Anglican P K ARISH

Anglican PARISH
9th November 2014
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
9 November
1st Reading
Wisdom of Solomon 6: 12-16 Zepheniah 1: 12-18
2nd Reading
1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11
Gospel Reading
Matthew 25: 1-13
Matthew 25: 14-30
The Sentence of the Day: “Let all who seek you O Lord rejoice, and be
glad in you.” (Ps 70: 4)
The Collect of the Day: Lord, help us to see; to see what is eternally
good and true, and having seen, to go on searching until we come to
the joys of heaven, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Intercessory Prayer
Intercessory Prayer throughout the Parish
Jesus taught us to pray; to lift our hearts
and burdens to God. What an awesome
privilege?! There are many ways we pray
for others; we pray individually and in
groups and we also have several ways of
organised prayer:
The 24/7 Prayer Chain is coordinated
by Marion Henderson; phone 04 905 1171
or email [email protected].
Specific names can be given to the
parish office for inclusion in the news
sheet. This is for one calendar month only.
You can write your prayer on a ‘postit’ and stick it up on one of the prayer
walls, either at St Paul’s or St Mark’s.
A parish prayer group meets each
Friday in the Searle Room at St Paul’s
between 11am-12noon. Kathleen and John Fleck oversee this group.
There is always someone available to talk or pray with you during or after
any service.
Parish Diary
Mid-day Eucharist 12noon Every Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fri
Evensong, St Mark’s
This Week
13 Nov
Thurs 2pm
AAW Annual General Meeting, Parish Lounge
12 Nov
Café Cuppa & a Chat, High Tide Café, Prm Beach
16 Nov
Messy Church, Parish Hall, St Paul’s
18 Nov
12noon St Paul’s Guild, Cookies Restaurant
30 Nov
Coming Up
Combined Parish Service, St Paul’s
Evensong is at St Mark’s at 5pm followed by a shared meal.
Chris Durrant is preaching.
Café Cuppa and a Chat: Come and join with other parishioners at 2pm on
Wednesday November 12th at High Tide Café, Marine Parade, Paraparaumu
Beach. All of any age are welcome. If you’d like to come please contact Christine
Bull ph. 902 3320. Transport is available – just call Christine
AAW Women's Fellowship are holding their AGM in the Parish Lounge at St Paul's
on Thursday 13th November at 2pm. Contact Heather Dawson ph. 902 1866.
Cocktails, Mocktails & Canapes A social gathering to raise a donation for the
work of Church Missionary Society workers Irene & Cliff Studman at the University
of St John in Dodoma, Tanzania. Saturday 6th December, at 2pm, 10 Seven Oaks
Court (off Hurley Road). Parking is limited, so make up a party! Christine VaughanDawkes, ph. 905 4261.
Education for Ministry The current EFM programme concludes in 2015. It is proposed to start a new programme in the Parish at that time. In order to gauge the
level of interest of participation, please contact Ann Desmond, ph. 297 0506 or
Christine Vaughan-Dawkes, ph. 905 4261 for more details.
Kapiti Community Foodbank Inc This is our busiest time of year
and we are asking, once again, for your assistance with 2 different
Saturday 29th November, our combined Lions Club have their
food appeal throughout Kapiti. We use the Salvation Army Hall,
downstairs at 41 Bluegum Road and need assistance to sort and
pack food parcels from 10.30am—3pm approx.
Monday 22nd December, we will again be at the Salvation Army Hall and would
like some help to sort and pack Christmas food parcels from 10.30am. Last year
the final tally was 170.
Both of these events require no strenuous lifting and we are only asking for as
much time as you can manage. Just turn up or contact Margaret Griffith, ph 904
9884 or email [email protected], with any questions. With many thanks.
Keys to St Paul’s Complex
We are completing an audit of key holders around the parish and
changing some of the access. If you hold any kind of St Paul’s key,
for whatever reason, could you please contact me in the office,
during opening hours, so I can record the details of each key, otherwise your key may not work! With thanks, Becky.
Lectionary Readings for Sunday 9 Nov 2014
32 Sunday in Ordinary Time - Green
Psalm 70 An urgent prayer for the Lord’s assistance in a time of trouble.
Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-16 Solomon exhorts all kings and rulers to seek out
wisdom, whom he personifies as a ‘beautiful woman’ who responds to all that
search for her. Wisdom existed from the beginning of creation, and her pursuit
leads to the Kingdom of God.
1 Thessalonians 4:23-18 Paul is writing in 51 AD from Corinth to the Church in
Thessalonica, which he had founded two years previously, urging them to love
their fellow Christians. He comforts them in their concern over the faithful who
have already died, promising that God will raise them up through Christ at his
coming on the day of the Lord.
Matthew 25:1-13 One of the latest of Jesus’ parables recorded by Matthew, the
story of the Ten Bridesmaids reminds us that to join in celebration at the Lord’s
coming, we must be constantly prepared for his arrival.
Chris Durrant
[email protected]
Revd Henry Resink
021 156 7990
[email protected]
Parish Directory
Deacon for Resthome & Retirem’t Villages
Revd Maureen Ellis
905 9424
904 7300
Priests responsible for St Mark’s
Revds John & Barbara Bonifant 905 3301
Priest responsible for St Peter’s
Revd Lynda Wards
04 234 1170
Priest responsible for 11am Service
Revd Sarah Nothnagel
904 7300
[email protected]
Priest responsible for Messy Church
Revd Hennie Nothnagel
293 2037
Parish-wide Prayer & Pastoral Ministry
Revd Lynda Wards
04 234 1170
[email protected]
Deacon for Community Engagement
Revd Carrole Lewis
904 7300
[email protected]
Revd Jon Hartley
021 466 566
Children & Youth
Youth Church & Intermediate Youth
Adele Cherrill
904 3665
K.A.Y.G—Senior Youth Group
Adrian Tofts
021 068 0550
House Groups
Kathleen Fleck
Parish Administrator
Becky Devane
[email protected]
904 7300
904 7300
Terry Parminter (Vicar’s Warden) 297 3511
Richard Harrow (People’s Warden) 297 9642
Paul Bull
Parish Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9am - 1pm
904 7300