dfodqyxq#&dkfynkl&laLd`r&foÜofo|ky;%] jkeVsde~ ijh{kk&'kqYde ft- ukxiqje~] egkjk"Vªe~ ~ Exam Fee Rs. 1500/- till 04.06.2015 Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek Rs. 2000/-From 05.06.2015 to 10.06.2015 Dist. Nagpur, Maharashtra vkosnui=ke~ Application Form 2015 o"kZL; vkpk;Zinoh&izos'kijh{kkFkZe~ For the Ph.D. Entrance Test (P.E.T.) 2015 Note:- The candidates are hereby informed that they have to fill all the forms for appearing in the P.E.T., 2015 Examination. Incomplete application form in any respect will be rejected. No correspondence will be made in this respect with the candidates. The fee once paid will not be refunded at any circumstances . 1) iw.kZa uke Applicant's Full Name 2) ekrq% uke Mother’s Name 3) l³~dsr% fLFkj%& Permanent Address i=kO;ogkjkFkZa For Correspondence % &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& % &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& % &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& : __________________________________________ 4) Hkze.k/ofu% Cell No. ____________________ nwj/ofu Ø- Landline No. with STD Code ____________________ 5) bZ&esy Email-id : ____________________ jkf"Vª;rk %Nationality : ________________________ 6) tUefnuk³~d% Date of Birth : ________________________________________________________ 7) fy³~xe~ Gender : iq- M. /L=kh F. : __________ 8) tkfr Caste : ______________________________ 9) laoxZ% Category : v-tk-SC/v-t-ST/fo-tk-VJ/ Hk-t-NT /b-ek-o-OBC/fo-ek-o-SBC/[kqyk OPEN/ vikax% Phy. Handicapped 10) fo"k;% rFkk fo'ks"kk/;;ue~ Subject &Specialisation : 11) 'kqYde~ Cash/D.D. Amount : _____________ 12) /kukns'k Ø- fn- D.D.No.&Date: ________________ 13) foÙkdks"kL; 'kk[kk;k% uke Name of the Bank& Branch : ________________________________________ The fee can be paid either in cash or through DD drawn in favor of the Registrar, Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, payable at Nagpur. The fee once paid will not be refunded. vgZrkfooj.ke~ Qualification Details mÙkh.kkZ ijh{kk LohÑrfo"k;% Exam Passed Subject Offered mÙkh.kZrk o"kZe~ Year of Passing egkfo|ky;%@foÜofo|ky;% College/University izkIr xq.kk%@Jsf.k% Marks Obtained/Class inoh U. G. LukrdksÙkj inoh P. G. vU;r~ Any Other LohÑfri=ke~ Declaration e;k nÙka fooj.ke~ vlR;e~ vlac)e~ bfr ok vge~ vugZ bfr ok Kkra psr~ ee vH;fFkZRoa ifjâra Hkosr~ ee fo"k;s ;ksX;% U;kf;d% O;ogkj% d`r% Hkosr~ bfr vga tkukfeA ee vkosnui=ke~ viw.kZa Hkofr psr~ rr~ vLohÑra Hkosr~ bfr vga tkukfeA In the event of any of the information being found false or incorrect or any ineligibility being detected before or after the test my candidature is liable to be cancelled and appropriate action will be initiated against me. I have noted that if my application is found to be incomplete, it will be rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard and fee once paid will not be refunded. fnukad% Date : vkosndL; Lok{kje~ LFkkue~% Place : Signature of the Student Documents to be attached : 1. Attested copies of Mark sheets of Degree, P. G. Degree, Caste Certificate, Domicile Certificate, (Notary) Affidavit on stamp paper of Rs.100/- and other relevant documents. 2. The Candidates claiming for relaxation under reserved category must submit their Caste Certificate, otherwise they will be considered under open category. No further correspondence will be accepted by the University in this regard. 3. Three self addressed envelops (size 9" x 4") each affixed with stamps of Rs. 45/- ________________________________________________________________________ For Office Use only The documents submitted by the candidate - Shri/Smt./Ku _____________________________ ______________________________________________________ for appearing in the Ph.D. Entrance Test (P.E.T.) 2015 have been verified and found correct. Date: Clerk Superintendent KAVIKULAGURU KALIDAS SANSKRIT UNIVERSITY, RAMTEK SUPPLIMENTARY FORM FOR THE PH.D. ENTRANCE TEST(P.E.T.) 2015 Medium: Sanskrit (S)/ English (E) / Marathi (M) NAME OF CENTRE: ROLL NO (Leave Blank): Signature of Student The above Photograph is of Shri/Smt/Ku./Dr. ________ ______________________ ______________________ (NB - To be filled in by the examinee in his/her own handwriting) Applicants Full Name (in English) Shri/Smt/Ku/Dr. ___________________________________________ (Signature with Seal of Attesting Authority) N.B. : The attesting authority should also sign across the photograph. (Name) (Father's/Husband's Name) (Surname) Mother's Full Name ________________________________________ Name and Address for Correspondence ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Email Address.__________________________ Ph.No. (R.)______________ Cell No. ____________________ _________________________ Applicant's Signature ATTENDANCE SHEET Instructions : 1) Only second column is to be filled in by the applicant. 2) Other columns are to be filled in at the time of Examination of a particular paper. 3) Applicant should state only the name of the concerned subject in which he/she is due to appear at the examination. 4) The invigilators should write "Absent" and not 'AA', if the examinee remains absent and signs. The invigilator shall verify the information furnished in column 2 to 6 below and then sign in column 7. 5) The officer-in-Charge shall return all the supplementary forms to the University Office immediately after the concerned examination is over and shall obtain the acknowledgement. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sr.No. Name of the concerned Subject Sr.No.of Main Answer Book Sr.No. of Additional Answer Book/s Date of Paper/Subject Signature of the Examinee signature of the Invigilator KAVIKULAGURU KALIDAS SANSKRIT UNIVERSITY, RAMTEK ADMISSION CARD Medium : Sanskrit (S)/ English (E) / Marathi (M) ROLL NO (Leave Blank ) : Applicants Full Name (in English) Shri/Smt/Ku/Dr. _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Name) (Father's/Husband's Name) (Surname) Mother's Full Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF THE CONCERNED SUBJECT: NAME OF THE EXAMINATION CENTRE: The University has permitted this candidate to appear for the said examination from the above centre. Controller of Examination Notes : 1. The student should write his/her name in Block Capital Letters as given in his/her Certificate/Degree of the last qualifying examination. 2. The student should fill in all entries except examination roll no. and centre name. 3. Centre of examination will not be change. 4. The examinee should follow the important instructions given below. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Examination will be held on the dates and time mentioned in the Programme/Time Table of the Examination. Examination Hall shall be open 15 minutes before the prescribed time. Entry without the admission card is prohibited. Admission card may be checked during the examination. The candidate must be in his/her seat in the Hall 10 minutes before the commencement of the examination. However, the Officein-charge at his discretion may allow a late comer up to half an hour thereafter. Every candidate shall maintain peace in the Examination Hall. Examinee shall not bring with him/her any books, written/printed papers or any objectionable material etc, in the Examination Hall. Each candidate shall read carefully and follow the instructions printed on inside cover page of the Answer-Book. Before writing the Roll No. on the answer book the examinee shall observe the condition of the answer book. If found bad containing loose pages, pages are not serially numbered etc. then he shall bring the discrepancy to the notice of the Invigilator/Office-in-Charge immediately and obtain new Answer-Book. Each candidate will be supplied answer-books on the cover of which he/she shall write neatly the Name of the Examination, the Roll No., Name of Subject, specialization. Examinee shall not write anything on the question papers supplied to him/her. No Examinee shall allow either to leave his/her seat within the first half an hour or to submit the answer-book before completion of an hour from the starting of the examination. Examinee shall leave the hall only after handing over his/her answer-book to the invigilator. The examinee who has submitted the answer-book and left the examination hall, will not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall again. Examinee shall sign the Attendance Sheet. The Examinee using unfair-mean/creating nuisance/using obscene language/violence/threat at the center to the person involved in conduct of examination etc. shall be liable for punishment by the Board of Examinations as per University Rules. The Examination center will not be allowed to change under any circumstances. Duplicate Admission Card will be issued on payment of prescribed fee. A candidate who is unable to present himself/herself for any examination shall not receive a refund of his/her examination fees. Cell Phones are not permitted in the Examination Hall. Writing anything other than the answer or making any mark such as his/her name, address, name of the God, threat/request, tick, cross, circle or underline which identifies or tends to identify the examinee, shall be treated as unfair means and he/she will be handed over to the police under the act of 1982 of Government of Maharashtra. ______________ Non-Refundable Fee Rs. 1,500/- US $ 100 dfodqyxq#&dkfynkl&laLd`r&foÜofo|ky;%] jkeVsde~ ft- ukxiqje~] egkjk"Vªe~ Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek Dist. Nagpur, Maharashtra Exemption Record Form For the candidates who seek exemption from Ph.D. Entrance Test(P.E.T.) 2015 1) iw.kZa uke Applicant's Full Name 2) l³~dsr% fLFkj%& Permanent Address i=kO;ogkjkFkZa For Correspondence % &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& % &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& : __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 3) Hkze.k/ofu% Cell No. ____________________ nwj/ofu Ø- Landline No. with STD Code ____________________ 4) bZ&esy Email-id : ____________________ jkf"Vª;rk %Nationality : ________________________ 5) LukrdksÙkj fo"k;% rFkk fo'ks"kk/;;ue~ P.G Subject &Specialization : 6) 'kqYde~ Cash/D.D. Amount : _____________ 07) /kukns'k Ø- fn- D.D.No.&Date: ________________ 8) foÙkdks"kL; 'kk[kk;k% uke Name of the Bank& Branch : ________________________________________ The fee can be paid either in cash or through DD drawn in favor of the Registrar, Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek, payable at Nagpur. The fee once paid will not be refunded. vgZrkfooj.ke~ Qualification Details mÙkh.kkZ ijh{kk LohÑrfo"k;% Exam Passed Subject Offered mÙkh.kZrk o"kZe~ Year of Passing egkfo|ky;%@foÜofo|ky;% College/University izkIr xq.kk%@Jsf.k% Marks Obtained/Class inoh U. G. LukrdksÙkj inoh P. G. vU;r~ Any Other M.Phil/NET/SET 09) 10) 11) 12) Visa details: ____________________________________________________________________ Passport details :( Number/validity/issue date) _________________________________________ Purpose of arrival in India __________________________________________________________ Duration of stay in India ___________________________________________________________ LohÑfri=ke~ Declaration Incomplete form will be rejected and appropriate action will be initiated against me if the information is found false. vlR;a ~fooj.ka n.MukgZa Hkosr~ rFkk viw.ke~ vkosnui=ke~ vLohÑra Hkosr~ A fnukad% Date : vkosndL; Lok{kje ~ LFkkue~% Place : Signature of the Student Documents to be attached : 1. Attested copies of Mark sheets of Degree, P. G. Degree, Caste Certificate, Domicile Certificate and other relevant documents in support of Exemption claimed. 2. The Candidates claiming for relaxation under reserved category must submit their Caste Certificate, otherwise they will considered under open category. No further correspondence will be accepted by the University in this regard. 3. Attested copies of Visa and Passport in case of foreign students. ______________________________________________________________________ For Office Use only The documents submitted by the candidate - Shri/Smt./Ku _______________________________ _____________________________________________________ for exemption from appearing in the Entrance Examination of Ph.D. Degree have been verified and found correct. Date : Clerk Superintendent INFORMATION TO THE CANDIDATES Appearing for the Ph.D. Entrance Test (P.E.T.) 2015 Date and Time of Entrance Test : 31st July,2015, Time 02.00 Pm to 05.00 Pm Starting date of selling of form : 15th May,2015 Last Date for form Submission : 04th June, 2015 (THURSDAY) with fee of Rs,1500/-NON REFUNDABLE Last date for form submission ( Available on University website only) : 10th June, 2015 ( WEDNESDAY) with late fee of Rs, 2000/-NON REFUNDABLE One paper of 100 marks for three hours 1. 2) Registration for Ph.D. will be considered in the following subjects: 1. Sanskrit Bhasha & Sahitya 2.Pali 3.Education 4. Yoga 5. Jyotish 6.Sanskrit Vyakarana 7. Veda 8. Keertan 9.Fine Arts 10. Darshan Required qualification Post Graduate Degree or its equivalent Degree with minimum 55% of marks or its equivalent grade in the respective subject. Relaxation of 5% marks is applicable to candidates from reserved category. NOTE: 3) I) The candidate must have good academic record i.e. above 45% of marks at degree level. II) A candidate shall have to work in a recognized place of research such as University Departments and other Research Institutes recognized by the University as a Center of Research. III) Every applicant from outside the State of Maharashtra but presently living in the State of Maharashtra shall have to submit an affidavit on stamp paper of Rs 100/- about his/her residence stating that he/she is residing in state of Maharashtra from last six months. IV) Every foreign student must have his/her research supervisor from the State of Maharashtra. V) The applicant should fill up all the forms for appearing in the P.E.T., 2015 examination. Incomplete form in any respect will be rejected and no correspondence in this respect will be made. Exemption from entrance examination As per the UGC Regulation 2009, exemption is granted to the candidates from appearing in P.E.T. Examination of the University as followsa. The candidates who qualify UGC/CSIR/JRF//NET/SLET/GATE/Teachers Fellowship in the concerned subject only. b. Those who obtained the M. Phil degree in the concerned subject from any statutory University 4) P.E.T. (Ph.D. Degree Entrance Test) a) b) c) The registration form will be available on the University website (kksanskrituni.digitaluniversity.ac) The P.E.T. (Ph.D. Entrance Test) is compulsory to get admission to the Ph.D. Program. The P.E.T. shall be conducted by the University once in an academic year in the months of July. d) There shall be one paper of 100 marks on General knowledge, Current Affairs, Subject knowledge, and Research Aptitude &Research Methods. 1. CONCERNED SUBJECT (50 MARKS) Passing Marks Minimum 50% 2. G.K. & CURRENT AFFAIRS (30 MARKS) 3. RESEARCH APTITUDE (20 MARKS) e) The candidate shall be declared successful if he or she secures minimum 50% of marks in individual head on passing i.e in each paper of the P.E.T. Examination. (In concerned subject paper minimum passing mark will be 25 marks out of 50 i.e. 50%, in G.K. and Current Affairs and Research Apptitude paper minimum passing mark will be 25 out of 50 i.e. 50%. The candidate obtaining minimum 50% mark in both the subjects will be declared as pass.) Relaxation of 5% marks is applicable to candidates from reserved category of Maharashtra State only. P.E.T. being one of the eligibility criteria for Ph.D. Registration, the declaration of the candidate to be successful in P.E.T. shall not guarantee his/her registration for Ph.D. degree. The University shall be the authority for calling the application forms from the candidates desirous to appear for P.E.T. for admission to Ph.D. degree. The application form for P.E.T. is available only on University Website kksanskrituni.digitaluniversity.ac. All the filled in application forms along with attested copies of certificates and three self addressed envelops (size 9" x 4") each affixed with stamps of Rs. 45/- with prescribed fee in cash or in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "Registrar, Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University,Ramtek" payable at Nagpur shall be received in the office of the Controller of Examination at Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Kasturba Bhavan, Near Dnyneshvar Mandir,Bajaj Nagar,Nagpur-440010.(Ph.No 0712-2248094) After scrutiny, the Examination department of the University shall publish the list of eligible candidates of P.E.T. along with roll numbers and provide admission card to all candidates within the prescribed period. The P.E.T. shall be based upon descriptive and objective type questions and shall be in Sanskrit for Sanskrit subject and Marathi and English medium for rest of the subjects. In case of any grievance of any candidate with respect to the conduct of Entrance Test the P.E.T. examination committee shall be competent authority to decide the dispute. -------- f) g) h) i) vkpk;Z&inoh&izos'kijh{kk tqyS] 2015 Ph.D. Entrance Test (P.E.T.) July, 2015 mRrjek/;;e~ Medium of Answer vf/kdrexq.kk% Maximum Marks le;% Duration - ejkBh] fgUnh] baxzth Marathi, Hindi, English - 100 - gksjk=k;e~ 3 Hrs. ijh{kki=k&mi'kh"kZdkf.k~ PAPER SUB HEADS 1) Concerned Subject - 50 Marks (Descriptive) 3) Research Aptitude - 20 Marks (Descriptive) 2) General Knowledge - 30 Marks (Objective) Q. 1 Q. 2 Q.3 CONCERNED SUBJECT (50 MARKS) One Long Answer Question Concerned subject (Descriptive) Two Short Answer Questions Concerned subject (Descriptive) 10 Objective Questions Concerned subject 1x20=20 Marks 2x10=20 Marks 1x10=10 Marks Q.4 Q.5 G. K. & CURRENT AFFAIRS (30 MARKS) 15 Objective Questions General Knowledge 15 Objective Questions Current Affairs 1x15=15 Marks 1x15=15 Marks Q.6 Q.7 RESEARCH APTITUDE (20 MARKS) One Long Answer Question Research Methodology (Descriptive) 1x10=10 Marks Two Short Answer Questions Research Methodology (Descriptive) 2x05=10 Marks Current Affairs and General Knowledge : Politics, Geography, Ancient Indian History, Economics, Philosophy, Public Administration, Sociology, Political Science, Indian Culture, Fine Arts, Literature, Mathematical Aptitude, Basic Computer Application, Education. Research Aptitutde : Research Definition, Objectives, Types and format. Selection of topic, Synopsis, Hypothesis, Bibliography, Appendix, Library Utility, Footnotes, Cauterization, Summary (Abstract) Reference Books for Research Aptitude Paper : 1) Shodha Paddhati by Shri. D. K. Sant, Vidyarthigruha Prakashan, Sadashiv P.E.T.h, Pune. 2) Research Methodology in Sanskrit by K. C. Dash, Sampoornanand Sanskrit University, Banaras. 3) lkfgfR;d vuqla/kku ds izfreku & nsojkt National Publishers, Delhi. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) An Introduction to research and research papers - Harcourt Brace & Co. New York. Hkk"kk o lkfgR; la'kks/ku & MkW- olar tks'kh] egkjk"Vª lkfgR; ifj"kn iq.kla'kks/ku fl)kar o i)rh & MkW- l- n- djkMs] yksdok³~e;] x`g izdk'ku] eqacbZHkkjrh; lkfgR; pfj=k & MkW- x- =;a- ns'kikaMs] ikWI;qyj izdk'ku] eqacbZRecent trends in Indology by Dr. R. N. Dandekar, BORI, Pune. 15) 'kS{kf.kd la'kks/kukph ewyrRRos & MkW- ds- ;q- ?kksjeksMs] fo|k izdk'ku] ukxiqj 'kS{kf.kd la'kks/kukph ewyrRRos & jk- 'k- eqGs] fo- rq- mekBs] fo|k cqDl~] vkSjaxkckn f'k{k.kkrhy la'kks/ku & izk- c- fc- iaMhr] fuR;uwruizdk'ku] iq.ks 'kS{kf.kd la'kks/ku i)rh & MkW- fo- K- fHkarkms] fuR;uwruizdk'ku] iq.ks 'kSf{kd vuqla/kku fof/k;kW & ljhu ,oa ljhu] vxzoky ifCyds'ku] vkxzkf'k{kk vuqla/kku & vkj- ,- 'kekZ] vkj- yky cqd Msiks] esjB'kSf{kd vuqla/kku & MkW- ds- ih- ik.Ms;] fo'ofo|ky; izdk'ku] okjk.klh- 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) Methods of Educational Research, Ravi Prakash, Common Wealth, New Delhi. Problems of Educational Research, Ravi Prakash, Common Welath, New Delhi. Research Methods in Education, Dr. Radhamohan, Neelkamal Publication, Hyderabad. Research in Education, John Best & James V. Kahn, Prentice Hall of the India, Delhi. Historical Research in Education, Ravi Prakash, Common Wealth Pub., New Delhi. 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)
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