Minutes - Kirby Muxloe Parish Council

MINUTES of a Meeting of the Parks & Cemetery Committee
held on Monday 19th January 2015 at the Parish Council Chamber, Station
Road, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester at 6.00 p.m.
Cllr. C. Ball (ex-officio)
Cllr. R. Buckingham
Cllr. D. Collinson
Cllr. A. Greenwood (Chair)
Cllr P Lewis (ex-officio)
Also in attendance was a representative from Cookes of Kirby, the current
grounds maintenance contractor.
There were 2 members of the public present.
Apologies had been received from Cllr. Broomhead and Cllr. Coar who had
conveyed their apologies due to work commitments.
These were noted and accepted.
Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Greenwood declared a non-pecuniary interest as the Blaby District
Councillor Planning Portfolio holder in any matters appertaining to planning
applications in the District of Blaby.
Cllr. Lewis declared a pecuniary interest as being an allotment holder.
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th December 2014
Proposed by Cllr. Buckingham seconded by Cllr. Collinson and RESOLVED,
unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th December
2014 be accepted and signed as a true record.
Public Participation
The two members of the public present were invited to participate in the
discussions under the agenda item – Tennis Courts.
Tennis Courts
A member of the public identified as Mr Mark Bradford – Chair of the Tennis
Action Group (TAG), that he had received five quotations in respect of the
resurfacing of the tennis courts. Members had been circulated with copies of the
quotations all by one, prior to the meeting.
Mr Bradford advised that all of the contractors had supplied a quote for the short
term fix apart from one who had declined to quote for a short term fix for the
tennis courts and had advised that the monies spent on a short term solution
would be money badly spent and the surface would not last for more than 12
Mr Bradford also advised that upon site inspections almost all of those who
quoted had given the same advices in respect of the short term fix for the courts.
A brief discussion ensued with members and TAG as to what the preferred
option was in respect of delivering works that would last for many years to come
and would ultimately see the continual maintenance costs of the upkeep of the
courts be minimal.
Mr Bradford advised that the preferred option was to secure the second option
which the contractors had quoted for which was a complete resurface and
making good the whole area with prices in the region of £14,000 to just under
A discussion ensued in respect of what monies were available, having secured
an amount already from section 106 monies, and where additional funding could
be sourced.
The Clerk advised that she had made enquiries with Blaby DC and that there
were two grants that could be applied for before the end of the financial year.
One of which was a matched funding grant of £5,000 and another for £1,000
which did not need to be matched by the applicant.
Further discussion followed in respect of the shortfall in the funding of some
£6,000 if the grant applications were successful.
Proposed by Cllr. Lewis, seconded by Cllr. C. Ball and RECOMMENDED
unanimously that in light of all the evidence provided by the contractors to
accept a quote for the long term solution subject to the submission of
applications for the two grants as previously mentioned and the deferment of
further section 106 monies from the proposed play project to the tennis court
project to make up the shortfall.
The Tennis Action Group advised that they would assist in the grant applications
any way they could to achieve the long term solution for the courts.
[the two members of the public left the meeting]
Report from the Grounds Contractor
The current grounds contractor had again been invited to participate in the
meeting and advised the members of the additional tasks that had been
performed around the village separate to the main grounds maintenance
contract, i.e. – refilling of the grit bins for inclement weather, the provisions made
to the CCTV bracket at the rear of the village hall in respect of ensuring there
were no further safety concerns, the priority 1 tree works carried out on the
Recreation Ground, the clearance of the brook from top to bottom which was
now flowing freely, the leveling and re-turfing of eleven graves in the cemetery
and the clearance of shrubbery from the wooden village sign at Bloods Hill which
would now be treated with timber products to protect it from the weather.
The Chairman drew the members’ attention to the edging of the paths in the
Millennium Garden with before and after pictures and thanked the contractor for
their diligence and attention to detail.
Further discussion ensued with respect to the cutting of several grass verges in
the village and the maintenance of the traffic island.
Cllr. Buckingham enquired as to whether two planters would be available to
install at the entrances to the village underneath the two Kirby Muxloe highway
The contractor advised at present there were none available and the Clerk
advised that the addition of planters on highway land would require a license
from LCC which she would look into.
[at 6.50 pm the representative from Cookes of Kirby left the meeting]
Cemetery Matters
a) Draft revised Cemetery Regulations
Members had been provided with a copy of the current Cemetery Regulations
and a proposed draft version for discussion.
The Clerk advised that there were further amendments to the draft version in
respect that full burials and the interment of cremated remains in the main
cemetery had ceased for Leicester Forest East Residents and non-residents as
of 15th January 2015 and that only the interment of cremated remains of LFE
residents and non-residents were provided for in the Rose Gardens in Granart
style kerb sets or scattered within the Rose Gardens.
Proposed by Cllr. Buckingham, seconded by Cllr. Ball and RECOMMENDED
unanimously to adopt the new Cemetery Regulations subject to the following
PART 2: Page 4: section 4. Pre-Purchase and registration of an Exclusive Right
to Bury 1st bullet point to read :
 be a resident of Kirby Muxloe (the Burial Authority will however consider special
exceptions where there has been a long association with the village). Residents of
Leicester Forest East and residents from other parishes are not eligible to be buried
in Kirby Muxloe Village Cemetery but can apply for an interment of cremated remains
within the Rose Gardens in the Granart style kerb sets or the scattering thereof within
the Rose Gardens. There is no provision for pre-purchase of these plots other than
for residents of Kirby Muxloe.
PART 3 : Page 6: insert section 14. Scattering or Strewing of Ashes to read:
Kirby Muxloe Parish Council has created two “Rose Gardens”, which although not
consecrated, are dedicated to the dead of all religions and non-believers. Bereaved
people can visit this garden for some quiet solace and contemplation and memorials in
the form of tree or shrub planting is available.
The ashes are not allowed to be scattered in one solid mass on the ground and will be
scattered evenly, covered with light soil and aggregate shortly after the strewing to help
preserve the beauty of the strewing area and encourage the remains to return to the
The area in which the cremated remains are strewn is then recorded in the register for
future reference. It is important to consider that once scattering has taken place
cremated remains cannot be removed, individually located, or marked within the
scattering areas. Cremated remains scattered in the Rose Garden are not contained in
a casket or urn, and only a general location is recorded.
Further details of the Strewing or Scattering of ashes can be found in the “Strewing /
Scattering Of Cremated Ashes Policy and Procedure document”.
It is a criminal offence to dispose of cremated remains within the cemetery without
PART 7: Page 14: insert
Notice of acceptance of these Rules and Regulations
governing Kirby Muxloe Village Cemetery.
b) Draft Strewing/Scattering of Cremated Ashes Policy and Procedure
Proposed by Cllr. Lewis, seconded by Cllr. Buckingham and RECOMMENDED
unanimously to adopt the new Strewing / Scattering Of Cremated Ashes Policy
and Procedure without amendments thereto.
c) Re-positioning of compost bin
A brief discussion followed in respect of the re-positioning of the existing
compost area created by the contractors when mowing the grass at the
cemetery and which is contained on land which requires release for burial plots.
Proposed by Cllr. Collinson, seconded by Cllr. Ball and RECOMMENDED
unanimously to create a new composting area on the allotments in a location
where it has already been established that tree roots have prevented a plot
being allocated for use within the allotments for cultivation.
Allotment Matters
a) Waiting lists – the Clerk advised that there was a waiting list of 5 individuals
in date of application and that there was currently one plot available that
could be divided into two plots. Further plots may become available if the
annual allotment fee as charged by the Council is in default more than 30
days from date of reminder.
b) Maintenance requirements for the allotments
A discussion ensued in respect of the request to the Finance Committee by the
Parks & Cemetery Committee in regards to two replacement five bar gates for
the allotments, and was advised by the Clerk that a budgetary figure had been
provisionally allocated for allotment maintenance subject to approval by the full
Cllr. Lewis stated that both gates needed replacing but that the left hand gate
was used more and in a worse state of repair.
Proposed by the Chairman and RECOMMENDED unanimously that the Clerk
obtains quotes for the replacement and fitting thereof.
c) Draft Application Form for an allotment plot
Proposed by Cllr. Lewis, seconded by Cllr. Ball and RECOMMENDED
unanimously to adopt the proposed application form for an allotment plot.
Parks and Open Spaces Matters
The Chairman took items (a) and (b) together.
Fencing at the side of the play area within the Recreation Ground and the
estimate for repairs for the play equipment.
The members had been provided with the recent monthly play inspection reports
for both the play area on the Recreation ground and also the MUGA area.
The reports indicated that works were necessary to both areas to satisfy the
Council’s duty of care in respect of providing safe and fit for purpose equipment.
This included the repairs to the fencing to prevent intrusion into the play area by
dogs etc. A quotation for the repairs to both areas had been circulated to the
members at a cost of £775.00 plus VAT.
The Clerk advised that there was a budgetary provision for repairs to the play
equipment and also for MUGA maintenance which was still available for the
financial year 2014/15.
It was proposed by Cllr. Lewis, seconded by Cllr. Collinson and
RECOMMENDED unanimously to proceed with the repairs as a matter of
urgency due to Health & Safety concerns and that the cost thereof would be
reported to the Council for verification and ratification at the next available
Council meeting.
Renewal of grounds maintenance contract which is subject to review at
The members had been circulated with details of the current grounds
maintenance contract which indicated that the contract was subject to renewal
at the end of 31/03/2015 or could be extended for a further two years.
A discussion ensued with respect to the performance of the current contractor,
what had been achieved since commencement in May 2014 and what the
expectations for the future were in respect of performance and management
Members were reminded that the contract was an annual contract which was
renewable for the following two years but with a mutually agreed inflation
increase based on the Cost of Living Index” and a discussion followed.
Proposed by Cllr. Collinson, seconded by Cllr. Buckingham and
RECOMMENDED unanimously to renew the grounds maintenance contract
from 1st April 2015 for a further two years and that an uplift of 0.5% be applied
to the 2nd year, this being the rate of inflation as measured by the Consumer
Prices Index (CPI).
Date of Next meeting
The date of the next meeting was advised as Monday 20th April 2015 at 6.00 pm.
The meeting closed at 7.25 pm
Signed……………………………………….. Dated…………………….