',@y7.-....., MANiTOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO COMMAND THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION SCHOLARSHIPS 2015 District 3 ?wll..p MANITOBA SCHOI ARSHIPS AND BURSARIES COMMITTEE (This application form supersedes a// previous forms) 1. To qualify for a scholarship a student must have his or her place of permanent residence in Manitoba and also be one of the following: (a) be an ex-service rriember, who is a member of The Royal Canadian Legion. (b) be a son, daughter or grandchild of an ex-service member who is a member of The Royal Canadian Leigion or who was a member of The Royal Canadian Legion at the time of his or her death. 2. Subject to the provisions for qualifications referred to above, these scholarships will be awarded to students with the highest average marks. This person must provide proof of registration that he or she is continuing on to a school of higher education to pursue studies leading to a degree. 3. Applications must be received by the District 3 Commander at the following address no later than 4:30 P,M,, July 31st. District Commander 3 Box 491 Souris, MB ROK 2C0 APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER 4:30 P.M. JULY 31st ARE NOT FI IGIBI F. 4. Principal/Guidance Counsellor of each School must forward each student's marks plus application along with other related information to the above address. s, All questions must be answered fully or the application will not be considered. Applicant may apply for both Scholarship and Bursary Awards by fully completing both application forms. 6. The award shall be made by the District Scholarship Committee of The Royal Canadian Legion and its decisions shall be final. NOTE: SEMESTER GRADUATE STuDENTS MAY ALSO APPLY Only successful applicants will be notified C:1UserslReceptionlDocumentslBursary & ScholarshiplBursary & Scholarships 201 51Scholarship 2015 District3.doc 1/3 APPL?CATION FOR THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION MANITOBA SCHOLARSHIP 2015 (;:;T l a&l District i teJ) INSTRuCTIONS: i. This form shall be completed by the applicant. it. Submit pages 1 & 2 together. 'a%:b'?':-?.'h:?'ia.:'a+ l iii. Must submit acceptance to University or College with application. tv. The report on each applicant shall be completed by the Principal or Guidance Counsellor, on the attached form. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND COMPLETE AL! QUESTIONS PERSONAL DATA: Students Name: 1. 2. Middle First Surname Date of Birth Age: Month Day Year Postal Code 3. Home Address: 4. Parents Name: s. Phone No.: 6. High School Education: 7. Name and Address of sponsoring ex-service member: Relationship: Address: Parent/Grandparent 8. Legion Ordinary Membership No.: If unable to supply all information in section 7 state reason why g. Further Education plans: Course of Studies: College or University: Career Applicant wishes to pursue: l the undersigned, hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge the information given in the application is true in all respects. Date: Signature of Applicant: application must be received by the DISTR?CT COMMANDER no Iater than 4:30 pro t on 4uly 31,Note:2015.ThisAPPL?CATIONS RECEIVED AFTER 4:30 P.M. JULY, ;3jst ARE NOT ELIG?BLE. C:lUserslReceptionlDocumentslBursary & ScholarshiplBursary & Scholarships 201 51Scholarship 2015 District3.doc 2/3 g == i PRlNClPAUCOUNSELLOR'S REPORT ON APPuCANT FOR .4'a5i???'??"? -l MANITOBA SCHOtARSHlP 2015 r'gf%@s District 3 [J) ' :!?'5.+t.!,- 4..9. )%/- ?'a.; Name of Appiicant: Name of High School Attended Class of Scholarship applied for (A) or (Uriiveraity Degree) €B) ?College Certificate) Manitoba School Marks: Attach Copy *4r* ****************** * *******-k *****-k-k-k4** **lk****** Subjecis Wriiten: Marks Obtained (in figures only) ? (Single or Double) ? (Must include %) 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. Principal/Counseuor's Comments Date Certifjed Correct ?PrincipaUGuidance Counsellor) must be received by the DiSTRICT COMMANDER no later than 4:30 prn l onNote:JulyThis31,appJication 2015. APPtlCATlQNS RECEfVED AFTER 4:30 P.M. JULY 31st ARE NOT EL€lBLE. NOTE: Please complete Egjzj question. Com?puter Printouts accepted. C:lUserslReceptionlDocumentslBursary & ScholarshiplBursary & Scholarships 20f 51Scholarship 2015 3/3 District3.doc l
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