Newsletter w/b 30/03/2015

Week Spring Term No: 118
W/B 30th March 2015
Message from the Headteacher
Dear parents /carers
We have had a Light and Bright end to a very busy week at Larkswood. The school have been celebrating Earth Hour. This
Saturday people all over the world will turn off their lights at 8:30pm for half an hour to join in a celebration of planet earth.
The children have been learning about the importance of respecting our planet. So remember to turn your lights out on
Saturday to show your support. Please remember that the last day of term is Thursday, 2nd April at 1:30pm.
I hope you all have a lovely break and we will see you all in the summer term.
Best wishes Lynne Harrowell
This week………………..
EYFS: Reception will learn about how and why Christians celebrate Easter. They can’t wait to make colourful cards and prepare some Easter themed sweets.
YEAR 1 are looking forward to their trip to the Science Museum next week.
YEAR 2 will be enjoying art based activities whilst learning about Eid celebrations.
YEAR 3 are very excited as they are going to start learning the ocarina next week. They will also be looking at using the skill of
collaborating and discussing how this important skill can help in learning as well as outside of school.
YEAR 4 are looking forward to seeing 4DP's assembly on Wednesday afternoon. The other two Year 4 classes will have their
assemblies next term.
YEAR 5 will finish reading 'Coraline' by Neil Gaiman and will create their own spooky film trailers for the film using iMovie.
YEAR 6 are looking forward to non-uniform day on the last day of term.
Key Messages
Look out for Larkswood Primary Academy on Facebook. Our page is becoming very popular and is updated
regularly with news, dates and links to the website, newsletter and local news. Our Facebook page is you to
use, creating an instant communication tool for parents, carers and the school. Join today by searching for
Larkswood Primary Academy on Facebook.
Playground playscapes: Can all parents and carers please note that children must not play on the playscapes before or after
the school day as these areas are not supervised during these times.
Foodbank Friday: Larkswood would like to support Eat or Heat a local charity that collects food donations for
families in the Waltham Forest area. For some families their choice is either to feed their family or heat their home. Every
donation helps. Please place a can, carton or packet of food in our foodbank box at the school office. Many thanks.
Parent Partnerships
Physical Education
LPSA Quiz Night: What a great evening was had by all on
Thursday. A fabulous turn out made it the most successful
quiz night so far. Prizes were won for the winners (Hiscott’s
Husslers), losers (Lou’s Angels) and best team name (Lock,
Pop and Seven Smokin’ Barrells). Food, drink, intelligence and
some very good guessing made it a night to remember.
Thank you to Ms Barlow who was Quiz Master extraordinaire
and presided over a nail biting tie breaker at the end of the
See you all at the next one.
LPSA Easter in a Box Competition: An amazing 264 entries
were judged in the blue hall on Friday by the LPSA. The judges had their work cut out as all the entries were of a very high
standard. But a winner from every class was eventually chosen and received their Easter prize. Well done to every child
that took part in the competition!
Coming up LPSA Bag2School: Monday, 27th April 2015
Cross Country
35 children from Larkswood Primary Academy ran in the inaugural Waltham Forest Cross Country run on Saturday 21st
March 2015.
There were two boys teams and two girls team and all of the
children finished wet and muddy! Overall, it was a fantastic
event and many thanks to all of the parents who took the
time to transport their children so they could take part.
Elizabeth in class 6RA, was the winner of the girls race. At the
presentation, she remarked ‘My shoe came off and I had to
go back and put it back on’. What a runner!
Larkswood took part in the borough final for the basketball
competition and we won! Larkswood is now in the basketball
borough champions having beaten Newport and OLSG. We
played in the overall final beating Hillyfields 9-4. We now
progress through to the London Final at Crystal Palace.
Go on Larkswood!
Menu: W/b Monday 30th March 2015
Sausages & Caramelised Onions /
Vegetarian Chilli
Spicy Chicken / Cheese & Egg Flan
Breaded Chicken Escalope
Crispy Battered Cod
Spicy Vegetable Pasta Bake
Easter Cup Cake Jelly & Ice Cream
Seasonal Fruit Platter
Lasagne / Quorn Sausage & Onion
Attendance: 09/03/2015 - 13/03/2015
RSN: 97.3% 1SC: 99.3% 2PF: 96.3% 3JM: 96.3%
4DH: 95.2% 5MW: 94.3% 6DH: 97.9%
Whole school weekly percentage: 93.0%
Let’s get to the school target of 100%
Tea with the Head: Tuesday, 31st March 2:30pm:
Congratulations to 2DW (97.5%) & 6VB (97.3%) for the highest
class attendance during the Spring term.
All pupils and parents of both classes are invited to an
afternoon of tea, cake and pastries with Mrs Harrowell.
Lets get on track for the summer term for 100% Attendance!!
Dates for your diary
Tuesday, 31st March 2015
Year 1 Science Museum Trip
Wednesday, 1st April 2015 2:50pm
4DH Class Assembly
Thursday, 2nd April 2015
Non Uniform Day: Whole School
EASTER HOLIDAY— School finishes at 1:30pm Thursday, 2nd April. Return to school: Monday, 20th April 2015
Please note that the nursery will be closed from Thursday, 2 nd April to allow staff to complete their home visits.
Tuesday, 21st April 2015
Year 4 Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Neasden
Monday, 27th April 2015
LPSA Bag2School
Thursday, 30th April 2015
Parent Consultations Evening
Monday, 4th May 2015
May Day Bank Holiday
Week beginning 11th May 2015
Thursday, 18th June 2015
Year 6 trip to Billy Elliot the Musical: More details to follow. Letters will
be sent out before the Easter holidays.
Monday, 22nd - Friday, 26th June 2015
Year 6 trip to Condover Hall and the Year 6 activity week.
Sports Clubs WB 30th March 2015
Value of the Week: Excellence
Basketball club: Monday 30th AM
Postponed (letters have been sent
to parents)
Alice in 6VB won the science week competition by
creating the largest sugar crystal.
KS1 Football club:
Tuesday 31st PM
Postponed (letters have been sent
to parents)
Football training - Thursday 2nd
April PM Postponed (no school)
Athletics club - Friday 3rd April PM
Postponed (no school)
Lots of the children enjoyed creating sugar crystals
at home as part of Science Week.
Take a look at this website for more ideas for science
experiments which can be done using everyday
materials at home.
Activities on the website include instructions to
make your own lava lamp and how to make your
own play dough.