NE WS Mother & Daughter High Tea

In this is love, not that we loved God but that God loved us. Beloved,
since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another.
1 John 4.10–11
O God, form the minds of your faithful people,
that we may love what you command and desire
what you promise, so that, amid the many changes
of this world, our hearts may there be fixed where true
joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Ministry Rosters
5th Sunday of Easter 03 May 15
6th Sunday of Easter 10 May 15
LA (Thelma Burnett/Leann Cooper)
LA (Hillary Cook/Bev Dowing)
(Ken Ogilby/Families)
(Richard Mazzucchelli/Leslie Petersen)
Morning Tea: Lin & Chris Robins
Morning Tea: Leann Cooper
 Acts 8.26-40
(Roger Gillbanks/Families)
 Psalm 22.26-32 (p.243 APBA)
 1 John 4.7-21
(Hillary Cook/Families)
 John 15.1-8
 Acts 10.44-48
(Richard Mazzucchelli/Gill Porter)
 Psalm 98(p.325 APBA)
 1 John 4.1-12
(Brenda Mazzucchelli/Jane Davies)
 John 15.9-17
Next Thursday 07 May 15
 Acts 15.7-21
 Psalm 96.1-6 (p.232APBA)
 John 15.8-11
Next Thursday 14 May 15
 Acts 1.1-11
 Psalm 93 (p.321APBA)
 Mark 16.15-20
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
In the Diocese we pray for:
 Parish of Balga-Mirrabooka, Beatrice Pate, Joseph Arok, Tiriza Atiat and people
 Archbishop Roger Herft, Bishop Tom Wilmot and Bishop Jeremy James
 Parish that come under the patronage of Philip and James
this week’s
03 May 2015
When disaster hits…
In the Anglican Communion we pray for:
 Diocese of Eldoret, Bishop Christopher Rutto, clergy and people
 Diocese of Ngbo (Enugu, Nigeria), Bishop Christain Ebisike
 Archbishop Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
5th Sunday of Easter
The magnitude of the devastation caused by the Nepal
earthquake has been made known to us in the images and
reports on the news. The frustration and anger at the slow
Fr John Ward,
rate aid is being distributed adds yet another dimension to
9293 4300/0400 452 426
a truly awful event that is punctuated by tiny good news
[email protected]
stories of survival and rescue. For some in our parish who
have visited and
Bev Downing (Treasurer)
experienced life in Nepal,
9359 1848/0488 510 452
these pictures and reports
[email protected]
are augmented by personal
Leann Cooper (Secretary)
knowledge of the terrain
9293 0629/0417 954 018
and its people.
[email protected]
What are we to do with this
knowing, and the sorrow
and helplessness it evokes?
Noel Porter
9291 0880/0497 576 469
Contributing to appeals helps, and we will be holding a
retiring collection to go to the ABM Nepal Appeal. But
there is more we can do.
Thelma Burnett
Stuart Fairbairn
Leslie Peterson
Christine Pritchard
Mary Raycraft
Peter Stewart
[email protected]
Two critical things we can do is remember and pray:
Remembering is important because there will be
another disaster in the news and recovery always takes
time. Remember, for many will forget.
Prayer is important too. Not simply saying a prayer
once, but regularly, but repeatedly. Prayer is sometimes
thought as handing over to God the things that are
hard to bear, but more fruitful prayer is seek God’s
strength in bearing the burden. Prayer of this sort keeps
open the question: “What more can I do?”
In the Province we pray for:
 Parish of Manjimup, Diocese of Bunbury
 Cathedral Parish of Karratha and Dampier, Diocese of North West Australia
In the Anglican Church we pray for:
 Primate of Australia, Archbishop Philip Freier
5th Sunday of Easter
St Barnabas Op Shop
(Continued on page 2)
Sermon podcast
GFS invite you to
Mother & Daughter High Tea
3pm Sat 9 May, St Barnabas Hall
(see notice board)
St Barnabas, Kalamunda - church among the trees
I commend the following prayer for Nepal
produced by the United Bible Societies
Prayer for Nepal
The mountains and hills may crumble but my love
for you will never end (Isaiah 54.10)
11.00am Sun 7th June 2015
Father God, we cry out for Nepal. So many
people have lost loved ones, so many are
afraid and in despair. Lives have been
devastated, along with buildings. Father we
pray for your comfort for the bereaved, for
you strength for the despairing. Please be
with the rescue teams as they search for
survivors. And move the hearts of people all
over the world to send what help they can.
Important Dates:
24th May
 Reports due
 Notification of General Business close
31 May
 Nominations close for Church:
Wardens, Church Council, Auditor,
Synod Representatives, Synod
Alternate, Nominators of Clergy
2015 Celebration of Sport Event
17 May 2015
WA cricketing legend, Justin Langer, will be the main speaker at a joyful Celebration of Sport organised by Christians
Together in Sport which will take place in St Mary's Cathedral, Victoria Square (by Royal Perth Hospital) at 2.45 pm
on Sunday, 17 May
Please include the following names in your
daily prayers. It is not possible to give full
details here and if you wish to help in other
ways please to the referring person (in brackets)
For those affected by earthquake & flood
For those persecuted for their faith
For Healing & Recovery.
 Eddie (Lin & Chris Robin)
 David & Hillary,
 Juan & Derek,
 Ruth (Josephine Morgan)
 Grace (Christine Pritchard)
 Barbara (Tina Mackay)
 Peter Stewart
 Irene McGuirk
For Thanksgiving.
Ken Allen & travel funding for Junkadelic
Band (Irene McGuirk)
This thanksgiving service to God for the wondrous gift of
sport will be uplifting and will also feature Eagles' Nic Naitanui and Wildcats' Shawn Redhage, plus other great sporting personalities.
This term, we have
begun the Pilgrim
Series Bible Study,
in the Church, after
Playgroup, on Tuesday.
No entry fee. No seated reservations. Everyone is welcome.
Refreshments served afterwards in the cathedral centre.
Further info: Alison - 0417 904839, James - 0477 365618.
The St Swithuns Mothers Union meets
at 2 pm on the second Tuesday of each
month in our church hall. (behind our
We are at present, a small group but
enjoy and benefit from our fellowship and supporting our
church families. whenever possible.
We would love to have you come and join us at our next
on Tuesday, May 12th.
Nancy Rhodes.M.U. Secretary
9291 6421
Sallie Oldfield. M.U .President. 92916619
invite you to a Secret Garden
Mother & Daughter
High Tea
3pm Sat 9 May, St Barnabas Hall
Tickets $20,
RSVP by May 5, see Julie Ward
Playgroup 9.30am - 11.30am
Pilgrim Study- 12.00noon - 1.00pm
Christine 9293 1498
Prayer of the Week
Saving God, who called your Church to
witness that you were in Christ reconciling the
world to yourself: help us so to proclaim the
good news of your love,
that all who hear it may be reconciled to you;
through him who died for us and rose again
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
On This Week
5th Sunday of Easter, 03 May
8.00am Said Eucharist
9.30am Sung Eucharist
Monday 04 May
Tuesday, 05 May
9.30-11.30am Barney’s Playgroup (Hall)
9.30-11.30am KYB Ladies Group,
10 Seaton Court, Guildford
12.00 - 1.00pm Pilgrim Bible Study
1.00-3.00pm Kalamunda St Barnabas Circle
Dancers (Hall)
Wednesday, 06 May
9.30-11.30am KYB
9 Burrinjuck Road, Gooseberry Hill
12.45-2.45pm Our Studio in the Hills. (Hall)
7.00pm Choir Practice
Thursday, 07 May
9.30am Eucharist
Friday, 08 May
9.00-11.00am Coffee Time
Fr John’s Day Off
Saturday 09 May
3.00pm GFS Mother and Daughter Afternoon
6th Sunday of Easter, 10 May
8.00am Said Eucharist
9.30am Sung Eucharist .
In Memory
8 May 88 Frederick Threfall
4 John Ward
5 Ros Wright
6 Beverly Morris
7 Carol Pepper
7 Chris Bradford/Allnutt
8 Alan Raycraft
10 Ebony Raycraft
To put something in this weeks Good News
or for more information e-mail
[email protected]