St Mark’s, Raumati Beach St Paul’s, Paraparaumu St Peter’s, Paekakariki Anglican PARISH OF KAPITI 5 July 2015 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Today 12 July 1st Reading Ezekiel 2: 1-5 Amos 7: 7-15 2nd Reading 2 Corinthians 12: 2-10 Ephesians 1: 3-14 Gospel Reading Mark 6: 1-13 Mark 6: 14-29 The Sentence of the Day: Many who heard Jesus were amazed and said: “What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done at his hands!” (Mark 6: 2) The Collect of the Day: Gentle God, grant that at home where we are most truly ourselves, where we are known at our best and our worst, we may learn to forgive and be forgiven, for love of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen Parish Office opening hours: 9am-12noon Tuesday to Friday Parish Office located at St Paul’s Church, cnr of Langdale Ave & Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu Intercessory Parish Prayer Faith is being sure of what we hope for & certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11: 1 Our Parish 24/7 Prayer Chain is Coordinated by Marion Henderson. Please contact Marion with any prayer requests on ph 905 1171 or email [email protected]. Go on, take a leap of faith… light & leave the rest up to God! PLEASE NOTE The Mid-Day Eucharist will now be held on Fridays only, as of the week beginning, Monday 6 July. As always, you are invited to the Parish DAILY MID DAY Eucharist on Fridays at St Paul’s as well as the Parish PRAYER Group, who meet on Fridays in the Searle Room at St Paul’s, 11am. Parish Diary Mid day Eucharist at St Paul’s Today 7pm Every Friday Only Stillpoint, St Paul’s This Week 9 July 2pm Thurs AAW, Parish Lounge, St Paul’s 5pm Sun Evensong, St Mark’s Mon Henry’s leave begins; Lynda is Priest in Charge Sun Messy Church, St Paul’s Coming Up 12 July 13 July 19 July 4pm Revd Henry Resink will be taking leave from Monday 13 July until Wednesday 19 August. Revd Lynda Wards will be Priest in Charge during Henry’s absence and will be available at the Parish Office on Tuesday’s and Friday’s of each week. She can be contacted via phone and email as well. The Wardens, Terry Parminter and Ann Desmond, will be supporting Lynda. All contact details are available on the reverse in the Parish Directory. Today, at St Paul’s, 7pm, is Stillpoint. Gundy Turner is offering musical ministry. Stillpoint is an hour of time with God for reflection, peace and quiet and to just ‘be’. Try it! Kapiti Parish Women’s Fellowship will meet on Thursday 9 July at 2pm in the Parish Lounge, St Paul’s. We will be discussing T H W the current National Council of Women’s Remits for 2015. Remits are now available. Please email Val if you would like copies to I E participate. Please bring any suggestions for future meetings/activities S E and a small contribution for the bring and buy table. All women in the K parish are welcome. Val Malcolm ph 04 904 1387 or email [email protected] Kapiti Chamber Choir presents ‘A Festival of Jewish Music’, including NZ premiere of Ernest Bloch’s Sacred Service on Sunday 19 July, 2.30pm at Kapiti Uniting Church, Raumati Beach with Roger Wilson (cantor) and Douglas Mews (organ). Adults $30, Fulltime Students $10. Operation Christmas Child The first round of information has been circulated! With that, you are encouraged to begin thinking about filling a shoe box for either a boy or girl. Begin by decorating a shoe box with colourful paper. Pre-printed shoe boxes will be available later this year and will cost 50c each. Collection will be in late October so we have plenty of time! Sheila Gaelic ph 04 904 3759. Whanganui Knickers & Undies. In response to the recent flooding in Whanganui and the request from Revd Denise Keen of the Parish of Eastern Whanganui, for new knickers and undies, please continue to offer any sized, colour and shape of undies. A black bag has been distributed to each Church for you to put the undies in. It must be reinforced that only NEW undies can be accepted (for hygiene purposes) and that we are only being asked for UNDIES not any other clothing items. The black bags are available today and next Sunday only. Lectionary Readings for Sunday 5 July 2015 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ezekiel 2:1-5. In 593BC Ezekiel, born into a Judean priestly family and taken into Babylonian exile, is 30 years old when he sees a vision of God. The Lord calls Ezekiel to deliver his condemnation to the stubborn and rebellious Israelites, even though they may not listen to the words of the prophet. 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Paul will not boast of his own achievements, but mentions visions and revelations from the Lord – one of “a man caught up in Paradise, hearing things he cannot tell”. He admits to a personal weakness “a thorn in my flesh”, endured because it enables him to experience the grace and power of Christ. Mark 6:1-13 After crossing back into Galilee, Jesus preaches at the Synagogue in his home town of Nazareth. But his teaching is not accepted, for the people know him merely as the carpenter-son of a local family, and have no faith in him. Later he sends the twelve disciples out in pairs, to preach repentance and to heal the sick. They are told to travel light and depend on God. Chris Durrant PO Box 32, Paraparaumu, 5254 Parish Directory Vicar Revd Henry Resink [email protected] 04 904 7300 Chaplain for Resthome & Retirem’t Villages 021 156 7990 & House Group Co-ordinator Kathleen Fleck 04 298 5630 Priests responsible for St Mark’s Revds John & Barbara Bonifant 04 905 3301 Messy Church Mission [email protected] Revd Carrole Lewis (see previous listing) Priest responsible for St Peter’s & Parish Wide Prayer & Pastoral Ministries Revd Lynda Wards 04 234 1170 [email protected] Senior Youth—Yr9+ Adrian Tofts 021 068 0550 Intermediate Youth—Yr6 to Yr8 Christine & Paul Bull 04 902 3320 Priest responsible for St Paul’s 11am Service Wardens Revd Sarah Nothnagel 04 293 2037 Terry Parminter 04 297 3511 [email protected] Ann Desmond 04 297 0506 Priest & Missioner to the Corporate & Not Treasurer for Profit world Paul Bull 04 904 7300 Revd Jon Hartley 021 466 566 Parish Administrator & Vicar’s PA Deacon for Community Engagement Becky Devane 04 904 7300 Revd Carrole Lewis 04 904 7300 [email protected] [email protected] Parish Office located at St Paul’s Church, cnr of Langdale Ave & Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu Parish Office opening hours: 9am-12noon Tuesday to Friday St Mark’s, Raumati Beach St Paul’s, Paraparaumu St Peter’s, Paekakariki
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