Pricing and Hedging under Log-normal Stochastic Volatility Dynamics Artur Sepp Bank of America Merrill Lynch, London [email protected] 2015 1 Headlines 1. Empirical evidence for log-normality of realized and implied volatilities 2. Hedging in the log-normal stochastic volatility (SV) model consistently with empirical dynamics of realized and implied vols Introduce the volatility beta and volatility skew-beta 3. Closed-form solution for the moment generating function in the lognormal SV model 4. Model applications for estimating statistical dynamics of implied and realized vols and generating alpha from volatility trading strategies 2 Risk-neutral and econometric volatility models 1) Risk-neutral models • Local volatility (Dupire (1994)) and its extensions to stochastic volatility (LSV) and jumps • Stochastic volatility (SABR (2002), Heston (1993)) 2) Econometric models • Garch (Engle and Bollerslev) • Affine state stochastic vol jump-diffusions (Duffie-Pan-Singleton (2000)) Applications of these models are primarily driven by: • Analytical tractability, not empirical consistency • Fitting of risk-neutral models to market implied distributions, not statistical distributions Instead, I present the factor model for volatility dynamics based on my work with Piotr Karasinski (Sepp-Karasinski (2012)) - the beta stochastic volatility model Primary goal is to fit the empirical dynamics of implied and realized vols and optimize delta-hedging P&L 3 Volatility models for alpha generation Alpha generation arises from selling protection at high risk-premiums by • volatility trading strategies (proprietary views) • structured products (traditional sell-side approach) For volatility trading strategies: 1) For delta-hedge, we need to project changes in primary risk drivers (the S&P 500 index) into secondary drivers (the S&P 500 implied vols) 2) To generate trading signals, we need statistical measures for dynamics of implied and realized volatilities For sell-side trading and hedging models: 1) How the implied and realized risk factors (volatility and skew) affect realized P&L 2) Develop valuation and hedging model consistent with the empirical dynamics to optimize realized P&L 4 The basis for volatility of volatility, like normal or lognormal, is important for stationary model with timeindependent parameters Compute the empirical frequency of one-month implied at-the-money (ATM) volatility proxied by the VIX index for last 20 years Daily observations normalized to have zero mean and unit variance Left figure: empirical frequency of the VIX - it is definitely not normal Right figure: the frequency of the logarithm of the VIX - it does look like the normal density, especially for the right tail! Empirical frequency of normalized VIX 5% 4% 3% Frequency 6% Empirical Standard Normal 2% 1% 0% VIX -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% Empirical frequency of normalized logarithm of the VIX Empirical Standard Normal Frequency 7% Log-VIX -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 5 4 Empirical frequency of realized vol is also log-normal Compute one-month realized volatility of daily returns on the S&P 500 index for each month over non-overlapping periods for last 60 years from 1954 Below is the empirical frequency of normalized historical volatility Left figure: frequency of realized vol - it is definitely not normal Right figure: frequency of the logarithm of realized vol - again it does look like the normal density, specially for the right tail! 4% Frequency 8% 6% 10% Frequency of Historic 1m Volatility of S&P500 returns Frequency of Logarithm of Historic 1m Volatility of S&P500 8% Empirical Standard Normal 6% 4% 2% Frequency 10% Empirical Standard Normal 2% Log-Vol Vol 0% 0% -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 6 4 Beta SV model is factor model for changes in vol V (tn) predicted by returns in price S(tn): # " S(tn) − S(tn−1) V (tn) − V (tn−1) = β + V (tn−1)n S(tn−1) (1) iid normal residuals n are scaled by vol V (tn−1) due to log-normality Left figure: scatter plot of daily changes in the VIX vs returns on S&P 500 for past 14 years and estimated regression model Volatility beta β explains about 80% of variations in volatility Right: time series of empirical residuals n of regression model (1) Regression model is stable across different estimation periods -10% 20% Change in VIX vs Return on S&P500 15% 10% 5% 0% -5% -5% 0% -10% -15% -20% 30% Time Series of Residual Volatility 20% y = -1.08x R² = 67% 10% 0% -10% 5% 10% -20% -30% Return % on S&P 500 Dec-99 Dec-00 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13 Change in VIX Volatility beta β: expected change in ATM vol predicted by price return For return of −1%: expected change in vol = −1.08 × (−1%) = 1.08% 7 Beta stochastic volatility model (Karasinski-Sepp 2012): is obtained by summarizing our empirical findings for dynamics of index price St and volatility Vt: (0) dSt = VtStdWt dSt (1) dVt = β + εVtdWt + κ(θ − Vt)dt St (2) • Vt is either returns (realized) vol or short-term ATM implied vol (0) • Wt (1) and Wt are independent Brownian motions • β is volatility beta - sensitivity of volatility to changes in price • ε is residual vol-of-vol - standard deviation of residual changes in vol • Mean-reversion rate κ and mean θ are added for stationarity of volatility 8 From model dynamics to hedging in practice: the minimum variance delta is applied to hedge against changes in spot and ATM vol in the least-squares sense by minimizing the variance of delta-hedging P&L For delta computation, choice of any particular model for stochastic or local vol is irrelevant if models are calibrated to same implied vols (Sepp (2014)) In presence of the risk-aversion, implied distributions will significantly differ from statistical distributions especially for fat-tailed distributions (Bakshi-Kapadia-Madan (2003)) Risk-neutral volatility models take market prices as inputs and extrapolate the implied dynamics - they produce wrong hedges if the implied dynamics are different from the realized (statistical) dynamics 9 Modeling challenge is to have a model is consistent with both the statistical dynamics of implied and realized vols and with the implied market skew Step I: log-normal model is a proper basis for volatility dynamics Step II: The concept of volatility skew-beta (for log-normal model) and model calibration consistently with empirical dynamics 10 Volatility skew-beta for computing correct option delta Figure 1) Apply regression model (1) for time series of ATM vols for maturities T = {1m, 3m, 6m, 12m, 24m} (m=month) to estimate regression volatility beta βREGRES (T ) using S&P500 returns: δσAT M (T ) = βREGRES (T ) × δS 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 Regression Volatility Beta(T) y = 0.19*ln(x) - 0.37 R² = 99% -0.6 Regression Vol Beta(T) Decay of Vol Beta in ln(T) -0.8 -1.0 0.08 Volatility beta β for SV dynamics is instantaneous beta for very small T 0.0 -0.2 Regression vol beta decays in log-T due to mean-reversion: long-dated ATM vols are less sensitive in absolute values to price-returns -0.4 Maturity T 1.00 2 y = 0.16*ln(x) - 0.29 R² = 99% -0.6 -0.8 2.0 0.50 Implied Volatility Skew (T) 1m Figure 2) Implied vol skew for maturity T has similar decay in log-T 0.25 3m Vol Skew (T) Decay of Skew in ln(T) Maturity, T 6m 1y 2y Volatility Skew-Beta(T) 1.5 Figure 3) Volatility skew-beta is 1.0 regression beta divided by skew 0.5 Skew-Beta(T ) ∝ βREGRES (T )/SKEW(T ) 0.0 It is nearly maturity-homogeneous y = 0.06*ln(x) + 1.41 R² = 80% Vol Skew-Beta (T) Decay of Vol Skew-Beta in ln(T) 1m 3m 6m Maturity T 1y 2y 11 BSM volatility and delta-hedging P&L Vanilla options are marked using Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) implied vol σBSM (K) in %-strike K relative to price S(0) (any SV model implies quadratic form for implied vols near ATM strikes so generic approach): σBSM (K; S) = σAT M (S) + SKEW × Z(K; S) • Z(K; S) is log-moneyness relative to current price S: Z(K; S) = ln (K × S(0)/S ) • SKEW < 0 is inferred from spread between call and put implied vols In practice, this form is augmented with extras for convexity and tails Volatility P&L arises from change in volatility induced by the change in spot price S → S {1 + δS}: δσBSM (K; S) ≡ σBSM (K; S {1 + δS}) − σBSM (K; S) = δσAT M (S) + SKEW × δZ(K; S) • Stochastic contributor to P&L: change in ATM vol δσAT M (S): δσAT M (S) = σAT M (S {1 + δS}) − σAT M (S) • Deterministic contributor to P&L: change in log-moneyness relative to skew: δZ(K; S) = − ln(1 + δS) ≈ −δS 12 Changes in the skew are not correlated to changes in price and ATM vols - we can account only to changes in ATM vol for correct predict of vol P&L Empirical observations yet again confirm log-normality dynamics! (Using S&P500 data from January 2007 to December 2013) Change in 0.3 1m skew vs Price Return 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 Price return -0.3 -15% -5% y = 0.13x - 0.00 R² = 0% 5% 15% Change in0.04 1y skew vs Price Return Change in Skew Change in Skew Figure 1: weekly changes in 100% − 95% skew vs price returns for maturity of one month, 1m, (left) and one year, 12m (right) 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 Price return -0.06 -15% -5% y = 0.03x - 0.00 R² = 1% 5% 15% Change in0.3 1m skew vs 1m ATM vol 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 Change in ATM vol -0.3 -15% -5% y = -0.15x - 0.00 R² = 0% 5% 15% Change in0.04 1y skew vs 1y ATM vol Change in Skew Change in Skew Figure 2: weekly changes in 100% − 95% skew vs changes in ATM vols for maturity of one month, 1m, (left) and one year, 12m (right) 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 Change in ATM-0.06 vol -15% -5% y = -0.09x - 0.00 R² = 2% 5% 13 15% Volatility skew-beta combines the skew and volatility P&L together - positive change in ATM vol from negative return is reduced by skew Given price return δS: S → S {1 + δS} 1) For ATM vol change • Volatility P&L follows change in ATM vol predicted by regression beta and vol skew-beta: δσAT M (S) = βREGRESS × δS = SKEWBETA × SKEW × δS 2) For BSM vol at fixed strikes • Log-moneyness changes by δZ(K; S) ≈ −δS • Volatility P&L is change in ATM vol adjusted for skew P&L: δσBSM (K) ≡ δσAT M (S) − SKEW × δS = [SKEWBETA − 1] × SKEW × δS BSM vol at S0 BSM vol at S1, ATM vol shift BSM at S1, fixed strikes Change in ATM vol Change in vols at fixed strikes 0.8% 18% 0.5% 15% 0.3% Strike K% 0.0% 90% 95% 100% BSM vol(K) 21% 1.0% 12% 105% 90% Strike K% 95% 100% 14 105% Volatility skew-beta under minimum-variance approach is applied to compute min-var delta ∆ for hedging against changes in price and price-induced changes in implied vol A) We adjust option delta for change in BSM implied vol at fixed strikes B) The adjustment is proportional to option vega at this strike: ∆(K, T ) = ∆BSM (K, T ) + [SKEWBETA(T ) − 1] × SKEW(T ) × VBSM (K, T )/ ∆BSM (K, T ) is BSM delta for strike K and maturity T VBSM (K, T ) is BSM vega, both evaluated at volatility skew I classify volatility regimes using vol skew-beta for delta-adjustments: ∆BSM (K, T ) + SKEW(T ) × VBSM (K, T )/S, ∆ BSM (K, T ), ∆(K, T ) = ∆BSM (K, T ) − SKEW(T ) × VBSM (K, T )/S, 1 ∆ BSM (K, T ) + 2 SKEW(T ) × VBSM (K, T )/S, Sticky local Sticky strike Sticky delta Empirical S&P500 ”Shadow” delta is obtained using ratio O (may be different from 1/2): ∆(K, T ) = ∆BSM (K, T ) + O × SKEW(T ) × VBSM (K, T )/S which is traders’ ad-hoc adjustment of option delta 15 Volatility empirical skew-beta and vol regimes are applied for model calibration SkewBeta = 2, 1, 0, Sticky local regime: minimum-variance delta in SV and LV Sticky strike regime: BSM delta evaluated at implied skew Sticky delta regime: model delta in space-homogeneous SV Using beta SV model with empirical estimate of vol beta and adding risk-premiums to match the skew premium, we can fit empirical vol skew-beta and compute correct model delta 1) S&P 500 and STOXX 50: empirical skew-beta of about 1.5 2) NIKKEI: weak skew-beta is about 0.5 Empirical estimates for skew-beta and its lower and upper bounds are found by empirical regression model Vol Skew-Beta for S&P500 2.00 0.00 1.50 SVJ Skew-Beta with empirical beta Sticky local with Min-var delta Empirical bounds 1.00 SVJ Skew-Beta with empirical beta Sticky local with Min-var delta Empirical bounds 0.50 T in months 0.00 1m 3m 5m 7m 9m 11m 13m 15m 17m 19m 21m 23m 0.50 Vol Skew-Beta for NIKKEI 2.00 1.50 1.00 2.50 T in months 1m 3m 5m 7m 9m 11m 13m 15m 17m 19m 21m 23m 2.50 16 Estimation and stationarity of skew-beta: skew-beta β (T ) is estimated empirically (for each vol maturity) by regression of changes in (T ) (T ) : ATM vols σATM(tn) predicted by price-return times skew Skew # " S(tn) − S(tn−1) (T ) (T ) (T ) × Skew(T )(tn−1) σATM(tn) − σATM(tn−1) = β × S(tn−1) The skew-beta is range-bound between 1 and 2 with average of about 1.5, with weak dependence on maturity time The regression has explain of about 70% for Euro Stoxx 50 vols Figure: skew-beta of 6m ATM vol for Euro Stoxx 50 using rolling window of 1 and 12 months 4 Volatility Skew Beta 1m 12m 3 2 1 11-Jan-15 11-Jan-14 11-Jan-13 11-Jan-12 11-Jan-11 11-Jan-10 11-Jan-09 -1 11-Jan-08 0 17 Empirical skew beta applied to vol trading strategies can significantly increase performance - P&L for deltahedging short 6m straddle on EuroStoxx50 Back-test of monthly rolls into new straddle with maturity of 6m from 2007 to 2015 Delta-hedge daily using specific rules for option delta Month-end trade close: account for delta-hedge P&L and vol P&L (significant for straddles due to large vega!), 96 monthly P&L-s Hedging rules: • StickyStrike - hedging at sticky strike vol (BSM delta), • StickyLocalVol - using minimum variance hedge, • Empirical - using skew-beta with estimation window of past xx days Transaction costs = 5bp Only empirical hedge produces positive Sharpe ratio SkewBeta Sharpe Ex-Costs Sharpe Post-Costs StickyStrike 1 0.03 -0.12 StickyLocalVol 2 -0.06 -0.31 Empirical Dynamic 0.25 0.12 18 P&L for delta-hedging short 6m straddle on EuroStoxx50 with trading signal! Back-test of monthly rolls into new vols with maturity of 6m from 2007 to 2015 subject to a proprietary trading signal Delta-hedging using empirical skew-beta outperforms significantly SkewBeta Sharpe Ex-Costs Sharpe Post-Costs % 1.0 StickyStrike 1 0.57 0.54 62% StickyLocalVol 2 0.51 0.47 84% Empirical Dynamic 0.74 0.87 Sharpe Ratio Post-Costs 0.87 0.8 0.6 0.54 0.47 0.4 0.2 0.0 StickyStrike StickyLocalVol Empirical 19 Risk-Premiums in the dynamic SV model • Empirical skew-beta can be applied for trading strategies in vanilla options within BSM model with implied vol marking • Positive expected Sharpe ratio from short vol strategies is created by risk-premiums in out-of-the-money puts • Risk premiums arise from heavy tailed distributions of index returns along with risk-aversion of investors • Minimum variance hedging using implied measure overestimates the skew so over-hedges option deltas • To value and hedge structured products using a dynamic SV model, we need: 1) Incorporate risk-premiums into model dynamics 2) Calibrate model to both the implied skew and empirical skewbeta 20 Beta SV model with jumps is fitted to empirical&implied dynamics for computing correct delta (Sepp 2014): dSt (0) = (µ − λ(eη − 1)) dt + VtdWt + (eη − 1)dNt St (0) dVt = κ(θ − Vt)dt + βVtdWt (1) + εVtdWt + βηdNt 1) Consistent with empirical dynamics of implied ATM volatility by specifying empirical volatility beta β 2) Has jumps from Poisson process Nt with intensity λ, as proxy for the risk-premium, to make model fit to both the empirical dynamics and the skew-premium - only one parameter fitted to implied skew For valuation kernel, the distribution of jumps does not matter jumps are only needed to fit the skew risk-premium For modeling implied vols, we can think of jumps as risk-premiums for pricing kernel (they have no connection to jumps under statistical measure) 21 Closed-form solution for log-normal Beta SV (Sepp 2014): Mean-reverting log-normal SV models are not analytically tractable I derive a very accurate exp-affine approximation for moment generating function (details in my paper) Idea comes from information theory: apply Kullback-Leibler relative entropy for unknown PDF p(x) and test PDF q(x) with moment constraints: R k R k x p(x)dx = x q(x)dx, k = 1, 2, ... Thinking in terms of moment function: [i] MGF for Beta SV model with normal driver for SV (as in Stein-Stein SV model) has exact solution, which has exp-affine form [ii] Correction for log-normal SV has an exp-affine form 35% 30% Implied vol for 1y S&P500 options, beta SV, NO JUMPS 35% 30% 25% 25% 20% 20% 15% 10% 5% Analytic for Normal SV Closed-form for Log-normal SV Monte-Carlo for Log-normal SV Strike 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 15% 10% 5% Implied vol for 1y S&P500 options, beta SV, WITH JUMPS Analytic for Normal SV Closed-form for Log-normal SV Monte-Carlo for Log-normal SV Strike 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 22 Proof that closed-form MFG for log-normal model produces theoretically consistent probability density 1) Derive solutions for excepted values, variances, and covariances of the log-price and quadratic variance (QV) by solving PDE directly 2) Prove that moments derived using approximate MGF equal to theoretical moments derived in 1) Using closed-form MFG for log-normal model, we apply standard valuation methods for affine SV models Difference: system of ODE-s is solved numerically by Runge-Kutta Matlab code for experiments is available (link in my paper) Implementation of closed-form moment function (MGF), MC, and PDE pricers produce values of vanilla options on equity and quadratic variance that are equal within numerical accuracy of these methods 35% 30% Implied vol for 1y S&P500 options, beta SV, NO JUMPS 35% 30% 25% 25% 20% 20% 15% Closed-form MGF 15% 10% Monte-Carlo 10% 5% PDE, numerical solver Strike 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 5% Implied vol for 1y S&P500 options, beta SV, WITH JUMPS Closed-form MGF Monte-Carlo PDE, numerical solver Strike 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 23 Robust features of Beta model with risk-premiums 1) the model has ability to fit empirical vol skew-beta and produce correct option delta without re-calibration Figure: delta from SVJ model fits empirical backbone 1.00 Delta for 1y call option on S&P500 0.80 0.60 0.40 SV model SV with Min Var hedge 0.20 SV re-calibrated to Market backbone 0.00 SVJ (without re-calibration) 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 Strike 2) Consistent with the empirical distributions of implied and realized volatilities, which are very close to log-normal 3) It has clear intuition behind the key model parameters: Volatility beta is sensitivity to changes in short-term ATM vol Residual vol-of-vol is volatility of idiosyncratic changes in ATM vol 4) P&L explain is possible in terms of implied and realized quantities of key model parameter - volatility beta 24 Calibration of beta SV model is based on econometric and implied approaches without large-scale non-linear and non-intuitive calibrations 1) Parameters of SV part are estimated from time series 2) Jump/risk-aversion params are fitted to empirical vol skew-beta Params in 1) & 2) are updated only following changes in volatility regime 3) Small mis-calibrations of the SV part and jumps are corrected using local vol (LV) part Contribution to skew from LV part is kept small (10-20%) Local vol part is re-calibrated on the fly to reproduce small variations in some parts of implied vol surface, which are caused by temporary supplydemand factors specific to that part It is also robust to compute bucketed vega risk in this way In practical terms: 1) Local volatility part accounts for the noise from idiosyncratic changes in implied volatility surface 2) Stochastic volatility and jumps serve as time- and space-homogeneou factors for the dynamics and shape of the implied vol surface 25 Conclusions • Illustrate the relationship between empirical volatility skew-beta and delta-hedging P&L and their applications for trading strategies Accounting for empirical skew-beta can considerably improve realized P&L of delta-hedging strategies • Present empirical evidence for log-normality and implied and realized volatilities Closed-form solution for moment-generating function in the log-normal SV model Apply for maximum likelihood estimation of dynamics of realized and implied volatilities and generate trade signals • Introduce the beta stochastic volatility model with risk-premiums Make the model consistent with both implied skew and empirical skewbeta 26 References: Beta stochastic volatility model: Karasinski, P., Sepp, A., (2012), “Beta stochastic volatility model,” Risk, October, 67-73 Computing option delta consistently with empirical dynamics: Sepp, A., (2014), “Empirical Calibration and Minimum-Variance Delta Under Log-Normal Stochastic Volatility Dynamics” Sepp, A. (2014), “Realized and implied index skews and minimum-variance hedging”, Global Derivatives conference in Amsterdam 2014 Closed-form solution for log-normal model: Sepp, A., (2014), “Affine Approximation for Moment Generating Function of Log-Normal Stochastic Volatility Model” 27 Disclaimer All statements in this presentation are the authors personal views and not necessarily those of Bank of America Merrill Lynch. 28
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