March 2015 THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 99 IMPORTANT DATES St. Paddy’s Day Celebration – 15 March 2015 Vimy, VE Day, Battle of Atlantic – 12 April 2015 Op MANNA Commemoration – 19 April 2015 IMPORTANT INFO Op MANNA – Page 1 Entertainment – Page 5 Branch Contact Numbers – Page 8 THE Branch Hours ENLIGHTENER Branch 99 Belleville Monday – 3 pm to 10 pm Tuesday to Thursday - 1 pm to 11 pm Friday -11 am to 1 am Saturday – 1 pm to 6 pm Sunday – Special Events Only 0 132 Pinnacle Street The Enlightener The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 Vimy, VE Day & Battle of the Atlantic Parade Operation MANNA Andy Anderson During the fall of 1944, the German controllers of Holland cut off all food shipments to the Dutch populous. As a result, the Dutch were soon starving. It got to the point they were reduced to eating weeds and tulip bulbs. By spring more than 10,000 had perished (starved to death). Queen Willhelmina who was in exile in London asked the allies to try to do something to help her countrymen. A plan was decided on, but it required the cooperation of the Germans. If the Germans would keep their Anti-Aircraft guns silent, the Air Force would drop food to the Dutch. This year’s parade commemorating Vimy, VE Day and Battle of the Atlantic will be held on April 12th, 2015. Please ensure you mark your calendar. More information will be coming out in the near future. As for all of our Commemorative Parades, your participation is appreciated to help ensure those sacrifices are not forgotten, “Lest We Forget”. Operation Manna (April 29 to 8 May 1945) Branch Elections The drop jones were marked by R.C.A.F. 405 Squadron and 625 R.A.F. Squadron started the initial drop, this squadron had at least 25 Canadian involved in the drop. The Aircraft did their drop from less than 500 feet and at as slow a speed as possible since no Parachutes were used. More than 250 Lancaster Bombers were involved in the drop. On May 1st, the Americans joined the drop with about 400 B17 bombers. The anti-aircraft guns stayed silent, but the German ground troops fired on the low flying aircraft causing heavy battle damage. One American plane was so badly damaged it crashed in the North Sea killing 11 of it’s crew of 13. On Monday, May 4th, RCL Branch 99 will be conducting Branch Elections. Nominations are now being sought for Executive positions within the Branch. Please give a thought to participating in the Branch Executive. Your involvement within the Branch is highly encouraged. A large blackboard will be placed in the Club Room with a list of positions. Please place your name in the area that corresponds to the position sought. Come out, get involved and participate! Continued on next page. 1 THE ROYAL C ANADI AN LEGION BRANCH 99 Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment While the Air drop was going on, the allied Armies were pushing the enemy forces out of Holland. The German Army surrendered on May the Fifth and VE day occurred on May 8th. The Hastings and Prince Edward regiment were part of the push through Holland. Princess Margriet Most of the Dutch Royal family spent the war years in Canada, and Princess Margriet was born in Ottawa. January 19 1943. The Canadian Government declared her Maternity ward as neutral territory so she would not be born DutchCanadian, as this would prevent her from ever becoming Queen of the Netherlands. She has become involved with the International Red Cross which is noted for assisting those in trouble. We plan on dedicating our Poppy Office to her by placing a plaque in the door. We think this would be appropriate as the Poppy office does much the same thing for our Veterans, but on a smaller scale. St. Paddy’s Day Cellebration! Where: RCL Branch 99 When: Sunday, March 15, 2015, 2 pm to 6 pm, Food: Irish stew, Buns and Dessert. Drink: Green Beer Entertainment: Op MANNA Commemoration The Garlands D.J. Service with Garland Tulley. On Sunday April 19th a celebration commemorating the 70th anniversary of Operation Manna and the Liberation of Holland will be held at Branch 99. The local Dutch community are working with us to make this a success. The Princess Margriet plaque will be dedicated, and Dutch food and Dutch entertainment will be available. The dedication will take place about 3 PM. A $10.00 charge at the door. Come out and put your green on! 2 THE ROYAL C ANADI AN LEGION BRANCH 99 Youth Education Gerry McConnell On March 1st, 2015, RCL Branch 99 hosted the Annual Youth Public Speaking Contest. There were over 30 contestants ranging from grades 1 through to 9 who participated in this event. The Primary Division results were: 1st Place – Abbi Solomon Sir John A. MacDonald, Public School 2nd Place – Charlotte Plante George Vanier Public School 3rd Place – Emery Leveque George Vanier Public School 4th Place – Miah Grace Hubble Sir John A. MacDonald Public School Primary Division Winners The Junior Division results were: 1st Place – Grace Bashall George Vanier Public School 2nd Place – Elliot Mundle Albert College 3rd Place – Elijah Martindale Sir John A. MacDonald Public School 4th Place – Sydney Smith George Vanier Public School Junior Division Winners The Intermediate Division results were: 1st Place – Morgan Hawley Sir John A. MacDonald Public School 2nd Place – Morgan Beatty Centennial Public School 3rd Place – Kyley McGuinness George Vanier Public School 4th Place – Will Brennan Holy Rosary Catholic School Intermediate Division Winners 3 THE ROYAL C ANADI AN LEGION BRANCH 99 Youth & Education Con’t SPORTS Many thanks go out to the following volunteers who made this event so successful: Bob Shaw (Toastmasters), Barry Lieff, Donna Boulton (Toastmasters), John Boulton (Toastmasters), Jerry McConnell, Bob Reid, Donna Vickers, Phyllis Smith and Steven Burr. Zone Mixed Darts Tryouts March 29th, 2015 RCL Branch 99 Sports Registration: 9 am Start time: 10 am Bob Ried On March 14th, we have one team going to District shuffleboard in Lakefield. Then on March 15th, we have one team going to Zone euchre in Deseronto. Later on March 29th, we have two teams and four doubles going in to Zone darts. It will be held at the branch, if anyone wants to come and watch. Ladies Dart Tournament April 18th 2015 RCL Branch 99 Registration: 10:00 am Start Time: 11:00 am Did you know? The saying “The whole nine yards” - American fighter planes in WW2 had machine guns that were fed by a belt of cartridges. The average plane held belts that were 27 feet (9 yards) long. If the pilot used up all his ammo he was said to have given it the whole nine yards. . RCL Branch 99’rs Snooker Club 4 THE ROYAL C ANADI AN LEGION BRANCH 99 Entertainment Canteen Pauline DeGenova Monday – Hot Dogs 5 pm to 9 pm Sunday, March 15, 2015 St. Paddy’s Day Celebration 2 pm to 6 pm, There will be Irish stew, buns and dessert. A $10.00 charge at the door. Entertainment will be Garlands D.J. Service with Garland Tulley. Come out and put your green on! Tuesday/Wednesday – Hamburgers, Western Sandwiches, Fries and Onion Rings 6 pm to 9 pm Thursday – Chicken Wings, Hamburgers, Western Sandwiches, Fries and Onion Rings 6 pm to 8 pm Friday, March 27th, 2015 Karaoke with John & Rita 6:30 - 10:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Plenty of room for dancing as well! Friday Night Specials Fish & Chips – 1st & 3rd Friday of the month Regular Menu (Hamburger, Hot dogs & Fries) – 2nd Friday of the month 28th, Saturday, January 2015 Belleville Legion Country Jamboree & Open Mic. 7:p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Julie Simpson will be the special guest for this Jamboree along with the house band; Steve Piticco, John, Rita and Brad Harpell, Dan Washburn, Chester McCann, Brad McCumber. Great bunch of entertainer's. Again great dancing floor as well, door prizes. Comfort Food Night (Chili, Stew, Spaghetti etc.) – 4th Friday of the month Canteen open Fridays, 4 pm to 6 pm Canadian Trivia $10.00 p/p at the door. Everyone welcome. The world’s first chocolate bars – evolved on fishing streams in New Brunswick and were produced by two executives of the Ganong Bros. Candy Factory (founded 1872) at St. Stephen, NB. In 1910, Arthur Ganong & George Ensor made up blocks of chocolate laced with nuts to use as an energizer on fishing trips. The Sales Department thought the idea of “chocolate bars” a good one, and they were right. The bars were an instant success! 5 THE ROYAL C ANADI AN LEGION BRANCH 99 Ladies Auxiliary Shirley Stewart Humour Haunt The Ladies have been busy with catering to a funeral for one of our member’s Father and Grandfather, the canteen Friday night we had Mac and cheese with ceaser salad. We have our Easter Baskets Draw tickets available for sale. Some of the Ladies went to Zone team darts and they did not do very well. I was told they only won one game. Better luck next time girls. We have been asked to do the Dart Banquet for the 418 (Monday night darts). I would like to thank Diane Delarge for all the work she has been doing. Without her none of this would be possible as she likes to cook and she has been looking after all this. An admiral visited one of the ships of the line under his command. While eating breakfast with the crew he was impressed to see the Naval insignia stamped on every biscuit. He went to the Chief cook to ask how this feat was done, so it could be used on other ships under his command. Sick and Visiting The Chief replied, "I’d be glad to Janis Drummond share that with you, Admiral. After I am happy to report, we have not much to report. It sounds like everyone is staying fairly healthy. Glad to hear Walter Mudd is home from the Hospital. A sympathy card was sent to George Haines & family on the loss of his mother. each biscuit is cut, I just slap it here If you are ill, we wish you a speedy recovery. If you are well, please remain so. "That's very unhygienic!" Volunteers Wanted The Chief shrugs and replies, "Well, if against my belt buckle which bears the Navy insignia. Horrified the Admiral exclaims, that’s the way you feel, sir, I would suggest that you avoid the donuts If you are interested in becoming a volunteer on one of our various committees, please contact one of the Committee members on page 11. We would truly welcome your participation. entirely." 6 The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 7 The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 Legion Office – 613 962-2643, Fax 613 968-9971, Bar 613 968-9053 www.Comming Soon! 132 Pinnacle Street, Belleville Ontario, K8N 3A4 President Past President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Treasurer Secretary Padre Sgt-At-Arms Membership Honours & Awards Service Officer Poppy Belleville Vets Council Sports Youth Education Bingo Funerals Bar/House/Property Entertainment Ways & Means Special Events Special Events Coordinator Public Relations/Enlightener Public Relations/Enlightener Public Relations/Enlightener Training & Development Sick & Visiting Andy Anderson Bob Morris Mike Joyce Jack Crozier Mary Presley Joe Drummond Carol Hamilton Ralph Collins Mike Joyce Mary Presley Pat Boulter Jane Joyce Jane Joyce Andy Anderson Bob Reid Gerry McConnell Frank Freeman Ralph Collins Jack Crozier Pauline DeGenova Gail Reid Gail Reid Gary Reid Alicia Chambers Donna Vickers Steven Burr Mike Joyce Janis Drummond Ladies Auxiliary President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Sgt-At-Arms Shirley Stewart Jean Saulnier Ellen Abbott Diane Delarge Brenda Snider 8 613 968-7261 613 396-5288 613 967-5923 613 962-2101 613 967-6494 613 962-7947 613 962-0356 613 962-8754 613 967-5923 613 967-6494 613 779-6871 613 967-5923 613 967-5923 613 968-7261 613 968-9905 613 968-5940 613 394-3851 613 962-8754 613 962-2101 613 394-3851 613 968-9905 613 968-9905 613 962-9339 613 962-5521 613 968-9312 343 263-0665 613 967-5923 613 962-7947 The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 99 RCL Branch 99 Events Calendar – March 2015 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Fish & Chips 8 9 Daylight Savings General Meeting 7:30 pm 15 16 10 11 12 14 Regular Menu 17 18 19 St. Paddy’s Celebration 2 to 6 pm 22 13 20 21 Fish & Chips 23 24 25 26 27 28 Comfort Food Country Jamboree 7 to10:30 pm Karaoke 6:30 – 10:30 pm 29 30 Zone Mixed Darts Tryouts 9:00 am Executive Meeting 7:30 pm 31 9
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