You Can Make a Difference

69% Percentage of Americans who
believe the U.S. is experiencing a
leadership crisis1
us in blessing and redirecting our country toward principled
leadership in our marriages, families, careers, communities, and churches
12,000 3,600 300 10 students who have attended LEI speaking events students who have attended LEI training programs students mentored by Leadership Edge campuses where LEI provides services With YOUR help, we have the opportunity to see…
students mentored attendees at LEI each year speaking and training 200 8,500 events each year 28 Leadership Edge campuses Here
are examples of how YOU can help us achieve this growth and expansion
Goal $1,250,000
$500 Sponsoring 1 speaking or training event Still Needed $
Raised- $454,000
Sponsoring 1 Principled Donations from YOU
Leadership raining $405,000 T
$1,500 $1,700 $7,500 $40,000 Sponsoring initial Sponsoring a current Leadership Edge launch expenses next 2.25 y Program campus for 1 year for Stanford launlaulaunch Or, contribute to our campaign in the amount of YOUR
YOUR participation in completing $1.25M Campaign our $1.25M Campaign by -­‐ $1,145,000 Raised June 30, 2015 will give LEI the infrastructure needed for current and future growth and expansion Sponsoring a mentee for an entire year = $105,000 Needed You can give monthly, through a multi-­‐year annual pledge, or with a one-­‐time gift!
1. Harvard Kennedy School Center for Public Leadership 2012 National Leadership Index 919-493-6607