Emergency & Evacuation Procedures
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KIFSA Policies and Procedures
Policy and Procedure:
Emergency & Evacuation
Date Adopted:
23 March 2015
File Location:
Date of Next
March 2017
Number of pages:
National Standard:
Management/Policies & Procedures
Relevant Forms:
Exit and Evacuation Plan (for individual buildings)
Incident Report
Emergency & Evacuation Procedures
Purpose of this Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines to ensure the safety of any
person on KIFSA premises at the time of an emergency situation.
The Policy
KIFSA will provide training for staff on an ongoing basis in relation to
emergency and evacuation procedures at KIFSA workplaces and at clients’
This policy covers fire, intruder on premises, threatening phone calls and
medical emergencies.
Cyclone procedures are covered under the separate policy ‘Cyclone
procedures’ and motor vehicle accidents are covered under the separate
policy ‘Motor Vehicles’.
The Procedures
1. Emergency exits are to be kept clear at all times.
2. KIFSA workplace and client home Exit and Evacuation Plans are to be
maintained and updated on the first working day in April each year by
the Corporate Services Manager in conjunction with Coordinators and
the Manager Client Services.
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3. A copy of Exit and Evacuation Plans are to be displayed in a prominent
place in each KIFSA office and discreetly in client’s homes where KIFSA
provides daily in-home support to clients.
4. Fire evacuation drills are to be held at least annually. The Chief Fire
Warden must schedule and execute the drill and complete a post-drill
written report that includes the date, time and duration of the drill, the
names of clients’ responses and staff observations on each occasion an
evacuation drill is conducted. These forms must be submitted to the
Corporate Services Manager within 7 days of the drill.
5. All staff are to be advised of the Exit and Evacuation Plan for any
building they will be working in, including showing the staff member
the location of all equipment and how such equipment is to be used.
6. The Chief Fire Warden is to test smoke alarms at least quarterly to
ensure they are working correctly.
7. The Chief Fire Warden is to change smoke alarm batteries and clean
the smoke alarm on the first working day in April each year.
8. The Chief Fire Warden is to ensure that Fire Extinguishers are to be
kept in a prominent place and visible.
9. The Chief Fire Warden is to check Fire Extinguishers in accordance with
safety standards.
10. The Chief Fire Warden is to ensure that Fire Blankets are kept in a
prominent place and visible.
11. In the case of a fire incident, the CEO to provide staff debrief after the
incident, including offer of counselling to affected staff.
12. Where there are fires burning in the region, Coordinators will provide
daily advice to staff in relation to any areas that are not safe to travel
1. Where heavy rain has occurred in a region, Coordinators will provide
daily advice to staff in relation to any areas that are not safe to travel
1. Determine what they want.
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2. If practical, meet their demands.
3. Make accurate observations - personal/identifying characteristics.
4. Other staff to ensure the safety of other people in the vicinity - remove
them from the immediate area via a rear entrance where available, and
dial 000.
5. Do not place yourself in a potentially dangerous situation where your
or others’ physical wellbeing may be compromised.
6. Complete a detailed Incident Report.
7. CEO to provide staff debrief after the incident, including offer of
counselling to affected staff.
1. Any threatening phone call should be immediately reported to your
supervisor, outlining in as much detail as possible what was said (by
the caller and you) and the exact time of the call.
2. Any recurrence of threatening phone calls should be immediately
reported to the CEO who will decide whether to notify police.
3. CEO to provide staff debrief after the incident, including offer of
counselling to affected staff.
1. Apply first aid.
2. Ring 000 if required.
3. Notify management, family, relevant others.
4. Complete Incident Report.
5. Coordinators and Managers to ensure first aid kits are replenished on a
minimum quarterly basis or as supplies are used or expiry dates are
6. CEO to provide staff debrief after the incident, including offer of
counselling to affected staff.
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Failure to comply with this policy will be viewed seriously and may result in
disciplinary action that may include dismissal.
Review of the Policy
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis. However, if at any time the
legislative, policy or funding environment is so altered that the policy is no
longer appropriate in its current form, the policy shall be reviewed
immediately and amended accordingly.
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