Kennington Parish Council Oxfordshire Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 10 March 2015 at 8:00 pm in the Village Centre Present: In attendance: Cllr. Biggs Cllr. Gelder Cllr. Charlett Cllr. Landau Cllr. Cobb Cllr. Ellis Cllr. Feather Anne Feather (Clerk) 1. APOLOGIES Cllr. Ellis 2. DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS None 3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING Minutes of the meeting on 17 February 2015 were signed as a true record. 4. PLANNING APPLICATIONS The following applications were considered: 4.1 Computer No. P15/V0269/HH Address: 95 The Avenue, Kennington Proposed: Single storey pitched roof rear extension Applicant: Dr C Buxton No objection proposed by Cllr. Charlett seconded by Cllr. Mason and agreed unanimously The following comments were sent to the District Council: No objection 4.2 Computer No. P15/V0258/FUL Address: 201 Kennington Road, Kennington Proposed: Demolition of existing single storey building and erection of new 3 bed house Applicant: Mr D Rist No objection proposed by Cllr. Mason seconded by Cllr. Landau and agreed unanimously The following comments were sent to the District Council: The Parish Council would like to make the following observation: This application is for a three bed house, however within the title on all three enclosed drawings the dwelling is for four bedrooms. 4.3 Computer No. P15/V0330/HHL Address: 53 Bagley Close, Kennington Proposed: Single storey rear extension Applicant: Mr B Linaker No objection proposed by Cllr. Cobb seconded by Cllr. Gelder and agreed unanimously The following comments were sent to the District Council: No objection Planning Committee meeting of 10 March 2015 Page 1 of 2 4.4 Computer No. P15/V0402/HHL Address: 23 Simpsons Way, Kennington Proposed: Two storey extension at the rear Applicant: Mr Mr and Mrs D Holton No objection proposed by Cllr. Landau seconded by Cllr. Biggs and agreed unanimously The following comments were sent to the District Council: No objection 5. PLANNING PERMISSIONS GRANTED To note the following planning permissions granted: 5.1 Computer No. P14/V2884/FUL Address: 47 Upper Road, Kennington 5.2 Computer No. P15/V0002/HH Address: 85 Bagley Close, Kennington 6. Next planned meeting on Tuesday 31 March 2015 at 8:00pm Meeting closed at 8:15 pm Signed…………………………….. Dated………………………………….. Planning Committee meeting of 10 March 2015 Page 2 of 2
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