sought Clarification No. 7. 7th Set of Clarificationssought by a ProspectiveBidder 7.L BidValidity,PageITB2 Response to reducethe sameto 30 Pleaseseethe answerto Question Request 90daysfromthe dateof bidsubmission. 2.L days,asit is difficultfor anyproducer/vesselownersto providesucha giventhe marketdynamics. longvalidity 7 . 2 Placeof Origin,PageITB40 l4L, Clause3. Please seethe answerto Question on the numberof coalmines/ placeof origin 2 . 2 Trustthereis no restriction to bedeclared. 7 . 3 Pfaceof Origin,PageITB40 l4t, Clause3. Please seethe answerto Question (asnot statedotherwise- pleaseref. point d ls blendedcoalacceptable 2.2 7.4 7.5 oase11 of ITB) Placeof Origin,PageITB40 lLt, Clause3. //ould a letterof mine support(from mine)be needed Pfaceof Origin,PageITB40 l4t', Clause3. )leaseseethe answerto Question 2.2 in thetenderround N o specbut is not qualified lf a coalmeetsthe contractual at a futurepoint? canbeaddedandqualifed 7 . 6 BidBond,PageITB5, Clause3.7 Bankof Sri Please logon to Cenrtal for openingof the bid bond? Pleaseconfirmwhich banksare acceptable Lankawebsite. 7.7 Shallappreciatename/listof the banks ConditionsPrecedent,PageCSA3, Clause2 supply in orderto show3 yearsof uninteruppted whatis required Unclear PleaseseeAddendumNo. 6 pregiven these, mines are mines.Which fromthe respective is required provided qualalready upfront? 5.t15.2 7 . 8 ( a ) Quantity,PageCSA3, Clause in the quantityasperclause5.1of the draftCSAis unworkable Reduction Please seethe answerto Question per year quantity to be present be supplied to format.To ensureclarity, 2.3 yearfor mutual of eachcontract by Buyer's at the beginning advised acceptance. PageCSA3, Clause5.t15.2 7 . 8 ( b ) Quantity, rightto reducequantityif theysupply with LCC's dealing thisistheclause to flag: Fourissues lessenergy thananticipated. (1)it isentirely to decidewhethertherehasbeena withinLCC's discretion Evententitling themto reducetonnagein anyquarter, Reduction (2)if LCCreduces to bea tonson accountof whattheydetermine in NQQs for anyreduction Event, the wording"afterallowing Reduction pursuant thattheywouldn'thaveto payusthe 5.1."suggests to thisClause shortfallpenaltyfor thosetons, Noted (3)if LCC Event, theycaninstruct decidetherehasbeena Reduction including by reducing or the delivery schedule, supplier to change (except whereNORhas cargoes cancelling anynumberof vessels/future beentendered), already (4)thereis no minimumleveltowhichLCCcanreduce/canceltons on anynumberof tonsfor Eventi.e.theycancancel account of a Reduction anyperiod. No. 7.9 Clarificationsought Surveyor, PageCSA8, Clause10 (lnspectorate) ls Bureau Veritas for supplies from acceptable at loadport Indonesia andallorisins. Response Acceptable. 7 . 1 0 Surveyor,PageCSA8, Clause9.4 Presence of organic contaminants seemsexcessive including abilityto -This terminate the contract entitlesLanka to request randomtestingfor organic contaminantsissues asisare: (a)if supplier whoshouldbedoingthetesting agreesthis,wouldspecify Please to Question seethe answer (atthe momentjustsaysin accordance withASTMstandards, but issilent 2.5.Mutualagreement at the asto e.g.beingdoneby a mutually agreedindependent surveyor), and(b) operational stagemaybe possible. if LCC findscontaminants, theyareentitledto damages andto terminate theagreement completely. Wouldsuggest to review/revise statingbothbuyerandseller thisclause, discuss mutually arising out of thiseventwitha viewto arriveat the issues a settlement. PageCSA9, Clause10.3 7 . 1 7 Surveyor/ Discripancies, (whetherinterlabtolerance)betweendischarge Definitionof discrepancy port port and load unclearand essentially LCCwill havethe rightto callumpireon every Pleaseseethe answerto Question shipment. 2.6 Incaseof discrepancy, would suggestthe referencesampleanalysis to be done by an independent Surveyormutuallyagreedby buyerand sellerand not at buver'soption. 7 . L 2 Lawsand Arbitration, PageCSAt6lL7, Clause25126 SriLankanLawwouldgovernthe contractand placeof Arbitrationshallbe SriLanka.In the interestof fair playandjusticeneedto havearbitration underthe LCIArules(London Courtof Intl.Arbitration) & the GoverningLaw law of Englandand Wales.Couldconsider shallbe a substantiative Singapore as the placeof arbitration. All requirements specifiedin the BiddingDocumentas relatedto Arbitrationand Governing Lawwill remainunchanged. All requirements specified in the 7 . t 3 Pricing,PageCSA24, Schedule2 Document as related Bidding to Coal index wld propose Thetenderdoc.callsfor pricinglinkedto NewCastle Indices will remainunchanged. having countrylinked indexes for multipleorigins eg.APl4for SouthAfrica. The basefreight rate for a price Whatis the basefreightrate in regardto the deliveredCIFprice?How can quotedon CIFbasishasto be shown by the Bidderin AnnexA5 of lTB.The a singlerate be appliedif supplieris offeringfrom multipleorigins? variationformulaeof this baserate 2 (PartA) of are shownin Schedule of the CSA.Optionsof determination a singlerate for suppliesfrom multipleoriginslie with Bidder. 7 . L 4 Pricing,PageCSA24, Schedule2 7. r5 Specs,PageCSA26 39.9%mayrestrictbuyer's Therejection of VolatileMatter(arb)above optionsasit would quitea few coalsfrom lndonesia, we request to therefore disqualify 42%. limit above increase the in the All requirements specified BiddingDocumentand Addendum No. 5 as relatedto VolatileMatter w i l l r e m a i nu n c h a n g e d . sought Clarification No. Response 7 . 1 6 Specs,PageCSA25 in the specified TM is notcorrectandneedsto be Allrequirements on a/c Higher separately Pricepenalty to TM asrelated Document Bidding deleted. theTM. w i l lr e m a i nu n c h a n g e d . takesintoaccount basiswhichalready Offerismadeon GCV(ARB) 7 . r 7 Specs,PageCSA26 at multiplelevels handling andconsidering / Beinga naturalresource, The deleted. penaltybe not leviedandbetherefore points, thatsizing couldbe retained. reiection in the specified Allrequirements asrelatedto Size Document Bidding w i l lr e m a i nu n c h a n g e d . in the specified All requirements AFT Document above1300degreeC will disqualifyother originssuchas Bidding AFTIDTRejection will remainunchanged. IDTRejection SouthAfrica/Australia 7 . r 8 ipecs, PageCSA26 7.r9 thereforerequestto revisethe rejectionabove 1500 degreeC Payment,PageCSA25 of opensLCswithfor the purposes PlsconfirmwhichbankLLCtypically pavment against coalsupply? 7 . 2 4 Payment,PageCSA20 that WhetherLCCcanopen a confirmedL/C,with a clearunderstanding the confirmationchargesto seller'saccount )eople'sBank,SriLanka. 3onfirmedLCcan be opened rrovidedthat the confirmation :hargesare borneby the seller. lf the weightat the Transhipment port is less Point Pointof the discharge weightat theTranshipment weightisfinalunless Saysthatloadport (seedefinition is lessthanloadport thanthe weightat the loadport,as on page3, l,25kmnorthof Colombo) theni.e. per repectivedraftsurveyreports, to statewhathappens isto agreethat,suggest weight.lf supplier whatisthefinalweight. thenthe weightat the Pointwill be takenas Transhipment the finalweight.lf the loadport weightis lessthanthe weightat the Point,thenthe Transhipment loadportweightwill be takenasthe finalweight. 7 . 2 1 Weighing,CSAClause7 7 . 2 3 Incoterms,CSAClause8.2 2010not2000.Rather than"priority Request to Incoterms to be referred Allrequirements specified in the shallalways begivento the Agreement", Bidding Document asrelated to Size wouldsuggest between the to have"to the extentof anyinconsistency w i l lr e m a i nu n c h a n g e d . Incoterms andthe termsof thisAgreement, thetermsof thisAgreement shallprevail". in the Allrequirements specified Document asrelatedto Size "or shallbe betterthan Bidding willapply,wouldsuggest lf anypremiums deleting will remainunchanged. suchqualityspecifications". 9 7 . 2 4 Quality,CSAClause 7 . 2 5 Quality,CSAClause9.1 Wouldsuggest to have"Buyer'svessel"insteadof "delivered to Buyer's is coalstockpiles" thatsupplier , sothatthere'sno roomfor interpreting responsible at the otherendof the shipment.Wouldalsoqualifythe foreignmatterpointwith "substantially". Buyer's CoalUnloading and Handling Facilities is nota definedterm,soshouldnot be capitalised. Will be finalzedonceit is determined whetherthe deliveryis on FOBor CIF No. Clarificationsought Response 7 . 2 6 Quality,CSAClause9.3 pricefor "LCCin anyeventwill paythe invoiced Wouldaddthefollowing thecoal,andanyreduction in pricethat is mutually agreed shallbe separately credited back." Acceptable. 7 . 2 7 Provisionof Analysis,CSAClause10.5 Thesellerto providethe resultof analysisissuedbythe indepenedent All requirements specifiedin the port inspection agencymutuallyagreedat the of loading.Suggest deleting BiddingDocumentas relatedto the requirementof the analysiscertificateto be signedand stampedby the analysiswill remainunchanged. customsof the countryof port of loading. 7.28(al nvoicing,CSAClause12 la)Wouldsuggestdeleting"and hasnot beenrejectedby the Buyer pursuantto Clause9.3",as believewe shouldnot haveto wait for them to lecide whetherto reject before we invoice,or to haveto withhold an nvoiceif they wronglyreject,(b) would specifythe numberof copies, Allrequirements specified in the ratherthan leavingit up to agreement,(c)samepointon the last paragraph Bidding Document asrelated to of cl. 12:would specifyall the supportingdocumentation will remainunchanged. required,ratherthan saying"all requiredto enablethe Buyer Payment lo establish the accuracyof the amountsclaimedin the relevant 3ommercialInvoice"- as is leavesscopefor Lankato delaypayment (d) doesthe lastsentencemakesense?(e) Understand12.L :onsiderably, s beingseparatelyreviewed/willbe re-drafted. 7.28(b)FM,CSAClause13 (1) NeitherPartyshallbe liablefor any delayin performingor failureto (exceptfor delayor failureto pay moneywhen due) performits obligations due to eventsof ForceMajeureincludingbut not limitedto actsof public civilcommotion, enemy,war, blockade,revolution,riot, insurrection, power strike,lockout,explosion, fire,flood,storm,tempest,earthquake, failure,regulations or orders,includingbut not limitedto prohibitionof Allrequirements in the specified exportor import and/ or any other causeor causesbeyondthe reasonableBidding Document asrelated to Force controlof the Seller,the Seller'ssupplier,or the Buyerwhetheror not Majeurewill remainunchanged. similarto the causesenumeratedabove.Failureto deliveror to accept of an eventof a deliveryin wholeor in part becauseof the occurrence ForceMajeureeventshallnot constitutea defaulthereunderor subject eitherpartyto liabilityfor any resultinglossor damage. Clarificationsought of a ForceMajeureevent,the Partyaffectedby 2) Uponthe occurrence the ForceMajeureshallpromptlygivethe otherPartywrittennoticeof the detailthe facts of ForceMajeure,and shallspecifyin reasonable the eventof ForceMajeure.Wheresuchnoticeis not given nstituting of any promptly, ForceMajeureshallnotjustifythe non-fulfillment ThePartyaffectedby the ForceMajeure gationsunderthiscontract.(3) (a) duringthe periodof writtenupdates shallgivetheotherParty regular in the specified I requirements and(b)promptwrittennoticewhenthe ForceMajeure the ForceMajeure, to Force asrelated Document Bidding ceaseto exist. circumstances Majeurewill remainunchanged. agreeto usetheir bothParties (4)Subject to belowpoints(a,b,c) effortsto cureanyeventof ForceMajeureto the ivereasonable thatthe possible to do so,it beingunderstood nt thatit is reasonably shall disputes be lockouts, andanyotherindustrial ttlementof strikes, ForceMajeure. of the partyasserting ithinthesolediscretion , CSAClause13 asa resultof a to provideanyof thefollowing 5)TheSelleris not required ForceMajeureevent: coal; ) substitute por| or for the coalfromthe mineto the loading transport b) alternate ) alternateloadingfacilitiesfor the coal. or (6)Intheeventof ForceMajeurepreventing fromshipping theSeller in the specified I requirements preventing such Buyer from accepting the or delivering the material, asrelatedto Force Bidding Document for the durationof shallbe suspended respectively, deliveries material, will remain unchanged. Majeure suchForceMajeureeventbut if suchForceMajeureshalllastmorethan60 with (sixty) maybecancelled days,thetonnageinvolved calendar ForceMajeureby immediate effectby the Partynot havingdeclared writtennoticeto the otherParty. aneventof Force shallnotconstitute Financial or economic circumstances Majeure. in the specified requirements Document asrelatedto giveswrittennoticeBidding "lf theSeller Please of the clause: addin the beginning substitute coalwill remain to the Buyerthat it cannotmeetitssupply...". unchanged. SubstituteCoal,CSAClause14.1 bstituteCoal,CSAClause14.2 (starting"lf the Buyerhasto ld deletethe secondsentence not want themgoingout andbuying ...") on the basisdo specified in the Iternativecoaland presentingus with a bill. lf they want a procedurefor All requirements Document Bidding asrelatedto at happensif we advisethem we cannotdelivercoal,then suggest in moredetailsothatwe have andwritingout thisprocedure ntroloverit e.g.thattheywouldhaveto cometo usbeforeany purchase we candiscuss. etc. Perhaps substitute coalwill remain unchanged. No. Clarificationsought Response by the Buyer,CSAClause15.2 7 . 3 2 Warranties LCCto confirmthat theywill haveall licences,permits,certificates etc in placebythetimeof the InitialSupplyDateandthesamewouldbe precedent conditions to the contract.WouldalsoneedLCCto defineinitial supplydateto removeanyambiguity Noted Wouldsuggest adding onemorepoint:"(e)Therearenoactions, suitsor proceedings pendingor, to the bestof the Buyer'sknowledge, threatened, againstor affecting Buyer the beforeanycourtor administrative bodyor arbitral tribunalthatcouldreasonably beexpected to materially adversely affecttheabilityof the Buyerto meetandcarryout itsobligations under thisAsreement". AgainstContingent Feesand Benifits,CSAClause15.3 7 . 3 3 Warrnties Allrequirements specified in the iuggestdeleting the wordingof 15.3andreplace it with:"EachParty Document asrelated to warrants, represents andundertakes to the otherPartythat it will comply Bidding will remainunchanged at rvithallapplicable laws,rulesandregulations including withoutlimitation warranties thisstage. sanctions, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering andtaxlawsin performing thisAgreement". Allrequirements 7.34 CSAClause18.1 specified in the Bidding Document asrelated to fVouldrequestto deletefrom the lastsentence: "lossof profitand consequential losswillremain -'xpectation of profitand". unchanged. 7 . 3 5 CSAClause19 All requirements specified in the f the selleragreesfor site visits,would needto specifywhat the definition Bidding Document asrelated to site )f "Mine" is,and what LCCmeansby "eachof the Seller'sother visitswill remainunchanged at this Facilities".Please specifyif the visitswill be subjectto applicable stage. 'egu lations/monitoring? CSA 20 b Clause 7.36 lequestto deletethe wordings "the Plantof the subject matterof". Noted 7 . 3 7 CSAClause21 Notethismakesthe entirecontracteffectively subjectto a changein No environmental laws. Wouldrequest to deletethisclause entirely. CSAClause23 7.38 No assignement, Wouldrequestto deleteandreplacewith heading "Assignment, transfer and/ornovation", andtext: Noted "NeitherPartymayassign or transferor novateallor anypartof its rights prior and/orobligations underthisAgreement withoutthe otherParty's writtenconsent". CSAClause24 7 . 3 9 MutualColaboration. Wouldrequest to deleteon the basisthatshortof FMthereshouldbe no Noted basisfor suspending Having obligations. thisclause in opensthewayfor themto iustifulookinsto reneeotiate. 7.40 Notices,CSAClause27 Suggest includingemailas a noticeoptionas well,alongwithfax and email Noted Cetails. CSAClause31 7.4L EntireAgreement, (inthe lastline)"bya writing"with Noted Wouldsuggest replacing the wordings ''bv written a amendment or addendum".
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