KSPTA NEWSLETTER Kansas State Pupil Transportation Association KSPTA SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY SYMPOSIUM AND SAFETY COMPETITION MAY 27 – 28 – 29, 2015 ATRIUM HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER ( Formerly Ramada Hotel) 1400 NORTH LORRAINE HUTCHINSON, KS 67501 1-800-362-5018 or 1-620-669-9311 http://www.visithutch.com Click on Lodging to find additional information on Hotels in Hutchinson. (Conference Registration and Agenda will be available at kspta.com) SPRING 2015 2015 Safety Symposium Speakers ACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING FOR SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS We would encourage all Transportation Directors to make plans on attending with their Staff The presenter is Retired Captain Gary Moore from the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP). Captain Moore is a 34-year law enforcement veteran, 29 years with the MSHP, 8 of the 29 serving in the Governor’s Security Division serving under 4 Governors. Gary is currently working for the Center for Education Safety and is an active Marshal for the Missouri Supreme Court. The training that is being offered will be a Power Point presentation of the Dale County Alabama shooting/killing of the bus driver and kidnapping of a student that occurred January 29, 2013. Sheriff Wally Olson has not released this program to any other agency except the Center for Education Safety. This is a rare insight for drivers to not only learn how the incident occurred but to gain valuable information on how to avoid being put into the same position. KSDE School Bus Safety Unit Sets April 15 for Illegal Passing Survey Wednesday April 15, 2015, school bus operators across the state will observe and report any instances of motorists illegally passing their school buses. Lieutenant David Weed, KHP, Breath Alcohol Unit will present a session on Alcohol/Drugs – Driving Impairment for School Bus Drivers ************************************************ Michael C. Murphy, Fiscal Auditing Director will present a session on the “2 ½ mile rule” and other topics. Bring your questions. ************************************************************ KANSAS STATE PUPIL TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION and the KANSAS STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION “2015 Train the School Bus Driver Trainer Course” School Transportation Professionals coming together. KSPTA Celebrating 45 years The Kansas State Pupil Transportation Association and the Kansas State Department of Education are pleased to announce the Co-sponsorship of the “Train the School Bus Driver Trainer Course” again this year. Instructors will be Doug Messer and Darlene Davis. Watch the KSDE and KSPTA web sites for course details. 2015 HEROISM AWARD Members of the KSPTA Awards Committee are seeking assistance in finding Kansas school bus drivers who are deserving of special recognition for performing a heroic act on or off duty during the 2014– 2015 school year. Please complete the following form and return to a committee member by May 6, 2015 KSPTA HEROISM AWARD NOMINATION FORM Name of Nominee___________________ USD/company Name_________________ Position______________________________ Location of Incident__________________ Time of Incident_____________________ Detailed Account of Incident (Please use an attached sheet) Qualifications 1. Must be a school bus driver employed with a school district or contractor in the state of Kansas. Meeting all requirements of a Kansas school bus driver. (First Aid, CPR, DDC, Physical) 2. Performed heroic act on or off duty 3. Heroic Act was performed during the 2014 – 2015 school year. Information on person receiving nomination: ie. Length of employment, achievements, hobbies. Attach newspaper clippings-articles-photos if available Name______________________________ Position___________________________ Address__________________Zip______ Phone #___________________________ Please submit nomination form to: Jim Schwartzman, or Arlan Wolf Clinton Pepper Entry Deadline May 6, 2015 2015 OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD Members of the KSPTA Awards Committee are seeking assistance in finding active members who are deserving of special recognition for their actions or efforts in promoting school bus safety. Please complete the following form and return to a committee member by May 6, 2015 KSPTA OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD 2014 –2015 NOMINATION FORM Name of Nominee__________________ USD/company Name___________________________ Position__________________________ Reason the nominee qualifies for special recognition (Please use an attached sheet) Submitted By: Name___________________________ Position__________________________ Address__________________Zip_____ Phone #__________________________ Please submit nomination form to one of the following KSPTA awards committee members Northwest Vice President Arlan Wolf PO Box 429 Quinter Ks 67752 Fax 785-754-3500 E-mail [email protected] Eastern Vice President Clinton Pepper Operation Supervisor Durham School Services 200 SE 21st Street Topeka KS 66612 Fax 785-233-3993 E-mail [email protected] Past President Jim Schwartzman Bonner Springs KS 66012 E-mail [email protected] Wilma Crabtree to Retire Wilma has been working with Pupil Transportation for the State of Kansas for 45 years! She has become a “fixture” at KSPTA events for many years, she designed the current scoring template and assists with registration and compiles the scores for the Safety Competition each year. She also attends and assists with other KSPTA events, such as the fall conference. A retirement reception will be held at KSDE on Friday, March 27, in the Board Room (1st Floor) from 2:00 – 4:00. If you are in the Topeka area, she would love you to see you! Wilma will be coming back to work at KSDE on a part-time basis starting in June. KSPTA ELECTION of OFFICERS KSPTA elections will be held at the 2015 Summer Symposium. Nominations of Officers will be accepted during the business sessions at the 2015 Summer Symposium for the following positions. President (2 yr) South Central Vice President (2 yr) Northeast Vice President (2 yr) Northwest Vice President (2 yr) Eastern Vice President (2 yr) The nominee must be a current member of KSPTA, in good standing. Remember when you nominate someone for an office they are representing you. Know where they stand on issues important to you. It is important for candidates to be ready, willing and able to fulfill the position as a “KSPTA Board Member”. Nominations may be sent to the Nominations Committee and were accepted at the KSPTA Business Meeting in October 2014 and will be accepted at the 2015 Summer Symposium. Tom Weppler Deb Stoker KSPT A CALENDAR OF EVENTS March 28, 2015 Northeast/Southeast School Bus Safety Competition, Bonner Springs High School April 18, 2015 Southwest/Northwest School Bus Safety Competition, Dodge City Transportation Office May 9, 2015 South Central/North Central School Bus Safety Competition, Goddard High School May 27-28-29, 2015 KSPTA SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY SYMPOSIUM AND SAFETY COMPETITION ATRIUM HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER, Hutchinson Ks Train the School Bus Driver Trainer Course Date and Location To Be Announced ****** Mechanics Workshops Dates and Locations To Be Announced July 18-19, 2015 45th Annual School Bus Driver International Safety Competition will be held July 18 - 19, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. http://www.yellowbuses.org/ October 7, 2015 KSPTA Fall Conference- and Vendor Show Atrium Hotel and Conference Center Hutchinson Ks October 18 - 24, 2015 National School Bus Safety Week October 21, 2015 Kansas School Bus Driver Appreciation Day November 8-11, 2015 NASDPTS Annual Conference. Richmond, Virginia E-mail [email protected] E-mail [email protected] November 6-10, 2015 Richmond, Virginia NAPT 41st Annual Summit! KANSAS STATE PUPIL TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION 2015/2016 K.S.P.T.A. MEMBERSHIP FORM (PLEASE PRINT) NAME:____________________________________________ CITY___________________STATE_______ZIP__________ KSPTA TED FOWLER / JACK WOOLF SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Travis Smith, USD 204, Bonner Springs is the recipient of a complimentary registration for the 2015 Summer Symposium and School Bus Safety Competition. Travis was the Top Rookie of the 2014 State School Bus Safety Competition. U.S.D. #__________ CONTRACTOR________________ WORK LOCATION________________________________ WORK PHONE__(__________)______________________ HOME PHONE__(__________)_____________________ KSDE SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION WEBSITE Don’t forget you can find the KSPTA Newsletters, Conference Registration Forms and School Bus Safety Competition Rule Book on the KSDE website and at kspta.com. FAX__(__________)_______________________________ E-MAIL___________________________________________ POSITION: TRANSPORTATION All Conference Attendees and Safety Competition Contestants are invited to attend all of the conference presentations during the Summer Symposium. DIRECTOR________DRIVER________MECHANIC_____ ADMINISTRATOR_____OTHER_____ PUPIL TRANSPORTATION PROFESSIONAL $15.00 SUPERVISOR, ADMINISTRATION, DRIVER, MECHANICS, PARA) The Special Needs Team Safety Competition will not be held this year. ASSOCIATE MEMBER (NON-VOTING) (CORPORATE, OTHER) If you are interested in participating in a Special Needs Team Safety Competition next year contact a KSPTA Board member. RENEWAL_________ $25.00 NEW MEMBERSHIP________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED__$__________________ MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO K.S.P.T.A. MAIL TO: KSPTA TREASURER Deb Stoker 801 E Piatt Lane Olathe KS 66061 NEW Safety Competition Study Guide and 2015 Revised School Bus Safety Competition Book are available at kspta.com and KSDE.org Visit KSPTA on Facebook, type Kansas State Pupil Transportation Association in search on your Facebook home page and look for the School Bus. You will find the latest information about KSPTA events. Northeast /Southeast School Bus Safety Competition MARCH 28, 2015 BONNER SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL 100 Mc Daniels St REGISTRATION TIME 7:00 to 8:00 AM ORIENTATION / START TIME 8:30 AM Written Test 9:00 AM Jason Beyer - KSPTA SE VP - USD 253 Emporia - 620-341-2219 Naomi Thomas - KSPTA NE VP - USD 204 Bonner Springs – 913-441-2493 Tony Sehorn - KSPTA President - Newton 913-998-8267 REGISTRATION FORM AVAILABLE at KSPTA.COM Northwest & Southwest School bus Safety Competition Saturday April 18, 2015 Dodge City Transportation Office 1900 Parkway Drive, Dodge City Registration 8:30 – 9:00 AM Orientation 9:00 AM Written Test 9:15 AM Richard Fairchild KSPTA SW VP USD 495 Ft. Larned 620-285-8490 [email protected] Arlan Wolf KSPTA NW VP - USD 293 Quinter 785-754-3500 [email protected] REGISTRATION FORM AVAILABLE at KSPTA.COM North Central / South Central School Bus Safety Competition MAY 9, 2015 GODDARD HIGH SCHOOL 2500 S 199th St., Goddard REGISTRATION TIME 6:30 AM COMPETITION START TIME 7:00 AM Doug Messer- KSPTA NC VP - USD 383, Manhattan - 785-587-2190 [email protected] Tom Weppler -- SC VP - . USD 265 Goddard - 316-794-4002 [email protected] REGISTRATION FORM AVAILABLE at KSPTA.COM NEW Safety Competition Study Guide and 2015 Revised School Bus Safety Competition Book are available at kspta.com and KSDE.org Kansas State Pupil Transportation Association Executive Committee President Tony Sehorn USD 373 100 South Evans Newton, Kansas 67114 Wrk 316-284-6506 Fax # 316-284-6504 E-mail [email protected] Treasurer Deb Stoker Assistant Location Manager First Student 801 E Piatt Lane Olathe KS 66061 Wrk 913-782-1050 Fax 913-782-4628 E-mail [email protected] Secretary Darlene Davis First Student 18950 W. 157th Ter Olathe , KS 66062 Wrk 913-712-3715 Fax 913-782-9247 E-mail [email protected] Past President Jim Schwartzman Bonner Springs KS E-mail [email protected] Executive Director Barbara Pringle P.O. Box 1504 Emporia, KS 66801 *Cell 620-341-1744 E-mail [email protected] North Central Vice President Doug Messer USD 383 1120 Hayes Drive Manhattan KS 66502 Wrk. 785-587-2190 Fax 785-587-2194 E-mail [email protected] Special Consultant Keith Dreiling KS Dept Education 120 S. E. 10 th St. Topeka, KS 66612 Wrk 785-296-4567 E-mail [email protected] Eastern Vice President Clinton Pepper Operation Supervisor Durham School Services 200 SE 21st Street Topeka KS 66612 Wrk 785-233-2009 Fax 785-233-3993 E-mail cpepper@ durhamschoolservices.com Southwest Vice President Richard Fairchild USD 495 521 Edwards St. Larned KS 67550 Wrk 620-285-8490 E-mail richard.fairchild@ usd495.net Southeast Vice President Jason Beyer USD 253 2828 W 12 th Emporia KS 66801 Wrk 620-341-2219 Fax 620- 341-2218 E-mail [email protected] Northwest Vice President Arlan Wolf USD 293 PO Box 429 Quinter Ks 67752 Wrk Phone 785-754-3500 Fax 785-754-3500 E-mail [email protected] Western Vice President Matt Hayden USD 312 PO Box 130 Haven Ks. 67543 Wrk 620-465-3445 Fax 620-465-3595 E-mail [email protected] Northeast Vice President Naomi Thomas USD 204 2205 S 138th St. Bonner Springs KS 66012 Wrk 913-441-2493 Fax 913-667-8161 E-mail [email protected] South Central Vice President Tom Weppler USD 265 101 N. Walnut Goddard, Kansas 67052 Wrk 316-794-4002 E-mail [email protected] REGISTRATION FORM KANSAS STATE PUPIL TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY SYMPOSIUM MAY 27 – 29, 2015 NAME__________________________________________________________POSITION__________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS _____________________________________________CITY_____________________ZIP______________ DISTRICT/FIRM________________________________________________________________USD#_______________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS_____________________________________CONTACT PHONE NUMBER__________________________ SAFETY COMPETITION JUDGES ----- I WOULD LIKE TO HELP AS A JUDGE YES ____ NO ____ FIRST TIME CONFERENCE ATTENDEE YES ____ NO ____ Symposium Registration Fees Full Conference/Symposium Registration $75.00 $_______ Includes: Wednesday Seminars, Thursday Award Banquet and Friday Seminars and Luncheon KSPTA 15/16 Membership Will you be attending the Friday Luncheon (Answer Required) YES NO School Bus Safety Competition Drivers $75.00 $_______ Includes: Safety Competition Registration, Wednesday Seminars, Thursday Award Banquet, and Friday Seminars and Luncheon, KSPTA 15/16 Membership Will you be attending the Friday Luncheon (Answer Required) YES NO Meal Tickets for Guest or Companions (Not for Transportation Personnel attending seminars) Awards Banquet Tickets for Thursday Evening Luncheon Friday Meal tickets will not be for sale at the door $25.00 ea. $20.00 ea. ______@ $25.00 = ______@ $20.00 = $________ $________ Amount due $ _______________ Note: All transportation personnel attending the Symposium must submit conference registration fee. COMPLETE THIS FORM (ONE FOR EACH PERSON) AND SEND WITH PAYMENT FOR TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. REGISTRATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 20, 2015 Mail To: KSPTA TREASURER Deb Stoker 801 E Piatt Lane Olathe, KS 66061 913-782-1050 Tel [email protected] or [email protected] Everyone must report to the registration desk at the Conference/Safety Competition to verify and receive banquet and luncheon tickets. Refunds will be made to those pre-registered but not attending if a written request for a refund is made by May 20, 2015 Refunds will be sent after June 15, 2015. ATRIUM HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER 1400 N LORRAINE HUTCHINSON, KANSAS 1-800-362-5018 or 1-620-669-9311 Remember to ask for the KSPTA special conference room rate of $ 67.00 KSPTA Special Room Rates Available Until May 11, 2015 Make Your Reservations Early Questions ?? Contact Barbara Pringle, KSPTA Executive Director, [email protected] or 620-341-1744 Alternate Accommodations available at http://www.visithutch.com/listings.php?type=Accommodations ALL SCHOOL BUS SAFETY COMPETITION DRIVERS MUST COMPLETE THE SPECIAL REGISTRATION INFORMATION FORM. SCHOOL BUS SAFETY COMPETITION CONTESTANTS Contestant Name____________________________________________________________________________ Name of Employer ______________________________________Location_____________________________ WHO CAN COMPETE & REQUIREMENTS: This competition is open to any person who is currently employed or has been employed within the past twelve months as a full-time or substitute school bus driver in the state of Kansas. Contestants shall meet all Kansas school bus driver qualifications in accordance with K.A.R. 91-38-6. These include: possession of a current and valid Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), Class A, B, or C with Passenger (P) and School Bus (S) endorsements; documentation of physical qualification (“DOT” physical) within the last two years; documentation for successful completion and current status of an approved accident prevention course (defensive driving) and an approved first aid/CPR program. Drivers currently residing in a state other than Kansas shall present the appropriate CDL documentation with endorsements within their state of residence. NOTE: Drivers’ qualifications for competition shall be checked during the registration procedures. At no time will a driver be allowed to compete in more than one official state competition during the calendar year. For current changes to the School Bus Safety Competition, you may download the Safety Competition Book at kspta.com KSPTA and the Kansas State Department of Education have put together a study guide for you to study for the upcoming safety competitions Follow this link to the study guide. http://www.ksde.org/Portals/0/School%20Bus/KSPTA/study%20guide%20draft%201-6-14.pdf Driver Signature____________________________________ Date ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL BUS SAFETY COMPETITION CONTESTANT INFORMATION (Please circle one) I competed in the SE NE SC NC SW NW 2015 District Competition Please enter your Place in KSPTA 2015 District Competition________________ Category: Conventional ___ Rookie______ or Experienced_____ CONTESTANT NUMBER Transit ____ Rookie______ or Experienced_____ FOR STATE COMPETITION Mini Bus ____ Rookie______ or Experienced_____ "ROOKIE YEAR" is your first year of competition in District or State. One time only! Will you be competing in the same category at the state competition? Please indicate the correct category below. Conventional ___ Transit ____ Mini Bus ____ Rookie______ or Experienced_____ DURING COMPETITION, DRIVERS WILL BE REQUIRED TO DRIVE THE NEXT AVAILABLE BUS. NEW Safety Competition Study Guide and 2015 Revised School Bus Safety Competition Book are available at kspta.com and KSDE.org
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