LARKSWOOD PRIMARY ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Week Spring Term No: 116 W/B 16th March 2015 Message from the Headteacher This week……………….. Dear Parents and Carers, I hope you and your family have been enjoying the spring sunshine this week. In our Reception classes the children have been learning about the life cycle of a frog which has tied in beautifully to the changing season. May I remind you that life long learning skills begin at a very young age and it is very important that your child arrives at school on time every morning. The morning Maths session starts promptly at 8.45am each morning so please make sure your child is on the school premises in good time. The LPSA ran a Mother’s Day coffee morning which was a resounding success. Thank you to those who supplied the homemade cakes especially Luanna Lawrence who’s homemade mother’s day cake made a beautiful raffle prize. I hope you have a very enjoyable weekend. Best wishes Lynne Harrowell EYFS are looking forward to learning about baby farm animals. YEAR 1 are being treated to a performance from a Junk Orchestra. YEAR 2 are excited about the surprise science activities they will be partaking in for Science week . YEAR 3 are looking forward to baking cakes in preparation for the parent's Maths Cafe on Wednesday and are also looking forward to creating their very own volcanoes for science week. YEAR 4 will be linking their IPC learning to scientific experiments about water. YEAR 5 are also conducting science experiments as well as continuing to read 'Coraline' by Neil Gaiman, YEAR 6 are looking forward to solving the London eye mystery in literacy this week, as the book were reading comes to a dramatic conclusion! Key Messages School Uniform: This week we have hosted a parents meeting to discuss and review the current Larkswood uniform. We would like to say thank you to all those parents who came along and shared their views. We have also engaged pupils in a ‘branding workshop’ with a design company who have worked on the branding designs for Fila, Russell Athletics and Kickers. Following feedback from parents two further parent consultation meetings have been arranged: Monday 16th March at 5pm & Tuesday 17th March at 8am. We would like to thank those parents who liaised with us to identify the best dates and times. Our pupils will create a new logo to support the changes. Changes are the wearing of a blue knitted jumper/cardigan, with green stipe and embroidered school logo. We are also introducing a school tie, which will be worn by both boys and girls. It is very important that you let us know what you like/don’t like about the proposals as we will of course take your views into account. Thank you for the huge amount of interest we have had so far. Larkswood Primary School has an official Facebook Page : We have set up an official school Facebook page. This is to initiate our engagement with social networking, and support our ability to connect with families and share information rapidly. We hope that our parents, families and community will use our Facebook Page as a resource to find information about what’s going on at the school. Facebook is a useful place to share happenings around the school and offers an instant communication tool for everyone. We are very aware of e-safety, and ensuring security and data protection for all our pupils and staff is paramount. We ask that anyone posting on our page is respectful of our school policies, values, school systems and procedures. Physical Education Website - Weekly News Larkswood have a team playing at Tottenham Hotspur (training ground) this week! We are through to the second round of the Premier League Schools Football competition! This will take place on Friday 20th March 2015. We wish you all the best. Cross Country on Saturday 21st March 2015 over at Chingford Plains. If your child is interested, please get a letter from me to take part. The following clubs are taking place as usual Basketball, KS1 Football Club, KS2 Football training. App of the week: Word Mania is a spelling challenge where you get to create as many words as possible in three minutes from a random set of 15 letters. Score different points for different letters and word lengths. What links would your child like to see on the Home Learning Zone? Any ideas? Please let the class teacher know. Latest News on the Website: Reports on Year 3’s trip to the London Sinfonetta and the Science Museum. World Book Day LPSA Mothers Day Coffee Morning. Athletics Club on Friday will not be taking place. LARKSWOOD PRIMARY ACADEMY NEWSLETTER Menu: W/b Monday 16th March 2015 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Chicken Korma / Spring Garden Pizza Cottage Pie / Vegetarian Mince & Pasta Bake Roasted Beef & Yorkshire Pudding / Sweetcorn & pepper Quiche Lamb Tagine / Vegetarian Bolognaise Fish Fingers / Vegetarian & Chick Pea Chow Mein Attendance: 02/03/2015 - 06/03/2015 RFS: 96.2% 1SC: 98.0% 2DW: 98.3% 3BM: 98.7% 4DH: 95.5% 5LD: 96.0% 6DH: 95.7% Whole school weekly percentage: 95.3% Let’s get to the school target of 100% We will shortly reveal the winning KS1 and KS2 class that achieved the highest attendance for the Autumn 2 term. Parents and children of the winning classes will be able attend Tea with the Head on Tuesday, 31st March at 2:30pm to enjoy Cakes, pastries and juice along with the Head and class teachers. Dates for your diary Monday, 16th March 2015 Parents School Uniform Consultation Meeting: 5:00pm Tuesday, 17th March 2015 Parents School Uniform Consultation Meeting: 8:00am Tuesday, 17th March 2015 1DP Class Assembly: 2:50pm Tuesday, 17th March 2015 Music for Schools Foundation Parents Session: 6:00 - 7:00pm Wednesday, 18th March 2015 5LD Class Assembly: 9:15am Wednesday, 18th March 2015 Maths Café: Year 3 & 4 Parents and Carers: 9-10am (See attached flyer) Thursday, 19th March 2015 1LM Class Assembly: 2:50pm Thursday, 19th March 2015 Science Competition: Years 1 - 6 (See attached flyer) Tuesday, 24th March and Wednesday 25th March Year 3 Barking Park Lodge Thursday, 26th March 2015 LPSA Quiz Night (See attached flyer): 7:00 - 9:30pm Friday, 27th March 2015 LPSA Easter/Spring in a Box Competition (see attached flyer) Friday, 27th March 2015 Earth Hour - Light & Bright Dress Up Day (See attached flyer) Friday, 27th March 2015 School Reports out to Parents and Carers EASTER HOLIDAY— School finishes at 1:30pm Thursday, 2nd April. Return to school: Monday, 20th April 2015 Please note that the nursery will be closed from Thursday, 2 nd April to allow staff to complete their home visits. Monday, 27th April 2015 LPSA Bag to School Thursday, 30th April 2015 Parent Consultations Evening Parent Partnerships The LPSA held their first Mother’s Day Coffee morning and it was a great success. Homemade cakes, tea, coffee and biscuits were included along with many parents who attended. It was a lovely way for mums to come together and Socialise. There were plenty of smiley faces especially from Susan Dunham, who won the beautiful Mother’s Day cake Thank you Luanna it was fabulous. Please see our website for a picture of the lucky winner. Don’t forget, you can still but your Quiz Night tickets from the school office or from a member of the LPSA (see attached flyer). Value of the week: Partnership Henry and Jay in nursery made a great comic duo for Comic Relief.
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