Comp Database Quick Start User’s Guide Contents Introduction to KeyLock Solutions ............................................................................................................... 3 Guide for KeyLock Solutions Comparable Database .................................................................................. 4 Logging In................................................................................................................................................. 4 Creating a New Record ............................................................................................................................ 6 COMMAND BUTTONS:................................................................................................................................ 9 Saving Data: .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Deleting Records: ................................................................................................................................... 10 Images & Document Manager .............................................................................................................. 10 Generate Report ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Transfer Ownership ................................................................................................................................ 15 Add Collaborators .................................................................................................................................. 15 Using the Backlog: .................................................................................................................................. 15 Conducting a New Search: .................................................................................................................... 17 Closing Call-outs and Closing Pages:.................................................................................................... 19 Example of Closed Comparable Sale Report ........................................................................................ 20 Page 2 Introduction to KeyLock Solutions Our software systems manage workflow tasks related to rural real estate appraisals, appraisal review and evaluations. Our emphasis is to ensure efficient workflow with the goal of quality rural real estate appraisal products delivered to the client at stated costs, and on time; Visit our web site at to begin: For quotes and information contact: Zac Moore, MAI, CSO KeyLock Solutions, Sales 509-778-3332 [email protected] Page 3 Guide for KeyLock Solutions Comparable Database Logging In (be patient while login is loading. Clicking Login will open a new page, so you can always come back to the web site and browse.) Click here to create a new Click here to load organization account the login screen To visit the demo version: Username: DemoDemo Password: DemoDemo Page 4 After a successful login, the user sees the dashboard showing the Newest 10 Records that have been committed to the searchable database: Page 5 The orange pins on the map identify the location of the last ten comparable records that were entered into the database. These 10 records are listed on the right and can be viewed by mousing over and clicking on the record number and address listed next to the thumbnail image. The magnifying glass icon allows the user to zoom in to the property on the map. These comparable records can be edited by the creator at any time by clicking on the record number. Only the record owner or collaborators may edit records. By clicking on any of the pins on the map, a user can easily identify which property it represents from the callout. The user has three action options from the callout: 1) generate a pdf report; 2) go to the record; or 3) zoom to the property on the map. Creating a New Record Click here to add a new comparable record Note: every time a user clicks on ‘New Record,’ a New Record is created and is instantaneously saved in backlog. Only click ‘New Record’ when creating a new comparable record. All existing records are either in backlog or require search and click on the record number to access it. Again, as a reminder, only record owners and collaborators have permission to work on, or edit records. If a record owner leaves the organization, the system administrator will assign those records to a new owner. Page 6 Upon selecting “New Record,” you will see this screen. A new record number auto-populates showing you as the Record Owner. All information is automatically saved every few seconds. You only select ‘Save’ when a record is ready to be committed to the searchable database records: The Keylock Solutions™ administrative account will allow the user (you) to add, edit and search records. These records are meant to represent factual data and are used when gathering comparable sales data to prepare credible real estate valuations. If you aren’t sure about something, leave it blank. DO NOT enter unverified or tenuous data. Every field does not necessarily require information. How to enter new record data: 1) Begin with the first tab on the left-hand menu (Property Identification) and fill in the requested information via drop-down menus or fill in the fields. Dropdowns have auto-fill capability. 2) Proceed to the next tab by clicking on the following sub-form button located on the left hand menu or ‘Next’ at the bottom of the page. There are several tables such as Tax Assessments and Taxes, Water Rights, Water Distribution System, etc. that allow the user to enter as many as required. Continue to move down the left-hand menu until all pertinent data have been entered. REMEMBER only click on ‘Save’ when you have completed the record. 3) All fields in RED are required before committing the record as a searchable comparable, or ‘Saving the Record.’ Page 7 Entering Data into Tables: Click “Add Row” to begin data entry into the table. In this case, add a new row for each tax parcel By adding a row, the user will be required to fill out a sub-form that becomes a row in the table. The column headings are the field information being requested. In this case, this feature allows the user to add several tax parcel numbers that will auto sum the assessed value of improvements, land, and a grand total. It will also auto calculate total number of acres and total taxes. If tax assessment acres and acres reported on page 5 differ, the application signifies an error and the user will be required to reconcile the difference. *WORD OF CAUTION: When entering fields that require a numerical value, AND the number being entered is a whole number, BE SURE to add 00 at the end of your entry to account for proper decimal placement. For example: Say the Assessed Value of Vacant Land is $140,000. If you were to enter this amount into the database, you will type 14000000 (no period is required to signify the decimal place; it knows the last two numbers are behind the decimal point and puts it in automatically.) If the last two zeros are not added, the amount entered will be $1,400.00, affecting the outcome significantly. However, if the value you are entering is not a whole number and already contains numbers to the right of the decimal point, you can ignore adding extra zeros because the spaces are already accounted for. i.e. $140,000.63 requires entering 14000063. Page 8 COMMAND BUTTONS: Saving Data: Data is automatically saved in the backlog once a new record is generated. Do not click on the ‘Save’ command button until the record is complete and ready to be committed as a searchable comparable record. Your work is saved instantaneously every few seconds. The other function of the “Save” button is to work with research assistants, keeping the record in backlog until the certified record owner, or appraiser, has reviewed and approved the information in the record. Once a record is ‘Saved’ it is then permanently transferred from the backlog into the searchable database. When a record owner is ready to approve the information and ‘Save’ the record as a searchable record, the following “Save” options will appear: 1. Private record—saving under this option will only allow the record owner to view/use the record; this is the most limited saving option. 2. Local record—saving under this option will allow users within the same organization to view/use the record. 3. Community record—saving under this option will allow users within co-organizations under a parent organization to view/use the record; this is the least limited saving view option. Proprietary or confidential documents associated with non-proprietary comparable data may be designated as such and cannot be viewed by the community or organization depending on the level of security selected. The following are mandatory fields that must be filled before the record can be saved: Transaction Type Sale Date/Pending Sale Date/List Date Primary Property Use Property Includes Street/Road Address City County/State Township/Range CE Sale Price Unit Description No. Units Page 9 Deleting Records: By clicking the “delete” button, you are PERMANENTLY deleting a record and all of the information contained in that record. Be very cautious when proceeding with this action. Once the record is gone it cannot be retraced. For your protection, a pop-up will appear after the “delete” button is selected. It will warn the user that a record is about to be deleted, and ask if proceeding is okay. You will have the option to decline a delete if the button was pushed accidentally. Deleting records is by admin permission and permission should be given with utmost caution. We recommend only the system administrator be given record delete privileges. Record owners will have default permission to add and delete associated images and documents. Images & Document Manager: This feature allows the user to upload photos, deeds, maps, MLS sheets, etc. Document manager supports excel and word document files as well as PDF documents. Image manager supports JPG, TIF, PNG, and GIF. When Manage Image/Docs command button is selected, this popup will appear: To begin uploading images and documents, click “browse.” You can then select the images and files to upload at the same time. More than one file can be uploaded at a time by holding down the ctrl button while choosing images and documents. The two types of files will automatically be sorted as either an image or a document as long as standard extensions are used when uploading (i.e. jpg, pdf, .doc .xls, etc.). Files containing uncommon extensions are not supported by this feature and will not upload. Once images and documents have been selected, you will have the opportunity to review files once more before choosing to upload or remove them. The user can identify the docs and images by pre-selected dropdown menu, otherwise the image or doc will default to ‘other.’ Page 10 IMPORTANT INFOMRATION: If you wish to use a photo or document in the comparable sale report, the photos can be selected the first time you open a PDF or Excel report. By opening Images, select the thumbnail photo by selecting the radio button above the photo you want to represent the property in the database. Photos and documents can be uploaded as confidential or proprietary. This feature is available from the drop down arrow located on the right-hand side of the “upload” button. By clicking this arrow, the options to “upload as confidential” or “upload as proprietary” will appear. 1. Uploading as confidential—Allows only the record owner to view the supporting document or photo 2. Uploading as proprietary—Allows organization users to view supporting document or photo 3. If no selection is made (neither confidential nor proprietary is chosen)—By default, anyone with permission to view records will be able to view the supporting image or document Choose “upload” to continue or “remove” to cancel this action. Page 11 Once all documents and photos have been uploaded, select the “Manage Images” tab: This page will show the files that were sorted as images, and the drop-down menus for each should show the same categorization as you selected before uploading them. If for some reason there is a photo that you would like to categorize differently, select a new option from the drop-down menu and be sure to click “save” next to that file. After you are finished managing photos, proceed to managing documents by clicking on the “Manage Documents” tab: Page 12 This page will show the files that were sorted as documents, and the drop-down menus for each should show the same categorization as you selected before uploading them. If for some reason there is a document that you would like to categorize differently, select a new option from the drop-down menu and be sure to click “save” next to that file. Once all images and documents have been selected and properly categorized, click “close” in the bottom right-hand corner of the Images and Document Manager screen, or select ‘escape.’ Generate Report: To generate the report, click on the “Generate Report” tab: On this page, you will have the option to export your report to a PDF or Excel file. However, before doing so it is important that you first select which document and photos you would like to populate into your report. Upon clicking “Generate Report,” you will see a screen similar to this: Click on “Show Documentation” to select images to add to the report: Page 13 Using the checkbox next to each file, select which images you would like to populate into the report. Documents will show, but will not populate. The Represented Photo 1, if selected, will default to the first page. A maximum of four (4) additional images may be selected and will populate to the last page. If “Representative Photo 1” is not checked to populate into the report, the other selected photos will move up in the report to fill its space. Aside from photos however, if a file is not checked to be uploaded into the report, there will simply be a blank spot in its space when the report is exported. When all desired documents and photos have been chosen, click “export to PDF” or “Export to Excel” to view the final comparable sale report. *If this pop-up occurs when attempting to generate a report via Excel, click “yes.” Page 14 Transfer Ownership: This option allows a certified record owner to transfer ownership of a record to someone else or allows admin to transfer records of a former employee to a new record owner. Add Collaborators: Adding collaborators simply allows others to have access to a particular record. For example, if an appraiser is an owner of a record and adds an assistant as a collaborator, the assistant could now input data/edit the comparable record. Using the Backlog: *To open an uncommitted record (record in progress, not yet searchable) click on the “Backlog” tab at the top of the screen You will then be redirected to a page that looks like this: Click on the record number to open and continue working on the record. When the record is ready to be committed to searchable records, then ‘Save’ record as Private (confidential), Local (proprietary), or Community (non-proprietary) Page 15 Conducting a New Search: IF “NEW SEARCH” TAB IS SELECTED, YOU WILL BE DIRECTED TO THIS SCREEN: This tool can also be used to drag a box around a specific geographical area that you’d like to search for existing comparable sales. Simply click on this icon and drag, then click on ‘Search’ for a result similar to the one below. Page 16 To search for a record, use this screen to enter the specific data you are looking for: County/State (can add multiple by clicking “Add another location”) Sale price range Sale date range No. of Units range (i.e. looking for a specific # of acres) Advanced search options o Transaction o Location o Property ID o Property Features o People Select the blue outlined “Search” button to generate search results Select the red “Reset” button to reset search criteria Select the blue “Save Search Criteria” to save a specific search—you can then use the same search criteria at a later date; i.e. if you search a certain county, township, range on a continuing basis, you may want to save that search criteria rather than entering it every time you run a search. You can also save a completed search you’ve completed for a job you are working on to reference later. Page 17 Closing Call-outs and Closing Pages: Both of these ‘x’ buttons are often difficult to see. The close in the call-out is in the upper right corner, and the page close is a small ‘x’ inside a circle at the far right – refer to the red circles in the screen capture below. Page 18 Example of Closed Comparable Sale Report: Page 19 Comments: Legal/Transaction Detail Tax Parcel ID(s): $75,000 allocated to rolling stock Farmer retiring, sold to adjoining neighbor Closed bid auction. Six bids received. RP10N29E067500 Year of 2015 Assessment: Assessed Value: $5,200,000 Financing: Farmer Mac At Market Trans? Yes Transaction History Comments: Domestic well has 3-HP submersible pump/motor installed in 2003 Easement for mainline from Columbia River to the property Year of RE Taxes: 2014 RE Taxes: $65,000 Property Rights: Fee Simple Days on Market: 30 Transaction History Historic Transaction Type Prior Transfer of Title Transaction Description Sale Date 01/16/2008 Sale Price, List Price, or Lease Price Utility Description Service Availability Service Provider Comments Electricity Existing Hookup Puget Sound Water Culinary Well $6,500,000 Description of Utilities 3-phase Licensed up to 13,000 gallons per day Improvements Imprv. 1 Imprv. 2 Shop Granary 2000 Sq. Ft. 10000 Bushels Imprv. 3 Apple Storage Building 25000 Sq. Ft. Poured Concrete Class D Poured Concrete Class S Poured Concrete Class S Concrete Average Concrete Average Concrete Good Good 2010 Average 1990 Average 2000 40 2 40 20 40 10 38 $37,000 20 $40,000 30 $812,500 $150 500.00% $0 5000.00% $114,700 2500.00% 0.00% 2500.00% 0.00% $35,008 0.00% $15,000 Water Right Water Source Priority Date 9050000 Right Surface 22427 Irrigation 4560000 License Ground 27395 Domestic Water Distrib. Equip. Manuf. Make/Brand US Motors Hollowshaft Description: Type: Size: Unit of Measure: Foundation: Const. Class: Floor: Const. Quality Cond/Utility Year Built: Total Economic AL: Effective Age Remaining AL: RCN: Deferred Maint.: % Physical Deprec. % Fundtional Deprec. % Economic: Total Cont. Value: Imprv. 4 Imprv. 5 Imprv. 6 Imprv. 7 1400.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $450,081 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 Water Rights Water Right No. Annual Volume AcFt 950.00 4,275.00 Beneficial Use No. Acres Irrigated Period of Use April 1 January 1 to December 31 Water Distribution System Pump Type Vertical ThreePhase Description 4000 HP Yr. Manufactured Remaining Ec. Life No. Acres Irrigated 1994 15 800.00 Crop Yield Summary Commodity Identified Potatoes Potatoes Crop Year 2010 2011 2012 Unit Measure Average Yield cwt/ac cwt/ac 750.00 855.00 2013 2010 Potatoes Potatoes Corn cwt/ac cwt/ac bu/ac 600.00 780.00 165.00 2011 2012 Corn Corn bu/ac bu/ac 180.00 170.00 2013 Corn bu/ac 185.00 Permanent Plantings Planting Apples Apples Variety Ac. Type No. of Acres Average Age Plants/Acre Unit Description Average Yield Fujis Gala Bearing Bearing 75.00 75.00 15.00 10.00 300.00 300.00 Bin Bin 542.00 548.00 Page 20
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