April 12 2015 - Kern Memorial United Methodist Church

Kern Memorial
United Methodist Church
TODAY’s Message—Giving Up Our Lives
Second Sunday of Easter
April 12, 2015
11:00 am Service
April 19—Finding God, Part II
April 26—Giving Up Death
*All Music Celebration—Pizza & Cake @ 6!*
Coffee & Fellowship at 4:30 pm
Child care provided for children under age 4.
Activities for kids ages 4-8 at 5:00 pm.
There will be a meeting for all children’s Sunday School Teachers and subs at 12:30 pm today in the Parlor. We will be talking
about the summer teaching schedule, Cokesbury’s new curriculum, and other ideas for our Sunday School ministry. Contact
Chanda Knight (455-4769, [email protected]) if you have questions.
A United Methodist Women’s social action program is scheduled for the Kernels meeting this Tuesday, April 14, at 11:00 am in the Family Life
Center. Paula Trujillo, of Legal Aid Society, will present “The Fate of Undocumented Immigrant Women”. A spring potluck luncheon will
follow at 12 noon. Everyone is welcome.
Youth are taking orders for single long-stem roses to honor mothers on Mother’s Day (May 10). Both red and white roses are
available to purchase. The cost is just $3.00 per rose, and they will be ready to pick up on Mother’s Day in the Narthex at 10:00
am and Noon, and in the Family Life Center just before reViVe@5. Please place your order on the tear-off. Payment is due
when you pick up the roses. Proceeds from the sale will go toward our Youth group’s summer mission trip. See Alisha Balcom
for details.
There are several young people in our church who are graduating this calendar year. Our church would like to recognize their
accomplishments in a special bulletin edition in June, but we need your help. We are asking students (or parents/grandparents of
students) who are graduating from high school, college, trade school, or receiving other educational certificates this spring (and
also those who have graduated at the end of the Summer or Fall 2014 semester) to let us know. Please complete the tear-off
section of this Sunday’s bulletin and turn it in to the church office no later than May 3. We would like to include a picture of our
graduates, too. Pictures may be submitted with the tear-off form, or sent electronically to [email protected]. We are pleased
to have the opportunity to share in the celebration of the accomplishments of the graduates in our church!
Next VBS Meeting—Tuesday, April 28
6:00-7:00 pm in Fellowship Hall (in lieu of April CAPs Meeting)
Safe Sanctuary Training follows
7:00-8:00 pm for all those who work with children and youth.
Children ages 3 through 4th grade are invited to more Camp Discovery fun in our Summer Session of Camp Faith! (A nursery is available for
siblings, ages 6 weeks through 35 months.) Registration is now open for this 7-week summer camp. Summer Camp Faith will be offered on
Tuesday and Thursday mornings from June 9 through July 23. An activity fee of $60.00 per child and pre-registration is required for children to
attend. Space is limited. Contact Knight (455-4769 or [email protected]) to pick up a registration packet.
Eighteenth week: The theme is Kindness. “Lord, may my children always try to be
kind to each other and to everyone else” (I Thessalonians 5:15).
Second Sunday of Easter
Greetings and Announcements
*Entrance of the Cross
O Sons and Daughters of the King
arr. Michael Burkhardt
As grateful recipients of the tradition of Resurrection, we are also aware of our responsibility for its interpretation and articulation. But
what is it exactly that we have received, and how have we received it? What is it exactly that we are to pass on to subsequent generations?
A text, a message, a theology, or something more ethereal? Can one receive and pass on---the numinous? This much is clear: our textual
and spiritual inheritance is rich, and our responsibility for its preservation and explication is profound.
Texts live by being read and reconsidered---recontextualized, reconfigured, revised. If some of us (myself included) think of ourselves
as "traditionalists", we are not antiquarians. As those who aspire to be "scribes of the Kingdom of God" (to borrow St Matthew's quaint
expression), we interest ourselves in the most recent thinking about the oldest texts; we enter with a new vocabulary into the conversation
that was initiated by the fathers of the Church. In receiving what has been passed to us we alter the contents; in passing on what we have
received we add to tradition the unique insights of our time and place. We are not auditors, we are participants; we are not stenographers,
we are composers; what has been announced to us must, as Emerson insisted, be found true in us.
Spirit of Christ, quicken these proceedings. Raise these old texts from the dead! Infuse reading and thinking with passion; temper
passion with reason; inform reason with intuition. “Come from the four winds, O Breath,” and breathe upon us that we may live. Amen.
Easter People, Raise Your Voices
A Modern Affirmation
*Gloria Patri
Now the Green Blade Riseth
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
Offertory Sentence
As a community whose aim is to educate the world away from its preoccupation with prosperity, the Church is always, and appropriately,
a little uneasy in acknowledging its need for---money! We can only concern ourselves with it ironically, and cautiously, as a means to the
realization of a life in which prosperity becomes uninteresting and unworthy.
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
Children’s Circle
arr. Raymond H. Haan
Chanda Knight
The Gift of Love
*Gospel Lesson John 20: 19–31
Kris Torrance
“if the thought in you arises the word of the Master is ended”
Up from the Grave He Arose
Donald Morris
*Choral Benediction
Postlude on Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
*Congregation Standing
arr. Richard Brown
Kern will participate in the Earth Day shoe collection effort again this
spring, so save those gently used shoes of all types and look for the
bins in the Narthex and FLC. The shoes will be refurbished to reduce
injuries and infections and to establish micro-businesses for povertystricken men and women throughout the world. Keep Anderson County
Beautiful supports this activity as part of Earth Day 2015. Thanks for
your support! Contact Judy Wilson (414-7346) if you have any
Sunday, April 12, 2015
There’s lots of work and planning to be done these next two months, and
we need you to help us make this a great event for the children! We need
people to assist with crafts, games, music, story-telling, decorations,
technical support, snack suppers, group guides, and more. Please
indicate on the tear-off how you can help, or contact Chanda Knight
(455-4769 or [email protected]).
Place the tear-off in the offering plate.
**Vacation Bible School 2015**
Sunday, May 31—Kick-Off Party
Monday-Thursday, June 1-4, 6:00-8:00 pm
(Snack supper @ 5:30 pm)
Wednesday Niter Menu
Buffet line opens at 5:30 pm. Reservations or cancellations must be
made by 12:00 noon on Monday by signing up on the tear-off or calling
the church office. If you fail to attend and did not cancel you will be
expected to pay. If your meal needs to be a takeout, please indicate
on tear-off or call the office by 4:00 pm on Wednesday.
Ranch Baked Chicken
Rosemary Potatoes, Green Beans
Coffee, Tea, and Lemonade
Homemade Desserts
____ Number of adults/children 7 yrs & up – $6
____ Number of children under age 7 – FREE
____ Number of takeout meals
____ Please make this a permanent reservation.
Family Cap – $22 (immediate family/household)
____ Please make an additional permanent reservation (for
someone who may not be able to afford the meal).
Mothers’ Day Roses
(person placing order)
#_____ Red Roses
#_____ White Roses
Pick-up location:
_____ 10:00 am (Narthex)
_____ Noon (Narthex)
_____ 4:30 pm (FLC)
Graduation Recognition
Please include the following in the graduation insert.
Graduation Date
Future Plans
Congratulations to James & Shirley Franklin on the birth of
their great granddaughter Katie Sarahjean Crews in
Mooresville, NC on April 3, 2015. Parents are Scott and
Lyndsay Crews. Grandparents are Jim and Margie McDannald,
Richard and Ann Crews.
VBS 2015
I would like to help in the following ways!
_____ I will attend the VBS Meeting and Safe Sanctuary
training (4/28).
_____ Group Guide
______ Decorations
_____ Kitchen Crew
______ Set-up
_____ Registration
______ Clean-up
_____ Music
______ Financial Donation
_____ Crafts
_____ Bible Story-telling
_____ Missions
Kern Staff
This Week at Kern
Alisha Balcom – Director of Youth Ministries
[email protected]
Carol Cox – Pianist
[email protected]
Mike Cox – Treasurer
[email protected]
Julie Johnson – Secretary
[email protected]
Chanda Knight – Children’s Ministries Coordinator
[email protected]
Ashley Lockridge – Praise & Worship Leader
[email protected]
Kevin Miller – Director of Music
[email protected]
Don Morris – Pastor
[email protected]
Wanda Parks – Organist
[email protected]
Debbie Shope – Program Director
[email protected]
Lindsay Shope – Nursery Coordinator
[email protected]
Karen Spearman – Congregational Care Assistant
[email protected]
Church Office
451 E. Tennessee Ave. Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Hours: Monday–Thursday 9:00 am–4:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am–noon
Phone: (865) 483-5273 Fax: (865) 483-0192
Participants in Today’s Service
Early Worship Greeters
Early Worship Acolytes
P&W Parking Greeters
P&W Lay Reader
Late Outside Greeters
Late Narthex Greeters
Late Worship Acolyte
Late Worship Crucifer
Late Worship Lay Reader
Children’s Circle
Offering Counters
Betty Hitchcock
Caleb Bennett
Don & Pat Cobb
Steve Pawel
David & Linda Allen
Jim & Judy Keiser
Robert Ashburn
Kay Hamrick
Kris Torrance
Chanda Knight
Michele Brandenburg/Judy Wilson
Michele Brandenburg
Participants on April 19, 2015
Early Worship Greeters
Early Worship Acolytes
P&W Parking Greeters
P&W Lay Reader
Late Outside Greeters
Late Narthex Greeters
Late Worship Acolyte
Late Worship Crucifer
Late Worship Lay Reader
Children’s Circle
Offering Counters
Marjorie Nall
Troy Welch
Laura Smith/Tom Shope
Paulette Missaggia
Larry & Ann Brown
David & Judy Willey
Kay Hamrick
Marcia Walker
Kris Torrance
Michele Brandenburg/Howell Simerly
Judy Wilson
General Fund Income April 5, 2015
General Fund Income YTD
General Fund Budget 2015
Expenses YTD
Communion Offering
Lenten Offering
Holston Home
$ 14,631
$ 147,709
$ 581,372
$ 143,257
$ 1,435
$ 996
$ 709
Key: Sanctuary (S), Family Life Center (FLC), Narthex (N),
Fellowship Hall (FH), Parlor (P), Prayer Room (PR), Memorial
Garden (MG), Education Building (EB), Meeting Room (MR),
Youth Room (YR)
DAILY Kern Church in prayer (7 am, 11 am, 7 pm, 11 pm)
SUNDAY, April 12, 2015 – Second Sunday of Easter
8:30 am Early Worship Service (S)
9:00 am Praise & Worship Service (FLC)
10:00 am Youth leaving for service in Harriman (FLC)
10:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am Late Traditional Service (S)
12:30 pm Sunday School Teacher Meeting (P)
3:00 pm Dance Practice 5-12 graders (Rm 12)
3:30 pm NO Confirmation Class (Rm 14)
4:00 pm Dance Practice K-4 graders (Rm 12)
4:00 pm Beth Moore Study (P)
5:00 pm Revive Service (FLC)
6:00 pm NO Youth Gathering (Rm 14)
MONDAY, April 13, 2015
9:00 am Monday Morning Maintenance (FH)
5:30 pm Yoga (FLC)
6:45 pm Boy Scouts (FLC)
TUESDAY, April 14, 2015
9:00 am Camp Faith (Rm 24)
10:00 am Don’s OT Bible Study (P)
10:00 am reViVe Planning Team (Panera)
11:00 am Kernels (FLC)
12:00 pm Staff Meeting (P)
WEDNESDAY, April 15, 2015
9:15 am Yoga (FLC)
10:30 am Mommy and Company (FLC)
5:30 pm Wednesday Niter Dinner
6:30 pm Adult Small Groups
6:30 pm Children’s Devotions
6:30 pm Youth Fellowship
6:30 pm Chancel Choir (S)
6:30 pm Adventure Crew (N)
7:00 pm Praise Band Practice (FLC)
THURSDAY, April 16, 2015
8:00 am Prayer Group (P)
9:00 am Camp Faith (Rm 24)
10:00 am Mary Martha Circle (FH)
6:00 pm Girl Scouts #69 (Rm 14)
FRIDAY, April 17, 2015
Cleveland Student Rowers sleepover
SATURDAY, April 18, 2015
SUNDAY, April 19, 2015 – Third Sunday of Easter
4/12 Austyn Balcom
4/13 Kurt Nitzsche, Ron Shoupe
4/14 Pete Hildebrandt, A. J. Pawel, Nancy White
4/15 Barry Cox, Tim Simerly, Heather Smyrl
4/16 Elaine Schamper
4/17 Kim Brinkman, Paul Hannon, Lila Johnson, JeanFrancois Reat
4/18 Mary Lou Broughton, Bronson Bzorgi, Linda Maddox
4/19 Cameron Brinkman, Adam Bunch, Katie Mitchell,
Cora Rhew