InTouch WITH RESEARCH a t C h i l d re n’s M e m o r i a l R e s e a rc h Center A Fond Farewell Spring 2007 Volume 4: Issue 1 A Member of the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois Francis Szele, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, and the Bernard L. Mirkin Research Scholar in the Neurobiology Program at Children’s Memorial Research Center, arrived from Harvard University Medical School in September of 1999 to develop a research lab. Now, having accepted a position at the University of Oxford, UK, Francis will be leaving the center. Francis’ self-assessment is more modest. He says that organizing and running one’s first independent lab is a huge undertaking, and that the post-doctoral experience only prepares you for some of it. He is especially proud of the models of brain injury and stem cells he developed, the technologies—particularly multiphoton videomicroscopy movies—he took advantage of, and the interactions he has had with others. He cites several individuals for the successful implementation of this complicated technology, particularly Phil Hockberger, PhD, and Phil Iannaccone, MD, PhD, for supplying the technical knowledge and vision to help him move forward. He is pleased that his research has found such solid footing, having received uninterrupted Francis Szele, PhD R01 funding between 2001 and 2011. He guided his lab manager, Gwendolyn Goings, to first authorship on several papers. Gwen has joined Steve Miller, PhD, at the Feinberg School, one of the premier neuroimmunology labs in the world, and the three plan to continue collaborations. photo: Philip V. Spina III In This Issue Francis developed a reputation among his colleagues in Chicago as a collaborator, an innovator and a human being. Says Hans-Georg Simon, PhD, “Francis is a great guy, a valued friend and scientist.” He highlights Francis’ achievements in moving the center toward excellence by recruiting students, supporting staff members, developing ideas and inspiring others. Director’s Message 2 News 3 Awards 5 Profiles 8 Fundraising 9 Grant 10 Community 12 Francis will be entering new terrain in every sense of the word. Besides learning procedural differences between the UK and the US—for instance, ordering supplies and writing grant proposals—he will encounter cultural differences as well. Oxford University is composed of typical departments and thirty or so separate self-contained scholarly communities, the Colleges. He will be a member of the Department of Physiology, [continued on page 8] Director’s Message Planning for the future with our hospital, academic and community partners Mary J.C. Hendrix, PhD, Medical Research Institute Council Endowed Chair for the President and Scientific Director at the Children’s Memorial Research Center Consistent with the original vision of Mr. Earl Frederick, former president and CEO of Children’s Memorial Hospital—to establish a research enterprise that would academically enhance its outstanding clinical reputation—Children’s Memorial, under the leadership of Patrick Magoon, current president and CEO, continues to support Children’s Memorial Research Center as a vital component of the overall mission of Children’s Memorial Medical Center. To meet the research needs of our investigators, especially the physician scientists, as the move to the Streeterville campus lies ahead, we have initiated an academic strategic planning process for the research center. Specifically, our program and center directors, together with their respective faculty, completed an internal assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, and outlined opportunities to better integrate with the clinical programs of the hospital and the research themes of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. This phase was followed by a site visit from a distinguished panel of external reviewers, including: C. Garrison Fathman, MD, of Stanford University School of Medicine; Bernard Guyer, MD, MPH, of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Myron Levin, MD, of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center; Paul Meltzer, MD, PhD, of the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health; Harry Orr, PhD, of the University of Minnesota; Gregory Riggins, MD, PhD, of Johns Hopkins University; Jeffrey Schwimmer, MD, of the University of California, San Diego; Elena Semina, PhD, of the Medical College of Wisconsin; Benjamin Shneider, MD, of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh; and Dennis Steindler, PhD, of the University of Florida. Next, the reviewers will submit their assessment(s) of the programs and centers and make recommendations regarding the best timing of the move to Streeterville for each research program. Subsequently, these recommendations will be discussed by the research center leadership with the faculty at a retreat, and the final recommendations will be presented to the boards of the research center and the hospital, respectively. The research enterprise has a unique mission to fulfill, and will benefit tremendously from a thoughtful, academic, strategic plan for its future. Current Awareness Service InTouch WITH RESEARCH at Childre n’s Memorial Resea rc h C e n t e r Please send questions and comments to Peggy Jones: [email protected] 773.755.6341 2300 Children’s Plaza, M/C 205 Chicago, Illinois 60614 [Page ] Children’s Memorial Research Center members are eligible to receive monthly updates on literature in subject areas of interest. Peggy Jones, MILS, research center librarian, establishes a profile using the subject information and keywords provided by each researcher, and sends references to journal articles (and other materials if needed) from selected databases. The profile can include any subject(s) for which current literature is needed. For more information, please contact Peggy at [email protected] or call 773.755.6341. [InTouch with Research: Spring 2007] News: Healthy Hospital Initiative For many years, Katherine Kaufer Christoffel, MD, MPH, has been involved in healthy lifestyle promotion. Recently, other proponents around the country have been trying to make workplaces—particularly hospital workplaces—healthier environments. Healthcare institutions in California, for example, are bringing farmers’ markets onto hospital grounds in order to encourage healthier eating. In reading about this work, Christoffel had an “Aha!” moment that presented the move to the new Children’s Memorial Hospital in Streeterville as the perfect opportunity for an intervention to enhance the health of people who spend a lot of time there: employees and frequent visitors. She set out to assess health status and health habits of hospital employees in order to identify design approaches that could enhance their health. Christoffel’s initial research revealed that the concept of enhancing the health of employees and frequent visitors to hospitals is not well established. This meant that her team was required to start the project with little preliminary data to guide them. She began by assembling the Advisory on a Healthy Hospital Committee, which is composed of physicians and representatives from several disciplines at the hospital and Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. The physicians are leading specialists for chronic diseases potentially affected by building design. Others have expertise in the areas of human resources, funding opportunities, marketing and operations. A survey, focusing on lifestyle, workplace attitudes, and chronic disease prevalence, was developed Christoffel is Director, Center on Obesity Management and Prevention, Medical and Research Director, Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children and Professor of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Decreased Energy n n Physical demand of daily work Mental energy 4 Noise level in work areas 4 Interrupted while providing patient care n Stress and administered to a representative sample of Children’s Memorial employees. The results showed that respondents have medical problems like others in our city and nation, including overweight, lack of exercise, poor eating habits, sinus congestion, stress and worry. Several of these problems may be directly related to the work environment: noisy workplaces and more frequent interruptions are related to less physical energy. Factors such as short sleep times, sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating patterns have negative effects on how employees feel. The survey showed that some medical conditions and health habits at times reduce employees’ mental focus. To the extent that unhealthy habits and conditions can be improved by the design of the hospital, everyone will benefit: employees will feel better, require less medical attention, and possibly remain on the job longer; patients will benefit from attention from healthy and energetic care providers. The committee’s recommendations include: nEnsure workplace air quality is good so that people have fewer respiratory problems. Minimize noise and distractions, which elevate stress; and increase natural light, which reduces it. n Make educational materials and services related to health and chronic disease prevention available. n Find ways to promote physical activity, as with strategically placed stairs. n Foster healthy eating. n The committee is now in an information-sharing mode, and has expanded its view to encompass a [continued on page 10] Increased Energy 4 Workstation with adjustable keyboard tray n Sleep quality The Advisory on a Healthy Hospital Committee’s report documented work environments that are associated with more physical energy. Quieter sites with fewer patientcare interruptions, less stress, more sleep and adjustable keyboards all appear to be important. [Children’s Memorial Research Center] [Page ] News: Research and the New Hospital: Department Chairs Answer Questions In a series of interviews, Peggy Jones asked six Children’s Memorial Hospital department chairs to share their thoughts. What are your impressions of the research enterprise at Children’s Memorial Hospital, and of your department’s research? Thomas P. Green, MD, Medicine: The research enterprise is the single most important element of our mission that will define our national reputation. A great research program will attract the best faculty talent and the brightest trainees. The Division of Neonatology is illustrative of excellence in research: this group is carrying on strong, nationally-recognized, laboratory-based research in pulmonary vascular biology. Some of their findings have been applied to direct clinical care of newborns, with substantial impact over the past five or so years. [Page ] Constantine Mavroudis, MD, Surgery: The fact that Mary Hendrix has come and created a visible organizational structure has helped enormously in the recruitment of talented and knowledgeable primary investigators in many fields. That is a good situation for us, and I think it will help recruit others. In terms of translational research, the Division of Cardiovascular Surgery has established a laboratory to create a new atrioventricular node using bioengineering methods. The Division of Urology is using bioengineering techniques to create a new bladder. In Neurosurgery, Dr. Tord Alden is performing experiments that I believe will eventually lead to some advances in epilepsy surgery. Mina Dulcan, MD, Child Psychiatry: It’s very gratifying to see the growth in the research enterprise since I’ve been here. Many people think that more resources now need to be put into infrastructure and support for clinical, patient-based research. John Lavigne, PhD, is a star: he has two large R01s right now, and he’s active in collaborating with and mentoring other faculty. Jill WeissbergBenchell, PhD, is a site PI for an NIH funded study in diabetes, and is very successful. We have several other faculty who are collaborating either with sites outside the institution or with other programs inside the institution. Santhanam Suresh, MD, Anesthesia: Anesthesia research is expanding rapidly as we seek newer medications and modalities for pain management and patient well-being during and after surgery. There is tremendous potential for us to cross-talk and cross-pollinate with our colleagues at the research center to develop exciting paradigms for managing pain in children. Mary Hendrix and Steven Hall, our chairman, are interested in developing clinician/scientists. We have recently started working on joint projects with the research center to explore the fundamentals of pain, its prevention in early infancy and its potential implication for perception of pain later in life. James Donaldson, MD, Medical Imaging: I think the emphasis to grow a research center vocalized a number of years ago has really worked. A major focus of the hospital was realized, and as a result we have world-class facilities and some great core research programs that are now in place. I think we’re on the way to growing it bigger and better. There are over 120 studies enrolled and registered in our department that represent institutional research. Our vice-chairman of research, Dr. Cynthia Rigsby, is doing a great job of helping us manage the outside research. She is starting her own research studies, and I’m excited about her progress. One of her areas of interest is MRI. Elizabeth Perlman, MD, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: The hospital administration and the board actively support the research enterprise, and Dr. Hendrix has been able to achieve true change in our culture. There is now a need to expend the necessary effort and resources to bring all departments to the same level. Such efforts will enable the hospital to meet its full potential. The department is unique in its potential impact on the success of research at the hospital. On a daily basis, our faculty members utilize advanced technologies also desired by our research colleagues. These include cytogenetics, molecular diagnostics and many others. [InTouch with Research: Spring 2007] What are your thoughts on moving downtown? Dulcan: Having single rooms and facilities that can accommodate families will be an enormous bene- Thomas P. Green, MD, Medicine Mina Dulcan, MD, Child Psychiatry James Donaldson, MD, Medical Imaging Constantine Mavroudis, MD, Surgery fit. I think that for patient care, particularly for very sick babies, being right next to Prentice Women’s Hospital will be a huge advantage. Mothers will choose to have their babies delivered at Prentice when they have high-risk pregnancies, or when they know that the fetus needs surgery or some special treatment. Donaldson: For the clinical programs, there’s been a lot of discussion, an enormous amount of research, consulting work and meetings. We have to figure out how many MRIs, how many operating rooms, how many beds we need. I’ve never heard anyone talk about what the research program really needs downtown. So, I think it needs to be raised to a higher priority in the planning phases. Mavroudis: I think the move downtown is the only rational approach for the new hospital. The proximity to the medical school and to our adult counterparts, the unanimity of available services in one place will enhance the overall clinical and academic impact of our services to the community, region, and nation. It’s an enormous opportunity for Children’s Memorial Hospital to benefit greatly from this association. Suresh: I personally love the idea. But I think the transition will be a little difficult. I have dedicated Santhanam Suresh, MD, Anesthesia* photos: Children’s Memorial Hospital Audio-Visual Dept. Green: We already have a great clinical reputation, outstanding educational programs and strong community support. The move will provide us the opportunity to achieve our potential as a national leader in pediatric research, education and patient care. non-clinical time so that I can parcel out two days of my life to come to the research center to work, but if we’re trying to engender clinician/scientists who will have to provide clinical services at the same time, it will be hard for them to carve out four or eight hours of their life to go to the center—the logistics might be hard. Perlman: Clearly, our future location will greatly increase our collaborations and interactions with colleagues downtown. This is important for the professional development and personal satisfaction of virtually every faculty member in our department. It will also have the potential to increase our quality of care. Any move downtown is likely to result in a “virtual” research center that is dispersed geographically. * Note: Dr. Suresh is head of research for the Department of Anesthesia. [Children’s Memorial Research Center] [Page ] Sara Ahlgren, PhD, Assistant Professor at Northwestern University and a member of the Developmental Biology Program at the research center, is one of ten outstanding scientists chosen as the first Science CommuSara Ahlgren, PhD nication Fellows sponsored by the non-profit organization Environmental Health Sciences. The one-year appointment, which began in February 2007, is intended to promote public understanding of links between environmental factors and human health. Ahlgren studies Angela R. Hess, PhD, has received a two-year Career Development Award from the Melanoma Research Foundation, for her project titled “EphA2 as a Target for Malignant Melanoma”. The overall goal of this project is Angela R. Hess, PhD to elucidate both the role of EphA2 in promoting an aggressive melanoma phenotype mediated through the Ras-Raf-Mek1/2Erk1/2 pathway as well as to develop strategies directed toward the downregulation of EphA2 as a potential therapeutic modality for the treatment of the interaction between genes and environment, especially how toxic substances alter genetic pathways leading to birth defects. malignant melanoma. The Melanoma Research Foundation’s Career Development Awards Program supports promising medical research that will advance the foundation’s goal of developing effective treatments and a cure for melanoma. These awards are given to investigators who are beginning a research career emphasizing melanomarelated projects and have not yet obtained federal funding. Hess is a research assistant professor in the laboratory of Mary J.C. Hendrix, PhD, Cancer Biology and Epigenomics Program. Martha C. Bohn, PhD, Children’s Memorial Research Center and Rodofo Goya, PhD, University of LaPlata in Argentina, were awarded a National Institutes of Health Fogarty Award in 2004 under a program to stimulate research in aging in developing countries. This award included travel funds for bilateral visits between the scientists at the two institutions. In 2005, Goya visited Chicago with two colleagues, and a postdoctoral fellow, Maria Jose Bellini, learned how to make viral vectors in the Bohn lab. In November of 2006, Bohn and Elio F. Vanin, PhD, managing director of the research center’s viral vector facility, visited the University of LaPlata. Seminars were presented by Bohn and Vanin at the university and at the Institute for Experimental Biology and Medicine and the Leloir Foundation, both in Buenos Aires. The Argentinian hospitality was outstanding and included great food, wonderful scenery and interesting scientific discussions. photo: Steve Evans photo: Philip V. Spina III Awards, Honors and Research News: Vasil Galat, PhD, an expert in laboratory research on human embryonic stem cells, has been named director of Children’s Memorial Research Center’s Stem Cell Core Facility and appointed assistant professor in the Department Vasil Galat, PhD of Pathology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Galat was the former director of the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory in Torrance, California, where he focused on assisted reproductive technologies including chromosome analysis, human embryo culture, somatic cell nuclear transfer and medical genetics. Apolipoprotein E, a gene associated with heightened risk for Alzheimer’s disease in adults, can also increase the likelihood that brain-injured newborns will develop cerebral Rodofo Goya, PhD, Martha Bohn, PhD and Nestor Carri, PhD, in Buenos Aires. [Page ] [InTouch with Research: Spring 2007] palsy, according to a new study published in the February 2007 issue of the journal Pediatrics. This is the first identification of a gene that increases susceptibility to cerebral palsy. Results of the study may enable early identification of children at risk for poor neurodevelopmental outcome after brain injury as newborns, and thus target those children for early therapeutic intervention. photo: Steve Evans The lead scientist on the study was Hans-Georg Simon, PhD Mark S. Wainwright, MD, PhD, Foundation post-doctoral fellowship, for two years Assistant Professor of Pediatrics from May 1, 2007. Her project is “The Role of (Neurology) and Molecular Pharmacology and Intron 1 in the Regulation of CFTR Gene ExpresBiological Chemistry at Northwestern University’s sion.” Feinberg School of Medicine and Children’s Memorial Research Center. Wainwright is also a researcher in the Center for Drug Discovery and Chemical Biology at the Feinberg School. Wainwright’s co-researchers on this study were Maxine M. Kuroda, PhD, MPH, Mary E. Weck, PT, John F. Sarwark, MD, and Aaliyah Hamidullah, BSc. Magdalena Suszko, PhD, post-doctoral scientist in the Human Molecular Genetics Program (Harris group) has been awarded a Cystic Fibrosis Hans-Georg Simon, PhD, has assumed the directorship of the Children’s Memorial Research Center Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Training Program, effective March 1, 2007. Simon is a faculty member of the Department of Pediatrics, a member of the Developmental Biology Program, and a member of the Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences at Northwestern University. Pioneer Researcher Folkman Presents Seminar Series Lecture In 1971, Judah Folkman, MD, published a seminal paper in the New England Journal of Medicine, proposing the hypothesis that all tumor growth is angiogenesis-dependent. This founded the field of angiogenesis research and opened new investigations now pursued by scientists in diverse areas of scientific inquiry. Folkman spoke to a packed auditorium on March 15, 2007. The title of his talk was “Angiogenesis-Dependent Diseases.” photo: Richard Seftor Judah Folkman, MD [Children’s Memorial Research Center] [Page ] Cover Story: A Fond Farewell (continued) Anatomy and Genetics and also of St. Anne’s College. Methods of instruction differ too: in addition to regular lectures common to US institutions, those at Oxford require tutorials, one-on-one sessions that include verbal and written exercises. Francis’ wife, Jane, is a British citizen and a scholar in museum studies. Between Oxford and London, she will have access to some of the finest museums in the world. The couple doesn’t have any immediate plans to travel, although Francis mentions that he’s been invited to speak in Austria, and that he will visit both Chicago and Profile: Martha Bohn, PhD, director of the Neurobiology Program at the research center, says: “Francis has been one of the stars of the Neurobiology Program and we are sorry to see him leave. Francis’ research on how neural stem cells respond to brain injury is leading edge neuroscience. He has been a highly sought after mentor and superb teacher at Northwestern University.” Ellen Brooks Ellen Brooks, PhD, Research Assistant Professor in the Division of Kidney Diseases, has been with Children’s Memorial Hospital for over five years. In September of 2006, Ellen assumed the chairmanship of the hospital’s Institutional Review Board. The IRB is responsible for reviewing and scrutinizing all research proposals for scientific studies at the hospital that would involve human subjects. Their goal is to make sure that patients in these studies are safe and that the science is justified. The board’s review of unique avenues of research is very exciting. It interests her that independent reviewers often make similar comments about a study, which shows that the board is well bonded. She has learned a lot by being involved with the IRB, and thinks it’s a great group of people. She acknowledges that the work load can be overwhelming, and that it’s a challenge to manage these responsibilities and her other duties separately. Ellen’s husband is the news director for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In this capac- [Page ] Washington, DC, the former to continue collaborations with Northwestern University and in his capacity as an adjunct assistant professor, and the latter to serve on an NIH study section. [InTouch with Research: Spring 2007] ity, he has met several world religious leaders, and has some fascinating stories. They have two children, both of whom are in college. Their son, a junior at Valparaiso University, will be interning at the WGN radio station this summer. His major is Radio-TV with a minor in Journalism; he is the student radio station manager, does sportscasting and writes for the school newspaper. Their daughter, a freshman at Millikin University, is pursuing a Music major. In order to move on to the next set of courses, she is required to demonstrate certain skills and perform on both of her instruments, voice and violin. She also plays with the Millikin orchestra. She plans to graduate with a double major specialization in music industry and business. Ellen loves to read and tend her garden. Her dog Sassy, a Sheltie, whom she adores, is training her to move toward the door when herded. Her dream is to retire to Greece or a similar country, whose people are warm and friendly, and which has a very relaxed atmosphere. Fundraising: MRIC Matters The Medical Research Institute Council (MRIC) was established in 1951 as a private, independent initiative to raise funds for innovative biomedical research. In 1991, the MRIC began its affiliation with Children’s Memorial Hospital. Since that time, the MRIC has raised more than $37 million, including support of Children’s Memorial Research Center construction and expansion. MRIC funding has led to advanced investigation in cancer, heart disease, genetics, microbiology and neonatology. MRIC Launches 2007 Medical Research Campaign Even before the flowers wilted and the last guests left the ballroom at the end of the 2006 Children’s Ball, 2007 Medical Research Campaign and Children’s Ball co-chairs Lisa Lewis and Jenny Patinkin were already thinking of ideas for a ball theme and plotting out a fundraising strategy. Lewis and Patinkin were named 2007 co-chairs at the 2006 Children’s Ball held last December. A kick-off for this year’s campaign was recently held at Il Mulino restaurant in the Gold Coast. The restaurant generously treated more than 220 MRIC board members, supporters and friends to cocktails and a buffet of the restaurant’s famous pasta dishes and antipastos. Guests were also excited to learn of the theme for this year’s ball—Galaxy Gala. “We chose the theme Galaxy Gala because just as space exploration must always be forward thinking, so too are the talented researchers at Children’s Memorial Research Center,” says Lisa Lewis. “While the golden age of space exploration captured the imagination of the nation, pediatric medical research today is making tremendous strides that will capture the attention of people everywhere,” added Jenny Patinkin. Patinkin and Lewis are looking forward to having some fun with this year’s theme since it has so many applications. The co-chairs were even spotted wearing “Cone Head” hats, reminiscent of the old “Saturday Night Live” routine, outside their Children’s Memorial office. New MRIC board members were introduced and welcomed at the kick off event. They include Lisa Cohen, Linda Corwin, Steven Mogul, Jamie Pasquale, Lisa Florence Ray, Emilio Salvi, Allison Stiefel, Robin Weissman, Debra Ziegelman and Stephen Zimmer. This is Patinkin’s sixth year on the MRIC board. She became involved with the group because she and her husband feel very fortunate to have three healthy children. She wanted to do something to help those who are not as fortunate as she. Past roles with the MRIC include secretary of the board for two years and working on special events. This year marks Lewis’s fourth year on the board. She has overseen the program book production and publicity for the last three years. Both Lewis and Patinkin are thrilled to be co-chairs this year and look forward to an exciting and hectic year of fundraising and events culminating with the Children’s Ball on December 8. Lisa Lewis and Jenny Patinkin Judy Weitzman, Gail Gassner and Mimi Sherman The 2007 campaign, under Lewis and Patinkin’s leadership, is off to a great start with several major gift commitments already confirmed. These commitments include Rick Tannenbaum and Betsey Pinkert ones from Kay and Malcolm Kamin, The Biff Ruttenberg Foundation, Jenny and Doug Patinkin and Ellen Distelheim and Rick Tannenbaum. The co-chairs hope to continue to build on this momentum throughout the year by securing increased donations from corporate donors as well as individuals. by Arla Silverstein [Children’s Memorial Research Center] [Page ] News: More Farewells photos: Philip Spina, III Rita Holloway and Maria Charnota Children’s Memorial Research Center bid a fond farewell to two long-term employees and friends, Rita Holloway and Maria Charnota. Amazingly, both served Children’s Memorial Hospital for almost 40 years and worked at the research center before retiring. Rita, a buyer for the Purchasing Department, served as the center’s specialist for the past three years, and helped implement the online ordering system currently used by the hospital. She is moving to North Carolina to be closer to her mother and sons. Maria, of the Research Support Facility, was one of the original “residents” of the center when it opened in the early 1990s. She plans to relax, and will remain in Chicago. Both were feted at the center in March 2007 with breakfast buffets, cookies and gifts. The employees of Children’s Memorial and the center are grateful for the contributions and friendship of these two very special women. Rita Holloway Maria Charnota Healthy Hospital Initiative (continued from page 3) “green” approach to building construction and design. Meetings to exchange ideas and report on findings from different subgroups feature topics such as healing environments and recycling approaches. Members have even met with the new hospital’s architects, who are enthusiastic about the work of the committee and are already addressing many of its recommendations. Ongoing cooperation is planned to make sure that the new hospital is a model Healthy Hospital. It is possible that this goal will open novel funding opportunities to support the building project. The Healthy Hospital survey may provide preliminary data for a research proposal to study employee health and health habits before and after the move to the new hospital. Children’s Memorial Hospital Awarded Training Grant The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development has awarded Children’s Memorial Hospital a Child Health Research Career Development Award (CHRCDA). This award represents the first Center grant that the hospital has received. Thomas Green, MD, Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, Physician-in-Chief, Woman’s Board Centennial Professor of Pediatrics and attending physician in the Division of Pulmonary Medicine at the hospital, will be the principal investigator on the grant. Each CHRCDA scholar will receive support towards salary and research expenses. Seventy-five percent of each researcher’s time is protected, and each is assigned a mentor. [Page 10] [InTouch with Research: Spring 2007] Robin Steinhorn, MD (left) with Kathryn Farrow, MD, PhD, of the Division of Neonatology. Dr. Steinhorn serves as mentor to Dr. Farrow for her CHRCDA award. Unique Public-Private Partnership Announced On February 16, 2007, Children’s Memorial Research Center announced a public-private partnership that will result in therapy and prevention for Chicago-area adolescents with HIV and youth who are at risk for contracting the disease. Ann Lurie, a Chicago native, contributed over $1 million to the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) to fund the Adolescent Trials Network (ATN) for HIV/AIDS Interventions. The NIH’s contribution brought the total funded amount to $1.9 million. In partnership with the Howard Brown Health Center, the Midwest’s premier lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health care organization, Garofalo, MD, MPH, principal investigator on the project and Ram Yogev, MD, head of the research center’s Experimental Therapeutics Program and director of the HIV/AIDS Research Center. Ms. Lurie spoke of her passion for Children’s Memorial’s role in advocacy and the importance of funding an HIV/ AIDS treatment and prevention program. Cullerton characterized her as a “very generous and extraordinary person.” Ms. Lurie was presented with a plaque by the research center in honor of her outstanding contribution. Children’s Memorial Hospital will enroll HIV-positive youth in clinical trials of drugs, and at-risk youth in HIV prevention trials. Speakers at the press conference included: Mary J. C. Hendrix, PhD, president and scientific director of the research center, Pat Magoon, president and CEO of Children’s Memorial, Ann Lurie, Illinois State Senator John Cullerton, Michael Cook, president and CEO of the Howard Brown Health Center, Rob Illinois State Senator John Cullerton presenting a plaque to Ann Lurie. For a list of current awards to Children’s Memorial Research Center investigators, please go to The young investigators meet every other month to discuss issues related to their research and career development. The intent of the grant is to transition these individuals from a mentored status to that of independent investigator. The hospital received this award because of its strong team of mentors and leaders. The advisory group that steered the application to its funded status includes: Dr. Green, H. William Schnaper, MD, Mary J.C. Hendrix, PhD, Leon Epstein, MD, Philip Iannaccone, MD, PhD, Xiaobin Wang, MD, MPH, ScD, and Philip Spina, CRA. This program is integrated with other institutional faculty development programs that include a similar award to the Feinberg School and an internally funded program in the Department of Pediatrics. The hospital’s superb job of recruiting basic scientists and clinicians will be augmented by this award’s critical role in developing a cadre of junior investigators in translational science who will serve as a bridge between basic and clinical science efforts at the hospital. Scientists presently receiving these awards include Kathryn Farrow, MD, PhD, and Karen Mestan, MD, Neonatology, Ruchi Gupta, MD, Uptown Primary Care Center, Rajesh Kumar, MD, Allergy and Immunology and Sarah Chamlin, MD, Dermatology. Future issues will discuss some of their work. [Children’s Memorial Research Center] [Page 11] Community: Holiday Outreach Christine Bertrand, Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly, Isabelle De Plaen, MD, and Greg Wendling, Children’s Memorial Research Center. Glenn Sullivan, Chris DeEspinosa, Pat McGuire and Francine Blazowski of the research center also assisted with the outreach project. [Page 12] Children’s Memorial Research Center continued its tradition of partnering with a charitable organization to provide gifts and cheer during the 2006 holiday season. Many new friends were made thanks to the outreach to Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly in Chicago. According to Christine Bertrand, Intergenerational Program Coordinator, and Isabelle De Plaen, MD, our volunteer with Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly, this organization touches the lives of 1,000 people aged 70 and above who live alone and are without meaningful social or family contacts. This year, research center supporters generously provided individual wish items, personal care products and toiletries, Chicago Transit Authority reduced fare cards, and cash, checks and gift cards totaling nearly $2,000, to bring holiday cheer and warmth to treasured seniors this holiday season. by Francine Blazowski [Children’s Memorial Research Center] Non-Profit Children’s Memorial Research Center 2300 Children’s Plaza Chicago, Illinois 60614-3363 InTouch WITH RESEARCH a t C h i l d re n’s M e m o r i a l R e s e a rc h C e n t e r Published by Children’s Memorial Research Center Spring 2007: Volume 4: Issue 1 Children’s Memorial Research Center is the research arm of Children’s Memorial Hospital, and a virtual center for pediatric research at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Founded in 1989, the research enterprise has grown to include more than 200 investigators and more than $27 million in external for research, two-thirds from NIH and other federal agencies. [Page funding 12] [InTouch with Research: Spring 2007] U.S. Postage PAID Chicago, IL Permit No. 3470
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