The Montgomery Presbyterian Church Newsletter T HE C HIMES MAY 2015 GOOD NEWS! SUNDAY SCHEDULE As we continue to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and look forward to the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, let me share with you three ways the Spirit is breathing new life into MPC: NEW TENANT: I am pleased to announce that a new tenant will be occupying our classroom space during the school day once the City of Montgomery grants a conditional use permit. (They have granted it for our 2 previous school tenants.) Skyward Academy addresses the academic, social, and independent living skills of students with learning challenges such as autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, social or communication issues, and other challenges. They provide students with an individualized education program in a loving and supportive atmosphere, where each child is welcomed and accepted and differences are embraced. The staff of Skyward is compassionate and professional. I am proud that we can provide space for their very important work. Please watch the Chimes and Little Bells for ways you can help provide a warm welcome to the staff and families. RENEWED ENGAGEMENT: While the annual income from our new tenant will allow us to balance our operating budget, it is important that we strengthen our financial foundation through retiring our mortgage and establishing a capital fund to sustain our facility, enhance worship, and expand mission. We are currently in the planning stages for an early fall stewardship campaign. NEW FUTURE: With the provision of a new tenant/partner, it is apparent that there is a future for us here in this location. We are discerning what that future looks like. That is where the Guiding Team comes in. The Guiding Team is part of the Presbytery’s Transformation 2.0 initiative. They have been listening to the text of Luke 10, and listening to our neighbors to hear where the Spirit of God is already at work in the community around us so that we can join in that work. They are preparing to invite the congregation to listen with them. There are more details on page 6. While we do not yet know what the future mission of MPC will look like, through the Guiding Team we are actively taking steps toward the future. The Spirit is indeed breathing new life into MPC! Like the Apostles (“sent ones”) we do not have a road map of the future, but we trust as they did that the Spirit will lead, equip, and empower us for the road ahead. Christ is risen! Coffee & Fellowship: 10am-10:25am Worship: 10:30am-11:30 am Children are dismissed for Godly Play on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sundays To receive the newsletter via email, forward your email address to [email protected] with the subject line: “NEWSLETTER” Calendar 2 Prayer Corner 3 MPC EVENTS 4-6 PRESBYTERY 6-7 COMMUNITY 7 Brunch following Worship TRINITY SUNDAY 10:30—11:30 am: Worship Service — Ordination & installation of Elders and Deacons 31 PENTECOST 10:30a-11:30a: Worship Service 24 10:30a-11:30a: Worship Service 17 10:30a-11:30a: Worship Service 25 18 26 19 12 pm Rebekah Circle 21 14 7 T hursd a y 7:30p: Choir Rehearsal 6:30p: Bell Choir Rehearsal 27 7:30p: Choir Rehearsal 28 6:30p: Bell Choir Rehearsal 7pm Deacons 20 7:30p: Choir Rehearsal 6:30p: Bell Choir Rehearsal 13 6:30p: Bell Choir Rehearsal 6 W edn e sda y 10 12 5 T uesd a y 7:30p: Choir Rehearsal 11 4 M onda y 1:00 Montgomery Care Center 10:30a-11:30a: Worship Service 3 Sun da y MAY 2015 29 22 15 8 Fri da y Jubilant Singers Concert , 7:30 MPC Sanctuary 1 Fri da y S atu rd a y 30 23 16 Spring Cleaning Day, 9 am 9 2 S atu rd a y The Chimes Page 4 MPC EVENTS Habitat for Humanity Sign Up The signup sheets are up. Please consider signing up to work on our first work day Sat. May 16. Our 2nd work day is Sat. June 20, and it's our turn to provide lunches. Please contact Dave Daniels if your group is willing to sign up to provide lunch for ~30 workers that day. St. Barnabas, one of the churches in our Eastside Coalition, is planning their annual HFH fundraising concert on Sun. June 28 at 3 PM. You will never see anywhere else as much musical talent in such a small, intimate setting. Plan to attend this impressive event. Brunch Following Worship Service on Sunday, May 31 Fellowship will host a brunch following the Worship Service on Sunday, May 31. A sign up sheet can be found in the Gathering Room. Please sign up if you can attend, so that we may get a head count for planning purposes. Dedication of the Comfort Bears During the April 12 Worship service, eleven Comfort Bears were blessed. Judy Marsh brought this idea to last year's Board of Deacons. Over the last year, we have had contributions and hands-on help from the Deacons from last year and this year, as well as several people from the congregation, to make this idea a reality. May the bears, along with their individual blessing, help bring comfort to many people during a time of need. The Deacons would like to thank the following people who helped create the bears by donating fabric, cutting out patterns, sewing, stuffing, making blessing tags, etc.: Judy Marsh, Eloise Ritter, Lois Silber, Elizabeth Hammel, Joan Schepers, Sue Murphy, Pat French, Marilyn Hesford, Kay Sadler, Julia Jones, Andi Fiani, Sue Poulos, Nancy Pacey, Don Mitchell, Gretchen Heltman, Marie Reesey, Joyce Counts, Peter Poulos, Ron Godby, and Cindy Godby. MAY 2015 The B-I-B-L-E FAQ’s How did we get the Bible? Which translation is best to read? Why does God seem so judgmental in the Old Testament, and loving in the New Testament? What does the Bible say about angels? What does the Bible say about homosexuality? What questions do you have? On Wednesday evenings in June at 7:00 pm we will meet in the Gathering Room to discuss your Frequently Asked Questions. Please submit your questions to [email protected] for consideration. Montgomery Care Center Services are held at 1:30 pm (arrive by 1:15) the first Sunday of each month at Montgomery Care Center (7777 Cooper Road). The Choir will facilitate the May service. Fish Fry Results Results of the 2015 Fish Fry season are in: After expenses, MPC raised just over $2,700.o0. Pr oceeds w ill be shar ed among our three chosen mission recipients: Habitat for Humanity, Operation Give Back and the Wounded Warrior Project. Thanks to all who contributed to the great success of the Fish Fries season by working the events and spreading the word in the community. Job well done! And now we have nine months to rest up til the 2016 Fish Fry season! RIGHT: Mmmmmm, jelly beans! Easter surprise: sharing means there is enough for everyone! Page 5 Honoring Women of the Church As in years past, the Deacons will be making a contribution to Bethany House in honor of the Women of the Church. We’d like all the women of the church to sign the large card we’ll have in the Gathering Room. Bethany House Services collaborates with other agencies to provide a full range of housing, education, and assistance programs to homeless and disadvantaged women and children. In addition to the contribution to Bethany House, the Deacons are hosting the coffee hour on Sunday, May 10, in honor of women of the church. Spring Cleaning Day May 9 Saturday, May 9 is scheduled for Spring Cleaning Day at MPC. We will be doing exterior clean up and mulching, as well as some cleaning of areas inside the building that have accumulated junk. Please bring rakes, shovels, clippers, work gloves and any other tools that you think would be helpful. We will meet at 9:00 am in the parking lot. Ron Uchtman will lead this project; please contact him at 513-5309730 for any questions or to let him know you will be able to join him. The Chimes Page 6 Guiding Team Update/Report and Request for Help Who: Dave Daniels, Dave Dickey, Beth Doebereiner, Julia Jones, Sue Poulos and Steve Thiel What: Requesting Involvement from the Congregation When: by June 6th Where: Montgomery neighborhood Why: Transforming the role of MPC in Montgomery Several months ago Pastor Michelle called the six of us to participate in the Presbyterysponsored Transformation 2.0. Along with over a dozen churches from the Cincinnati Presbytery, we are examining the transformation of our church based on the text of Luke 10:1-12. We are learning to be more effective listeners to the Word of God and to each other so that we will be in a position to transition what we hear into action. In Luke 10, Jesus sends out seventy laborers to live in communion with others. We don’t know the destination, but the journey has been enlightening. How is the Spirit speaking to us in our neighborhood and what can we do in our neighborhood to make it better? In January, we put our Curiosity Hats on and went to the first meeting. Still not knowing our destination, we left with a mission! First define our "neighborhood," second, walk our neighborhood looking and listening for God's presence and third, send back pictures of where we see God at work on our walks. Defining our neighborhood was our first task and it was harder than you'd think! After hours of deliberation, some study and investigation, we decided that the City of Montgomery was MPC's neighborhood. We walked and took pictures of our neighborhood at various times of day and on different days of the week. We reconvened with the other Guiding Teams in March. When compared to churches in other neighborhoods we thought “What can we do for Montgomery?” We don’t face many issues of poverty, hunger or homelessness here. However, Julia pointed out that sometimes our neighbors’ needs aren’t physical, they are spiritual. When we left, we had a NEW mission, and we need your involvement. We need members of the congregation to walk the neighborhood with us two or three times between now and early June; we need volunteers to join us in interviewing our neighbors and community leaders; and we need to interview congregation members. We need your help – if many of you help with just one of these things, we can accomplish our mission. Can you walk? Would you like to help interview neighbors and businesses? Would you like to be interviewed by the Guiding Team? There are signup sheets in the gathering room. Your involvement will help define MPC’s role in the neighborhood. Thanks!!! The Special Offerings are a way for all Presbyterians to make a difference in the lives of people around the world. The Pentecost Offering, one of four Special Offerings, gives us the unique opportunity to share God's love by helping nurture faith in our youth and young adults. Envelopes for the Pentecost Special Offering will be included in bulletins on Pentecost Sunday, May 24. The Deacons want to thank the Congregation of MPC for the support shown on April 29, 2015 during our blood drive. We had fourteen persons show up, and eleven pints of whole blood were collected. All donors had connections to this Congregation and we thank everyone who showed up to assist in this activity. Page 7 may 2015 IN THE PRESBYTERY Experience that deep sense of community one would expect at a national gathering of Presbyterians —- a great big family reunion! Join us for a wide variety of workshops, all under one Big Tent; a conference that will inspire and equip Presbyterians to live missionally. Cost is only $395 per person, which includes accommodations, seven meals, campus parking and outstanding programming. Fees for children and youth are no more than $150 each. For more information, visit IN THE COMMUNITY Return of the Farmers’ Market May 2 marks the return of the Montgomery Farmers’ Market. Saturdays in May through October, 9:00—12:30 in the parking lot of Montgomery Elementary School (9609 Montgomery Road) you can find the freshest selection of produce from local farmers and other treats local vendors and artisans. Bingo with a Bling Friends of Twin Lakes presents "Bingo With A Bling" on Friday, May 15 at 9876 Montgomery Road (formerly known as Century Honda). Sycamore Athletic Boosters Golf Outing May 8 The Sycamore Athletic Boosters are proud to sponsor the annual Jim Walter Memorial Golf Outing at the beautiful Blue Ash Golf Course on Friday, May 8, 2015. The day of golf includes lunch, dinner and raffle prizes. We will also be holding our Third annual Ladies only 9-hole round with mid-morning tee time and First Annual Wine and Nine – 9 hole event in the evening! This fundraiser will help support athletics at the high school and junior high levels where tax dollars and school budgets fall short. Please contact, Han Oh ([email protected]) or 513-780-7785 for Sponsorship opportunities or visit to register for the event. Plenty of great prizes will be awarded. Registration opens at 11:15 a.m., lunch will be served at 11:45 a.m. and Bingo starts at 12:15 p.m. Prizes from Bingo include a 19" flat screen television, jewelry, and gift baskets. Cost is $20 per ticket, which includes lunch and game cards for the four regular bingo games. Special game cards are $5 per card. (2 special games/cover all). For reservations, please call (513) 247-1362. All proceeds to benefit the Benevolent and Pastoral Care needs of Twin Lakes' residents. THE CHIMES Montgomery Presbyterian Church Newsletter Looking Ahead... Upcoming Dates of Note Reverend Michelle Bacon, Pastor Office Hours: 8:30a-4:30p Tu-Fr [email protected] 513-891-8670 SUBMISSIONS for THE CHIMES are due by NOON on the 15th day of each month. June Jun 7: Montgomery Care Center Send articles to [email protected] Jun 7: IGNITE Jun 25: Deacons Picnic Jun 19: Reds game Jun 28: Session J OIN US ON F ACEBOOK! MontgomeryPresbyterianChurch Montgomery Presbyterian Church 9994 Zig Zag Road—Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
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