The Disciple Visitor MARCH 10, 2015 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH PHONE 256-764-2192 REVEREND JAMES STORIE, MINISTER Web-site: Facebook: First Christian Church of Florence, AL PRAY FOR SHEILA HARR, sister of Thomas Harrison; Sheila had scans recently and the news was not what she had hoped for. There will be a change in chemo treatment. Your prayers are appreciated. Jim Miller, Jon Nevins, Barbara MacLachlan, Joan Ahern, June & Don Helton, Eric Plunk, Rita Carr; sister of Sharon Harris, Greg Helton, unspoken needs, our servicemen and women deployed, and the victims of war and violence around the world. Worship Service: Sunday, March 15, 2015 Scripture: BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASSES Baptism Preparation Classes will be offered on the six Sundays following Easter; with a plan to schedule baptisms on Pentecost Sunday. We will be meeting 11:30-2 (lunch included). Please let Anna or the office know if you're interested in participating! THANK YOU Thank you for your recent gifts totaling $500.00 to the Shoals Scholar Dollars Foundation. Your generosity and faith in higher education is inspiring to the Shoals students who will benefit from this scholarship program. Your gift will have a positive impact on the lives of these students. For this, we are greatly appreciative. Lisa Patterson, Shoals Scholar Dollars Treasurer MARY & MARTHA GROUP We will be taking donations again this Sunday for blankets. Please mark “Blanket Sunday” on your donations. Last year we donated 100 blankets. Each blanket costs $10.00. Please help us break last year’s record and comfort those in need. MARY & MARTHA GROUP The Mary and Martha Group will meet on Sunday evening, March 15, at 5:00 p.m. A Soup Supper will be provided by the M & M Mentors. Nursery also provided. YOUTH INFORMATION Schedule for Sunday night Youth Group helpers 3/15/15 Robin & Russ Coussons 3/22/15 Jodi & Kevin McDaniel --There is a sign-up sheet for the Children and Youth snack suppers on the bulletin board. JUNIOR GREETERS TRAINING We are planning a Junior Greeters training for Worship and Wonder this coming Sunday in the Library from 1-3 pm, for youth grades 5 and up. This is essentially the role of Deacon for our Worship and Wonder service. Therefore, it's very important that both Adult and Junior Greeters receive a formal training so that everyone understands the flow of worship and how best to support the goal of worshiping together. Once trained, Junior Greeters will be included in our regular Sunday scheduling. YOUTH & CHILDREN’S COMMITTEE The youth & children’s committee will meet this Sunday at 3:30. YOUTH RUMMAGE SALE Is it time to clean out your closets, attics, basements, or garages? We know just what to do with all of your extra "stuff"! Donate it to the youth for the annual youth sponsored rummage sale which will be on Saturday, March 21st. You may bring items to the church from Sunday, March 15 through Friday, March 20. This fundraiser will help to send the youth to general assembly this summer First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 700 North Wood Avenue Florence, AL 35630 Phone: 256-764-2192 Return Service Requested March 10, 2015 ATTENDANCE March 1st, 2015 Sunday school 45 Worship 143 MARCH OUTREACH Bob & Carol Hill Let’s challenge each other to fill a bag with food so that we might reach out once again to help Sidney’s Safe Foundation in collecting food for hungry children in our community. SSF is asking for nonperishable, (must not be out of date) individually packaged, easy to eat food such as: Little Debbie’s, fruit bars, granola bars, pop tarts, microwave popcorn, pop top canned foods like ravioli, beanie weenies or spaghetti. Collection bins are in fellowship hall and at the back entrance. WORSHIP & WONDER SPONSORS You may still sponsor a story for Worship & Wonder by filling out a form and giving it to Anna or Tammy in the church office. So far we have had 12 stories sponsored. DIRECTORIES There are still directories that have not been picked up in the office. If you have not gotten yours and would like one, please see Tammy in the office FAMILY CAMP Friday, April 24 - Sunday, April 26 Oak Mountain State Park, Pelham Al Cost $15 – Adults, $10 – Children For more information, call the church office CURRICULUM Curriculum options for the season of Eastertide are now available! Copies of the books, along with quick reviews, are available in the upstairs classroom hall. If you have any questions, please let Anna know. TRANSPORTATION HELP From time to time we have congregation members who need help with transportation. If you are able to help, a sign-up sheet has been placed on the bulletin board or you may contact Tammy in the church office. Thank you to those who have already signed up!! OUTREACH TO ROOM IN THE INN Bob & Carol Hill Thank you to everyone who has reached out to help with this wonderful cause. Our cold weather is moving into March. Your help is still needed. To be notified of the needs, or to be included on their volunteer request list, email: [email protected] EASTER LILIES Cost $13.00 each Reminder: All orders due by March 19th. In memory of__________________________________________ In of_____________________________________________ honor By______________________________________________________ YOU ARE INVITED TO A BABY SHOWER!! FOR: TAMARA ROBINSON WHEN: SATURDAY, MARCH 14TH, 2015 2P.M. – 4 P.M. WHERE: FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH FELLOWSHIP HALL REGISTERED AT: TARGET & WALMART
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