Pf.»y#^ii|P-'f-^fT" • '''"J'-'V«• \'<'»'TT'T'''^f^^^'*''^^^'*^^T" T^ Mm ^i^^m^^p^^^pifi^iw^^^w^ :-,„..;. ir-T; Jr. .J'A^II ^v' »r•','T' •IP^^ mmmi^^t^^* iiMwpm iVili P I m^tmmmmmmmmmmmm Henderson Home News I The Week of May 27-June 2, 2004 28 I\SII)K iizanar 'Cowiioys, Outlaws & Mew In Black; P«ge3 Get some spiritual ins^rits 1 Japanese-American internee describes her experience during Worid War 11 By JILL NUHA Rosie Kakuuchi just wanted an ice cream sundae. It was 1945, and Rosie and her older sister had finally been released from Manzanar, one of lO^Japanese internment camps during World War II. The greyhound bus made a stop in Baker, Calif., and Rosie couldn't wait to get ice cream, a luxury she'd been deprived of at camp. She got off, walked into a restaurant and waited. And waited. "I watched the waitress serve everyone at the circulation counter except my sister and I," she said. Recalling the memory, Rosie's 78-year-old eyes squinted arid her mouth tightened with tension. But she paused only a moment before saying, "This is the only country we know and it's home." Racial prejudices erupted against Japanese-Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. Life changed dramatically for more than 120,000 men, women and children in February 1942 when former President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast had leave their homes, farms and businesses and relocate to one of 10 war relocation centers. They were given a week to move. "We sold what we could for whatever we could get," Rosie said. "We had to get rid of everything." Rosie and her family, the Marukis, arrived at Manzanar in May 1942. The site is 200 miles north of Los Angeles on U.S. .395. "We lived at Block 21, Barrack 8, Apt. 3," Rosie said. "1 remember because we lived at one of the most popular blocks." Each block consisted of 14 barracks and each barrack was divided into four rooms. There were shared men's and women's toilets and showers, a laundr> room and a mess hall. Rosie said her parents served food in the mess hall and received wage.s of .SKi a month. She worked in the persoimel office doing clerical work for $ 12 a month. "The highest wage for a Japanese worker at camp vvas $19 per month," she said. "And that was for professionals like dentists, doctors and teachers." The shared bathrooms were Rosie's biggest complaint, however, as a >()ung v\oman. She said there were 12 ioilets with no partition.s and showers with no stalls. "We wanted our privacy," she said. Despite these adjustments, Rosie described lile in camp as normal. "When "you're a teen-ager. HENDERSON HOME NEWS | THE WEEK OF MAY 27-JUNE 2, 2004 | BOULDER CITY NEWS "The highest wage for a Japanese worker at camp was $19 per month," she said. "And that was for professionals like dentists, doctors and teachers." OBSERVANCES RO.<;it KAKUUCHI Manzanar internee Morning ceremony at Palm Mortuary May a, WM INSTRUCTIONS TO ALL PERSONS OF JAPANESE ANCESTRY Living in Hw Following Aroa: I W tfeM i»nMi W llM I PHOTOS COURtESY OF THE LATE TOYO MIYATAKE, PHOTOGRAPHER AND MANZANAR INTERNEE Miyatake smuggled a lens and Aim holder into Manzanar, one of America's WWII concentration camp. He was the first to capture life behind barbed wire wHh a makeshift camera made of scrapwood. More than 11,070 Japanese-Americans were housed at Manzanar during World War il. The historic site is located 200 miles north of Los Angeles on U.S. 395. •W tto4 IMM to Mite AnrM; r«mtm to lk« fiiiiyii;.! ii( Ihttm tiiiliili n>4ir N« 11, lM> H<«*|»M««>. *M* Mai 1 IM, d> mh •oWilM—Jilt). WitillMarf im JIB, «W>» umiil frwi iV iWn IM W l> aVIat iMib r «. T, Urn*). MaY,*. I«l N«ii|i I «•—iUM»i>ntM«w««Mw>iiniiiiito«t«««niiHi«untMtit.«i.*i»».rrT, SMriif, MM 1 IM2. witiiMM ililhihM iiiirtil MmtaiM froM lh« MMMMMM* O/ UP Cjmmmtttm Ow. ad. HiiiOin Catomim ta«». • IW (Ml (;«HI L Unttiimmi^mmtimm^timmiln MMagr m mtimt ^tumintm ti aM kM» ' ' -' *.l«m, i«y.Wiiw< 1 tmiUt la I III ) •««— daiiNii tor «• i HiiHi ifiai«ii<.llaJa<ai t< JiiM«|arf ii|iil|iii iiiail Th« foHowing InttrucMvivf Mittt •• Ofet«fv«^; I. AaifWia«MtaW«M>lMl«,nllinMji>itliJrfll«l««<T.alfc«faM.l.rtaii«.iaanl lb pniwt; • k>M. wtf <a>* UMimtVim itmt. iKi rafal w Ikr 'ii* (aaiiri HaMa l» tnttn hMlMf anvMaM niimmi kt imt tUnn trNA.M.iwlS«PM« H««la, Ma 4, l««l, •> Win— ltH.H.$mA%aiir Urn TWi^. May i. ntt Kvwaea aMi mm «M llmi\a 4mfmtmn tm the AaMibK CMtn. thp fiiiaiiiai ^ii^iil) (•) ttiaft^mi\lmmtit^mmllm)tmmAmmi>mntii>bmitr: (k) tttm aifcla la MA aiata rf *• tmUr. (0 ra iliilMl|»aai*aaaWn«lWi»ap' (4) >i<fc*i»i>«»»«fcla*>»—.H—^^*"'"'**f'"'"''"'•'•""*'*•»%: (•) fi ilUpi iilifciiilaa* > olUal«Jly. UliaaiMnirfwa WMIHIYIIIIH l.tl0tmfltUmtratAtiwM,\^jmmt<dl^—mtmtmtltati u I iii^aaiii vitfc lMlnp<iiai •iaiMat M Uhr ri*i( CMiirol Mm^tm TV M^Md mmbw of fadha^ to Hai' Mad to Iha wUrfc («a W nnM hf Ite iarfiTufiMj m faail* (tnwfh . 1 W.|«a«««itU»l»Uib|l1Wii i H» pmMwJ il««* airf M IliiaalliM |aad* wtU br lUlifiNl h< ibr AMnnUv (mn S. TWltiMarf*^utMrH>TCfaa«Mtfcra«|^jlta|inwi«wtf pfovMrforitrMof^, M itir wk rM nJ iW ama*. W iW aaa atn itol I i il ill !••> •»* aliataaai, »a>i^ •iitliii ^toM wd oika kaar hiiliii riithi WHlk ai4.4IWT aal iaa« w« ka iiiiipl I la Mnaa II aaMd. paekal aMi ahtab aatad oM Ita MX a< aMiaa <4 tlv ownt Oal; a» aaw s< aMaa •<( br aail br • (tna faalli 4 Eaak hailv. and oidttirfuaj iHrlai alMV. will br fumwhrd iruapomiioa ii> ttir ^vriiiMv rVator a will h* I to Inva) b* pr1*al* auti^wailr la a a(a 11 Mid ptMip All laalnMiMNu |MnaMiia| l« lb* aawaaaM att Umai al tbr l^iril rantral luiMa. Oa t* ihF Civil Canirol SMHM kalaawi fha havri al (lOO A.M. and tW tM., Mspiday, May 4 1*4], ar kalwaan MM haari al •:0a AM. and liOO l>JII., fuaa^ar. May i. If43, la raaalva twi^^r mitrucriani. (LIMmT llaaMMI CliiA U. 1 Aia; A copy of an original sign posted in San Francisco, California on IMay 3,1942 forcing Japanese Americans to evacuate their homes by noon May 9,1942. They were given less than a week to sell their belongings and move to one of the 10 Internment camps located In Idaho, Arliansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Washington, Oregon, California and Arizona. >our ideas are different," she said. "We had no worries and we enjo>ed ourselves." It was an era of bobby socks, saddle shoes, pullover sweaters and the pompadour hairst> le. Rosie .said dances on almost ever>' holiday and special occasion were the most popular social activity. "We taught the guys how to jitterbug," she said, smiling. Jack Kakuuchi was drafted in the war while his wife was jitterbugging. He was among 26,000 Japanese-Americans serving in the I i.S. Army during the war. His parents were sent to Heart Mountain, an internment camp in Wyoming. "I couldn't understand why I was serving in the U.S. Arm> and my folks were getting thrown into camp," he said. Japanese-Americans drafted in 1944 joined the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and joined the 100th Infantry Battalion of the Hawaiian Territorial Guard. The> were the most highly decorated Army unit, it lost 9,84(j soldiers in combat, ht>r-mtU n»^:;ATM.atflB£arMm jp BOULDERCITY utNOTk t Henderson's American Legion BMI Post 40 has organized the 39th annual Memorial Day service at Palm Mortuary Chapel, 800 S. Boulder Hwy., Henderson. It will take place at 11 a.m. Monday. The program will also feature musical selections by Mary Kay Mendenhall, Casey Moore and Bill Wong. Government officials will offer Memorial Day tributes. Community organizations will place wreaths at the flagpole in the cemetery, followed by the playing of taps. which was the war's highest casualty rate. Rosie remembers only one violent incident at Manzanar. Two people were killed and 10 more were wounded in December 1942 b> militar>' police. "A group of guys were hanging out near the gate and were Rosie Kakuuchi, a Il4anzanar internee during WOrid War II, holds up a picture of her yeartiook. Our World, asked by soldiers to disperse," published by a journalism class at camp. The photo of a Japanese man cutting the barbed wire symbol* izes freedom for Japanese Americans in 1945. Rosie said. "They refused and shots broke out." "They were happy to receive in October 1990. North Las Vegas. Tragedy also struck Rosie's "It was better than nothing," hi her letters, she instructs family when Rub>, the eldest regular salary wages," she daughter, died from comphca- said. "It took us years to save Rosie said. "The thing about students to remember two America that's so great is that Japanese words: Gambare tions during pregnancy. She up for a home." Rosie was among 11,070 it admits its errors." (GAM-bah-ray) — which means was 23 years old. Even though Rosie prefers to to go for it and to not give up "She hemorrhaged to death Japanese-Americans at Manzaduring her pregnancy," Rosie nar. The last few hundred in- see the positive side of things, on yoiu" dreams — and Gaman, said. "My mother kept request- ternees left in November 1945, she said she er\joys sharing her (GAH-MON), to endure. "No matter what the odds ing a physician at the hospital, three months after the war experiences in camp with the but the> didn't listen." ended. Despite the U.S. gov- younger generation. The East- are, make the most of what The Maruki family- left Man- ernment subjecting internees em California Museum has you have and just hang in zanar in July 1945 with two in- to filling out a loyalty ques- published booklets of person- there," she said. "These are the stead of three daughters, the tionnaire in 1943, no Japanese- al stories from Manzanar in- words that carried us belongings they could carry Americem was charged with es- ternees, including Rosie's. She through." said she replies to all the mail and no home to return to. They pionage. sta>ed in a hostel until they Former President George she receives. .//// Nuha, a Henderson Home News "They take the time to write staff writer, can be reached at found emplo>ment. Her par- Bush, father of the current ents started working as custo- president, sent a letter of apol- and ask me questions, so I take 990-2658. She wrote this ar^Jn recognition of Asian-American dians in a hotel and were able ogy and reimbursement to the time to answer them," AwarerKss Month, which ends to live there. "" "Japanese-American Internees Rosie said at Ker Tiome~ih Monday, y American Legion at Veterans Chapel ^jgr^llWai^JWOilg'',' N HONOR OF THOSE PATRIOTS THAT ANSWERED AND CAME THtY HAVE BROKEN THE SURLY BONDS OF EARTH AND TOUCHED THE FACE OF GOD The American Legion Department of Nevada will have a Memorial Day cere: mony starting at 1 p.m. in the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Chapel, 1900 Buchanan Blvd., Boulder City. lASVEOAS WWII Memorial to be dedicated Monday marks much more than a day of rest and relaxation for working Americans eAJoying a holiday from the workplace. Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in the nation's service. Decoratilig graves in tribute to the brave has been a tradition since the Civil War. Whatever people's feelings about the present war against terrorism or any war In the nation's past, Memorial Day is about uniting to honor those who gave their all. No set ceremony is prescribed. Every celebration is as unique as the individual veterans who died in the name of freedom throughout the history of the United States. An example of a private ceremony is Friday morning's ceremony planned by employees of Ford Credit Henderson Service Center. Though the festivities are not open to the public, the company's veterans will pause to remember veterans who gave their Uves. The center employs 43 veterans. The Gobel Lowden Veterans Center and Museum, 3333 Cambridge St., Las Vegas, invites citizens to celebrate the dedication of the World War II National Memorial at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. The Washington dedication show, on a large screerr, is a ceremony honoring all veterans, with a special tribute to those who served In World War II. Program will honor veterans, loved ones Paradise Memorial Gardens and Davis Paradise Funeral Home, 6200 S. Eeustern Ave., will host a NAernorial Day program to hoi^or and remember veterans and loved ones at 9:30 a.m. Monday. Refreshments will be served before and after the event. Highlights will include Nellis Air Force Base honor guard and a 21-gun salute, bagpipers, patriotic songs and a dove release. Paradise Memorial Gardens and Davis Funeral Home is on the corner of S. Eastern and Patrick Lane across from McCarran International Airport. All are invited to attend. ^THINGS TO T)tf World Beat at The District all weekend Celebrate Memorial Day with chocolate A Memorial Day weekend of "Worid Beat" music is coming to The District at Green Valley Ranch on the stage near the center's sculpture. Schedule is as follows: • Friday, 5 to 9 p.m.. Island Tyme. • Saturday, noon to 3 p.m., Mexico Vivo Dance Company; 5 to 9 p.m., Ricardo Griego Flamenco Guitar. • Sunday, noon to 3 p.m., Celtic Storm Dancers: 3:30 to 7:30 p.m., Vibhas Kendzia on native flutes and piano with special guest singer, Przisado. • Monday, noon to 4 p.m., Vibhas Kendzia with Prasado. Admission is free and all ages are welcome. Learn how to make a special Memorial Day treat when Ethel M Chocolates and William-Sonoma host a class on how to fondue at home with chocolate, fruit and other traditional treats at Ethel M at The District from 5 to 6 p.m. Saturday. Join Ethel M master chef David Bevill as he pairs sumrim fruits and other sweet dipping treats with gourmet chocolate. Williams-Sonoma representatives will be'on hand to discuss fondue products and accessories required for successful dipping. Enjoy complimentary samples mskie Ethel M during the demonstration. Attendance is free and open to the public Gone but never forgotten MIKE STOTTS/NEWS STAFF FILE PHOTOS Ibp of page, wise words are engraved on a tombstone hi Southern Nevada VMerans KMmorial Cemetefy h BouMer City. Above, Basic High School ROTC cadets bow their heads during a ceremony in front of the dty of Henderson's memorial wall. Despite high prices at pumps, motoristsfuel upfor holiday weekend By AFSHA BAWANY Don't expect gasoline prices to miraculously decrease in time for the holiday weekend, or anytime soon for that matter. AAA Nevada has released a study showing the statewide average cost of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline reached a record high, $2.25 per gallon, up 52 cents from one year ago. The nation also recorded a record high at $2.01 per gallon. Nevadans are paying the fifth highest prices in the country, right after California, Washington, Hawaii and Oregon. In Henderson, the average cost of regular unleaded gas jumped nine cents from last month, averaging $2.21. In Las Vegas, gas is averaged at $2.23. Carson City has the highest pump price: $2.31 per galloa The cheapest gas can be found in Elko, at $2.04. Sean Comey, AAA Nevada, attributes the rise to high demand for gas during summer and lack of supply because of local and worldwide factorg>'• .. '• . .^ . * ' "There are a number of forces driving it up," Comey said, Including the high price and limited amount of crude oil. Traders face further pressures, since the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) reduced its output. Nen'ousness among energy traders about political conditions in some oil-producing countiles also adds to the cost of oil, Comey-said. • ^ Nevada is subject to price fluctuation because It's an isolated market, whereas the rest of the nation "has a system of veins and arteries" to transport gas. The Silver State's closest supply source is Southern California, added Comey. Despite record high gas prices, AAA projects 300,000 Nevada residents will travel 50 miles or more this weekend. About 241,000 Nevadans will likely travel by motor vehicle while 42,000 plan to fly. Nationwide, AAA estimates 36.9 million people will take a trip this weekend. Many Henderson residents said they 're not letting the high prices interfere with their road plans, but are disappointed they have to reconsider how many trips they can take. "It's upsetting. I have to think twice. Should I take a plane or should I drive?" said Chris Vito. filling up his car at the Arco gas station at Wigwam and Pecos where gas cost S2.26 for regular unleaded as of Monday. Across the street, regular unleaded cost S2.29 at the Shell gas statioa Elsewhere in Henderson, '..tH mmmm a Chevron gas station at Eastern and Serene avenues has gas at $2.25 for regular unleaded. Vito, who is driving to his brother's wedding in Scottsdale, Ariz., with his wife and three children this Memorial Day weekend, said driving was less expensive than purchasing airline tickets. But he said he would consider flying to farther destinations to avoid the headaches of paying for fextra gas. Comey expects the prices to go down after Labor Day. "It's ridiculous. Government officials and oil companies are getting rich off of people's misery," said David Kline, who was also stopping for gas at Chevron. Kline pays for gas up to three times a week and doesn't fill up his whole tank because "the price is so high." However, ICline said it wouldn't stop him from going where he wants to go. "I like to travel. But it's not right. It's unfair to everybody." Locals don't like shopping around for gas either. —ArtheSpSedeeMart on Hori/on Ridge and Arroyo Grande, gas is $2.29, but Solange Turner said she would rather fill up wherever is closest to her house instead of wasting gas to find the best bargain. When ti-aveling to California in her Mitsubishi Montero, Turner said she pays $80. When driving around Henderson, Turner said she tries to stay in the same area to do all her errands andIill&upilOt€ 'ISfrrCtiTth of gas"a week. Comey said most drivers could not significantiy reduce the amount of fuel they use. "When prices go up, a lot of people don't have any realistic alternatives. They have to pay," Comey said. According to AAA the most populv driving destinations during Memorial Day weekend for Nevadans are: Yellowstone National Park, Salt Lake City, Reno and Denver. Tips for moloriste: • stop every two hours or 100 mites to stretcti your legs and take a t)reak. • If your car does not specifically require high-octane fuel, stick with regular unleaded and save money. • Bring plenty of bottled water, snacks and juices. • Carry emergency items such as flashlights, jumper cables and a ceM phone. Oont tallt on the phone white driving, however. Buckle up and by •• means do not drive under ttte influence. fcDim cMMrtn in twifuitable CWhes and bring pWlows and blaniats. Ai^tnhnMmy, a News stt^ writer, can be naOtti 0(990-2659.
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