KAMIAKIN ~ HIGH ~ SCHOOL “Home of the Braves” Wednesday, March 25, 2015 ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY – LUNCH MENU: Teriyaki Chicken, Seasoned Green Beans, Steamed Rice TECH CLUB meets @ lunch in Room 400. SUSTAINABILITY CLUB meets @ lunch in Room 313. WSU Tri-Cities rep in the Career Center during 5th hour. If you’ve been accepted to WSU Tri-Cites or have an incomplete application, please stop by. SPRING SPORTS TEAM PICTURES: Track @ 3:45 ACTIVITIES FOR THURSDAY – LUNCH MENU: Spaghetti Mac & Cheese with Garlic Breadstick TRIBE MAKEUP SESSIONS @ lunch: (9th) room 523 (10th) Career Center (11th) Room 568 (12th) Room 506. STUDENTS – TRIBE MEETINGS are today: 0 Hour 6:45 – 7:40 LUNCH 1st Hour 7:45-8:34 4th Hour 2nd Hour 8:39-9:25 5th Hour 9:30-10:16 6th Hour TRIBE rd 3 Hour 10:21-11:07 11:07-11:47 11:52-12:38 12:43-1:29 1:34-2:20 CINDERELLA’S CLOSET is accepting dresses once again if you have some formal dresses you would be willing to donate. Take them to Ms. Harmon in Room 442. KAMIAKIN SOCKS are being ordered all week outside of Room 441 during lunch. These have a Kamiakin logo on the side and come in two color options. Stop by Room 442 and check out the designs or talk to a freshmen ASB officer. Buy a pair today for $13 before they are gone! NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY is having their monthly meeting this Friday @ lunch in the library. If you can’t attend, let Mrs. Feth (Room 327) know right away! LaPierre Field. This camp is for boys 7-13 years of age & costs $50. Contact Coach Carter at [email protected] (Room 538 or gym) or online for more info. A YOUTH CAREER FAIR will be held Thursday, April 2 at Work Source. This is a great opportunity to explore employment, training, and colleges can answer your questions. Employers will be hiring, so dress to impress and bring copies of your resume! A KAMIAKIN GIRLS SOCCER TEAM will host a Spring Break Youth Soccer Camp for boys & girls in K5th grades. The first 35 to register will receive a FREE soccer ball. Information is online or in the main office. CHEER TRYOUTS are April 6-10 from 6-8:00 in the West Gym. A GIRLS ENGAGED IN AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR EVENT is being held April 14-16 at CBC. Stop by the Career Center for registration info. The first 10 females to register will receive a free oil change at the event! Did you miss the VOLLEYBALL meeting? Stop by Room 328 and see Ms. Ross for more information. Players need to turn in Volleyball forms to her or to Coach Morgan Schauble right away. Come play MARIO KART MARCH in the gym @ lunch and give it your all to win a prize - there will be cookies on Thursday! A KAMIAKIN BASEBALL YOUTH CAMP will be held Monday & Tuesday, March 30-31 from 9:30-12:30 at BASEBALL BASEBALL BOYS GOLF 3rd QUARTER ENDS FRIDAY SPRING BREAK IS NEXT WEEK! A mandatory DANCE TEAM PARENT MEETING is scheduled April 9 @ 6:00 in the cafeteria. Practice is April 13-15 from 6-8:00 in the Main Gym. Tryouts are April 16. KiBe – HERE (KA) Hermiston – HERE @ Canyon Lakes C 4:00 V 4:00 (1) 12:30 ER 2:00 ER 4-6th STAFF – Teachers: Remember grades are due @ 3:00 on April 6! Please release these Golfers today 4-6th Hours: Bolton Dauenhauer, McGwire Hanson, Max Massey, Dillon Ecclestone, & Trevor Roberts. Please release these Tennis athletes @ 12:30 tomorrow (Thursday): Alex Barany, Connor Barany, Mason DelMar, Jarrett Gould, Tanner Harrington, Matt Inman, Colby McMahon, Alex Monson, Marshall Miller, Nash Thompson, Brian Walker, Travis Weide, Sarah Burns, Carlin Cooley, Courtney Hall, Maddy Hansen, Skylar Larson, Kara Newcomb, Alisha Nguyen, Chloe Scott, Olivia Szendre, Ashlynn Tate, Kylee Tate, Emma VanEaton, and Rachel Young. Please release these Dance Team members all day Friday for State competition: Ashley Blake, Kelsey Dearing, Becca Helmann, Jessica Pieros, Christina Mejia, Hanna Mantanona, Ashley Rodriguez, Leslie Rodriguez, Audrey Rugesegger.
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