How SRLDP fits into a Strategy to Address the Needs of English Learners Presentation to LAUSD’s Advisory Committee on Early Childhood Education May 7, 2015 Marlene Zepeda, Ph.D. California State University, Los Angeles [email protected] What Does the Research Tell Us About the LONG TERM Benefits of Preschool? Well-‐designed preschool education programs produce long-‐term improvements in school success, including higher achievement test scores, lower rates of grade repetition and special education, and higher educational attainment. Children who are Economically Disadvantaged Benefit the Most * Tulsa Pre-‐K Program * Tennessee Voluntary Pre-‐K Program Quality Preschool is a Profitable Investment Preschool Found to Significantly Lower Special Education Placements in Third Grade* * $1,110 per child in More at Four program in North Carolina reduced the likelihood of 3rd grade special education placement by 32% * $1,110 per child in Smart Start reduced the likelihood of 3rd grade special education placement by 10% * Both programs together reduced third grade students’ odds of special education placement by 39% Muschkin, C. G., Ladd, H. F., & Dodge, K. A. (2015). Impact of North Carolina’s early childhood initiatives on special education placement in third grade. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. School Readiness Gap for Young English Language Learners * 4 and 5 year olds score 1 to 2 standard deviations below monolingual norms in receptive and expressive vocabulary and auditory comprehension (Hammer, Lawrence & Miccio, 2008) * 4 and 5 year olds have lower phonological awareness and letter identification abilities than do monolinguals (Hammer & Miccio, 2006) * ECLS-‐K data find that Spanish speaking children start K with language and literacy scores in the bottom 20-‐25% of all children and are still at the lowest quartile by the end of 3rd grade (Rumberger & Tran, 2006) Impact of Preschool is Positive for English Learners TULSA PRE-K Program SRLDP may be Linked to Increased CEDLT Passage and Decreased numbers of LTELs * In 2012, LAUSD's data shows that overall, 30% of English Learners graduate in 4 years but 74% of English Learners who were reclassified graduated in 4 years. * SRLDP with its fully certificated teaching staff and its focus on language development offers a concrete prevention model that evaluators have deemed helpful for preparing young children to be school ready. * Participation in SRLDP may reduce costs associated with special education services. * Participation in SRLDP may place students on a positive trajectory by addressing the readiness gap and enable quicker access to mainstream classes. The Science is Clear * Participation in high quality preschool programs benefits all children, but particularly vulnerable populations across a number of short term and long term factors. * Investment in the early years will reap positive rewards for children’s academic trajectories and reduce the school district’s costs over time .
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