Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, CV8 2DA Tel: (01926)859421 • Email: [email protected] Head: Mr H. Abbott, B.A.(Hons.), M.Ed • Deputy Head: Mr. M. Snape Dear All 24th April 2015 DIARY DATES This week it has been a pleasure to welcome visitors from our partner school in Uyogo, Tanzania. They have been able to join in some lessons alongside our students and I know that the experiences they have had here will be shared with others in Uyogo. I would like to thank everyone, students, parents and staff for hosting the visitors in lessons and out of school over the last two weeks. Earlier this week we had a visit from environmental health to re-evaluate the star rating of our catering company, Innovate. I am delighted to report that following this visit, our catering team achieved the top rating of 5 stars. I hope that students and parents continue to be satisfied with our catering choices and if anybody wants to have further information about what we offer or has ideas for future menu choices, please contact Alison Pointon, our School Business Manager. Preparations are going well for Activity Day taking place on 9th July. Once again students have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of in-house and off site activities arranged by staff. Over the next few weeks, we will issue a list of activities for students to select and I would ask that everyone pay close attention to the deadline for submission of their choices to avoid disappointment. I mentioned in a previous newsletter that we are launching an Alumni Association. We are working closely with Future First, which is a charity that supports schools to develop alumni communities. As our Alumni Association grows, there will be many ways in which we can work with former students to offer support for our current students. Future First has an e-mentoring platform which gives current students the chance to get one-to-one support from former students, even if they have moved away from the area. Future First will also help us to track the paths of our current students as they progress through education and employment in the long term. It is exciting to extend our community in this way, as there are also benefits, which we may gain, from our business contacts for site developments. An Alumni Association can have benefits for both the school and former students in employment, as it may be possible for our current students to do voluntary work in the community. As we approach the exam season, it is worth reminding everybody about the importance of punctuality to lessons as it sets a good tone for the rest of the school day. Lateness in school has a proven impact, not only on the academic performance of pupils concerned, but also is disruptive to others in the class. We also want pupils to understand that punctuality in school is a form of responsible behaviour, which will also be valuable when they leave school. Attendance figures are looking very good this year so far, with an overall percentage of 95.6%. During the imminent study leave period, I hope that students in the upper years will take advantage of the gaps in their timetable to attend school and work closely with the staff who will be continuing to provide tuition in their allocated lesson times. Thank you for your continued support. Yours sincerely H.H.S. Abbott Headteacher May 4th 5th 7th May Day Bank Holiday Spring Concert 7.30pm Upper Hall Year 8 Parents Evening Power, Love, Celebration Tuesday 5th May 7:30pm Upper Hall Tickets are £3 MAY DAY FUN RUN on the door 4th May Abbey Fields 10.00am All welcome MORE MUSICAL SUCCESS ALLOTMENT CLUB Are you in Year 7 or 8? Congratulations to Nina Kumin Year 12, who has achieved Grade 8 distinction on piano. This is especially impressive as she already has grade 8 distinction on violin. Nicola Broadbent, Grade 1 Piano Lydia Baynham, Grade 3 Piano Well done! We have 5 places available if you would like to join us. Meet in Main Reception after School on Wednesday. Club finishes at 4.30pm Are you a Year 10 student interested in exploring Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths further? Would you like to know more about the rewarding and challenging careers these subjects could lead to? Routes into Stem offer 3-day courses that will give you the opportunity to increase your knowledge: For more information on: a 3-day experience from 26th – 28th May including exciting hands on STEM activities a chance to explore apprenticeship opportunities and compare them with traditional university studies acompany visit to understand the fantastic career opportunities presented by studying a STEM subject. a Routes into STEM workbook to take away, course supervisor, lunch and refreshments http://www.etrust.org.uk/routes-stem CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: FRIDAY 6 MAY SPORTS FIXTURES Apr Year Group Sport Tue 28th Year 8 Football Thu 30th Boys Tennis Thu 30th Year 10 Year 7,8,9 & 10 Athletics Opposition District Cup Final Rugby School Solihull Competition Home Away Approx Start Finish Alan Higgs TBC Home TBC Solihull TBC Apprentice Position Summer 2015 (with view to becoming permanent for the right person). Training will be given in dispensing prescriptions, customer service, advising on over the counter medicines, engaging in health promotion activities as well as general retail skills. Suitable candidate must be able to communicate appropriately with a variety of people and good at working in a team. More details available at the pharmacy. Applicants should email [email protected] Interested in Cricket? Kenilworth Wardens Cricket Club are looking for players of all standards to join their youth section Come along to a training night during the summer term, starting during w/c 4th May at the club’s ground in Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth. CV8 2AL Year 7 (under 12) Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm Year 8 (under 13) Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm Year 9 (under 14) Monday evenings from 6-8pm Year 10 (under 15) Monday evenings from 6-8pm Year 11 (under 16) Monday evenings from 6-8pm For further details on cost and club membership please visit the Youth page on: http://kenilworthwardens.play-cricket.com or email: [email protected] Whole School Literacy Common terms used in GCSE exam papers Affect Here you need to focus on outcomes How does one issue/process affect another? Analyse Generally this means to describe the main ideas, show how they are connected to each other and state why they are important. Compare Here you need to write about similarities and differences in the subject. Describe This means that you need to give a full account of the word or phrase. In these subjects you need to be specific: ICT – Define and give examples D&T -say what something is like, e.g. describe the treacle Art - Explain visual and physical appearance in detail Discuss This means that you need to describe the subject in detail and, if there are two sides to a question, give the points for and against and form a conclusion. Explain Give reasons ( how/why) for something Say how something works Explore To analyse in detail. Art – to investigate the given or chosen topic through research, experiments and responses. Evaluate This requires you to say what you think on the subject, giving the good and bad points, saying how valuable or useful the subject is and reaching a conclusion. Evidence This means that you need to give facts as proof to support your answer. How List Mention This requires you to write about the methodology. In Art - when describing/evaluating work – explain the processes used to create the work. Literature /Drama - how/in what way a character is affected in a play/book This means that you need to say what something is; name the main points/feature. Here you need to state the facts only. This is asking you to include something specific in your response. Respond MFL – State/write a detail/more than one detail Here you need to explain how people react to something – what they say/do. Identify Art – Create an original piece of work that shows the influence of the sources you have looked at, e.g. other artist’s work, secondary source imagery etc. State Suggest Why RE – e.g. Explain how people respond to… Here you need to write the main points in a brief, clear way. Say what something is, e.g. an advantage of computer control (ICT) PE – List/name. Here you need to use all that you have learned to say what the answer might be; give a possible reason for something. Some subjects require you to propose an idea/theory/demonstrate insight. This means that you need to identify the cause and effect MFL - Give a reason for an opinions or idea expressed previously Iceland Over the Easter holidays the Geography department ran their first trip to Iceland. This proved to be a fantastic trip and one we would hope to repeat in the future. The weather was really in our favour and was a highlight of the trip. There is a saying in Iceland that, if you do not like the weather just wait five minutes and it will change. We experienced this to the extreme. During the trip the weather varied from bright beautiful sunshine, to driving wind, to blizzards. At one point all roads to Reykjavik were closed and we had to take refuge in a Geothermal energy plant whilst we waited for the weather to change and we could continue our journey. The 50 students made the most of this and the delay whilst the road was shut meant mass snowball fights. The force 8 winds saw us all trying to stand up and run into the wind. The students on the trip were from GCSE, AS and A2 Geography. All had information packs to learn more about the geography of Iceland but more importantly our tour guide, Lynda was a wealth of information. We enjoyed learning about the pixies and fairies of Iceland legends as much as the geography. Our trip included a visit to a glacier where A2 students could see first-hand the impact of climate change on the rapidly retreating ice. We drove across the mid-Atlantic ridge where the Atlantic Ocean is being forced apart. We watched the geysers erupt. As a contrast we visited a farm where the rich volcanic soils provide perfect grass for the cows and ultimately great ice-cream. We walked around volcanic craters and along black sand beaches to see the caves and stacks created by the Atlantic Ocean. It was interesting to see where the cold war ended. We walked behind waterfalls, watched the northern lights and swam in hot springs. A truly memorable 4 days in an amazing country. The 50 students were a credit to the school and really immersed themselves in this great trip. Penny Spooner It is not too late to enter for the Mayday Run! You can either run the 6 miles or you can enter as a relay team - a mere 2 miles each! It is possible to pay on the day, however there is a discount if you enter online http://www.mayday.kenilworthrunners.co.uk Kenilworth Runners are donating a large portion of the money raised through entries to Kenilworth School. There are quite a few students taking part, it would be good to see you there as well if you do not already have plans. SOCCOR SUCCESS FOR SIXTH FORM TEAM Congratulations to our Sixth Form football team who beat Aylesford 7-0 in the Central and South Warwickshire Sixth Form cup final last week. It was a very convincing win. Well done to the lads! ACTIVITY DAY Activity Day will take place on Thursday 9th July this year. There will be more information in next week’s newsletter. Baginton Village Hall THE MAY FAYRE Saturday 2nd May – 12.00 noon Stalls, entertainment, hot and cold food Congratulations to our students who entered the 'Young Writer's' competition at the end of last term, and whose poetry (listed below) will be published in 'Poetopia - The West' at the beginning of August! Holly Glover - Frosty Days Zach Evans - Football Santi Lopez - Cotarelo Holly Gurney - Dissimilis Max Frost - Food Ellie Eyden - Cherry Lauryn Mafe - What Did I Do Wrong? Georgia Brandram - I Love the Beach Charlie Johnson - Two Different Things Ella Rothwell - Animal Cruelty Josef Barton - Icons Sandeep Gill - The Perfect Body Jess Twigger - Colours Maddie Hollingsworth - Work, Time, Me Amnic Atwal - Why Do They Care? Yasmin Simpson - Society! Ryan French - Stan British Schools' Biathlon Championships Over Easter three of our pupils qualified to compete in the British Biathlon Championships and were lucky enough to get to compete at the Olympic Park in London. Congratulations to: Georgia Kidd, Felix & Oliver Lunn On reaching the British finals and competing at such an exciting venue. In the U15 Girls event Georgia posted the 8th fastest time of the day in the swim and finished 16th overall. A fantastic result for Georgia - placing herself in the top 16 in the Country. Felix and Oliver Lunn only started doing Biathlons this year, so it is a great achievement for them to have reached the British Championships. They made a great start to the competition, finishing second and third in their run heats, respectively. Felix and Oliver have written an account of their experiences, racing at the Olympic Park: British Schools Biathlon Championships March 2015 Last October we competed in a British Schools Biathlon qualifier. Being the first biathlon we had competed in we didn’t really know what to expect but as it combined 2 of our favourite sports, running and swimming, we were keen to compete. In February we were astonished to discover that we had both qualified for the final at the Olympic Park. Our national rankings (100 and 104) proved that we faced stiff competition but to swim and run competitively at the Olympic Park was too good an opportunity to miss. Competition day was cold, windy and wet – really horrible running conditions but we were both happy with our runs, finishing within 0.5 of a second of each other and being placed 30th and 31st overall. The swimming pool experience was surreal as we knew we were swimming where Olympic champions had swum before us. The swimming was always going to be the biggest challenge for both of us and we weren’t proved wrong! The 50 metre lengths seemed to go on for ever! We improved our rankings to 89 and 90, so were pleased with the improvement. The experience was fun and it was a day we will never forget. Oliver and Felix Lunn 8D Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, CV8 2DA Tel: (01926)859421 • Email: [email protected] Head: Mr H. Abbott, B.A.(Hons.), M.Ed • Deputy Head: Mr. M. Snape EXTRA CURRICULAR P E SUMMER TIMETABLE 2015 LUNCH TIME 3G Sports Hall Tennis Courts AFTER SCHOOL Gym MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 3G Field Year 9 & 10 Tennis Year 7 & 8 Rounders Girls & Boys Athletics Throws Year 9 & 10 Cricket Year 7 & 8 Tennis Year 9 & 10 Rounders Girls & Boys Athletics Hurdles Year 7 Cricket Boys & Girls Team Tennis Boys & Girls Athletics All Years Boys Cricket Fitness Suite Biathlon Club Year 7 Cricket WEDNESDAY Fitness Suite Girls & Boys Athletics Long and High Jump Year 10 & 11 Fitness Club Girls American Football All pupils are welcome to attend any of the sports clubs. Pupils must wear the correct kit for the activity. If you have any questions please ask in the PE office. Some clubs will be added at a later date. Mr Cassell
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