,/ MINUTES OF ELEVENTH MEETING OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS LBS TNSTTTUTE O,F TECHNOI-OGY FOR WOMEN PO9JAPPURA (suB-coMPoNENT 1.1OF TEqrP PHASE - ill Date:03-03-2015 Venue:Principal'sChamber Time:09.30hours Members Present ]..DrDevdasMenon,ProfessorinCivilEngineering,llTMadras'(Chairman|W 2. Dr V. Radhakrishnan, Retired professor, ttT Madral lt"y .' ,!r9= tv--z 3. or v. Gopakumar, Director, sPFU, GoK 4(4/ 4. Sri. Sheriff M., Additional Secretary, Higher fEducation Dept, Govt of Kerala (Ex-officio member) 5. Sri. James Joseph, Joint Secretary, Finance Dept, Govt of Kerala (Ex-officio member) 5. Or Wilscy M., Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science, University of Kerala (U n iversity 7 , Representative) Prof P. A. Saheed d, Joint Director, DTE (special lnvitee) 8. Dr A. Mujeeb, Director, LBS Centre (Ex-officio memher) 9. Dr K.C.Raveendranathan, Principal (Ex-officio Convener) L0. Dr R. Balachandran Nair, lnstitute Representative LL. Sri. Manoj KumarG.,TEQ|P-ll Coordinato, [j,k, /l/" The following members did not attend the meeting with prior intimation: L. Dr. K Vijayakumar, Director of Technical Education, Govt. of Kerala 2. Dr K. R. S. Krishnan, Director, HLL Lifecare Ltd., (Member) 3. Sri. Anver S. R., lnstitute Representative Principal of the lnstitute Dr K. C. Raveendranathan welcomed the members to the meeting. Chairman, Dr Devdas Menon presided over the meeting. The items as per the agenda and notes were taken for discussion and approval. Minutes Part A: Procedural No.Al: Approval of the minutes of the L0th BoG rneeting held on 24-LO-20t4. The minutes of the tsoG meeting held on 24-L0-2AL4 wos reod and confir, suggested thot minutes of the BoG meeting must be circulated to the members first incorporoting their comments, it needs to be forworded to the Choirmon of BoG for ap subsequent meeting minutes must be "confirmed" (not opproved os is being worded now). (Action : Pri nci pa I/TEQI P cogrdi Item BoG tfte r l" ln r: ii.j;..1'+r; rr .;t ' ,,..i,.o Item No.A2: Report on the action taken/pending on the pertinent decisions taken as per the Minutes of the 10th Meeting of the Board of Governors held on Z4-ta-20L4. The Principal reported the octions token/pending on the pertinent decisions in the minutes of the 70th meeting of the Board of Governors held on 24-J.0-2074. The BoG mode the following comments regording the actions token on the pertinent decisions in the minutes of the L0th meeting. Part B of Minutes of 10th meetins of BoG Item No. B0: Reporting of Procurement activities 3 packages for Rs.11.1.2 lakhs which was in committed stage at the time of loth BoG meeting are completed. Out of 2 packages which were in pipeline stage, 1 package (Refurbishment of lnstrumentation and Digital Lab) for Rs.4.9lakhs is completed. The other one (Servers for Pilot Programme) is cancelled. 8 packages which were not initiated at the time of 10th BoG meeting is also completed for Rs.20.82 lakhs. Alt pockages os per the procurement plon completed and spent lakhs. The boord noted the progress in Item No. 81: Reporting of Procurernent (No Item No. 82: procurement. (No Rs.548.59 further Action) plan. further Action) Reporting of activities under Faculty and Staff Development (FSD) a) No action from llT Roorkee side. A Model Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in triplicate had been sent to Nplu on 27th september 20L4. Further, no communication occurred between llr Roorkee and our lnstitute. i. The Chairmon suggested thot the college must write to ilT Modras for conducting pedogogical troining for the focutty of the college in Aprit /Moy this yeor. The Choirmon olso suggested thot the maximum foculty must ottend the pedogogicol troining. lnformation in this regard is to be circulated and signoture obtained on paper. Action token is to be presented in next BoG. (Action: Principal/TEetp coordinator/FSD Coordinator) Item No. 83: TNA prepared for faculty and staff development till May 2015 Item No. 84: progress report on in-house training programmes for students under EAP peer learning a) peer learning groups were identified in all the classes. Students formed groups based on their mutual convenience and subject interests' Peer learning classes are started for final year AE&l in the following topics: o Control of Power Converters o VLSI Structures for Signal Processing o o o o Nano Electronics Non Linear Control SYstems Smart Sensor Networks lndustrial lnstrumentation & The BoG opprecioted the peer leorning groups initioted by the Electronics be Communication Engineering Deportment. Choirmon suggested it should group should done ocross oll deportments ond the leoders of the peer leorning suggested be properly reworded with certificotes ond owords. Choirmon olso with thot teochers should spend at leost 1- hour every week to informolly tolk the students. (Action: principal/TEQIP coordinator/mP Coordinator) EAP for Item No. 85: Revised Plan for in-house training programmes for students under the next 7 months. (No funher Action) Item No. 86 Progress of R&D activities: J' a) Detailed project reports (DPR) prepared by Ms Lizy Abraham and Dr Jayamohan were presented in the BoG meeting. i. Ms.Lizy Abraham - "Remote Monitoring of Pollution & Weather Parameters in Trivandrum City using Wireless Network" Duration: 3 Years Total cost: Rs. 56,35,950/- ii. Co-lnvestigators: Ms.Seena Thomas, LBSITW and Mr.Renjith Das, Technical Assistant, VSSC, ISRO, Trivandrum photoDr.Jayamohan.J - "Study of Stress distribution in soils with voids using elasticitY" Duration: 3 Years Budget: 50lakhs Co-lnvestigator: Dr A. M.ujeeb, Director, LBS Centre Regarding the proiect of Ms.Lizy Abrshoffi, the BoG suggested to explore ect. Proposal possibitity of involving the stote Meteorologicol dept in should be of generic in nature; it should be repricable anywhere, not just in TVM olone. The title to be modified accordingly. Regording the project of Dr.loyomohan !, the BoG suggested to consult experts ot llT Modras in the respective oreos ond to see the equipments there ond do revise the proposol thoroughly before submitting to funding ogencies. (Action: Principal/TEerp coordinator/R&D coordinator/Dr Jayamohan/Ms Lizy Abraham) Item No. 87: Revised plan for R&D activities. (No further Action) Item No. 88: Progress of lllC activities. (No further Action) Item No. 89: Revised plan under lllC. (No Item No. 810: further Action) Report on progress of other Key performance lndicators c) The last published 57 and 54 results are compared with CET The BoG noted thot seventh semester results of LBT is very good. The BoG appreciated this. Regarding fourth semester results, the performance of our students is not up'to the mark. The BoG suggested to look into the reosons for this and seek remedial action, Results of CSE and AEt are olso not encouroging, remediol meosures must further be strengthened for those students. (Action: Principa!/TEQIp coordinator/Academic coordinator) Item No. BLL: Action taken report on the recommendations given by prof. M.R.Madhav, during second Performance audit. The principal reported the actions taken on the report. (No further Action) h) The proposal for decentralising the administrative work load of the Principal by appointing Deans. The following foculty ore nominoted as Deons 7. Dr. Thompi Paul, Professor in ECE - Deon (Academics) 2. Prof. P. C. Mohan Dos, Professor in AE&l- Deon (Student Affairs) 3. Dr. Joyamohon.l, Associote Professor in cE - Deon (R&D and lndustriol Consultancy) The BoG opproved i; v- the list (No fufuer Action) _,./ffuji:i:.* Part B: Discus$ion. Approval and Ratification Item No.BO: A Revised lnstitutional Development Proposal (lDP) is prepared and presented before BoG for approval. Item of o) centre suggested thot in the lnstitute Development Proposol, faculty need not be differentiated as regular or contract b) The BoG opined thot the tnstitute Development Proposol .is not sat:isfoctory ond should be revised. An lntroduction, Executive summory, Action plon bosed on the revised SWOT onolysis, Vision, Mission, strotegic plan, etc. must be included in the lDP. The choirmon suggested appointing o consultont for preporing IDP of the institute ond Director, LBS centre suggested to take the hetp of an expert from C|SAT if required. The IDP must include proposals for spending the remoining TEQIP fund to the tune of Rs.297 lakhs. (Action: Principal/TEQtP coordinator/All Nodal officers) No.81: The Director LBS Report on Progress of Procurement activities. An amount of 548.59 Lakhs incurred. lunher Action) (No Item No.B3: Report on the activities of various in-house/external training programs for the faculty, technical staff and administrative staff. The Choirman suggested that there must be a grievonce redressol system for the stoff. The grievonces of the stoff must be considered in o positive woy. The oction taken on the grievance redressol system must be reported in the next meeting of BoG. (Action: PrincipaUTEQIP coordinator/fSD coordinator) Item No.B4: The TNA prepared for faculty and staff development till October 2016 TNA prepored ond presented was not opproved. The Chairmon suggested thot foculty must be encouroged to ottend inter disciplinary troining progrommes. The BoG commented to revise the TNA prepored by odding training progrommes on Non gineering oreos, Pedogogical troining ond lnduction training. (Action: PrincipaI/TEQIP coordinator/FSD Coordinator) Item No.BS: Progress Report on the various in house training programs (EAP) for students The progress of EAP activities wos presented os shown in Annexure - 84 (No 1 further Action) Item No.B6: The revised proposal of various in house training programs (EAp) planned for students The BoG opproved the revised proposal os per Annexure - 85 (No Item No.B7: Progress Report on comments: further Action) the various R&D activities. The Board made the following The stotus of seed money projects con be considered os completed only ofter submitting proposol for major funding ogencies. ln coses where seed money is under processing it need not be included in ogendo. Ensure thot the seed money should be sonctioned before showing in the BoG. After Research Gront Committee meeting, seed money opprovalto be obtoined by circulotion omong the members. (Action : Principal/TEQt P coordinator/R&D Coordinator) Item No.B8: The revised proposalof various R&D activities planned has been presented. a) The Choirmon urged oll the departments to take up R&D projects using the Reseorch Seed Money of TEQIP. The BoG commented that CSE deportment must olso come forward with proposols since M.Tech. progrom is there. The foculty who hove ovoiled QIP scheme for doing Ph.D. must undertoke reseorch projects ond guide Ph.D. students. b) The BoG noted that in the proposed octivities under R&D, many talks by experts have been plonned. BoG suggested thot tolks must be conducted under the head of tltC (for Students) and FSD (for Faculty). (Action: Principal/TEQIP coordinator/R&D Coordinator) ltem No.89: Progress Report on the various lllC activities The consultoncy works should be reported under lllC ond the revenue generoted must (Action: Princi pallTEQlP coordinat or llllC Coordinator) be treated os lRG. Item No.B10: The revised proposalof various lllC activities planned has been presented. The BoG opproved the revised proposol os per Annexure - 89 (No further oction) Item No.Bll: Report on Result Analysis and Placement Details a) The BoG noted the acodemic results of the students ond urged to take steps to improve the poss percentoge. The BoG olso observed thot the poss percentage of lT students hove improved from 39.02% to 76.32%. The BoG placed on record its oppreciation to the foculty ond students of lT branch. (Action: PrincipaI/TEQIP coordinator/Academic Dean/Academic nodalofficer) tq r, iJr. h, b) The BoG commented that the qcademic performonce index must show the minimum and moximum CGPA, in oddition to the meon volue. (Action : Academ ic Noda I officer/M ts officer/Teet p coordi nator) c) The BoG noted thot the placement records of the lnstitute ore on an all time high level, reoching o total of 32 placement offers, ond opprecioted the efforts of Mr. Romachondron R, Plocement (No further action) officer. d) Detoils of the off campus plocements must plocement records. (Action: Principa!/placement officer/MlS Officer) also be included in the e) Plocement detoils f) Compony wise salary of ploced students hos to be shown in the next BoG meeting. (Action : Principal/Placement officer/Academic coordinator) of lost three yeors have to be shown in the pressentation. (Action: Principal/Placement Officer/Academic Coordinator/rulS Officer) g) The Choirmon suggested that students must be encouraged to do internship in lndustry. Duty leave con be given to those students during the ocodemic period. (Action: Principal/lllC Coordinator) Item No.B12: Extension of contractual appointment of MIS Officer - Ratification. The BoG ratified the extension of contract of Mr. Sooraj R $ MIS Officer till the end of the project. (No further action) ltem No.B13: Ratification of Air travel details of 6000/- ond above are eligible for oir trovel, as per G.O.(RI) No.2113/20L2/HEdn doted 04.10.20t2. vide G.o. (Rt.)1ss7/2013/H.Edn doted Faculty having an AGP 08.10.2013 BoG of the proiect institution is outhorized to sonction air journeys within the country for eligible teaching ond non teaching stoff. Hence BoG recommended thot it is not necessory to ploce each case of air travel by eligible foculty before the BoG for prior approval. Rotification moy be obtained ot the next BoG meeting. (Action: principal/TEetp Coordinator! Item No.B14: Clarification regarding the remuneration, TA and DA for Expert talks to students under EAP. TA for externol judicious experts woy. for teking remedial class under EAP to be disbursed in o (Action: principal/EAp Coordinator) Item No.B15: An audited account statement on the conduct of lnternationa! Conference Computational Systems and Communications ffi - ICCSC on 20j.4 ffir" K. $3**jai:;,*r,: Thilu'ienentliapurfr iri - *il *U \ The BoG commented that registrotion fees collecited must be credited to tRG ond the (Action: PrincipaI/TEQIP Coordinator) bolance should be made NlL, Part C: Status Reports Item No. C1: The status of fund position as on 28.02.2015. The Principol exploined the stotus of fund position os on 28.02.20L5, ond also presented cotegory wise expenditure. a) The BoG suggested to show the totol funds received olso in the bor chart showing fund status. b) The BoG suggested to show the total omount in the IRG and Four funds of TEQIP in the next BoG meeting (Action: Principal/TEQIP Coordinator/MlS Officer) Part D: Other items with the permission of the Chair a) Approval of Content-Beyond-syllabus Course for Civil Engineering Students by Er. Karappan Kutty, Retired Chief Engineer, KSEB. The details are attached as Content Beyond Syllabus. (No further action) The BoG opproved the proposol b) As part of LBT-TBI initiatives, four committees are to be framed: L. Governing Body, 2. Executive Committee (College Council) 3. Working Committee and 4. Expert Committee. BoG may approve the committees. The details are attached. The BoG opproved the proposol for formotion of LBT-TBI, (No further action) c) Permission for conducting Entrepreneurship Development Programme for Women Entrepreneurs The BoG considered the proposolfor o 20 day entrepreneurship development progromme for women. The moddtlities of the progromme must be worked out and circuloted to the members of BoG for opprovol, loter. (Action: Principal/lltC Coordinator) The tentotive date for convening the Xll meeting of the Boord wos decided as before the second week of June, 2075, The meeting came to an end at 1.30PM. it J
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