MOU To prepare every child in LA’s Promise Neighborhood to be college-ready, healthy and successful in life. LA’s Promise Board of Directors Meeting Salem Partners 11111 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite #2250, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Tuesday December 2, 2014 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Board of Directors of LA’s Promise, including those submitted after the initial distribution of the agenda, are available for public inspection prior to the meeting at 202 West 1st St., Suite 4-0160, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Agenda Item Estimated Time 1. Approval of Minutes 3:00 – 3:05 2. Audit & Finance Committee Update a. Approve Audit 3:05 – 3:15 Adjourn ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Executive!Finance!Committee!Update!to!the!Board! December!2,!2014! !! ! 1) The!Executive!Finance!team!met!on!November!21st!2014!! ! 2) The!FY14!Audited!Financials!completed!by!Green!Hasson!and!Janks.! ! a. No!major!findings!or!required!corrections!were!identified.!! ! b. During!Fiscal!Year!2014,!LA’s!Promise!had!a!total!revenue!of!$2,903,528!with!total! expenses!of!$2,686,323!for!a!positive!end!of!year!net!income!of!$217,205.!Previous!year,! a!negative!net!income!of!$359,967.! ! c. Recommend!the!LA’s!Promise!Board!of!Directors!approve!the!FY2013Z14!audited! financials.! ! 3) FY15!Financials!to!Date! a. Through!the!month!of!September,!revenue!is!$2,105,122!and!expenses!$840,724.!! ! b. Three!months!into!the!fiscal!year!approximately!50%!of!the!revenue!goal!has!been!met,! while!expenses!are!tracking!to!budget.! ! 4) Currently!projecting!FY15!through!FY16!cash!flow! PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 TO BE RETURNED TO GREEN HASSON & JANKS LLP AND NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT PERMISSION To the Board of Directors LA’s Promise In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements of LA’s Promise as of and for the year ended June 30, 2014, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, we considered LA’s Promise’s internal control over financial reporting (internal control) as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of LA’s Promise’s internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of LA’s Promise’s internal control. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation of your staff during the course of the audit. This communication is intended solely for the information and use of management, Board of Directors, and others within the organization, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. GREEN HASSON & JANKS LLP November __, 2014 Los Angeles, California PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 TO BE RETURNED TO GREEN HASSON & JANKS LLP AND NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT PERMISSION To the Board of Directors LA’s Promise We have audited the financial statements of LA’s Promise (the Organization) for the year ended June 30, 2014, and have issued our report thereon dated November___, 2014. Professional standards require that we provide you with information about our responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards, as well as certain information related to the planned scope and timing of our audit. We have communicated such information in our engagement letter to you dated April 23, 2014. Professional standards also require that we communicate to you the following information related to our audit. Significant Audit Findings Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. The significant accounting policies used by the Organization are described in Note 2 to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during the year ended June 30, 2014. We noted no transactions entered into by the Organization during the year for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. All significant transactions have been recognized in the financial statements in the proper period. Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management’s knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ significantly from those expected. The most sensitive estimate affecting the financial statements was: • Management’s estimate of the functional allocation of indirect costs is based on salary dollars. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop the indirect cost allocation in determining that it is reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. The financial statement disclosures are neutral, consistent, and clear. Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit We encountered no difficulties in dealing with management in performing and completing our audit. Corrected and Uncorrected Misstatements Professional standards require us to accumulate all misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that are clearly trivial, and communicate them to the appropriate level of management. The attached schedule, Proposed Adjusting Journal Entries, summarizes an uncorrected misstatement of the financial statements. Management has determined that its effect is immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. In addition, none of the misstatements detected as a result of audit procedures and corrected by management were material, either individually or in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. Disagreements with Management For purposes of this letter, a disagreement with management is a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditor’s report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit. To the Board of Directors LA’s Promise Page 2 PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 Management Representations We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the management representation letter dated November __, 2014. Management Consultations with Other Independent Accountants In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a “second opinion” on certain situations. If a consultation involves application of an accounting principle to the Organization’s financial statements or a determination of the type of auditor’s opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants. Other Audit Findings or Issues We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the Organization’s auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention. This information is intended solely for the use of the Board of Directors of the Organization and is not intended to be, and should not be, used by anyone other than these specified parties. GREEN HASSON & JANKS LLP November __, 2014 Los Angeles, California Client: Period Ending: PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 LA's Promise June 30, 2014 Proposed JE # 1001 Deferred Rent Accrual 3010 6250 GHJ-2080 Total Unrestricted Net Assets Facilities and Equipment:6250 + Rent Deferred Rent 14,285.00 14,285.00 11,265.00 3,020.00 14,285.00 1 of 1 PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 TO BE RETURNED TO GREEN HASSON & JANKS LLP AND NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT PERMISSION LA’s PROMISE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 LA’s PROMISE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 CONTENTS Page Independent Auditor’s Report .................................................................... 1 Statement of Financial Position .................................................................. 2 Statement of Activities ................................................................................ 3 Statement of Functional Expenses ............................................................. 4 Statement of Cash Flows ............................................................................. 5 Notes to Financial Statements .................................................................... 6 PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT To the Board of Directors LA’s Promise Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of LA’s Promise (a nonprofit organization), which comprise the statement of financial position as of June 30, 2014, and the related statements of activities, functional expenses and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of LA’s Promise as of June 30, 2014, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Report on Summarized Comparative Information We have previously audited LA’s Promise 2013 financial statements, and we expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those audited financial statements in our report dated December 17, 2013. In our opinion, the summarized comparative information presented herein as of and for the year ended June 30, 2013, is consistent, in all material respects, with the audited financial statements from which it has been derived. GREEN HASSON & JANKS LLP November __, 2014 Los Angeles, California LA's PROMISE PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION June 30, 2014 With Summarized Totals at June 30, 2013 Unrestricted 2014 Temporarily Restricted Total 2013 ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Pledges Receivable Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets Property and Equipment (Net) TOTAL ASSETS $ 564,539 14,614 48,849 14,071 $ 167,544 17,000 - $ 732,083 31,614 48,849 14,071 $ 320,309 165,607 57,741 31,645 $ 642,073 $ 184,544 $ 826,617 $ 575,302 $ 219,056 $ - $ 219,056 $ 184,946 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities NET ASSETS: Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 423,017 - 184,544 423,017 184,544 246,399 143,957 423,017 184,544 607,561 390,356 642,073 $ 184,544 $ 826,617 The Accompanying Notes are an Integral Part of These Financial Statements -2- $ 575,302 LA's PROMISE PRELIMINARY DRAFT 29, 2014 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES October Year Ended June 30, 2014 With Summarized Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2013 Unrestricted REVENUE AND PUBLIC SUPPORT: Contributions Special Events (Net of Direct Donor Benefits of $56,595) Other Income (Loss) Net Assets Released from: Purpose Restrictions $ 1,748,147 2014 Temporarily Restricted $ 469,878 (2,788) TOTAL REVENUE AND PUBLIC SUPPORT 688,291 $ - 647,704 2013 Total Total 2,436,438 $ 469,878 (2,788) (647,704) 2,407,098 645,034 17,040 - - 2,862,941 40,587 2,903,528 3,069,172 EXPENSES: Program Services Management and General Fundraising 2,101,253 298,590 286,480 - 2,101,253 298,590 286,480 2,793,564 288,156 347,419 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,686,323 - 2,686,323 3,429,139 176,618 40,587 217,205 (359,967) 246,399 143,957 390,356 750,323 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS Net Assets - Beginning of Year NET ASSETS - END OF YEAR $ 423,017 $ 184,544 $ 607,561 The Accompanying Notes are an Integral Part of These Financial Statements -3- $ 390,356 LA's PROMISE PRELIMINARY STATEMENT OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES Year Ended June 30, 2014 October 29, With Summarized Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2013 2014 Support Services Program Services Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits $ TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS Professional Services Outside Services Development and Training Occupancy Travel Computer Insurance Depreciation and Amortization Supplies Telephone Equipment Printing Miscellaneous Web Design Conferences Subscriptions and Dues Bank Charges Postage and Delivery 1,033,839 88,594 103,081 Management and General $ 97,991 8,622 5,021 Fundraising $ 123,201 10,563 4,240 Total Support Services $ 221,192 19,185 9,261 2013 Total Expenses Total Expenses $ 1,255,031 107,779 112,342 DRAFT 2014 $ 1,628,478 132,712 151,305 1,225,514 111,634 138,004 249,638 1,475,152 1,912,495 392,279 82,452 40,363 131,388 80,878 9,781 12,985 39,760 20,904 26,251 8,753 4,336 5,500 14,159 4,050 3 1,897 125,857 2,037 876 11,378 3,953 431 28,358 1,240 779 1,393 960 817 830 63 3,652 2,250 2,082 15,530 93,231 452 15,220 4,899 4,891 1,611 768 1,559 1,253 1,206 317 7,034 219 69 217 141,387 95,268 1,328 26,598 8,852 5,322 28,358 2,851 1,547 2,952 2,213 2,023 1,147 7,034 282 3,721 2,250 2,299 533,666 177,720 41,691 157,986 89,730 15,103 28,358 15,836 41,307 23,856 28,464 10,776 5,483 12,534 14,441 7,771 2,253 4,196 653,057 144,879 165,051 141,071 99,281 87,867 47,825 28,827 25,475 24,360 23,696 19,180 16,210 15,683 12,134 4,239 4,009 3,800 TOTAL 2014 FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES $ 2,101,253 $ 298,590 $ 286,480 $ 585,070 TOTAL 2013 FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES $ 2,793,564 $ 288,156 $ 347,419 $ 635,575 The Accompanying Notes are an Integral Part of These Financial Statements -4- $ 2,686,323 $ 3,429,139 LA's PROMISE PRELIMINARY DRAFT 29, 2014 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS October Year Ended June 30, 2014 With Summarized Totals for the Year Ended June 30, 2013 2014 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Change in Net Assets Adjustment to Reconcile Change in Net Assets to Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Operating Activities: Depreciation and Amortization Loss on Sale of Property and Equipment Bad Debt Expense (Increase) Decrease in: Pledges Receivable Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ NET CASH PROVIDED BY (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Purchase of Property and Equipment Proceeds from Sale of Property and Equipment NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Year CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS END OF YEAR $ 217,205 $ (359,967) 15,836 3,498 - 28,827 5,292 133,993 8,892 (144,899) 6,465 34,110 (42,946) 413,534 (507,228) (2,460) 700 (1,900) - (1,760) (1,900) 411,774 (509,128) 320,309 829,437 732,083 The Accompanying Notes are an Integral Part of These Financial Statements -5- 2013 $ 320,309 LA’s PROMISE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 NOTE 1 - ORGANIZATION Mission - LA's Promise, a nonprofit organization, is working to radically shift the education, health and social outcomes for thousands of youth in one South Los Angeles community. This will accomplish a "neighborhood turnaround" in an area called LA's Promise Neighborhood. LA's Promise Neighborhood is an enrollment zone that includes two large South Los Angeles high schools and one middle school operated by LA’s Promise on a first-of-its-kind performance contract with Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). Within this zone, LA’s Promise goal is to transform chronically failing public schools, open new schools and remake schools into community hubs that offer comprehensive support services for students and families. The mission of LA's Promise is to prepare every child in LA's Promise Neighborhood to be collegeready, healthy and successful in life. LA's Promise also screens and manages more than 50 partners who support these school communities by providing over 200 wraparound services. Over the coming years, LA's Promise goal is to adopt feeder schools to build a K-12 educational pipeline serving over 20,000 children. LA's Promise also plans to open charter schools to relieve overcrowding that result from increased retention at the flagship high schools and to serve the most academically disadvantaged students of LA's Promise Neighborhood. Vision - LA’s Promise plans to expand its portfolio of schools to span K through 12th grades, ensuring choice and equity to serve the community’s diverse educational needs and building a college-ready pipeline for all the neighborhood’s children. LA’s Promise network includes large beacon high schools and smaller, theme-focused schools; new schools and those with historical legacy; schools run in partnership with LAUSD and those run as independent charters. LA’s Promise is one of the only school operators in the country to use this blended approach, creating a diverse and geographically centralized school network to accommodate the needs of an entire community. By 2015, the goals are that LA’s Promise Neighborhood will have graduated 6,000 of its children and sent 5,000 on to college. An additional 13,000 will be enrolled in the LA’s Promise pipeline on the road to college and a healthy, successful life. LA’s Promise goals are to increase retention, college-readiness, and college matriculation for all of the neighborhood’s children. Additionally, LA’s Promise schools serve as the hub of wraparound services to support the whole child and family. Through LA’s Promise Resource Management System (RMS), over 60 specially screened and managed partners satisfy a range of important needs. A universal referral system ensures that community members of LA’s Promise Neighborhood connect easily and efficiently with LA’s Promise service providers. Of particular importance to the neighborhood will be community health clinics opened at each beacon high school. These clinics will provide basic services (such as eye and dental care) to every child enrolled at LA’s Promise schools. -6- LA’s PROMISE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 NOTE 2 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (a) BASIS OF PRESENTATION The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. (b) ACCOUNTING To ensure observance of certain constraints and restrictions placed on the use of resources, the accounts of LA’s Promise are maintained in accordance with the principles of net assets accounting. This is the procedure by which resources for various purposes are classified for accounting and reporting purposes into net asset classes that are in accordance with specified activities or objectives. Accordingly, all financial transactions have been recorded and reported by net asset class as follows: (c) • Unrestricted Net Assets. These generally result from revenues generated by receiving unrestricted contributions, providing services, and receiving income from investments less expenses incurred in providing program related services, raising contributions, and performing administrative functions. • Temporarily Restricted Net Assets. LA’s Promise reports gifts of cash and other assets as temporarily restricted support if they are received with donor stipulations that limit the use of the donated assets. When a donor restriction expires, that is, when a stipulated time restriction ends or the purpose of the restriction is accomplished, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the statement of activities as net assets released from purpose or time restrictions. LA’s Promise has $184,544 of temporarily purpose restricted net assets at June 30, 2014. • Permanently Restricted Net Assets. These net assets are from donors who stipulate that resources are to be maintained permanently, but permit LA’s Promise to expend part of the income (or other economic benefits) derived from the donated assets. LA’s Promise has no permanently restricted net assets at June 30, 2014. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments with maturities of three months or less at the time of purchase. The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents at June 30, 2014 approximates its fair value. LA’s Promise maintains its cash and cash equivalents in bank deposit accounts and other investment accounts, which, at times, may exceed federally insured limits. LA’s Promise has not experienced any losses in such accounts and believes it is not exposed to any significant credit risk on cash and cash equivalents. -7- LA’s PROMISE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 NOTE 2 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) (d) CONTRIBUTIONS AND PLEDGES RECEIVABLE Unconditional contributions, including pledges recorded at estimated fair value, are recognized as revenues in the period received. LA’s Promise reports unconditional contributions as restricted support if they are received with donor stipulations that limit the use of the donated assets. Discounts for pledges (pledges due over one year) are recorded as reductions to contribution revenue and pledges receivable. Discounts increase contribution revenue when the pledge is received. At June 30, 2014, LA’s Promise evaluated the collectibility of pledges receivable and no allowance for uncollectible pledges was considered necessary. All pledges are due to be received within one year. (e) PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Property and equipment are recorded at cost if purchased or at fair value at the date of donation if donated. Depreciation is computed on the straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. Maintenance and repair costs are charged to expense as incurred. Property and equipment are capitalized if the cost of an asset is greater than or equal to $1,000 and the useful life is greater than two years. The estimated useful lives are as follows: Furniture and Equipment Leasehold Improvements (f) 3 - 7 Years 3 Years LONG-LIVED ASSETS LA’s Promise evaluates long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangibles for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the book value of the assets may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized when the sum of the undiscounted future cash flows is less than the carrying amount of the asset, in which case a write-down is recorded to reduce the related asset to its estimated fair value. No such impairment losses were recognized on long-lived assets during the year ended June 30, 2014. (g) CONTRIBUTED GOODS AND SERVICES Contributions of donated non-cash assets are recorded at fair value in the period received. Contributions of donated services are recognized if the services received (a) create or enhance long-lived assets, or (b) require specialized skills provided by individuals possessing those skills, and would typically need to be purchased if not provided by donation. (h) INCOME TAXES LA’s Promise is exempt from federal taxation under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) and California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 23701d. -8- LA’s PROMISE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 NOTE 2 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) (i) FUNCTIONAL ALLOCATION OF EXPENSES The costs of providing LA’s Promise programs and other activities have been presented in the statement of functional expenses. During the year, such costs are accumulated into separate groupings as either direct or indirect. Indirect or shared costs are allocated among program and support services by a method that best measures the relative degree of benefit. LA’s Promise uses salary dollars to allocate indirect costs. (j) USE OF ESTIMATES The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates. (k) COMPARATIVE TOTALS The financial statements include certain prior-year summarized comparative information in total but not by net asset class. Such information does not include sufficient detail to constitute a presentation in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Accordingly, such information should be read in conjunction with LA’s Promise financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2013 from which the summarized information was derived. (l) SUBSEQUENT EVENTS LA’s Promise has evaluated events and transactions occurring subsequent to the statement of financial position date of June 30, 2014 for items that should potentially be recognized or disclosed in these financial statements. The evaluation was conducted through November _____, 2014, the date these financial statements were available to be issued. No material events or transactions were noted to have occurred except at disclosed in Note 4. NOTE 3 - PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Property and equipment at June 30, 2014 consist of the following: Furniture and Equipment Leasehold Improvements $ TOTAL 167,905 45,568 213,473 Less: Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT (NET) (199,402) $ 14,071 Depreciation and amortization expense for the year ended June 30, 2014 was $15,836. -9- LA’s PROMISE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 2014 PRELIMINARY DRAFT October 29, 2014 NOTE 4 - COMMITMENTS LA’s Promise rents office space under a lease agreement, which expired in October 2014. Future minimum payments under this lease totaled $27,848 during the year ending June 30, 2015. Rent expense under facility operating leases for the year ended June 30, 2014 was $110,583, which is included in occupancy in the statement of functional expenses. Refer to Note 7. In September 2014, LA’s Promise entered into a 60 month lease for use of general office space in Los Angeles CA, which expires in September 2019. NOTE 5 - EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN Employees participate in a 403(b) defined contribution plan whereby they contribute a portion of their salaries, tax deferred, into the plan. LA’s Promise makes discretionary matching contributions to the plan each calendar quarter. Payments to the plan totaled $3,542 for the year ended June 30, 2014. NOTE 6 - COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT WITH LAUSD In October of 2008, LA’s Promise and the LAUSD entered into a comprehensive collaborative educational services and performance agreement whereby LA’s Promise and the LAUSD agreed to create a new model for delivery of LAUSD educational services in the City of Los Angeles, to improve schools and school communities, develop best practices and share them throughout the LAUSD. The LAUSD will utilize the educational services provided by LA’s Promise. The original agreements expired on June 30, 2013. However, on October 9, 2012, LAUSD approved the five year extension covering the period July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2018. -10- LA's Promise Financial Statements September 30, 2014 UNAUDITED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - FOR INTERNAL MANAGEMENT USE ONLY Page 1 of 15 LA's Promise STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION September 30, 2014 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Pledges, Accounts and Grants Receivable Other Receivable Deposits Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets Property & Equipment (Net) TOTAL ASSETS $ 1,244,836 172,040 31,698 15,600 25,214 15,878 $ 586,911 - $ 1,831,747 172,040 31,698 15,600 25,214 15,878 $ 1,505,266 $ 586,911 $ 2,092,177 $ 49,779 170,435 $ $ 49,779 170,435 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES: Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities 220,214 TOTAL LIABILITIES NET ASSETS: Net Assets TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ - 220,214 1,285,052 586,911 1,871,963 1,285,052 586,911 1,871,963 1,505,266 $ 586,911 $ UNAUDITED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - FOR INTERNAL MANAGEMENT USE ONLY 2,092,177 Page 2 of 15 LA's Promise STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the Year to Date September 30, 2014 Unrestricted REVENUE, GAINS AND SUPPORT: Contributions - Individuals Contributions - Corporations Contributions - Foundations Contributions - In-Kind (Non-Cash) Interest and Dividend Income Special Events, Net of Direct Benefits of $107,864 Other Income Net Assets Released from Program Restrictions $ TOTAL REVENUE, GAINS AND SUPPORT EXPENSES: Program General & Administrative Fundraising 72.74% 10.42% 16.84% TOTAL EXPENSES 43,500 $ 530,622 1,505,000 (107,864) - 1,000 25,000 - 41,517 (41,517) 2,012,775 (15,517) Net Assets - Beginning $ 44,500 530,622 1,530,000 (107,864) - 1,997,258 - 533,083 76,364 123,413 732,860 - 732,860 (15,517) 5,137 $ Total 533,083 76,364 123,413 1,279,915 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS - ENDING Temporarily Restricted 1,285,052 1,264,398 602,428 $ 586,911 607,565 $ 1,871,963 UNAUDITED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - FOR INTERNAL MANAGEMENT USE ONLY Page 3 of 15 LA's Promise STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For the Year to Date through September 30, 2014 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Changes in Net Assets Adjustments to Reconcile Change in Net Assets to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Depreciation Pledges, Accounts and Grants Receivable Other Receivable Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets Increase (Decrease) in: Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities NET CASH PROVIDED BY (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS $ 1,264,398 3,395 (140,512) (31,456) 17,162 (45,413) 46,617 1,114,192 1,108,991 Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - ENDING 722,756 $ 1,831,747 UNAUDITED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - FOR INTERNAL MANAGEMENT USE ONLY Page 4 of 15 LA's Promise Summary Budget - Variance Analysis September 30, 2014 3 months represents 25% of the year. Accrual Variance Analysis Revenue 4000 · Unrestricted Contributions 4010 · Individuals 4020 · Corporations 4030 · Foundations and Trusts 4040 · Government Total 4000 · Unrestricted Contributions 4110 · Individuals (TR) 4020 · Corporations (TR) 4130 · Foundations and Trusts (TR) 4910 · Special Events Contributions, net of costs Total 4900 · Special Events Income Total Revenue Expense 5000 · Salaries and Personnel Costs 5015 · Officers & Directors Salaries 5020 · Administrative Salaries 5050 · Payroll Taxes 5060 · Employee Benefits 5061 · Retirement 5062 · Worker's Comp Insurance 5063 · Employee Medical Insurance 5064 · Employee Vision Insurance 5065 · Employee Dental Insurance Total 5060 · Employee Benefits 5070 · Payroll Service Fees Total 5000 · Salaries and Personnel Costs $ 09/30/14 2014/15 Budget Actual Total 43,500 530,622 1,505,000 2,079,122 1,000 25,000 - $ 1,006,380 708,392 2,432,268 4,147,040 - Total % Spent/ Earned 4.32% 74.91% 61.88% N/A 50.14% 100% Budgeted in the above acct. #4010 N/A 100% Budgeted in the above acct. #4030 N/A Budgeted $1.7 mil. for Special Events combined in the above acct. #4030. N/A 50.76% 2,105,122 4,147,040 50,000 320,157 28,560 180 1,167 2,584 28,772 752 3,054 200,000 1,341,440 123,315 3,299 18,497 117,180 3,915 11,468 36,509 154,359 781 436,007 4,000 1,823,114 6200 · Facilities and Equipment 6210 · Depr & Amort - Allowable 6230 · Janitorial 6250 · Rent 6260 · Parking 6270 · Utilities 6271 · Space Rental Total 6200 · Facilities and Equipment 3,395 2,295 27,849 4,234 2,725 40,499 17,500 9,100 111,000 11,200 15,500 6,000 170,300 19.40% 25.22% 25.09% 37.81% Purchased add'l parking validations 17.58% 0.00% 23.78% 6300 · Grants 6300 · Grants 6310 · Teacher Stipends 6320 · Student Scholarships 6325 · Incentives 6300 · Grants 53,001 103 53,105 9,000 21,325 65,100 95,425 0.00% 0.00% 81.42% Timing. Will be aligned at year-end. 100.00% 55.65% 25.00% 23.87% 23.16% 100.00% 35.37% 13.97% 24.55% 19.21% 26.63% 23.65% 19.52% 23.92% 6400 · Operations UNAUDITED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - FOR INTERNAL MANAGEMENT USE ONLY Page 5 of 15 LA's Promise Summary Budget - Variance Analysis September 30, 2014 3 months represents 25% of the year. Accrual Variance Analysis 6410 · 6420 · 6425 · 6430 · 6440 · 6450 · 6455 · 6460 · 6470 · Books, Subscriptions, Reference Postage, Mailing Service Messenger Printing and Copying Supplies Telephone, Telecommunications Software Equipment Purchases Gifts 6480 · School Expenses 6490 · Equipment Rental & Maintenance 6510 · Insurance - Liability, D & O 09/30/14 2014/15 Budget Actual Total 2,860 212 100 2,745 12,297 5,082 3,149 3,030 229 1,100 4,000 1,650 17,050 104,310 36,650 13,000 17,200 5,350 650 647 6,935 36,200 10,500 30,000 305 (554) 6520 · Memberships & Dues 6560 · Licenses & Fees 6570 · Bank Fees 6580 · Other Costs Total Operations Expenses 260.01% 5.30% 6.05% 16.10% 11.79% 13.87% 24.23% 17.62% 4.29% Purchased safe & civil school materials Timing Timing Timing 1.80% Timing 6.16% No billing for equip. rental & maintenance in Jul 23.12% 0.00% Timing 0.00% Timing 101.66% -0.69% Recycle return credit 10.26% 37,687 367,310 6,155 3,195 905 12,632 22,887 10,740 42,900 7,900 72,350 133,890 57.31% Safe & Civil Schools - training 7.45% Timing 11.46% 17.46% 17.09% 160 27,100 15,534 5,307 433 4,000 88,115 2,025 142,674 450 1,500 117,640 88,850 17,500 3,000 30,000 400,346 21,500 680,786 35.56% 0.00% 23.04% 17.48% 30.32% Will be under budget by $2.3K at year-end. 14.44% 13.33% Timing 22.01% 9.42% Timing 20.96% $ 107,864 107,864 2 840,724 $ 500,000 500,000 3,770,826 $ 1,264,398 $ 376,214 6600 · Travel & Meetings 6610 · Conference, Convention, Meeting 6620 · Travel 6630 · Meals & Entertainment 6640 · Food & Catering Total 6600 · Travel and Meetings 6800 · Contract Services 6805 · Recruiting 6810 · Fundraising Fees 6820 · Accounting Fees 6840 · Outside Contract Services 6850 · Website 6860 · Fingerprinting 6870 · Design 6890 · Instructional/program consultants 6895 · Operations Consultants Total 6800 · Contract Services 7000 · Fundraising Events 7010 · Special Events Expense Total 7000 · Special Events 7110 . State & Local Taxes 9999 ∙ Suspense Total Expense Change in Net Assets 1,000 8,700 300 80,300 Total % Spent/ Earned 21.57% 21.57% N/A N/A 22.30% 336.08% UNAUDITED INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - FOR INTERNAL MANAGEMENT USE ONLY Page 6 of 15 Cash Flow Projection Active LA's Promise Cash Flow Projection FY 2014-2015 4 out of 12 months represents 33% of the year. Actual Jul 13- Jun 14 Cash, Beginning 320,308 4000 · Unrestricted Contributions 4010 · Individuals 73,332 4020 · Corporations 237,500 4030 · Foundations and Trusts 2,419,270 4040 · Government Total 4000 · Unrestricted Contributions 4130 · Foundations and Trusts 5,000 4200 · Donated Goods, Services and Facilit 4600 · Miscellaneous Revenue 4610 · Miscellaneous Income Total 4600 · Miscellaneous Revenue 4800 · Investment Revenue 4810 · Dividend, Interest (Securities) 2,971 4820 · Interest-Savings, Short-term CD Total 4800 · Investment Revenue 4900 · Special Events Income 500,371 4910 · Special Events Contributions, net Prior Year A/R Total 4900 · Special Events Income Total Revenue 3,238,444 5000 · Salaries and Personnel Costs 5020 · Administrative Salaries 5050 · Payroll Taxes 5060 · Employee Benefits 5061 · Retirement 5062 · Worker's Comp Insurance 5063 · Employee Medical Insurance 5064 · Employee Vision Insurance 5065 · Employee Dental Insurance 5067 COBRA Benefits Total 5060 · Employee Benefits 5070 · Payroll Service Fees Total 5000 · Salaries and Personnel Costs 6200 · Facilities and Equipment 6210 · Depr & Amort - Allowable 6220 · Donated Facilities 6230 · Janitorial 6240 · Property Insurance 6250 · Rent 6260 · Parking 6270 · Utilities 6271 · Space Rental Total 6200 · Facilities and Equipment 1,255,031 107,608 1,176 3,542 10,771 86,806 2,524 8,434 931 3,637 8,960 110,583 12,958 8,608 16,902 - 14/15 Final Budget Total Actual Actual PROJ Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 834,256 805,486 Oct-14 PROJ PROJ Nov-14 PROJ Dec-14 PROJ Jan-15 PROJ Feb-15 Mar-15 PROJ Apr-15 PROJ PROJ May-15 Projected Variance Over/ (Under) Jul 14-Jun15 Budget Jun-15 983,821 2,048,419 2,497,245 2,390,097 2,505,150 2,272,702 2,170,145 2,188,947 2,270,373 2,063,675 834,256 68,794 835,040 10,000 390,500 27,000 130,000 166,000 209,000 27,500 20,000 182,000 110,000 5,000 33,000 - 5,000 97,500 15,000 48,500 3,000 22,500 250,000 250,000 95,000 446,000 1,912,540 2,174,823 95,000 99,500 2,252,540 1,206 5,000 42,000 1,700,000 270,000 806 392,824 11,000 680,000 331,999 4,147,040 319,012 403,824 1,583,834 732,499 157,000 375,000 27,500 312,000 288,000 352,500 63,500 25,500 1,541,440 123,315 99,501 9,232 75 467 828 8,990 256 897 241 680 9,283 1,609 744 - 128,453 10,276 249 9,483 302 956 333 758 9,250 933 1,292 500 - 132,653 10,612 249 10,811 302 956 333 758 22,000 981 1,292 500 - 132,653 10,612 249 10,108 302 956 333 758 4,000 933 1,292 500 - 132,653 10,612 249 10,108 302 956 333 758 733 1,292 500 - 132,653 10,612 249 10,108 302 956 333 758 733 1,292 500 - 132,653 10,612 249 10,108 302 956 333 758 733 1,292 500 - 132,653 10,612 249 10,108 302 956 333 758 9,250 733 1,292 500 - 132,653 10,612 249 11,985 302 956 333 758 9,250 733 1,292 500 - 132,653 10,612 249 11,108 302 956 333 758 9,250 733 1,292 500 - 132,653 10,612 249 11,108 302 956 333 758 9,250 733 1,292 500 - 3,299 18,497 117,180 3,915 11,468 4,000 17,500 9,100 111,000 11,200 15,500 6,000 - PROJ 126,745 8,897 90 467 828 8,080 562 (51) 246 765 (0) 112 - - - - - - - 4,640,169 1,548,579 123,916 165 3,421 1,656 122,105 3,836 10,403 3,820 9,028 81,533 9,702 13,661 5,000 - 0 346,500 (340,000) 474,823 481,323 7,139 601 165 122 (16,841) 4,925 (79) (1,065) (180) (17,500) (72) (29,467) (1,498) (1,839) (1,000) - Cash Flow Projection Active LA's Promise Cash Flow Projection FY 2014-2015 4 out of 12 months represents 33% of the year. Actual Jul 13- Jun 14 6300 · Grants 6400 · Operations 6410 · Books, Subscriptions, Reference 6420 · Postage, Mailing Service 6425 · Messenger 6430 · Printing and Copying 6440 · Supplies 6450 · Telephone, Telecommunications 6455 · Software 6460 · Equipment Purchases 6470 · Gifts 6480 · School Expenses 6490 · Equipment Rental & Maintenance 6510 · Insurance - Liability, D & O 6520 · Memberships & Dues 6530 · Staff Development 6550 · Computer 6560 · Licenses & Fees 6570 · Bank Fees 6580 · Other Costs Total Operations Expenses 6600 · Travel & Meetings 6610 · Conference, Convention, Meeting 6620 · Travel 6630 · Meals & Entertainment 6640 · Food & Catering 6650 · Teachers Lounge Total 6600 · Travel and Meetings 6800 · Contract Services 6805 · Recruiting 6810 · Fundraising Fees 6820 · Accounting Fees 6830 · Legal Fees 6840 · Outside Contract Services 9,810 3,428 2,280 1,916 10,776 41,303 23,855 15,103 19,355 7,660 20,886 9,114 28,549 4,132 142 2,253 5,334 14,442 24,003 6,458 57,685 1,349 830 599 124,419 175,871 6850 · Website 12,534 6860 · Fingerprinting 2,046 6870 · Design 19,263 6880 · Translations 150 6890 · Instructional/program consultant 377,870 6895 · Operations Consultants 6,014 Total 6800 · Contract Services 7000 · Fundraising Events 7010 · Special Events Expense 56,594 Total 7000 · Special Events 9999 Suspense Total Expense 2,724,496 Cash, Ending 834,256 14/15 Final Budget Actual Actual PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ PROJ Total Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 95,425 5,301 3,710 518 523 6,578 3,225 5,785 492 240 179 2,312 199 6,050 1,323 1,118 2,833 (0) 160 10,500 1,911 32,001 72 1,715 4,095 1,546 1,294 (615) 56 300 439 2,312 83 (8) 1,660 326 228 1,654 80 8,000 1,970 3,770,826 (3,150) 74 2,475 77,587 6,390 78,645 347,782 4,667 74 52 16,745 225,488 1,458 250 2,500 33,362 1,792 250,000 519,236 1,458 250 2,500 29,137 1,792 283,673 1,458 250 2,500 28,362 1,792 264,147 1,458 250 2,500 28,362 1,792 259,947 1,458 250 2,500 28,362 1,792 259,947 1,458 250 2,500 28,362 1,792 154,610 414,557 1,458 250 2,500 28,362 1,792 269,197 1,458 250 2,500 28,362 1,792 271,074 1,458 250 2,500 28,362 1,792 270,197 1,458 250 2,500 28,362 1,792 270,197 376,214 805,486 983,821 2,048,419 2,497,245 2,390,097 2,505,150 2,272,702 2,170,145 2,188,947 2,270,373 2,063,675 1,818,978 1,100 4,000 1,650 17,050 104,309 36,650 13,000 17,200 5,350 36,200 10,500 30,000 1,000 8,700 300 80,300 10,740 42,900 7,900 72,350 450 1,500 117,640 88,850 17,500 3,000 30,000 400,348 21,500 500,000 - 7,952 92 333 138 1,421 8,692 3,054 1,083 1,433 446 3,017 875 2,500 83 725 25 6,692 895 3,575 658 6,029 38 125 9,803 7,404 7,952 92 333 138 1,421 8,692 3,054 1,083 1,433 446 3,017 875 2,500 83 725 25 6,692 895 3,575 658 6,029 38 125 9,803 7,404 7,952 92 333 138 1,421 8,692 3,054 1,083 1,433 446 3,017 875 2,500 83 725 25 6,692 895 3,575 658 6,029 38 125 9,803 7,404 7,952 92 333 138 1,421 8,692 3,054 1,083 1,433 446 3,017 875 2,500 83 725 25 6,692 895 3,575 658 6,029 38 125 9,803 7,404 7,952 92 333 138 1,421 8,692 3,054 1,083 1,433 446 3,017 875 2,500 83 725 25 6,692 895 3,575 658 6,029 38 125 9,803 7,404 7,952 92 333 138 1,421 8,692 3,054 1,083 1,433 446 3,017 875 2,500 83 725 25 6,692 895 3,575 658 6,029 38 125 9,803 7,404 7,952 92 333 138 1,421 8,692 3,054 1,083 1,433 446 3,017 875 2,500 83 725 25 6,692 895 3,575 658 6,029 38 125 9,803 7,404 7,952 92 333 138 1,421 8,692 3,054 1,083 1,433 446 3,017 875 2,500 83 725 25 6,692 895 3,575 658 6,029 38 125 9,803 7,404 7,952 92 333 138 1,421 8,692 3,054 1,083 1,433 446 3,017 875 2,500 83 725 25 6,692 895 3,575 658 6,029 38 125 9,803 7,404 7,952 92 333 138 1,421 8,692 3,054 1,083 1,433 446 3,017 875 2,500 83 725 25 6,692 895 3,575 658 6,029 38 125 9,803 7,404 Projected Variance Over/ (Under) Jul 14-Jun15 Budget 116,823 4,627 3,852 1,447 16,447 97,598 35,313 17,912 14,211 4,755 30,467 9,369 29,623 833 7,250 532 66,908 16,660 37,400 7,930 64,778 (0) 615 1,250 116,533 77,923 21,398 3,527 (148) (203) (603) (6,711) (1,337) 4,912 (2,989) (595) (5,733) (1,131) (377) (167) (1,450) 232 (13,392) 5,920 (5,500) 30 (7,572) (0) 165 (250) (1,107) (10,927) 16,100 2,648 27,475 367,038 24,307 500,000 3,655,447 (1,400) (352) (2,525) (33,310) 2,807 0 (115,379) 1,818,978 596,702 CASH FLOW REVENUE PROJECTIONS CATEGORY Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Individuals $ 1,206 $ - $ Corporations $ 5,000 $ - $ Foundations & Trusts $ 42,000 $ - $ Special Events $ 270,000 $ 392,824 $ Prior Year A/R $ 806 $ 11,000 $ 403,824 Oct-14 68,794 - $ - Dec-14 $ Jan-15 - Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 $ - $ 20,000 $ 5,000 $ $ 10,000 $ 27,000 $ 166,000 $ - $ 182,000 $ 33,000 $ 835,040 $ 390,500 $ 130,000 $ 209,000 $ $ 110,000 $ 680,000 $ 331,999 $ 1,583,834 $ 732,499 $ 68,794 - $ Nov-14 $ - $ 27,500 - $ - - May-15 - $ $ 95,000 $ 95,000 $ 0 15,000 $ 3,000 $ 446,000 $ 99,500 $ 346,500 48,500 $ 22,500 $ 1,912,540 $ 2,252,540 $ (340,000) $ 2,174,823 $ 1,700,000 $ 474,823 $ 4,628,363 $ 4,147,040 $ 481,323 $ 70,000 $ 97,500 $ $ 250,000 $ $ 288,000 $ 352,500 $ - $ - Over/(Under) Budget Variance $ 250,000 $ TOTAL Projected FY14-15 Budget 5,000 $ - Jun-15 - In-Kind Special Appeal TOTAL $ 319,012 Various Individuals $ 157,000 $ $ 1,206 $ 70,000 $ AT&T Corporations $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ - BofA Corporations $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ - Citi Corporations Fox Corporations Goldman Corporations Guggenheim Corporations Honda Corporations JPMC Corporations $ - Kaiser Corporations $ 2,000 Karsh Corporations Kennedy/Marshall Corporations $ - $ - LA Lakers Corporations $ - $ Lowe's Corporations $ - $ Nielsen Corporations Nordstrom Corporations Onewest Corporations Ralphs(.5 prfd) Corporations Salem Partners Corporations So Cal Gas Corporations Stone Family Corporations Todd Wagner Corporations Toyota Corporations US Bank Corporations Verizon Corporations $ Wells Fargo (.5 prfd) Corporations $ Various Corporations Ahmanson Fdn Foundations & Trusts Amgen Foundations & Trusts Annenberg (none prfd) Foundations & Trusts CA Endow Fdn (BMOC) Foundations & Trusts CA Endow (Health) Foundations & Trusts CA Endow Fdn (TIG) Foundations & Trusts CA Wellness Fdn Foundations & Trusts $ - $ Carson Fdn Foundations & Trusts $ - $ Cal State University Foundations & Trusts $ - CCF (PAT) Foundations & Trusts CCF PAT Incentive Foundations & Trusts $ 3,500 CCF/Ford Foundation Foundations & Trusts $ 35,000 CCF Pat Plus Foundations & Trusts $ 25,000 CA Emerging Tech Fud Foundations & Trusts $ 17,000 Collins Fdn Foundations & Trusts College Access Fdn Foundations & Trusts Crail Johnson Fdn Foundations & Trusts Drown Fdn Foundations & Trusts Edward Hazen Fdn Foundations & Trusts Eisner Family Fdn Foundations & Trusts $ - Gilbert Fdn Foundations & Trusts $ - Green Fdn Foundations & Trusts John Kissick Family Fdn Foundations & Trusts $ Lift Foundation Foundations & Trusts $ Lucas Family Fdn Foundations & Trusts Otis Booth Fdn Foundations & Trusts Parsons Foundations & Trusts $ Ressler/Gertz Family Fdn Foundations & Trusts $ Rose Hills Fdn Foundations & Trusts $ Roth Family Fdn Foundations & Trusts Stuart Fdn Foundations & Trusts Televisa Foundations & Trusts TIG - CCF Foundations & Trusts $ 375,000 146,000 $ 27,500 $ 312,000 20,000 $ 20,000 $ $ 70,000 $ 216,000 $ 70,000 $ $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 5,000 - $ $ 15,000 10,000 $ 3,000 20,000 25,000 $ - 5,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ $ 20,000 $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ 2,000 $ (2,000) $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ - - $ - - $ - $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ $ 13,000 $ 3,000 $ $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ $ 25,000 $ 7,500 $ 17,500 $ 5,000 $ $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 2,000 $ 8,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ $ 3,000 $ $ - - - (3,000) $ - - $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ - - $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ - - $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ - $ - 667,000 $ 333,000 $ $ $ 75,000 150,000 - $ 100,000 $ $ 5,000 23,040 $ $ $ 1,000,000 $ $ 75,000 $ $ 150,000 $ $ 100,000 $ $ 5,000 $ $ (200,000) $ (40,000) 5,000 $ - - $ - - $ - $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ $ 3,500 $ 3,500 $ - $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ 40,040 $ 40,040 $ 20,000 $ 110,000 110,000 $ $ $ $ $ 10,000 $ $ 14,000 $ $ - $ $ 10,000 $ 45,000 $ $ $ $ 5000 10,000 10,000 - 140,000 $ 35,000 10,000 14,000 45,000 - $ $ - $ 350,000 $ 35,000 1,000,000 75,000 20,000 $ - $ $ - - $ $ 50,000 - 10,000 $ 2,000 $ $ 146,000 $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ 25,500 20,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 63,500 110,000 35,000 $ 20,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ $ 50,000 $ 14,000 $ $ 300,000 $ $ 45,000 $ 10,000 (300,000) - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 10,000 10,000 - $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ $ - - CASH FLOW REVENUE PROJECTIONS CATEGORY Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 TOTAL Projected FY14-15 Budget Over/(Under) Budget Variance United Way Individuals & Trusts Foundations $ - $ USA Fund Foundations & Trusts $ - $ - $ Venable Foundations & Trusts $ - $ - $ Walton Foundations & Trusts Wasserman Fdn Foundations & Trusts Weingart Fdn Foundations & Trusts Wells Fargo Foundations & Trusts Wunderkinder Fdn Foundations & Trusts Corporations+Fdns GALA Prior Year A/R 7500 7500 7500 $ 7500 $ 100000 5000 20000 5000 48,206 $ 270,806 $ (806) $ $ 403,824 $ (11,000) $ 903,834 680,000 - $ $ $ 400,500 331,999 - $ $ $ 157,000 - $ $ $ 375,000 - $ $ $ 27,500 - $ $ $ 292,000 $ 20,000 $ (20,000) $ 33,000 $ 255,000 $ (5,000) $ 102,500 250,000 - $ $ $ 63,500 - $ $ $ 25,500 - - $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ $ $ $ $ 2,428,540 $ 2,199,823 $ (25,000) $ 2,517,040 1,630,000 70,000 $ - $ -- 150,000 30,000 100,000 $ $ $ $ $ 30,000 $ $ $ (50,000) -(88,500) 569,823 (95,000) MOU To prepare every child in LA’s Promise Neighborhood to be college-ready, healthy and successful in life. LA’s Promise Board of Directors Meeting Closed Session Salem Partners 11111 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite #2250, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Tuesday December 2, 2014 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Board of Directors of LA’s Promise, including those submitted after the initial distribution of the agenda, are available for public inspection prior to the meeting at 202 West 1st St., Suite 4-0160, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Agenda Item Estimated Time 1. 2015 Goals & Update a. Development b. Instructional c. Program 3:15– 4:05 2. Updates a. LAUSD Update b. Strategic Plan c. Promise Zone d. LA’s Promise Move 4:05– 4:30 Adjourn CLASS CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN TIER)(F/A/C/I) A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A NAME ASK American-Honda-Foundation AT&T-Aspire AT&T-Corporate Bank-of-America-Corporation-(Charitable-Foundation) Best-Buy-Foundation Brooks-Run-B'Cause Capital-Group-Companies,-Inc Charles-&-Helen-Schwab-Foundation Citi-Foundation Citi-Local Coca-Cola CVS-Health-Foundation-(CVS-Caremark-Charitable-Trust) DirecTV Dodgers-Foundation Guggenheim-Partners Jamba-Juice Kaiser-Permanente-(Central) Lowe's-Toolbox-for-Education Marsh,-LLC.-/-Marsh-&-McLennan-Companies Mutual-of-America-Community-Partnership-Award-Competition NBC4-Southern-California-(21st-Century-Solutions) Nordstrom,-Inc. OneWest-Bank Southern-California-Edison-(SCE) State-Farm-(Celebrate-My-Drive) State-Farm-(Youth-Advisory-Board) State-Farm-Good-Neighbor-Citizenship-Grant Televisa-Foundation Time-Warner-Cable U.S.-Bank Union-Bank Warner-Brothers-Pictures-(WB-Pictures) Wellpoint-Foundation Wells-Fargo Ahmanson-Foundation California-College-Guidance-Initiative-(CCGI) California-Community-Foundation-(Ford-Foundation-Fund) California-Community-Foundation-(PAT-Incentive-Fund) California-Department-of-Education-/-State-School-Board California-Education-Policy-Fund [ANTICIPATED])GET DEADLINE $75,000 $100,000 $15,000 $5,000 $100,000 $10,000 $0 $50,000 $150,000 $300,000 $30,000 $100,000 $50,000 $250,000 $20,000 $50,000 $1,500 $150,000 $5,000 $100,000 $25,000 $100,000 $10,000 $100,000 $10,000 $100,000 $80,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $15,000 $40,000 $20,000 $10,000 $75,000 $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 $5,000 $10,000 $2,000 $0 $5,000 $20,000 $10,000 $30,000 $25,000 $5,000 $47,000 $20,000 $5,000 $400 $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 $2,000 $5,000 $3,000 $20,000 $2,000 $1,000 $5,000 $10,000 $25,000 $5,000 $2,000 $5,000 $2,000 $5,000 $25,000 $5,000 $2,000 $35,000 $5,000 1/1/15 1/1/15 4/15/15 1/15/15 6/27/15 6/1/15 9/8/14 3/15/15 6/1/15 11/20/14 12/5/14 12/15/15 9/15/15 12/1/15 3/15/15 3/10/15 1/15/15 5/30/15 12/5/14 4/1/15 7/1/15 10/1/15 1/15/15 2/1/15 10/7/15 5/3/15 10/31/14 1/15/15 2/15/15 3/1/15 1/15/15 2/10/15 9/11/15 3/14/15 3/1/15 1/1/15 3/15/15 3/31/15 $100,000 $5,000 5/23/15 EXPECTED)FUNDING)DATE January In-Kind-Shoes February January January Summer-2015 June February April March July January June? January Research Online-Application September April March March April January May January Spring/Summer November FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN IND A A A A A A C A A A A A C A A C A A C A A A A A A A A C C A C A A C C California-Endowment-(TIG) $5,000 California-Wellness-Foundation $50,000 Cindy-and-Sheldon-Stone-(Oaktree-Capital) $100,000 Conrad-N-Hilton-Foundation $250,000 CraildJohnson-Foundation $100,000 Dwight-Stuart-Youth-Foundation $100,000 Edna-McConnell-Foundation $250,000 Eisner-Foundation $500,000 Fast-Pitch $0 James-Irvine-Foundation-/-Leadership-Award $325,000 John-W.-Carson-Foundation-(JWC-Fdn) $50,000 Kresge-Foundation $250,000 Karsh-Family-Foundation $250,000 LA2050 $100,000 LA84-Foundation $20,000 Lumina-Foundation $100,000 Peter-F-Drucker-Award-for-NFP-Innovation $100,000 Ralph-M-Parsons-Foundation $150,000 Robert-Wood-Johnson-Foundation $150,000 Rockefeller-Philanthropy-Advisors-(California-Education-Policy-Fund/CEPF) $100,000 Rosalinde-and-Arthur-Gilbert-Foundation $125,000 Roy-(and-Patricia)-Disney-Family-Foundation $10,000 Saucony-Run-For-Good $8,270 Sound-Body,-Sound-Mind-(JMMS,-MAHS) $5,000 Sound-Body,-Sound-Mind-(WA,-new) $50,000 Stuart-Family-Foundation $100,000 Taproot-Foundation0 USA-Funds $25,000 W.K.-Kellogg-Foundation Wasserman-Foundation $500,000 Wallace-Foundation $100,000 Weingart-Foundation $25,000 WM-Keck-Foundation $250,000 Women's-Sports-Foundation $10,000 Charles-B.-Seelig-Jr.-(Goldman) $10,000 $6,674,770 CORP CORP CORP CORP C C C C Activision-Publishing,-Inc AEG Aetna American-Express FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN $25,000 $35,000 $100,000 $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $50,000 $100,000 $10,000 $5,000 Open $10,000 $0 $125,000 $5,000 $100,000 $10,000 $10,000 $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 $100,000 $2,000 $1,000 $25,000 $5,000 $1,000 $5,000 $50,000 $25,000 0 $3,000 $5,000 $2,500 $25,000 $100,000 $10,000 $5,000 $1,193,900 $5,000 $5,000 $25,000 $5,000 4/1/15 1/15/15 3/15/15 6/12/15 12/11/14 1/24/14 Mard15 6/1/15 7/9/14 5/30/15 12/15/15 2/1/15 1/15/15 7/31/15 1/1/15 June 1/30/15 March 6/30/15 1/15/15 June 3/1/15 3/1/15 1/15/15 6/13/15 5/31/15 9/30/15 3/15/15 9/20/15 1/15/15 12/15/15 4/1/15 9/1/14 1/24/15 12/16/15 1/15/15 October January Decd15 June CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Anschutz-Film-Group,-LLC Bank-of-the-West Canyon-Partners,-LLC Cedars-Sinai Dell Deutsche-Bank-USA DreamWorks-Studios Entertainment-Industry-Foundation FedEx-Corporation HBO Herbalife-Family-Foundation-(Mark-Hughes) Lakers-Youth-Foundation Landmark-Theaters-/-Todd-Wagner-Family Lightstorm-Entertainment-Inc-(J-Cameron) Lionsgate-Entertainment LucasFilm-Production Michael-and-Susan-Dell-Family-Foundation NBC-Universal Netflix-(Reed-Hastings) Neutrogena Northern-Trust-Bank Relativity-Media,-LLC.-(Ryan-Kavanaugh) Roll-Corporation Sempra-Energy Shell-Foundation Travelers-Insurance,-Inc. United-Talent-Agency Univision UPS Venable-Foundation Whole-Foods WME-d-IMG-Entertainment Angell-Foundation Annie-E.-Casey-Foundation Anthony-and-Jeanne-Pritzker-Family-Foundation Atlas-Family-Foundation-(Richard-Atlas) Bill-&-Melinda-Gates-Foundation Bloomberg-Philanthropies Boone-Family-Foundation Carl-&-Roberta-Deutsch-Foundation David-&-Linda-Shaheen-Foundation $20,000 $20,000 $50,000 $25,000 $250,000 $10,000 $100,000 $10,000 $10,000 $50,000 $10,000 $10,000 $50,000 $20,000 $0 $25,000 $500,000 $100,000 $30,000 $15,000 $100,000 $20,000 $25,000 $25,000 $10,000 $2,000 $2,000 $5,000 $5,000 $20,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,000 $5,000 $2,000 $2,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $10,000 $5,000 $2,000 $5,000 $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 $2,500 $5,000 $2,000 $50,000 $50,000 $10,000 $10,000 $6,000 $25,000 $100,000 $150,000 $50,000 $25,000 $50,000 $150,000 $5,000 $25,000 $2,000 $2,000 $6,000 $5,000 $2,000 $2,000 N/A $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $20,000 $20,000 $10,000 $5,000 5/1/14 FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN IND IND IND IND IND C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Ford-Foundation Frieda-C.-Fox-Family-Foundation George-Lucas-Educational-Foundation-(GLEF) Harry-and-Florence-Sloan-Foundation Helios-Education-Foundation Herb-Alpert-Foundation Herman-Foundation Jack-Kent-Cooke-Foundation John-and-James-L.-Knight-Foundation Kresge-Foundation Los-Angeles-County-Education-Foundation-(LACEF) Marilyn-and-Jeffrey-Katzenberg-Foundation Mark-Hughes-Foundation-/-Herbalife New-Schools-Venture-Fund Open-Society-Foundations Pritzker-Family-Foundation ResslerdGertz-Family-Foundation-(Ares-CodFounder) Rosenthal-Family-Foundation Rotary-International-District-5280 Stone-Family-Foundation Terry-and-Jane-Semel-Charitable-Foundation USC's-Neighborhood-Academic-Initiative-(NAI) Wallace-Foundation William-H.-Hannon-Foundation Winebaum-Family-Charitable-Trust Zemeckis-Charitable-Foundation Alex-Kurtzman-&-Samantha-Counter David-&-Meredith-Kaplan Lorenzo-and-Kimberly-di-Bonaventura Neal-&-Sarah-Moritz Rob-&-Shari-Friedman-(Lionsgate-CodChairman) CORP CORP CORP FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN F F F F F F F F Fox-Studios Goldman-Sachs Southern-California-Gas-Company Annenberg-Foundation California-Community-Foundation-(PAT) California-Emerging-Technology-Fund California-Endowment-(BMOC) California-Endowment-(MAHS-Health) $150,000 $50,000 $0 $20,000 $0 $10,000 $2,000 $5,000 $0 $5,000 $0 $5,000 $0 $300,000 $50,000 $218,850 $100,000 $10,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 $2,000 $150,000 $100,000 $100,000 $10,000 $5,000 $100,000 $10,000 $15,000 $100,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $25,000 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $4,034,850 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $20,000 $5,000 $2,000 $1,000 $2,000 $2,500 $2,500 $10,000 $331,500 $663,000 $142,635 $150,000 $10,000 $100,000 $50,000 $57,200 $351,440 $200,000 $142,635 $100,000 $10,000 $75,000 $50,000 $38,000 $351,440 $200,000 $5,000 $2,000 $2,000 11/1/14 January 6/15/14 12/15/14 February 9/1/15 8/1/14 1/15/15 7/15/14 12/31/14 December 12/31/14 January Jand15 FDN FDN FDN CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN FDN IND F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F C College-Access-Foundation Otis-Booth-Foundation Roth-Family-Foundation Kaiser-Permanente-(Local/WLA) Nielsen-Company Ralphs-Food-4-Less Toyota-Motor-Sales,-U.S.A. Verizon-Communications-d-Innovate-Award Americorps Amgen-Foundation California-Community-Foundation-(PAT-Plus) Carol-&-James-Collins-Foundation Green-Foundation Joseph-Drown-Foundation L.I.F.T.-Foundation-(Susan-Kozlowski) United-Way Walton-Family-Foundation George-Lucas-Family-Foundation CORP CORP FDN FDN I I I C Boeing Boeing-Company Magic-Johnson-Foundation Rose-Hills-Foundation $156,000 $10,000 $15,000 $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $50,000 $40,000 0 $1,000,000 $100,000 $25,000 $20,000 $100,000 $45,000 $75,000 $100,000 $100,000 $2,947,275 $156,000 $10,000 $15,000 $10,000 $15,000 $25,000 $10,000 $40,000 0 $1,000,000 $50,000 $15,000 $20,000 $50,000 $45,000 $28,000 $100,000 $5,000 $2,561,075 $25,000 $25,000 $100,000 $10,000 $160,000 $10,000 $10,000 $2,000 $2,000 $24,000 11/28/14 12/1/14 12/15/14 6/9/15 1/1/15 7/25/15 5/1/15 6/1/14 4/25/14 6/1/15 6/15/14 2/15/15 11/26/14 8/15/14 4/1/15 5/1/15 5/1/15 December May July March Report-Due March February January Veronica-Reach-Out-for-2015d16-renewal 12/1/14 9/22/14 April Try-again-in-Summer-2015 Outstanding 2014 Gala Pledges Name Deposit Date 7/30/14 Disney (Joan McCarthy) 7/15/14 Disney Matching (Kathleen Kennedy) 9/16/14 Fox entities (21st Century, FX, 20th Century) 7/30/14 Frank Marshall & Kathleen Kennedy 8/19/14 Gil Cedillo 11/03/14 Imagine Entertainment 9/16/14 Jeff Katzenberg (Dreamworks) 7/15/14 9/16/14 9/24/14 9/16/14 9/16/14 9/16/14 11/03/14 9/8/14 9/16/14 9/24/14 Kissick Family Foundation Los Angeles Dodgers (4 tickets) Maxus Mayer Brown Morgan Stanley Participant Media Sheldon Stone United Way, Inc. (Ryan Smith) Wells Fargo (Ken Vils) Will & Emery McDermott (Stuart Davis & Ray Jacobson) Amount $25,000.00 $15,000.00 $13,750.00 $50,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $25,000.00 $125,000.00 $2,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $50,000.00 $2,500.00 $10,000.00 Board Member Frank Marshall Frank Marshall Dean Hallett Frank Marshall Veronica Melvin Sent invoices to all three per Dean Frank Marshall John Kissick Veronica Melvin Universal Elizabeth Mann Brain/Amgen Christopher Brearton John Kissick Veronica Melvin $10,000.00 Brian McNamee $378,250.00 Coorespondence with Joan - waiting on check Will come in in January 2nd half will come in January 2015 ! ! LA’S PROMISE PROGRAM UPDATE NOVEMBER 2014 Below we provide an update on LA’s Promise and our Partner Schools’ affiliated activities and accomplishments that have recently transpired. We only feature the most prominent of many updates, as it would take pages to communicate all of them. We thank the schools’ faculty, LAUSD, community, academic and health organizations working with each school, students, parents, and funders for their commitment to bring excellence in opportunities and outcomes to South LA students. Learning, Attendance, Behavior, & Special Projects Overall, the schools 2014-15 progress has been good. We have a strong focus on instruction, and have seen movement in key academic programs we have worked to develop, see below a list of some of our priorities. • LA’s Promise school administrators and Directors of Teaching and Learning are early adopters of the District’s Teacher Growth & Development Cycle (the new improvement and evaluation tool) ensuring all administrators are monitoring the required 5 teachers. We are likely the best schools in the district in terms of teacher observations and evaluation. • LA’s Promise has connected Kate Kinsella to our schools’ teacher professional development program. Kate Kinsella is a national leader in supports for English Learners. • LA’s Promise supported the “Safe & Civil” program at Muir to ensure that school develops a positive culture and systems to promote good behavior and high expectations for respect. • LA’s Promise supports the Positive School Discipline and Restorative Justice practices that have been key to the schools’ improvements in student attendance and graduation and decreases in suspensions. • The two high schools have engaged in Student Recovery Day to encourage students who have missed excessive school or dropped out to return to school by paying visits to the homes to speak with the students and their parents and caretakers. • LA’s Promise and the school staff have implemented attendance incentive programs like the Universal Studios trip, a UCLA sponsored football game with gear and food, and other monthly incentives. • At Manual Arts, we work daily with the students and families of the most absent students to provide socio-emotional supports and referrals to needed services to ensure students attend daily and are in every class. • For the past two years, LA’s Promise worked to establish career based learning pathways, entitled Linked Learning, in our schools. We are happy to report that ! 1! Manual Arts has two certified Linked Learning Pathways developed in its schools and we continue to add college and career elements to each. In addition, we seek to grow the number of small learning communities that are certified, meaning they meet the state standards for connecting career themed learning to the classroom and exposing students and teachers to the workplace. • LA’s Promise staff continues to support various elements of the instructional program like Special Ed at Manual Arts, Coaching supports at West Adams, JROTC, Band, the Male & Female Academies at Manual Arts, the iPad rollout at Muir and test prep for CAHSEE and SAT prep. • In regards to Common Core, CPM Math that is rooted in Common Core on all three campuses, the writing prompts from all three offices have been aligned with Common Core, and we have sent numerous teachers and instructional leaders to trainings to bring back to campuses and departments. We have experienced challenges this year, as always, but note two below that have required greater attention: • We continue to be challenged by the faulty data system that the district implemented this year across all schools, but LA’s Promise schools have fared better than most schools, as we have been proactive in finding workarounds to any challenge that we experience or foresee. • This year, behavior at John Muir Middle School has been the greatest challenge for LA’s Promise and our partner schools. There are about a dozen students that pose high-end discipline problems on an ongoing basis, such as fighting, ditching class, possession and smoking of marijuana, and more. Unfortunately, there behavior has had dramatic negative effects on the climate overall on campus as well as on parents, students and the faculty. We have worked closely with the District to respond and support the students and families appropriately, and have seen improvement but not 100% resolution. An anonymous email was sent to Superintendent Ray Cortines and Secretary Arne Duncan complaining about this issue and a few others, and as a result, the district will be visiting the school on December 2nd and 3rd to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the challenges and pose solutions. Dr. Pawinski and Veronica Melvin will be present during the visit. Parent Engagement • Parent College – LA’s Promise launched Promise Parent College and has held three Saturday sessions, including the latest on November 1st that took 250 parents and their family members to CSU Northridge for a college field trip that included a motivational speech by Stedman Graham, a campus tour, a college fair, and a workshop on how to support your child’s college going success. LA’s Promise partnered with The Fulfillment Fund on the CSUN event that hosted at least 1,000 students and 300 parents. To date, 225 Parents from the 3 LA’s Promise and our partner this year YPI schools have participated in Parent College. ! 2! • LA’s Promise Parent Centers have hosted 10 Parent Workshops since the start of school - average attendance 25, on issues such as attendance, health and nutrition, volunteerism, student success, campus beautification, and more. • LA’s Promise is working with Manual Arts staff to create an African American Parent Group to encourage African American Parent Engagement to support student success. The advisory has met 3 times, with 25 active members; this is 25 times the level of African American parent engagement from years past. • Thank you to Ralphs, Food-4-Less and the offices of Assemblyman Reginald Jones Sawyer for donating a total of 250 turkey and holiday food bags for our families. • LA’s Promise supported each school’s back to school nights to ensure greatest possible student turnout. College Going • In October, each high school hosted its signature Go For College Fair with more than 1100 students participating at Manual Arts and 1800 at West Adams. More than 30 colleges and college support programs represented on each campus. ! • The LA’s Promise College Team selected 45 College Ambassadors (student college counselors selected from among the mostly senior class) at each campus. The LA’s Promise team trained the College Ambassadors over a 3-day seminar at USC during the summer. College Ambassadors is a class for Manual Arts students and a club at West Adams. The College Ambassadors coordinated the College Fairs, are working with a caseload of 20 students each to ensure they apply to colleges, and make announcements in homeroom advisory classes related to college. • LA’s Promise is working hard to secure scholarships and student participation in existing college going programs like Gates Millennium, POSSE, College Match, Women in Entertainment, CBS Mentorship, Fox Mentorship Program, I am MENTOR, and more. To date, we have secured 48 students participating in a variety of mentorship/leadership programs, representing $27,000 in scholarships. A HUGE thank you to Board Member Dean Hallett and his team whom we are now working with on the Fox Mentorship program at Dorsey and Manual Arts and the creation of a Film & Entertainment Afterschool program at Dorsey, West Adams and Manual Arts. • In anticipation of the various Fall SAT exams, we have an average of 60 students per campus participating in SAT Prep during homeroom classes. • The College Team has hosted a number of workshops including, Senior College Night, Parent College Night, Small Liberal Arts symposium, and 2 Presentations at Parent College. The LA’s Promise team took 150 students to the Cash For College conference at the Convention Center. The College staff keeps each College Center open until 5 PM, and will remain open during the Thanksgiving 3! week even though school is closed—a critical component of assisting students complete their college applications that are due on Nov. 30th. • On Nov. 15th and 16th, LA’s Promise partnered with 826LA to match 200 seniors with trained volunteers to complete their personal statements as part of their college application. Enrichment LA’s Promise after school team coordinated a Club Rush at each school, a process of building a robust offering of before, during, and after-school clubs to enrich students academics, fitness and leadership. There were approximately 20 clubs per campus and was open to all students. Approximately 300 students per campus participate in clubs. Some of the clubs that LA’s Promise partners coordinate are listed below: • Food Justice Council @ Manual Arts Focused on a research and advocacy water rights and access project • Woodcraft Rangers @ Manual Arts has the highest number of students participating in afterschool program – daily census approximately 230 participants. • LA’s Promise secured a $50,000 renewal grant from California Community Foundation to augment fitness programs at the two high schools. This supports Marathon Club, Yoga, Spin, Weightlifting and more. • LA’s Promise secured two grants from Verizon (each for $20,000) to engage a partner group, UrbanTxt, to teach students coding and app development. • Fox awarded LA’s Promise $146,000 to support a mentorship program matching up Fox Executives with students from Manual Arts and Dorsey Senior High. Students will visit Fox and their mentors 2 times per month, receive college prep supports, engage in group leadership skill development and qualify for a $3500 scholarship if they met all criteria. Fox is also supporting a Film & Entertainment afterschool program at each of the 3 high schools. • Photo Club, Skate Club, Graffiti Art, Book Club, Robotics, Bike Repair & Cycle Club, LaCrosse, Dance, Volleyball, and many more. • SPARK a Service Learning Opportunity for high school students to coordinate afterschool programs at local middle schools. • In the garden, we have connected students with community gardening internships, established Garden Clubs that have cleaned up and replanted gardens, and we engage a Garden Coordinator to connect the gardens with the Culinary Arts programs. • Kids Can Cook is a healthy cooking program that takes place at all three campuses, with students and parents both during school, during Culinary Arts at the High Schools or after school at the Middle Schools and to benefit families. Health and Wellness • Homeroom visits and announcements for all 12th and 9th graders to promote student use of the Wellness Center at Manual Arts • LA’s Promise staff coordinates the Wellness Center Youth Advisory Board – 10 students, meetings each Tuesday to promote health and wellbeing on campus • LA’s Promise and our partner agencies and student groups coordinated a Wellness Center Grand Reopening on 11/14 ! 4! • • • In September, St. John’s and The LA Trust opened up the two dental chairs at Manual Arts’ Wellness Center LA’s Promise has supported Groceryships at Manual Arts that promotes healthy eating by working with families and their shopping and cooking habits LA’s Promise has worked with each school site to support the replication of Student Resource Centers (Mental Health Centers) that we had successfully established at Manual Arts over the past two years. Now John Muir and West Adams have similar centers for student socio-emotional supports. Operations • One-to-one student iPads were reintroduced to the John Muir campus in November, with teachers having been refreshed on professional development. Manual Arts has purchased 300 Chrome Books to ensure the school is ready for springtime online testing. • LA’s Promise continues to support the schools’ HR needs including filling approximately 30 teaching staff positions on the school sites. A few positions remain. • In the world of IT support, over the summer LA’s Promise conducted a full inventory of equipment at the three schools while identifying computers for repair verses salvage, and completed repairs on needed equipment. LA’s Promise team members updated nearly 500 computers, has provided Google Drive Training for teachers, trouble-shoots tech, cable and wi-fi issues at John Muir with supports at Manual and West Adams, and updated the West Adams computer labs for Personal Statement Weekend. • LA’s Promise continues to support the school with their grant budget approvals and adjustments. Development • Please see development section for full list of current grants and those in cultivation. • LA’s Promise worked with LA City Councilman Curran Price, LA Trade Tech President Larry Frank, The Urban League, Community Coalition and Brotherhood Crusade to put together an amazing coalition of civic, private and non-profit partners that submitted an outstanding Promise Zone application to the federal government. The application termed The South LA Transit Empowerment Zone (SLATE Z), covers 200,000 South LA residents, 11 high schools (including the two LA’s Promise schools) and the feeder schools of each, and has a strong focus on connecting education to college, career training, employment and business growth. The Mayor, Superintendent, 5 LAUSD School Board Members, County Supervisors Mark Ridley Thomas, County Supervisor Elect Hilda Solis, and all state Assembly and Senators endorsed the application. USC and UCLA also signed onto the project, committing to greater early outreach programs and USC job and economic development alignment. ! 5! Letter%Type Business%Assoc.%Letter Signatories Shared%Letterhead Gary(Toebben(4(L.A.(Chamber((RE:(Workforce(Deve.(&(H.S.((Efforts) Lead Larry Bill(Allen(4(LAEDC((RE:(Manufacturing(Zone) Mary(Leslie(4(L.A.(Business(Council((RE:(Arts.(Design(&(Innovation(District) CD%9%Coalition City%Council% Food%Policy%Council Incubation Labor%Letter LACCD/LATTC%@%Letter% Benny(Torres Sandra(Mc(Neill,(TRUST(South(LA Ernest(Roberts,(PVJobs Nancy(Halpern(Ibrahim,(Esperanza(Community(Housing Benjamin(Torres,(CDTech Cynthia(Strathman,(SAJE L.A.(Conservation(Corp Saundra(Bryant,(All(People's(Community(Center( Resolution(4(incorporates(All(15 Food(Bank California(Health(Council Ron(Lindsay Corner(Store(Conversion(effort Community(Garden The(Reef LaKretz Nuevo(South USC Vreson4Slauson(Econ(Dev. Bixel(Exhange El(Mercado(LaPaloma County%Fed%Letterhead Maria(Elena(Durazo,(County(Federation Tom(Walsh,(UNITE(HERE(11 Ron(Miller,(LAUCBCTC LaPhonza(Butler,(SEIU(State(Council Mike(Miller,(IATSE Jim(Lindsay(4(ATU Joanne(Waddell,(CFT1521 Alex(Caputo4Pearl,(UTLA Scott(Svonkin,(President,(Board(of(Trustees Wally(Hanley,(President,(Academic(Senate Lori(Hunter,(Chapter(President,(AFT1521((Staff(Guild Chancellor(Francisco(Rodriguez President(Larry(Frank Connie( Larry/Paula(Daniels Linda(Bidrossian Larry,(Lou(S. Larry Larry Strategy(Goal 1.1,(1.3 LAUSD%Board Mayor%(1) Mayor%(2) Mayor%(3) Metro MOU MOU MOU Major%Nonprofit Carole(Anderson,(Chapter(President,(AFT(Faculty(Guild Superintendent(and(Board(Members( Mayor's(Letter(with(Agency Mayor's(Letter(with(Agency Mayor's(Letter(with(Agency Art(Leahy( Shared%Letterhead Brotherhood(Crusade,(Community(Collation,(LA(Promise(and(LA(Urban(League,(CRCD L.A.%Promise%&%Ancillary%Non%Profits Shared(Letterhead LAUSD%Principals The(13(High(Schools(in(SLATE4Z Public%Safety Supervisors UCLA USC WorkSource%Center,%YouthSource,% FamilySource%BusinessSource% Utilities Immigrant%Rights Early%Childhood%Educaiton TOD/Housing Community%Health Philanthropy Milton%Map Marcela%Map Context%Map%with%Transit%and% CSU/4 Visual/Map/Context Visual/Map/Context Visual/Map/Context Visual/Map/Context Visual/Map/Context Chief(Beck Mark(Ridley4Thomas(and(Supervisor4Elect(Hilda(Solis Chancellor Max(Nikias DWP( SCE Gas(Co (SALEF,(CHIRLA,(Car(Washeros,(etc. First(5 LAUP Move(L.A.,(Mercy(House,(Esparanza(Housing,(Concerned(Citizens(of(South(L.A. 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