Resume - Juliet Sabol

Juliet Sabol
[email protected]
UX Designer & Front-end Developer
UX Design
Wireframing, Prototyping, Information Architecture, Card Sorting,
Personas, Content Inventory, Style Tiles,
Usability Testing
Teaching other in UX
Javascript; jQuery, AngularJS, CSS3; Less HTML5; Bootstrap, Java; Spring MVC
Photoship, Illustator, Fireworks, Indesign
Balsamiq, Invision
College of William & Mary B.S. in Computer Science (2008-2012)
NYU School of Continuing and Professional Studies Certificate in UX Design (Feb 2014 - May 2015)
Professional Experience
CRGT UX/UI Project Lead (Jan 2014 – Present)
Software Developer (May 2011 - Aug 2011, May 2012 - Dec 2013)
UX Practice Jan 2014 – Present
•Lead designer for Activities included surveys, user personas, wireframes, prototypes,
card sorting, design brief, style tiles, and design comps. •Identified and proposed business opportunity for UX practice at CRGT. Created strategic plan, marketing
collateral, team structure, methodology, and service offerings. Successfully evangelized UX at the executive level.
•Trained CRGT staff as part of strategic plan. Created 6-hour course with homework, cheat sheets, additional
resources, etc. Trained Business Analysts, Developers, and Project Managers across the company. After
completion of training, placed trainees in projects and continued to review and revise their UX deliverables.
USPS electronic Facilities Management System (eFMS) Nov 2012 – May 2014 •UX activities included wireframes, prototypes, concept maps, site maps, etc.
•Initiated and implemented redesign of homepage and global header for improved navigation, mobile
readiness, and user productivity.
•Software development in Javascript/HTML/CSS, Java and Coldfusion.
USPS Vulnerability and Risk Assessment System (VRAT)
May 2012 – Oct 2012
•Designed and developed mobile web application. Responsible for all design, all front-end development, and
most Java/Spring MVC/Hibernate development.
Other Projects Oct 2012 – Oct 2014
•Designer, lead front-end developer, and middle-tier developer in Java, PHP, Struts, and Spring MVC for USPS
William & Mary Career Center Technology Assistant, 2010-2011
• Designed, developed, and maintained online portal using ColdFusion and JavaScript/HTML/CSS
Waypoint Business Solutions
• Designed data center monitoring software and design/develop corporate website
US Clearance: Public Trust
WashingtonExec Mobility Council Member (August 2013 - February 2014)