Russian Mathematics (Iz. VUZ) Vol. 48, No. 12, pp.1{14, 2004 Izvestiya VUZ. Matematika UDC 517.977 PROGRAM AND POSITIONAL SOLUTIONS OF A TERMINAL LINEAR-CONVEX OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEM R. Gabasov, F.M. Kirillova, and T.G. Khomitskaya 1. Introduction Linear-convex optimal control (OC) problems represent a direct generalization of linear problems. In applications, they are often formulated as original problems. In a constructive theory, they may be also used as auxiliary ones necessary for solving nonlinear OC problems 1]. The qualitative theory of such problems is thoroughly developed 2], as well as the analogous theory of linear problems. Many algorithms of their numerical solution are proposed. However, the known algorithms deal mainly with the program optimization of dynamic systems. They are not eective in the sense of the synthesis of the feedback type OC. The only exception is the class of the Letov{Kalman linear-quadratic problems and the connected problems of the H1 -control theory, where the OC can be constructed in the form of linear feedbacks. These results attract much attention because of the simplicity of their implementation. The Letov{Kalman problems are smooth and deal more with the classical variational calculus rather than with the OC theory, because the control actions are not bounded by direct (geometrical) restrictions there. Such constraints make extremal problems nonsmooth. They represent the prevalent (nonlinear) component of up-to-date applied problems. They were the reason that stimulated (in its time) the development of the theory of variational problems of a nonclassical type, which was called the OC theory. Within fty years, the OC theory made the noticeable progress. However, its central problem (the synthesis of the feedback type OC) remains unsolved even for linear systems. One special case of problems considered in this paper is formed by the linear-quadratic OC problems. They play an important role in the thriving stabilization theory which is based on the Model Predictive Control (MPC) methodology 3]. The applied signicance of this theory has strongly increased 4] due to the consideration of the OC problems with direct constraints imposed on control actions. The implementation of the MPC methodology depends on the possibility of the real-time program solution of special optimal control problems. This is the only case when the control actions can be formed during the concrete stabilization processes (online control). The known bibliography on MPC contains no references on special fast methods of the program solving of the corresponding OC problems. For this purpose, the standard quadratic programming methods are mainly used. In these methods, time discretization periods are large and control time-frames are short, which, in turn, yield the slow transient processes and limit the MPC ability. In this paper, we describe the special methods for solving linear-convex OC problems. The eectiveness of these methods is insensible to the time discretization period. The rst methods of such a type for linear OC problems were proposed in 5], 6], then they were developed in 7]{9]. The results The work was supported by the Byelorussian Republican Foundation for Basic Research (project no. F04R002) and the State Program of Basic Research (\Mathematical Structures-16"). c 2004 by Allerton Press, Inc. Authorization to photocopy individual items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specic clients, is granted by Allerton Press, Inc. for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $ 50.00 per copy is paid directly to CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. 1
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