` http://kss.hee.nhs.uk Minutes Technology Enhanced Learning Programme Board Meeting Held on Monday, 23 March 2015 at 2.00 pm Crawley Hospital, Third Floor, Red Wing, West Green Road, Crawley, RH11 7DH Present: Roy Atvarnieks, (RA), IT Training & Change Manager, Sussex Community NHS Trust (representing Debbie Robertson) Rebecca Burden (RB), TEL Programme Manager, HE KSS Sara Faithfull (AS), Director of Health Sciences Innovation and Enterprise, Univ of Surrey Helen Fiddler (HF), Course Leader MSC Physiotherapy, University of Brighton Alison Newport (AN), Practice Development Lead for Occupational Therapies, SABP Emma Wright (EW), Highly Specialist Pharmacist, HE KSS Amanda Grindall (AG), Director of Leadership, HE KSS In attendance: Edward Thomas (ET), Learning Technologist. HE KSS Apologies: Olan Ajayi (OA), Quality Lead, Sussex Health Care Michael Wilson (MW) Chief Executive, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Megan Sutton (MSu), E Learning Manager, Skills for Health Jane Stokes (JS), Senior Lecturer SALT, University of Greenwich Greg Renwick (GR), Sussex Health Care Mary Mahoney (MM), Head of Education, St Catherine's Hospice Emma Matthews (EM), Business & Performance Manager, KMPT Jil Fairclough (JF), Medical School Librarian, BSMS John Darby (JD), Associate Dean Dental Department, HE KSS Julie Gripton (JG), Deputy Director Head of Multiprofessional Education, Medway NHS Trust Andy Hartley (AH), Learning & Development Lead, SECAMB Debbie Robertson (DR), Head of Workforce Education, Sussex Community NHS Trust 1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies 1.1 RB welcomed Board members. Those present introduced themselves and apologies were noted. It was noted that due to the number of members present, the programme board was not quorate. It was decided to continue with the meeting and use the opportunity to provide updates. 2. Matters Arising 2.1 RB mentioned that the Programme Board has now been established for almost one year and it would therefore be appropriate to review membership to ensure that existing members still have time and capacity to attend the Programme Board meetings and that membership still covers all our stakeholders.. ACTION 1: To review board membership- RB/GG 2.2 Ian Curran is no longer the clinical lead for TEL board. We are currently in the process of identifying a new lead. “Through creative partnerships we shape and develop a workforce that impacts positively on health and wellbeing for all” We are the Local Education and Training Board for Kent, Surrey and Sussex Developing people for health and healthcare 3. Minutes from the last meeting 3.1 The minutes were agreed as an accurate reflection of the last meeting 4. Actions Log Date 08-1214 08-1214 08-1214 08-1214 No Action Who 1 Identify a patient representative 2 Develop a TEL communications and stakeholder engagement plan Status Closed RB Enclosure A RB Closed 3 4 Include programme risks in risk register Invite Director of Leadership to next TEL Programme Board meeting RB Closed RB 4.1 The actions from the previous meeting were reviewed: There is a broader discussion taking place about the role of patient representatives on all the Programme Boards and this role, contribution, training and associated costs need to be considered across the board. At this time it has been decided not to pursue a patient representative for the TEL board until roles have been clarified. RB requested that this action be closed. RB created a draft outline for a stakeholder engagement plan (see enclosure A). Board members were asked to send written feedback to RB by 30 April The ETFT platform has been added to the risk register and currently is the only item on the list AG attended today’s meeting ACTION 2: Feedback comments about the outline Stakeholder engagement Plan including the roles of the TEL Programme Board - ALL 5. 2013/14 Technology Enhanced Learning Bids – Progress Review 5.1 A list of project updates was circulated to the Programme Board (see Enclosure B). 4 projects have been delayed but are to be completed by May 2015. 5.2 An evaluation of the first year (2013/14) of the TEL programme has been commissioned. The provider is Skills for Health. All of the projects will be evaluated at a broad level and 12 projects will be selected for an in depth evaluation . This will be completed by the end of September. Philippa Spicer and Michael Wilson will have input into this study. AG mentioned that it would be valuable to consider the extent and lessons learned from collaborative work between providers. ACTION 3: Request the inclusion of a review of lessons learned in collaborative work in the evaluation study - RB 2 6. 2014/15 Technology Enhanced Learning Bids 6.1 Sim-Ambulance The following providers received funding of a total of £158,000 for the Sim-Ambulance project: Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (SASH) East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (EKHT) Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WSHT) Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust (BSUH) South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SECAMB) There is a lead role in each county. AG mentioned that we should consider the collaboration work between each organisation. 6.2 Mental Health £59,700 has been spent on bids by the following organisations: Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust Results will be available from next year. 6.3 Reducing hospital admissions £25,000 has been invested on a bid by Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. It will consist of eLearning courses and classroom based training. SASH to do evaluation of work 6.4 Faculty Development £383,450 has been granted to several faculty development bids. 6.5 Human Factors/Patient Safety £285,622 has been invested in projects focussing on Human Factors/Patient Safety 7. Budget Report 7.1 The TEL budget allocated for 2014-2015 has been spent with a small overspend. Next year’s budget is still under discussion but is likely to be lower. 8. Programme Risks 8.1 The ETFT content is the only item on the risk register. 9. NICE Technology Appraisal 9.1 The NICE technology appraisal will be a collaboration of work between: Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) 3 Patient Safety Collaborative HEKSS HEKSS leadership collaborative The project will be to develop an e-learning package to educate the HE KSS healthcare workforce in support of implementing the NICE Technology Appraisal Guidance, aligned to the Five Year Forward View. AHSN will be appointing a project manager to manage this project. It was agreed the eLearning course needs to be SCORM compliant. The project should be completed in 1 year. SF mentioned we should circulate to colleagues in bio-engineering ACTION 4: Information about the NICE project to be sent to the Board- AG 10. Technology Enhanced Learning Plans 2015/2016 10.1 RB listed some areas to be considered for next year’s work streams: 11. Education for the student/trainee rep in the form of e-learning or simulation Simulated Ambulance Continuing developing faculty for simulation training Training e-learning developers through EQUAL programme Mental Health Simulation e-learning /simulation for long term conditions e.g. Diabetes Development for Simulation Technicians Transferring training records using technology such as open badges e,g. care certificate Technology literacy for the workforce Telehealth to discuss with board how TEL can support this. AOB 11.1 Last week at the London and South Learning Technologies conference Alan Ryan provided some information on the TEL Hub. (See enclosure C). This is going to be ready towards the end of the year 11.2 The national platform has gone live from Tuesday 24 March. eLf-H have appointed a e-learning lead to work with the LETBs to migrate their material. 11.3 The section 64 Grant awarded to Skills for Health by the Department of Health expires at the end of March 2015. From 1 April 2015 Skills for Health will apply a charging mechanism for access to its suite of statutory and mandatory e-learning. The following options are available to all NHS organisations (See enclosure D) Skills for Health suite of statutory and mandatory training Skills for Health suite of statutory and mandatory training continues to be available for use by any organisation that wishes to enter into contract with Skills for Health. Any organisation wishing to use this package should make direct contact with Skills for Health. 4 NHS developed programmes The principle of sharing access to e-learning content developed or commissioned from NHS/DH funds has been well established for the past 6 years. Sharing access reduces duplication of development and costs. Where licencing allows, mechanisms for sharing content include ESR OLM e-Learning, National e-Learning Repository and HEE e-Learning for Healthcare. Commercial packages Commercial packages developed to deliver against the Core Skills Framework are also available and in use by some NHS organisations. As stated above it is the individual organisations responsibility to ensure any package used meets their need. 12. Next Meeting, Future Dates and agenda items The next meeting will take place on Thursday 21 May 2015 2.00pm - 4.00pm in the Conference Room at HE KSS, Crawley Hospital. Future dates are below: Thursday 2 July 10.00 to 12.00; Tuesday 15 September 2015 10.00 – 12.00; Thursday 12 November 2015 10.00 – 12.00 Summary of Actions from the meeting Date 23-03-15 23-03-15 No 1 2 23-03-15 3 23-03-15 4 Action To review board membership Feedback comments about the outline Stakeholder engagement Plan including the roles of the TEL Programme Board Request the inclusion of a review of lessons learned in collaborative work in the evaluation study Information about the NICE project to be sent to the board 5 Who RB/GG ALL RB AG Status
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