Scott Mueller, Brian Meyer have provided strong supCiemnecki, Frank DiGiovanni port in the field.
and Scott DeVito who each collected additional base hits.
A's 23
The A's received a solid pitchIndians 9
ing performance from Frank
In game three of the season the
DiGiovanni and Ciemnecki. A's received another standout
Together they combined for 14 performance from their lefty
strikeouts while holding the ace, Brian Ciemnecki. Brian pitTwins to six hits.
ched four innings while holding
A's 25
the hard hitting Indians to a
Orioles 6
stingy 2 runs on two single base
In game two of the young Ma- hits. This was the same Indians
jor League season, the A's team team that collected a half dozen
exploded for 25 runs while defeat- home runs during a game earlier
ing the defending Major League in the week.
Champion Orioles 25-6.
While Brian held the Indians in
After falling behind early in the check, the A's continued to
first inning, the A's came alive in receive clutch hitting. This game
the second as they combined 4 it was veteran Frank DiGiovanni
hits with 5 walks to take a 7-3 who had three consecutive base
lead. They continued their hitting hits and scored five runs. Scott
attack as they scored at least two Mueller, Craig Tinervin and Tom
runs in each inning.
Tansey each added a double and
Leading the team both offen- a single while Ciemnecki added 2
sively and defensively was Scott singles. Additional hits came off
DeVito, who collected two the bats of Bob Meyer, John
doubles and a triple while playing DiGiovanni and David Graffigna.
(continued from pago 17)
an inspired Sting offense and brougni home
a 2 0 win. In I fie first quarter, Steph! Duris
took 3 high pass from Laura Wischusen
and lofted the ball In for a score. The next
two quarters were scoreless despite eight
corner attempts by Kerry Humphreys,
Katie Noerr and Laurie Richardson and
seventeen shots at the Sting keeper. Early
In Ihe fourth quarter Kerry Humphreys
converted on a penalty kick to close out the
scoring. An earlier Scotch Plains shot in
Ihe Weslfled net was negated by a hand
ball call. Krystin Van Anglen had another
remarkable game in the net for Westlield
wilh six saves. On a Sling break away. Van
Anglen charged al the advancing attacker,
cleared the ball and sent the Sting forward
lo Ihe turf. The Fireflies were saddened to
learn of teammate Lisa Stelrmans' continuing problems and the girls and coaching
staff wish her a speedy recovery.
This vlclory brings the Fireflies season
record to 4 01, the best In the (light. Next
weekend Ihe Flies will return to.Staten
Island to revenge their loss this past fall
and will host Old Bridge on Sunday at
Tamaques School.
Colonia Cobras s
Weitlield Thunder I
The Westflcld Thunder posted a spirited
rematch against an outstanding Colonia
Cobra team at the Elm Street field. Selh
Mamkoskl manned the goal as fullbacks
Tim Coon, Nick Lucov and Nick Pino held
the Cobras scoreless lor Ihe first quarter of
the game. The Thunder offense was led by
forwards Josh Rock, Jaime Katcher and
Danny Mullaney. Although the offense
mounted several drives with the help of
halfbacks Sean Carroll, Daniel Todd and
David Geissler, Chris Talboti and Bryan
Graye, ttie Thunder nonetheless yielded 3
goals in the first half.
The second half saw precision passing by
the Thunder, leaturing Mark Malthews al
hallback. Billy Sweeney turned away
several shots on goal. The highlight of the
alternoon was a breakaway by Danny
Mullaney who dribbled the ball forty yards
and beat the Colonia goalie for an
unassisted goal. The final score was 5-1.
Westfleld Spitfires 1
Cnnlsrd Soc-Hen 4
Despite a valiant effort by Ihe Westfleld
Spitfires, they loll to a 41 defeat to the
Cranford SocHers at Cranford on April S3.
The scoring started early with a breakawy
goal by Krlsten Zacfourlan after she received a crisp pass from Susie Kozub. There
was no further scoring until late In the first
half. The Spitfire mldfleld ol Jessie Miller,
Katherine Ball, Amy Klein and Elyssa Serrilli Kept feeding the front Jlne ol
Zadourlsn, Laura Krevsky and Megan
Brotherlon, whose attacks were stopped by
the Cranford defense.
The Crantord offense also attacked
repeatedly but was stopped by strong
defensive play by Jeannette Yudes, Lauren
Rudofsky, Sarah Rubensteln and Kozub.
Toward the end ol the lirst half, Cranford
manages a goal against a tiring Westfleld
delense on a strong boot from the left side.
Goalkeepers Lynda Hoesly and Kelly
Burns slopped Cranford on several attacks. While playing at halfback, Hoesly
teamed with Brolheiion on some skillful
pass plays.
After halfllme Ihe Spitfires came out
strongly and put constant pressure on the
Cranford goal. Zadourian nearly connected
on a pass from Krevsky In front of the
Cranford goal. Rubcnstein's long kicks to
tne halfbacks and forward line gave the
Spitfires numerous scoring opportunities.
Miller and Klein passed sharply to move
the ball forward.
Midway Ihrough the second half, Cranford stopped a Westfleld attack and quickly
moved the bal I down!leld for a breakaway.
Hoesley came out of goal lo try to stop the
play but just missed on a strong effort.
After putting pressure on Cranford for
most ol the game, the Spltffres tired at the
end oF the second half and Cranford scored
two additional goals.
American Heart
1020 Galloping Hill Road, Union
Smoking To Be Prohibited
At Union County College
Western Images Will Be
Exhibited at Nature Center
The Union County Board of
Chosen Freeholders have announced the opening of a new
photography exhibit at Trailside
Nature and Science Center in
Physicist and award-winning
photographer Frederick Dammont presents the scenery and
native dwellings in a C-print
photographic s e r i e s t i t l e s
"Western Images," covering the
territory from the Rocky Mountains through the great erosion
basin to the West Coast.
The exhibit will be on display
at Trailsides's Visitor's Center,
daily from 1-5 p.m. until June 5th.
Admission is free to the public.
A companion exhibit, at the
Ultimate Image Gallery in Cranford, N.J., will open May 1
through May 31.
Photos By Jim Catena Will
Be On Display at Children's
"Unusual wonders of nature,"
pictures taken by Jim Catena of
Union, are now on exhibit at
Children's Specialized Hospital,
daily from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Mr. Catena has traveled extensively through America's National Parks and wilderness
areas photographing unusual
aspects of nature.
His pictures have been
displayed in the Chatham Annual
Festival, Union on the Green,
Short Hills Mall gallery and
various art competitions. He won
first place in Chatham, and three
consecutive first places in the
Union Show.
Mr. Catena is a graduate of
Brooks Institute of Santa Barbara, Calif., where he received a
B.A. degree in scientific
photography. He resides in
Absecon, between photographic
Interested people can see the
pictures by going through the
East Entrance. Individuals may
call 233-3720, ext. 379 for details.
Sperry Observatory Open
To Public for Astronomy Day
Sperry Observatory at Union tion. Talks will be given on
College, Cranford, run by various subjects, including Space
m e m b e r s of Amateur As- Exploration, Extra Terrestial
tronomers, Inc. will be open to Life, and Weather. Astronomical
the public, free of charge, on objects and drawings will be exSaturday, May 13, from 12 noon hibited.
to 11 p.m. to celebrate InternaAfter sunset, spectators may
tional Astronomy Day. Weather view the heavens through the
permitting, a 10" telescope will large telescopes in the domes and
be available for solar observa- smaller telescopes outside.
A "long-range policy to prohibit smoking on all collegeowned and operated facilities at
all times" was adopted Tuesday,
April 25 by the Board of Trustees
of Union County College at a
meeting at the Cranford Campus.
The campaign to prohibit
smoking in most areas of the College was spearheaded by the Student Government Association
and the Faculty.
The "no-smoking policy" will
go into effect immediately at the
College's Elizabeth Campus in
the Thomas & Belts Building, 10
Butler Street, Elizabeth, and at
the Elizabeth City Center in the
headquarters building of the
Elizabethtown Gas Company,
-One Elizabethtown Plaza, Elizabeth.
Smoking will be prohibited at
the Plainfield Center, 232 East
Second Street, Plainfield, except
in the first floor Student Lounge,
Slide presentations by 10
members of Amateur Astronomers, Inc., based at Union
County College's Sperry Observatory, will be shown to the
public at the group's last meeting
of the 1988-89 academic year.
The event at 8 p.m.. Friday,
May 19 in the Cranford Campus
Theatre, will feature discussion
on chapter members' recent
research. Pictoral displays will
be provided to illustrate abstract
Following the meeting, the
public is invited to view celestial
objects through the telescope at
the Sperry Observatory. The
monthly AAI meetings will
resume in September.
Woman's Club Press Book
Receives Blue Ribbon
The press book of GFWC
Woman's Club of Westfield was
awarded a first place blue ribbons in the competition of the
Sixth District, New Jersey State
Federation of Women's Clubs.
Wednesday Morning Club of
Cranford placed first in the
historic scrap book category and
shells will also be for sale at that was awarded a second place red
time. All are perfect Mother's ribbon for its press book. The
Day gifts.
judges eliminated a third place
Also, a limited number of silk category and gave honorable
nosegays (small round bouquets mention to Long Hill's Woman's
: ofsflowers) will be for sale and Club for both its press and scrap
would make special gifts for books. The Cranford Village
those young girls making their Improvement Association was
Holy Communion this spring. For cited with an honorable mention
more information, or for nosegay for its press book.
special orders, individuals may
call guild member, Pat Booth, at establishes criteria for judging
on a point system including, for
press books, variety and quality
of articles and media utilized,
and for scrap books variety of
content and use of photographs.
Nine clubs of the 27 in the district
First-Time Pregnancy Topic
At Resource Center for Women
"Pregnancy" The Joys and
Uncertainties" will be the focus
of a discussion for women on
Thursday, May 11, at 7:30 p.m. at
the Resource Center for Women
in Summit. Ethel Wertman,
psychotherapist who counsels
women and couples on relationship and sexuality issues will
lead the discussion of the effects
pregnancy may have on how
women feel about themselves
and their bodies, their jobs, and
their relationships with their
"The physical and emotional
changes that occur during
pregnancy can be surprising and
unsettling," said Ms. Wertman.
"It's reassuring to share ex-
With the start of the Fall
Semester in September, smoking
will be prohibited at the Cranford
Campus except in individual
closed offices when all the occupants agree, the non-eating
area of the Faculty/Staff Lounge
and the Custodial Lounge in the
Nomahegan Building, the first
floor lounge of the Science Building, the Snack Bar of the Campus
Center, the lower level restrooms
of the Humanities Building and
the first floor restrooms of the
MacDonald Hatl.
Amateur Astronomers Inc., Will
Present Slides From 10 Members
St. Elizabeth Hospital Guild
To Hold Plant/Boutique Sale
The St. Elizabeth Hospital
Guild will sponsor a plant/boutique sale in the hospital lobby,
225 Williamson St., on Thursday,
May 11 and Friday May 12 from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. ..
The guild will be
various houseplants and, as an
added attraction, will sell novelty
items decorated with shells, such
as wicker fans, baskets and
trinket boxes. Mirrors of various
shapes and sizes decorated with
also effective immediately.
At the Scotch Plains Campus,
smoking will be prohibited, effective immediately, except in the
lounges on the first and second
floor of the Technology Building,
and the lounges on the second and
third floor and the lower level
entranceway of the Health Building.
had submitted entries. The three
judges were a corporate community relations executive, a
public relations specialist and an
officer of Catholic Community
Charities, RSVP.
Award certificates and ribbons
were presented by Barbara
Communications Chairman, at the
District Creative Arts Day and
Music Festival on April 25. The
first place press and scrap books
will be entered in statewide competition at the NJSFWC convention in Atlantic City May 9
and 11.
The New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs has about
25,000 members in the state and
is affiliated with the General
Federation of Women's Clubs,
the largest and oldest nondenominational, nonpartisan
international volunteer service
organization of women in the
periences and questions with
other pregnant women. The
woman who doesn't have pregnant friends • to compare notes
with may not realize that her concerns and feelings are quite common."
The Resource Center is located
in Calvary Episcopal Church,
Woodland and
Avenues, in Summit. There is a
charge for the evening. Participants are asked to register by
calling the Center at 273-7253.
Cotier Reports for
Duty in Maine
Navy Seaman Recruit Matthew W. Cotier, a 1986 graduate
of Westfield High School recently
reported for duty with Patrol
Squadron-44, Naval Air Station,
Brunswick, Me.
He joined the Navy in July 1988.
Chiropractic Treatments
May Help
Family Care By:
A creative writing project absorbs the students of Ms. Beverly Geddis' junior class at the High School and Ms. Diane Russell's third
graders at Franklin School. Originally in last summer's Westfield
Writing Project, the students are involved in a series of cooperative
writing efforts. Pictured here on task are Vicky Nusse and Sebastian
687-2092 ^
Individual psychotherapy for the
many difficult problems of
.adolescent growth and development.
Dr. A. Pecoraro Jr., Director
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127 South Euclid Avenue
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(201) 233-7333
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If you ctn'l he heljuil by chiiopricllc mrlhodi,
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Dennis Brooks, M.S.W.; A.C.S.W.
Collegiate MO00
Q: Is ii necessary IO have 20/20 vision lo be a good athlete?
A: 20/20 vision only mean* that you can see an object clearly from a distance of 20 feet. A
good athlete needs many oihcr visual skills as well, including clear near vision, depth perception, speed of recognition (how fail the visual image it processed by lite brain), quick visual,
reaction lime, and good peripheral {side) vjslon.
A recent study of athletes and spom officials has st'own ihat many athletes whose distance
vision is clear are deficient in ihe other visual sfcills- However, many oF these skills can be
developed. Some outstanding athletes have done to!
Q: Will wearing glassc interfere with playing baseball and tennis?
A: If you see clearly with your glasses and are comfortable with them, they sliould not inhibit
your sports activities. Uui, a> a safely precaution, make sure lhat ilie lenses arc either scratchresistant plastic or impaci-rcsisianifcilass,in case you accidentally gci Fiji in (he eye by a stiay
ball. Many adilcici prefer wearing contact lenses. They don't steam up in hoi weather, slip
down your nose, or feel heavy. Coniaci'lcnses often provide even dearer vision ihan eyeglasses,
and since there is no frame, ilicrc is naihing to interfere with peripheral (side) vision. Consider
one of ihe new types of sporii goggles for cutra proiei:imn if you wear cumacisor no glasses at
Preunltd i t a service lo tht communHj by Dr. Berntrd Fildmin, 0.0., FAA.0.
226 North Ave. f Westfield, N.J. 07090